PC Resolution-19-02-26-02PC RESOLUTION NO. 19-02-26-02 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 18-014 SIGN PERMIT (SP) 18-050 GRADING PLAN MODIFICATION (GPM) 18-004 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 18-005 TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (TRP) 18-029 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 18- 014, SIGN PERMIT (SP) 18-050, GRADING PLAN MODIFICATION (GPM) 18-004, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 18-005, AND TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (TRP) 18- 029 PROTEA MEMORY CARE FACILITY, DEVELOPMENT OF A 35,876 SQUARE FOOT STRUCTURE, ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING, GRADING, AND SIGNAGE, AT 31451, 31531, & A PORTION OF 31501 AVENIDA LOS CERRITOS (APN 650-151-14, 650-151-15, & 1.4 ACRE PORTION OF 650-151-24) (APPLICANT: PROTEA SENIOR LIVING, SJC, LLC) Whereas, Protea Senior Living, SJC, LLC, 18 Ventana Ridge Drive, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (the "Applicant"), has requested approval of Architectural Control (AC) 18-014, Sign Permit (SP) 18-050, Grading Plan Modification (GPM) 18-004, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 18-005, Tree Removal Permit (TRP) 18-029, and Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) 18-002, General Plan Amendment (GPA) 17-002, & Rezone (RZ) 17-001 to develop of a 35,876 square foot memory care facility, with landscaping, grading, and signage, at 31451, 31531, & a portion of 31501 Avenida Los Cerritos, which is General Plan-designated Office/Research Park and Office Commercial District on the Official Zoning Map (the "Project"); and, Whereas, South Coast Christian Assembly, 31501 Avenida Los Cerritos, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 is the owner of the property as listed above; and, Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9- 2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, Whereas, the Architectural Control, Sign Permit, Grading Plan Modification, Conditional Use Permit, and Tree Removal Permit applications were filed concurrently, so the Planning Commission reviewed all applications; and Whereas, the Environmental Administrator reviewed the initial study prepared pursuant to Section 15063 and 15064 of the CEQA Guidelines, and has overseen the preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) pursuant to Section 15070, et seq., of those guidelines; has provided notice of the intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to Section 15072 of those guidelines, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (1970); and, PC Resolution 19-02-26-02 2 February 26. 2019 Whereas, the Design Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the plans on December 13, 2018 and January 10, 2019 and recommended that the item move forward to the Planning Commission; and Whereas, Planning Commission conducted a duly-noticed public meeting on February 26, 2019 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.302 and City Council Policy 5 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings with respect to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND): 1. The Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the Final IS/MND and the public testimony regarding the environmental review of the Project; and 2. The Planning Commission finds on the basis of the evidence presented and the whole record before it, including the Final IS/MND that there is no substantial evidence that the proposed project, as mitigated, will have a significant effect on the environment; and 3. Whereas, the Planning Commission finds that the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program should be adopted with all mitigation measures made enforceable as a regulatory requirement for the development of the Specific Plan; and 4. Whereas, the Planning Commission further finds that the recommendation of adoption of the mitigated negative declaration reflects the Planning Commission's independent judgment and analysis; and 5. Whereas, the record of proceedings on which the Planning Commission's decision is based is located at City Hall for the City of San Juan Capistrano, located at 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California and the custodian of record of proceedings is the Development Services Department Administrative Specialist. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings as established by Section 9-2.313 Architectural Control, of Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano: 1. Health related institutions, such as memory care facilities, are conditionally permitted uses within the Public & Institutional zoning district. The proposed project would establish a 35,876 square foot memory care facility, and has been designed to meet all applicable development standards and provisions of Title 9 of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal code including lot coverages, setbacks, height requirements, and use regulations. Furthermore, the project requires approval of a General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Sign Permit, Grading Plan Modification, Conditional Use Permit, PC Resolution 19-02-26-02 3 February 26. 2019 Tree Removal Permit, and Lot Line Adjustment concurrently with the architectural control application, and the applicant has concurrently applied for these entitlements. These permits are subject to separate findings which are discussed separately under each permit application. The findings for the other permits can be met in the affirmative. 2. The proposed use and design of the project is consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan, specifically the Land Use Element, which includes Land Use Goal 2 of the General Plan directs the City to "control and direct future growth within the City to preserve the rural village like character of the community". Supporting Policy 2.2 further states that the City will "assure that new development is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City". As the City of San Juan Capistrano is almost entirely built out, the proposed memory care facility development uses an infill vacant lot, and two lots which were previously developed as single family residences, and rezoned to office, but never developed for office use. The use of a vacant lot as well as two underutilized lots support infill development. Establishing a 35,876 square foot memory care facility ensures that the City will have a health related institutional use at a centralized location in the City while preserving the City's rural village like character. Land Use Policy 7.2 of the General Plan states that the City will "ensure that new development is compatible with the physical characteristics of its site, surrounding land uses, and available public infrastructure". The proposed memory care facility is surrounded by office parks and institutional uses (church with a preschool) which are compatible with the proposed Spanish influenced architecture on the two story building. Finally, the proposed memory care facility is consistent with the Goals and Policies of the Community Design Element Policy 1.2 because the memory care facility has been-designed with high-quality materials and at a human scale, with patron and guest oriented courtyards and entry ways ; and Policy 2.1 because the building incorporated Spanish influence architecture, and California native landscape features which complements the City's traditional historic character. 3. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate all yards, open spaces, setbacks, parking, access, and other features as the project is outside of all setbacks, is no larger than the maximum lot coverage, or second to first floor ratio, meets the 35' height limit with an architectural projection of no more than 3'-0" beyond the height limit, incorporates appropriate access, including 25' wide drive aisles from Avenida Los Cerritios, and exceeds the required parking requirement, providing a surplus of four parking stalls. 4. The character, scale and quality of the architecture, site design and landscaping are consistent with the adopted Design Guidelines of the City incorporating materials and colors consistent with the approved structures and signage on properties surrounding the site along Avenida Los Cerritios and similar institutional uses located within the City of San Juan Capistrano. Furthermore, the City's Design Review Committee has reviewed the design of the proposed building, site design, landscaping, and monument sign and has recommended approval. 5. The site plan provides functional and safe vehicular and pedestrian access and circulation because the project has been reviewed by the City Engineer and PC Resolution 19-02-26-02 4 February 26, 2019 was determined that the new use and driveways would not have negative impact to vehicular traffic on Avenida Los Cerritos. 6. The proposed use and design of the project are compatible with surrounding existing and proposed land uses and community character, including scale, intensity, massing, architectural design, landscape design, and other development characteristics because the proposed building will use colors and materials that are found through San Juan Capistrano, and are similar to the colors and materials of the buildings on adjacent parcels. The architectural design, landscape, and proposed parking lot features were reviewed by the Design Review Committee which recommended approval of the designs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings as established by, Section 9-2.543(k), Sign Permit of Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano: 1. The proposed sign complies with all other applicable material in the sign code section, specifically the design of the sign is consistent with the architecture of the proposed building on the site, the sign is proposed, the location of the sign complies with the requirements for building mounted signs size and location limits, the size of the sign complies with the Public & Institutional size regulations, and the illuminated building mounted sign complies with the illumination standards of the code. · 2. The 89 square foot sign will be in harmony with the architectural design of the building because the sign is proposed to be on the rear elevation aligned with the tower which is centered on the building elevation. Additionally, the sign will use high quality aluminum material, painted black, and use halo back lit channel letters, consistent with the preferred illumination of the Design Guidelines. The Design Review Committee considered the proposed sign and the exception request and found the proposed sign and its placement to be in harmony with the architectural design for the building. 3. The sign is proposed to be located on the building elevation facing the freeway, approximately 78 feet setback from the property line, and uses an approved illumination method of back-lit halo illumination, ensuring the sign does not create a hazard to drivers, who may observe the sign from the freeway, or pedestrians who may observe the sign from the proposed rear parking lot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings as established by, Section 9-2.343, Sign Permit of Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano: 1. The proposed building mounted and monument signs meet all design criteria within Municipal Section 9-3.543, because the signs consist of materials and colors to match the earth tone colors of the proposed building and the existing signage on surrounding properties. Additionally, the signs meets the Community Design Element PC Resolution 19-02-26-02 5 February 26, 2019 Policy 1.2 Encourage high quality and human scale design in development to maintain the character of the City, because the signs are designed with high quality materials, designed for vehicular traffic and circulation orientation, and maintain the similar design of the signage approved for surrounding properties. 2. The request for building mounted and monument signs included a request for an exception to the Sign Code to allow a building mounted sign to exceed the height maximum established within the Public & Institutional zone. Granting the exception for the proposed sign enables the finding to be made that the proposed building mounted sign and the proposed monument sign conforms to the minimum numerical size, height, and other requirements of Section 9-3.543. 3. The proposed signs are not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare; will not have adverse impacts on adjacent properties or rights-of-way; or obstruct the view of other legal signs, and be compatible with surrounding areas because the sign is proposed to be located on the building elevations, with approved illumination, and within an area outside of the visibility triangle necessary for safe vehicular travel, which ensures that the signs do not create a hazard to adjacent properties, and is generally consistent with the Design Guidelines, which require the signs to be complementary to the architecture and design of the project site. 4. The signs are appropriate within the context of the project and compatible with the surrounding area due to the massing of the sign age being compatible with the overall massing of the site and buildings to which they are affixed. Furthermore, the City's Design Review Committee has reviewed the proposed building mounted signs and monument signs has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings as established by Section 9-2.323 Grading plan review and modification, of Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano: 1. The proposed grading modifications are consistent with the General Plan, Land Use Code and Design Guidelines, because the project allows for the development of a use which is permitted with approval of a Conditional Use Permit, and is proposed in locations which ensure a structure can be built which meets all required development standards established in the Public & Institutional zone. While the existing topography needs to be modified in order to facilitate development, the proposed tiers maintain as much of the natural topography as possible. Additionally, the exposed retaining walls are proposed to be fully landscaped using a plantable retaining wall, specifically, the wall will be fully planted with bougainvillea and Rosmarinus prostratus. 2. The proposed grading modifications are generally consistent with the approved site plan , preliminary grading plan , landscape plan , grading standards, and design concepts of the original single family lots, and the vacant unimproved lot, as the development is primarily located in the same location as the single family residential PC Resolution 19-02-26,.02 6 February 26, 2019 structures, and the vacant lot is proposed to be built up to accommodate a tiered development, utilizing the natural topography to establish a two-story element. 3. The proposed grading will remain consistent and compatible with immediately-adjacent lots. Grading which takes place adjacent to property lines is proposed to tie in directly to the adjacent properties, by creating adjacent retaining walls, along the same lines as existing retaining walls, and maintaining in place, or replacing in- kind existing retaining walls on the site so that the new development does not impact the adjacent properties. 4. The proposed modified grading plan shows the location of the proposed building footprints and the buildings meet all required minimum setbacks for building. 5. The proposed modified grading will not cause adverse impacts to other properties, including but not limited to potential impacts on hydrology, water quality, views, trail easements, or other aspects of development because the changes are subject to Plan Check review by the City's Engineering Department to ensure that grading will not result in any negative impacts to hydrology, water quality as required by local and state laws. Prior to issuance of grading or building permit, the applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director that the proposed grading will not result in any negative impacts to hydrology, and water quality as required by local and state laws. The grading modifications do not impact views or trail easements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings as established by Section 9-2.317 Conditional Use Permits, of Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the maps and policies of the General Plan, because the Assisted Care Facility land use designation provides for limited land uses that can co-exist compatibly with surrounding land uses, including senior assisted care housing, nursing homes, and other specialized housing of a similar nature. The proposed use is located within an area consisting of compatible land uses including a church and preschool, and office establishments. 2. The proposed use and design are consistent with the purpose, intent, and standards of the Land Use Code because a health related institutional use is allowed subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the Public & Institutional zoning district. Additionally, the proposed use is to be located on a site developed with two single family residential structures, and a vacant lot. The proposed development would meet all required development and use standards within the Public & Institutional zoning district. There is no applicable specific plan or comprehensive development plan identified for this property. 3. The site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate all yards, open spaces, setbacks, walls and fences, parking and loading areas, fire and building code considerations, trash and recycling enclosures, and other PC Resolution 19-02-26-02 7 February 26, 2019 features pertaining to the application because the project will design the building and parking area in order to accommodate the proposed 35,876 building, the required parking for a 72-bed memory care facility, and the necessary building on the site for the proposed use. Furthermore, conditions of approval limit the use to a maximum of 72 beds with no more than 37 employees to ensure the parking and circulation do not become impacted by intensifying the use. 4. The proposed use and the ongoing operation of the use are compatible with abutting properties and the permitted uses thereof and will not generate excessive light, noise, vibration, odors, visual blight, traffic, or other disturbances, nuisances, or hazards because, as conditioned, the use will be similar in nature to other businesses operating in the vicinity. The project will not result in a significant increase of inbound and outbound traffic, the project access is adequate, parking exceeds code requirements, and because according to the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation Manual, Assisted Living would generate 2.06 trips per unit or 122 average daily trips, which is determined by the City's Traffic Engineer to have no impact on the traffic on both local and regional circulation systems. Therefore, no significant or excessive disturbances, nuisances, or hazards are anticipated on adjacent businesses. 5. The site for the proposed use has adequate access and parking to support the use. The proposed use results in an on-site parking requirement of 24 parking stalls with 30 provided, thereby the subject site exceeds the City's on-site parking requirement. Furthermore, the proposed memory care facility site has direct access to Avenida Los Cerritos which currently provides access to an office park, church with a preschool, two freestanding office buildings and accessed through a signalized intersection at Rancho Viejo Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings as established by Section 9-2.349 Tree Removal Permits, of Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano: 1. Removal of the trees will not have an adverse impact on adjacent properties or the general welfare in that the removal will not adversely impact views, public streetscapes, or other aesthetic considerations as the applicant is proposing to install 127 new trees, sixteen of which will be installed along Avenida Los Cerritos, and twenty-two of which will be installed along Interstate 5. The removal of eighty-one mature trees will temporarily impact views, the public streetscape and aesthetics; those impacts, however, will be mitigated by the installation of the replacement trees. The applicant, per the DR C's recommendation, will maintain three mature olive trees along Interstate 5, and will install Brisbaine Box trees between the retaining wall and the Interstate 5, to not only mitigate the loss of the trees, but improve the aesthetics of that street section. The proposed landscaping improvements will be consistent with the landscaping already existing on neighboring properties and throughout San Juan Capistrano. 2. Where appropriate, replacement trees have been proposed to maintain the urban forest canopy and the replacement trees are more appropriate to the site and the planting area. The installation of the proposed tree species, palm, sycamore, PC Resolution 19-02-26-02 8 February 26, 2019 carrotwood, Brisbane box, California pepper, and Italian cypress are appropriate to the site, as it will create cohesion and consistency within the new development as well as surrounding properties and streetscape. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby approves project, Architectural Control (AC) 17-014, Sign Permit (SP) 18-050, Grading Plan Modification (GPM) 18-004, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 18-005, and Tree Removal Permit (TRP) 18-029 subject to those conditions of approval established by Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, including the provision that this approval is contingent upon the City Council approving the General Plan Amendment (GPA) 17-002 & Rezone (RZ) 17-001, and that if GPA 17-002 or RZ 17-001 are denied by the City Council, this approval is deemed null and void. CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS: The documents and materials associated with this Resolution that constitute the record of proceedings on which these findings are based are located at San Juan Capistrano City Hall, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675. The Development Services Director is the custodian of the record of proceedings. PROTEST OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, the applicant may protest the imposition of fees, dedications, reservations or other exactions imposed on this development project by taking the necessary steps and following the procedures established by Sections 66020 through 66022 of the California Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25nd day of February, 2019. Tim ~ Serg~cretary Assistant Development Services Director EXHIBIT "A" P.C. RESOLUTION 19-02-26-02 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PROJECT LOG#: AC18-014, SP18-050, GPM18-004, CUP18-005, and TRP18-029 PROJECT NAME: Protea Memory Care APPROVAL DATE: February 26, 2019 Architectural Control (AC) 17-014, Sign Permit (SP) 18-050, Grading Plan Modification (GPM) 18-004, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 18-005, and Tree Removal Permit (TRP) 18-029, are approved subject to compliance, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Development Services Department, with all applicable sections of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, the California Administrative Code, the California Building Standards Code and all other applicable regulations. The applicant must comply in full with each and every condition listed below prior to exercising the rights conferred by the above referenced approved applications. These conditions of approval apply to the above-referenced project application described in more detail below. For the purpose of these conditions, the term "applicant" shall also mean the developer, the owner or any successor(s) in interest to th.e terms of this approval. Approval of these applications is contingent upon the City Council approving the General Plan Amendment (GPA) 17-002 & Rezone (RZ) 17-001. If GPA 17-002 or RZ 17-001 are denied by the City Council, the approval of the above referenced applications is deemed null and void. General Conditions: 1. The applicant proposes to develop of a 35,876 square foot memory care facility, with landscaping, grading, and signage, at 31451, 31531, & a portion of 31501 Avenida Los Cerritos. This project approval is based on and subject to the application materials prepared by Kimley Horn Associates, Inc; Irwin Partners Architects; and David Neault Associates, Inc. dated February 10, 2019, including building elevation(s), floor plan(s), grading, sign plans, landscaping, site plan and materials board. These plans and the proposed use of the project site are hereby incorporated by reference into this approval as submitted and conditioned herein, and shall not be further altered unless reviewed and approved by the affected city departments. Minor modifications to this project approval may be approved by the Development Services Director pursuant to Section 9-2.303, Administrative approvals of Title 9, Land Use Code. 2. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of San Juan Capistrano and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of San Juan Capistrano, its officers, Resolution 19-02-26-02 Protea Memory Care Conditions of Approval Page 2 of9 employees, or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of San Juan Capistrano concerning this project, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or Development Services Director. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. In the event that exhibits and written conditions are inconsistent, the written conditions shall prevail. If there are any disparities between these conditions and the plans or final revised plans that are approved for any subsequent phase, the conditions and/or plans as stipulated in the later approval shall prevail. 3. Pursuant to Section 8-1.03 of the Land Use Code, the project shall ensure that all construction activities, which includes the delivery and/or recovery of materials, supplies or construction equipment, shall be conducted in accordance with the prescribed hours of operation as follows: Monday through Friday Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m . 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m . 4. Construction activity is prohibited on Sundays and on any federal holiday unless waived by the Building Official for extenuating reasons. 5. The applicant shall comply with all requirements from the Building & Safety Division and all other City departments 6. The applicant shall schedule a final inspection with the Development Services Department to inspect the final construction to ensure consistency with the approved plans and conditions of approval. 7. All future lighting shall meet the City's Municipal Code Section 9-3.529 Lighting Standards. Lighting fixtures which have not previously been approved by the Design Review Committee shall be required to be reviewed by the Design Review Committee prior to approval. 8. Maximum of one center shuttle is permitted to be used and stored on the site. 9. Maximum of 72 beds permitted . Prior to Submittal for a Building Permit, the following conditions shall be met: 10. Plans shall identify limits of the top and bottom of the west facing retaining wall, demonstrating the provision of plantable areas. The base and footing of the wall shall not encroach into existing storm drain easement. The top of wall shall allow for no less 12" of landscaping between the wall and the parking spaces to provide full 19' parking space depth (including landscape overhang). Resolution 19-02-26-02 Protea Memory Care Conditions of Approval Page 3 of9 11. Plans shall include the design details of the retaining walls, including colors, materials, and landscaping. Images as well as scaled and dimensioned sections of the proposed wall shall be provided. 12. Plans shall include a barrier between the west facing retaining wall and the adjoining parking spaces to prevent vehicles from accidently rolling or driving over the retaining wall. Plans shall include the treatment of the barrier (colors, materials, landscaping, etc.). Whether the barrier is part of the retaining wall or is separate from the wall, the barrier shall be adequately screened and integrated with the retaining wall and landscaping. The final design of the barrier shall be approved by the Development Services Director. 13. Landscape plans shall show than no trees will be planted atop the sewer lateral located at the west boundary of the property. 14. Landscape plans shall include details of the landscaping between the parking stalls and the retaining wall. 15. Plans shall indicate that overhead Utilities along Avenida Los Cerritos shall be undergrounded along the parcel's entire street frontage. Plans shall specify that these lines will be undergrounded. 16. Provide retaining wall calculations, as applicable. 17. Provide engineer cost estimate for grading and erosion/sediment control BMPs. 18. Utilize City Standard sheet layout and Standard Notes, as applicable. 19. Plans shall indicate that the 14" water line adjacent to the proposed north property line shall be protected in place. If damaged, line shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of the applicant. 20. Applicant shall provide geotechnical report with wet ink signatures when submitting for Plan Check. 21. Applicant shall provide Grading Plan and show earthwork quantities estimates in cubic yards for amounts of cuts, fill, over-excavation, import, and export when submitting for Plan Check. 22. Applicant shall provide preliminary Drainage Plan to show or explain the drainage area tributary to the site and include a statement setting forth in detail the manner in which storm water runoff will enter the site, the manner in which it will be carried through the site, and the manner in which disposal beyond the site boundaries be accomplished. Especially critical due to creek side location when submitting for Plan Check. Resolution 19-02-26-02 Protea Memory Care Conditions of Approval Page 4 of9 23. Applicant shall provide Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESCP) including backup calculations and data as part of the grading plan set when submitting for Plan Check. 24. Applicant shall revise the Site Plan to depict, note, and dimension the approximate location for all existing and proposed wet and dry utilities (i.e. electric, gas, water, storm drain, fire, sewer) when submitting for Plan Check. 25. Applicant shall provide existing and proposed pervious and impervious area calculations (in square feet) along with any proposed disturbed area quantity (in square feet) when submitting for Plan Check. 26. Applicant shall obtain final approval of the Water Quality Management Plan prior to issuance of a grading or building permit from the Public Works Department. 27. Depict existing sewer main and sewer lateral(s) to the property when submitting for Plan Check. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the following conditions shall be met: 28. The applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director that the proposed grading will not result in any negative impacts to hydrology, and water quality as required by local and state laws. 29. An Encroachment Permit is required for any work and construction-related activities in the public right-of-way. These include truck hauling, traffic control, site ingress and egress, hours of operation in the right-of-way, street cleaning, etc. 30. An Encroachment Permit is required for a Haul Route for any import/export of earth material in excess of fifty (50) cubic yards to or from the site. Submit the Haul Route for review and approval by the City Engineer. 31. Fire Master Plan in accordance with Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) service code PR145 is required. 32. Architectural plans are required to be submitted to OCFA in accordance with OCFA service codes PR200-PR285. 33. Underground piping for private hydrants and fire sprinkler systems in accordance with OCFA service code PR470-PR475 is required. 34. Fire sprinkler system in accordance with OCFA service codes PR400-PR465 is required. Resolution 19-02-26-02 Protea Memory Care Conditions of Approval Page 5 of 9 35. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the applicant must demonstrate compliance with OCFA requirements. 36. Archaeological Monitoring. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit to the Development Services Department documentation that a qualified archaeologist (defined as an archaeologist on the List of Certified Archaeologists for Orange County) has been retained to monitor site clearing, grading, and excavation activities, stating the name, qualifications, and contact information for the archaeologist. 37. Native American Monitor. During construction/grading activities, a Native American monitor shall observe construction/grading activities that result in grading, excavating, and/or trenching on or below the original ground surface (including during project-related off-site utility [e.g., natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, drainage, communications, etc.] and roadway improvements). The Native American monitor shall consult with the archaeological monitor regarding objects and remains encountered during grading that may be considered sacred or important. In the event that evidence of human remains is discovered, the Native American monitor shall verify that the archaeologist has notified the Coroner. (DSD) 38. Paleontological Monitor. Prior to issuance of a permit for grading over 18" in depth, a qualified paleontologist (defined as a paleontologist on the List of Certified Paleontologists for Orange County) shall be retained by the project applicant and shall be present at pre-construction meetings to advise construction contractors about the potential occurrence of paleontological resources located on and/or in the vicinity of the project site, as well as monitoring requirements. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy Issuance, the following conditions shall be met: 39. Prepare and receive approval of a Historic Depiction Program by the Cultural Heritage Commission, which is required for new institutional developments, in accordance with City Council Policy 606. 40. Replace all damaged public facilities including damaged curb and gutter. 41. Install new driveway. 42. Driveway shall be designed to prevent storm water from the street entering onto the site. 43. Sprinkler monitoring system shall be inspected prior to concealing interior construction in accordance with OCFA service code PR500. 44. Fire alarm system shall be inspected prior to concealing interior construction in accordance with OCFA service code PR500-PR520. Resolution 19-02-26-02 Protea Memory Care Conditions of Approval Page 6 of9 45. Fire Sprinkler System calculations and plans shall be provided for additional area with fire sprinklers and submitted to the OCFA and Utilities Engineering for review and approval. The following conditions shall be met continuously during construction and prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy: 46. Consistency with Approved Plans and Elevations. The project shall be constructed in accordance with all the approved plans and conditions of approval, including but not limited to architectural plans, grading plans, and lighting plans. The following conditions are the Mitigation Measures incorporated into the Mitigated Negative Declaration and to be met continuously: _ M 1. If construction activities must commence during the breeding and nesting season (i.e., February through August), a qualified biologist shall conduct a nesting bird survey within 1 calendar week prior to vegetation clearing, cutting, or removal activities during the breeding/nesting season for native birds. The nesting bird survey shall consist of full coverage of the project footprint and an appropriate buffer, as determined by the biologist. If no occupied nests are found, no additional steps shall be required. If nests are found being used for breeding or rearing young by a native bird, the nest locations shall be mapped by the biologist using GPS equipment. The species of the nesting bird and, to the degree feasible, the nesting stage (e.g., incubation of eggs, feeding of young, near fledging) shall be documented. The biologist may establish an avoidance buffer around occupied nests if there is a significant potential for take of the species or potential for inadvertent destruction of the nest. The buffer size shall be determined by the biologist based on the species present, surrounding habitat, and existing environmental setting/level of disturbance. No construction or ground-disturbing activities shall be conducted within the buffer until the biologist has determined that the nest is no longer being used for breeding or rearing and has informed the construction supervisor that activities may resume. M2. All construction crews shall be alerted to the potential to encounter archaeological resources. In the event that archaeological resources (sites, features, and artifacts) are exposed during construction activities involving ground disturbance for the project, all construction work occurring within 100 feet of the find shall immediately stop until a qualified specialist, meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards, can evaluate the significance of the find and determine whether additional study is warranted. This avoidance buffer may be adjusted following inspection of this area by that Resolution 19-02-26-02 Protea Memorv Care Conditions of Approval Page 7 of9 qualified specialist. Prehistoric archaeological deposits may be indicated by the presence of discolored or dark soil, fire-affected material, concentrations of fragmented or whole shell, burned or complete bone, non-local lithic materials, or the characteristic observed to be atypical of the surrounding area. Common prehistoric artifacts may include modified or battered lithic materials; lithic or bone tools that appeared to have been used for chopping, drilling, or grinding; projectile points; fired clay ceramics or non-functional items; and other items. Historic-age deposits are often indicated by the presence of glass bottles and shards, ceramic material, building or domestic refuse, ferrous metal, or old features such as concrete foundations or privies. Depending upon the significance of the find under CEQA (14 CCR 15064.5(f); Public Resources Code Section 21082), the archaeologist may simply record the find and allow work to continue. Feasible options for avoidance must also be considered. If the discovery proves significant under CEQA, additional work, such as preparation of an archaeological treatment plan, testing, or data recovery may be warranted. _M3. Prior to commencement of any grading activity on site, 'the applicant shall retain a qualified paleontologist as outlined in the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) guidelines (SVP 2010). The qualified paleontologist shall attend the preconstruction meeting and be on site (or a designated qualified paleontological monitor) during all grading and other significant ground-disturbing activities within previously undisturbed older Quaternary alluvium. Paleontological monitoring is required below a depth of 5 feet in the southwestern project site, where younger Quaternary alluvium is mapped on the surface. In the event that paleontological resources (e.g., fossils) are unearthed during grading, the paleontological monitor shall temporarily halt and/or divert grading activity to allow recovery of paleontological resources. The area of discovery shall be roped off with a 50-foot radius buffer. Once documentation and collection of the find is completed, the monitor shall remove the rope and allow grading to recommence in the area of the find. Per the SVP guidelines, if approximately 50% of monitoring has occurred in a single geological unit with no paleontological recovery, monitoring can be reduced or terminated at the qualified paleontologist's discretion. Following the paleontological monitoring program, a final monitoring report shall be submitted to the City of San Juan Capistrano for approval. The report shall summarize the monitoring program and include geological observations and any paleontological resources recovered during paleontological monitoring for the proposed project. _M4. The following measures shall be implemented to reduce construction noise and vibration emanating from construction of the project: Resolution 19-02-26-02 Protea Memory Care Conditions of Approval Page 8 of9 1. During all project site excavation and grading on site, construction contractors shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly operating and maintained mufflers, consistent with manufacturer standards. 2. The contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site. 3. Equipment shall be shut off and not allowed to idle when not in use. 4. The contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that would create the greatest distance between construction-related noise/vibration sources and sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction. 5. The project proponent shall mandate that the construction contractor prohibit the use of music or sound amplification on the project site during construction. 6. The construction contractor shall limit haul truck deliveries to the same hours specified for construction equipment. 7. A temporary construction noise barrier or blanket, 8 feet in height, with a sound transmission classification (STC) rating of at least 15, shall be installed along the southern property line for the entire length of the Pacific Tanks building located immediately south of the project site. The barrier can be constructed of plywood with a total thickness of at least 1.5 inches. Alternatively, a sound blanket wall can also be used. The barrier shall be continuous, reach the ground, and shall not have holes and cracks. 8. The use-of large bulldozers within 12 feet of the Pacific Tanks building shall be avoided. _M5. Prior to approval of building permits, upgraded windows and best management practices (BMPs) shall be incorporated into the project design and indicated on project plans, as follows: 1. Window sound transmission classification (STC) ratings shall be consistent with those shown in Table 8 of the Noise Impact Analysis prepared by Roma Environmental in October 2018. 2. A mechanical ventilation system shall be installed that will provide the minimum air circulation and fresh air supply requirements for various uses in occupied rooms without the need to open any windows, doors, or other openings to the exterior. In-window, through-wall, or through-floor air- conditioning, ventilating, or heating units shall not be used. 3. Any cracks and/or openings around ducts, pipes and electrical outlets shall be sealed. 4. All vent ducts, including those for bathroom exhaust fans and dryers, connecting the interior space to the outdoors shall be rigid metal and contain at least two goo bends, or one goo bend and a total length of at least 20 feet (or the maximum allowed by the manufacturer). Resolution 19-02-26-02 Protea Memory Care Conditions of Approval Page 9 of9