18-0611_ORANGE, COUNTY OF_E16_Agenda ReportTO: FROM: City of San Juan Capistrano Agenda Report Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ~njamin Siegel, City Manager SUBMITTED BY: Jacob Green, Assistant City Manager ¥ DATE : June11 ,2018 6/11/2018 E16 SUBJECT: Third Amendment to the Law Enforcement Services Agreement for Fiscal Year 2018-19 (Orange County Sheriff's Department) RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Third Amendment to the Five-Year Agreement between the City of San Juan Capistrano and the County of Orange for the provision of law enforcement services, with the third year financial obligation of $10,291,020, subject to the approval of the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : The City of San Juan Capistrano has contracted with the Orange County Sheriff's Department (OCSD) for law enforcement services since incorporating in 1961. This is the third amendment to the five-year agreement (Attachment 1) that began on July 1 , 2015. Staff is recommending approval of the Third Amendment (Attachment 2) to the Five- Year Law Enforcement Services Agreement. The cost for law enforcement services for Fiscal Year 2018-19 is estimated to be $10,291,020, which is a 5 .77% increase compared to the Fiscal Year 2017-18 estimate of $9,729,656. The primary cause for the contract cost increase is salary and wage increases resulting from contract negotiations between the County of Orange Board of Supervisors and the OCSD labor unions. Additional factors contributing to the escalating contract costs inClude an increase in OCSD transportation costs, department overhead, and training overhead expenditures. City Council Agenda Report June 11 , 2018 Page 2 of 4 DISCUSSION/ANALYSIS The Five-Year Law Enforcement Services Agreement with the OCSD was initiated on July 1, 2015, and will terminate on June 30, 2020. This Agreement requires the County to submit a proposed staffing level and financial obligation update each year to the Council for approval. The OCSD has submitted the Third Amendment to the Agreement for Council approval for the period of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 . The attached document entitled "OCSD Law Enforcement Contract Assumptions " details the proposed staffing levels for the coming year, associated costs , and assumptions that were used to formulate these projections (Attachment 3). The Fiscal Year 2018-19 direct staffing level of 30 full-time OCSD employees is the same as Fiscal Year 2017-18. The following chart depicts the City's dedicated law enforcement staffing resources : QUANTITY DEDICATED POSITIONS 1 Lieutenant 5 Sergeant (4 Patrol + 1 Administrative) 2 Investigator 15 OS II Patrol 2 OS II Motorcycle 1 OS II Community Support 1 OS II-OET OS II-Extra Help 27 Subtotal Safety 2 Community Services Officer 1 Crime Prevention Specialist 3 Subtotal Professional 30 TOTAL The City also shares law enforcement resources with other South Orange County cities. In Fiscal Year 2018-19, the City will share resources of 17 .90 full -time employees , the same shared staffing allocation as 2017-18 . City Council Agenda Report June 11, 2018 Page 3 of 4 The following chart depicts the City's shared law enforcement staffing resources: QUANTITY REGIONAL I SHARED STAFF % ALLOCATION 0 .6 Traffic-Sergeant 6 .61% 4 Traffic-Deputy Sheriff II 6 .61% 2 Traffic -Investigative Assistant 6 .61% 1 Traffic-Office Specialist 6.61% 0 .3 Auto Theft -Sergeant 4 .84% 2 Auto Theft -Investigator 4 .84% 1 Auto Theft -Investigative Assistant 4.84 % 1 Auto Theft-Office Specialist 4 .84% 1 DET-Sergeant 12 .19 % 1 DET-Investigator 12 .19% 1 Subpoena -Office Specialist 6 .92% 2 Courts -Investigative Assistant 21 .54% 1 Motorcycle Sergeant + MDC 6.45% 17.90 TOTAL In addition to these resources, the OCSD provides the City with specialized resources, such as, Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), Mounted Enforcement Units, Homicide Investigation Unit, and Specialized Investigation Units focused on areas such as economic crimes and gang suppression. The OCSD provides outstanding law enforcement services to the residents, businesses and visitors of San Juan Capistrano, and maintains the City's position as a safe community. Notwithstanding the above, given the annual increases in law enforcement contract costs, on September 5, 2017, the Council entered into a memorandum of understanding with eight other municipalities that contract with the OCSD for law enforcement services to conduct a cost and efficiency study. The study is underway and is anticipated to be completed during the 2018-19 fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of law enforcement services for Fiscal Year 2018-19 is estimated to be $10,291,020, which is a 5 .77% increase compared to the Fiscal Year 2017-18 estimate of $9,729,656. The amount budgeted for contracted law enforcement services as set forth in the proposed Fiscal Year 2018-19 operating budget provides sufficient funding for this amendment. City Council Agenda Report June 11, 2018 Page 4 of 4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the recommended action is exempt from CEQA per Section 15061(b)(3), the general rule that the CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. Approval of the Third Amendment to the Five-Year Law Enforcement Services Agreement with the Orange County Sheriff's Department would not be an activity with potential to cause significant effect on the environment and therefore is exempt from CEQA. PRIOR CITY COUNCIL R EVI EW : • On June 15, 2015, the Council approved the Five-Year Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the City of San Juan Capistrano and the County of Orange . • On June 21, 2016, the Council approved the First Amendment to the Five-Year Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the City of San Juan Capistrano and the County of Orange. • On June 6, 2017, the Council approved the Second Amendment to the Five-Year Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the City of San Juan Capistrano and the County of Orange. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE/BOARD REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS : Not applicable. NOTIFICATION: Lt. Carl Bulanek, Chief of Police Services, Orange County Sheriff's Department Lynn Yamada, Contracts Manager, Orange County Sheriff's Department ATTACHMENT(S): Attachment 1 -Five-Year Agreement for Law Enforcement Services Attachment 2 -Fiscal Year 2018-19 Law Enforcement Services Agreement Attachment 3-Fiscal Year 2018-19 Cost Estimates/Assumptions/Adjustments 2 3 4 5 6 FIVE-YEAR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE 7 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this First day of May 2015 , which 8 date is enumerated for purposes of reference only, by and between the CITY OF 9 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, hereinafte r referred to as "CITY" and the COUNTY OF 10 ORANGE , a political subdivision of the State of California , hereinafter referred to as 11 "COUNTY." 12 WITNESSETH: 13 WHEREAS, CITY wishes to contract with COUNTY for law 14 enforcement services; and 15 W HEREAS, COUNTY is agreeable to the rendering of such services, 16 as authorized in Government Code Sections 51301 and 55632 , on the terms and 17 conditions hereinafter set forth. 18 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOllOWS: 19 II 20 II 21 II 22 II 23 II 24 II 2" J II 26 II ?.7 /i 28 II Page 1 of 26 ATTACHMENT 1 T ABLE OF CONTENT S 2 3 SECTION PAGE 4 A. Term 3 5 B. Optional Termination 3 6 C. Regular Services by COUNTY 3 7 D. Enhanced and Supplemental Services by County 7 8 E. Patrol Video Systems 9 9 F. Licensing Services by CITY 11 10 G. Payment 11 11 H. Notices 17 12 I. Status of COUNTY 18 13 J. State Audit 18 14 K. Alteration of Terms 19 iS L. Indemnification 19 16 M. Traffic Violator Apprehension Program 20 17 N. Mobile Data Computers 23 18 0. E-Citation Units 24 19 Signature Page 26 20 II 21 II 22 II 23 II 24 II 25 II ~~6 II 27 II 28 II Page 2 ot 26 A. 2 3 4 5 B. 6 7 8 c. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0L. <_,~ 2G ~!.7 28 TERM: The term of this Agreement shalL be for five (5) years, commencing July 1, 2015 and terminating June 30, 2020, unless earlier terminated by either party in the manner set forth herein. OPTIONAl TERMINATION: COUNTY or CITY may terminate this Agreement, without cause, upon one- hundred and eighty (180) days written notice to the other party. REGULAR SERVICES BY COUNTY: 1. COUNTY, through its Sheriff-Coroner and deputies, officers and employees, hereinafter referred to as "SHERIFF," shall render to CITY law enforcement services as hereinafter provided. Such services shall include the enforcement of lawful State statutes and lawful municipal ordinances of CITY other than licensing ordinances. 2. The night, day and evening patrol and supervisory shifts will be established by SHERIFF. Personnel of each shift may work varying a nd different times and may be deployed to other shifts when, in the opinion of SHERIFF and CITY Manager, the need arises. Any long-term shift deployment change will be reported to the City Council. 3. Eacl1 fiscal year, COUNTY shall submit to CITY, in writing, a recommended level of service for the following fiscal year. CITY shall remit to COUNTY, in writing , its response to the recommended level of service, It the parties are unable to agree by June 30 of any fiscal year on the level of service to be provided by COUNTY to CITY or on the amount to be paid by CITY for services to be provided by COUNTY tor the following fiscal year. this Agreement will terminate as of September 30 of the following fiscal year . If the parti es do not agree by June 30 on the levei of service and cost of service for the following fiscal year, between . .July and September 30 of the following fi s cal year, COUNTY w11l provide Page 3 of 26 c. 2 3 • .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 '1 2:2 23 24 ~~5 26 :r .. J 28 II REGULAR SERVICES BY COUNTY: (Continued} the level of service provided in preceding fiscal year, and CITY shall be obligated to pay the costs of such services. The full cost of such services may exceed the cost of similar services provided in the prior fiscal year . 4. The level of service, other than for licensing, to be provided by the COUNTY for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, shall be as follows: Management: • One (1) Lieutenant Supervision: • Four (4) Sergeants-Patrol (each 80 hours per two week pay period) • One ( i ) Sergeant -Administrative (80 hours per two-week pay period) Investigation Services: • Two (2) Investigators (each 80 hours per two-week pay period) Patrolrrratfic Services: • Fourteen (14) Deputy Sheriff lis-Patrol (each 80 hours per two-week pay period) • One (1) Deputy Sheriff II-Speci a l Enforcement (Directed Enforcement Team -DET) (80 hours per two-week pay period) s Three (3) Deputy Sheriff lis·· Motorcycle (each 80 hours per two--week pay period) Deployment to b e determined by SHERIFF in cooperation with CITY manager . Page 4 of 26 c . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:l 24 25 26 2 7 2 8 REGULAR SERVICES BY COUNTY: (Continued) Community Support Unit: • One (1) Deputy Sheriff II (80 hours per two-week pay period) • One (1) Crime Prevention Specialist (80 hours per two-week pay period) Parking Control: • Two (2} Community Services Officers (each 80 hours per two-week pay period) Regional/ Shared Staff: • 7.91 percent of sixty one hundredths of one (0.60) Sergeant-Traffic • 7.91 percent of four (4) Deputy Sheriff lis-Traffic • 7.91 percent of two (2) Investigative Assistants-Traffic ,. 7.91 percent of one (1) Office Specialist-Traffic • 5 .38 percent of thiriy one hundredths of one (0.30) Sergeant- Auto Theft • 5.38 percent of two (2) Investigators-Auto Theft • 5.38 percent of one (1) Investigative Assistant-Auto Theft • 5.38 percent of one ( 1) Office Specialist-Auto Theft • 12.21 percent of one (1) Sergeant-Directed Enforcement Team (DET) • 12.21 percent of one (1) Investigator-Directed Enforcement Team (DET) e 6.97 percent of one (1) Office Specialist-.Subpoena • 13.86 percent of two (2) Investigative Assistants -Court e 9.38 percent of one half of one (0.50) Motorcycle Sergeant 5 . For any service listed in Subsection C -4 of this Agreement that is provided to CITY at less than 1 00°1o of a full-time SHERIFF position, COUNTY retains the option to terminate such serv1ce in the event the other city or cities which contract(s) for the balance of the time of the employee P age 5 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (~1 22 23 24 ;.~5 26 27 28 c. REGUlAR SERVICES BY COUNTY: (Continued) providing the service no longer pay(s) for such service and CITY does not request the Agreement be amended to pay 1 00% of the cost of the employee providing such service. The Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 will be adjusted accordingly. 6. All services contracted for in this Agreement may not be operational on the precise date specified in this Agreement. In those instances, SHERIFF shall notify CITY Manager of the date or dates such service or services are to be implemented. SHERIFF ·shall reduce the monthly charges to CITY, based on the actual date of implementation of the service or services. Charges shall be reduced on the next monthly billing tendered in accordance with Subsection G-6 of this Agreement. 7. During emergencies, such as a mutual aid situation, SHERIFF will attempt to leave in CITY the Lieutenant in charge of CITY Police Services. If SHERIFF determines that the Lieutenant is needed elsewhere , SHERIFF will notify CITY's Manager within four (4) hours. SHERIFF will return the Lieutenant to CITY as soon as possible once the emergency situation is under control. 8. With respect to the licensing ordinances of CITY listed in Attachment A hereto, which is incorporated herein by this reference, SHERIFF shall receive applications for CITY licenses pursuant to said ordinances and complete tnvestigations relating to such applications. Said investigations s.l1all be forwarded to CITY Manager. COUNTY shall not provide any advisory, administrative, hearing or iitigation attorney support or .services related to licen s ing . COUNTY shall not provide any administrative or investigatory services related to the licensing ordinances listed m Attachment A, hereto , except the investigations relating to initial applications for which this subsection provides . Page 6 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 4 2S 26 27 28 c. D. 1. 2. REGULAR SERVICES BY COUNTY: (Continued) 9. COUNTY or CITY, upon thirty (30) days notice and mutual written agreement,· shall increase or decrease the service levels provided herein, and the obligation of CITY to pay for services shall be concomitantly adjusted. ENHANCED AND SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES BY COUNTY: Enhanced services fo r events on CITY property . At the request of CITY, through its City Manager, SHERIFF may provide enhanced law enforcement services for functions, such as community events, conducted on property that is owned, leased or operated by CITY. SHERIFF shall determine personnel and equipment needed for such enhanced services . To the extent the services provided at such events are at a level greater than that specified in Subsection C-4 of this Agreement, CITY shall reimburse COUNTY for such additional services , at an amount computed by SHERIFF , based on the current year's COUNTY law enforcement cost study . The cost of these enhanced services shall be in addition to the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement. SHERIFF shall bill CITY immediately after each such event. Sup pl e m e ntal se rvi c es fo r occasional events operated by private individuals a nd entities on non -CITY p roperty. At the request of CITY, through its City Manager, and within the limitations set forth in this subsection D-2 , SHERIFF may provide supplemental law enforcement services to preserve the peace at special events or occurrences that occur on an occasional basis and are operated by private individuals or private entities on non-CITY property. SHERIFF shall determin e personnel and equipmen t need ed for such supplemental services, and will provide su c h supplem e ntal services only if SHERIFF is able to do so without reducing the normal and regula r ongoing service s that SHERIFF otherwise would provide to CITY pursuant to this Page 7 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 2 8 D. ENHANCED AND SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES BY COUNTY: (Continued) Agreement. Such supplemental services shall be provided only by regularly appointed full-time peace officers, at rates of pay governed by a Memorandum of Understanding between COUNTY and the bargaining unit(s) representing the peace officers providing the services . Such supplemental services shall include only law enforcement duties and shall not include services authorized to be provided by a private patrol operator, as defined in Section 7582.1 of the Business and Professions Code. Law enforcement support functions , including, but not limited to , clerical functions and forensic science services, may be performed by non-peace officer personnel if the services do not involve patrol or keeping the peace and are incidental to the provision of law enforcement services. CITY shall reimburse COUNTY its full, actual costs of providing such supplemental services at an amount computed by SHERIFF, based on the current year's COUNTY law enforcement cost study. The cost of these supplemental services shall be in addition to the Max imum Obliga tion of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement. SHERIFF shall bill CITY immediately after each such event. 3 . S uppl eme n ta l se rvi ces for events op e ra ted b y p ublic en tit ies on no n-C IT Y pro p erty . At the request of CITY ; th rough its City Manager, and within the limitations set forth in this subsection D-3, SHERIFF may provide supplemental la w enforcement services to preserve the peace at special events or occurrenc e s that o ccur on an occasional basis and are operated by public entities on non -CITY property. SHERIFF sh a ll determine personnel and equipment ne e ded fo r such supplemental servi c es, and will provide su ch s upplemental serv ices only if SHERIFF is able to do so without redu c ing services that SHERIFF otherwi s e would provide to CITY pursuant to thi s Agreement. CITY shall reimburse COUNTY its full , actual co s ts of providing such supplemental services at an amount computed by SHER IFF , based on Page 8 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2~2 2:) 24 25 26 27 28 D. E . ENHANCED AND SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES BY COUNTY: (Continued) the current year's COUNTY law enforcement cost study. The cost of these supplemental services shall be in addition to the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement. SHERIFF shall bill CITY immediately after each such event. 4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CITY, through its permit process, may utilize the services of SHERIFF at events, for which CITY issues permits, that are operated by private individuals or entities or public entities. SHERIFF shall determine personnel and equipment needed for said events. If said events are in addition to the level of services listed in Subsection C-4 of this Agreement, CITY shall reimburse COUNTY for such additional services at an amount computed by SHERIFF, based upon the current year's COUNTY law enforcement cost study. The cost of these services shall be in addition to the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement. SHERIFF shall bill CITY immediately after said services are rendered. 5. In accordance with Government Code 51350, COUNTY has adopted Board Resolution 89-1160 which identifies Countywide services, including but not limited to helicopter response. SHERIFF through this contract provides enhanced helicopter response services. The cost of enhanced helicopter response services is included in the cost of services set forth in Subsection G- 2 and in the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G --3 . COUNTY shall not charge any additional amounts for enhanced helicopter services afte r the cost of services set forth in Subsection G-2 and in the Maximum Obligation set forth in Subsection G <J has been established m any fiscal year without written notification to the CITY . PATROl VIDEO SYSTEMS: l . As part of the law enforcement services provided to CITY, COUNTY has provided, or wil! provide patrol video systems (hereinafter calle(J "PVS '') Page 9 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 E. PATROL VIDEO SYSTEMS: (Continued) that will be mounted in the patrol vehicles designated by COUNTY for use within CITY service area. 2. SHERIFF has the exclusive right to use said PVS for law enforcement services related to this Agreement. 3. CITY shall pay COUNTY the full costs to COUNTY of a) the acquisition and installation of Patrol Video Systems that are or will be mounted in patrol vehicles assigned to CITY, and b) recurring costs, as deemed necessary by COUNTY, including the costs of maintenance and contributions to a fund for replacement and upgrade of such PVS when they become functionally or technologically obsolete. The costs to be paid by CITY for recurring costs , including maintenance and replacement/upgrade of PVS, are included in the costs set forth in Subsection G-2 and the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of thi s Agre e ment unles s CITY has a lready pa id such c osts. CITY shalf not be c h arge d additional amounts for maintenance or replacement/upgrade of said PVS during the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 . 4 . If , following the initial acqui s ition of PVS referenced above, CITY requires PVS for addition a l patrol cars designated for use in the CITY service area, COUNTY will purchase said additional PVS. Upon demand by COUNTY, CITY will pay to COUNTY a) th e full costs of acquisition and in st allation of sa id additi o nal PVS , and b) the full re c urring co sts for sa id PV S, as de e m ed n ec es s a ry by COUNT Y , including the co s ts of m a intenance, and contributions to a fund for replacement and upgrade of such PVS when they b ecome functionally or technologically obsolete. Said costs related to a.dcJitional PVS are not included in , and are in addition to , the costs set forth in Subsection G-2 and the Maximum Obligation ot CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement. Page 10 of 26 E. 2 3 4 5 6 7 F. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 G. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 'Y> ,_ .. -. 23 24 25 26 27 2.8 PATROL VIDEO SYSTEMS: (Continued) 5. County will replace and/or upgrade PVS as needed. The costs of replacing/upgrade PVS shall be paid by COUNTY from the repiacement/upgrade funds to be paid by CITY in accordance with the foregoing. CITY shall not be charged any additional charge to replace or upgrade PVS. LICENSING SERVICES BY CITY: Upon receipt from SHERIFF of investigations of applications for licenses referred to in Subsection C-8 of this Agreement, CITY Manager shall determine whether to grant or deny the licenses and will issue the licenses or notify the applicants of denial. CITY shall provide all attorney services related to the granting, denial, revocation and administration of said licenses and the enforcement of CITY ordinances pertaining to said licenses. PAYMENT: 1 . Purs uant to Government Code Se ction 51 350 , CITY agrees to pay to COUNTY the full costs of performing the services mutually agreed upon in this Agreement. The cost of services includes salaries, wages, benefits, mileage, services, supplies, equipment, and divisional, departmental and COUNTY General overhead. 2. Unless the level of service described in Subsection C-4 is increased or decreased, or CITY is require d to pay for increases as set forth in Subsection G-4 . n1e co st of services describ e d in Subsection C-4 of this Agre ement, othe r than Licensing Se rvices , to b e provide d by th e COUNTY for th e period July 1, 2 015 through June 30 , 20i 6, shall be as fo!iow s: SERVICE Management: • One (1) Lieutenant @ $319 ,245/each Page 11 of 26 COST OF SERVICE $ 319 ,245 G. PAYMENT: (Continued) 2 SERVICE COST OF SERVICE 3 Supervision: 4 • Four (4) Sergeants-Patrol sl @ $277,869/each $ 1,111,476 6 • One (1) Sergeant-Administrative 7 @ $277,869/each $ 277,869 8 Investigation Services: 9 • Two (2) Investigators 10 @ $275,999/each $ 551,998 11 Patrol/Traffic Services: 12 • Fourteen (14) Deputy Sheriff lis-Patrol 13 1 @ $230,739/each $ 3,230,346 14 • One (1) Deputy Sheriff II -Special Enforcement 15 (Directed Enforcement Team-DET) 16 @ $230,739/each $ 230,739 17 • Three (3) Deputy Sheriff lis -Motorcycle 18 @ $235,922/each $ 707,766 19 Community Support Unit: 20 • One (1) Deputy Sheriff II 21 @ $230,739/each $ 230,739 22 • One (1) Crime Prevention Specialist 23 @ $92,906/each $ 92,906 24 Parking Control: 25 • Two (2) Community Services Officers 26 @ $114,356/each $ 228,712 27 II 28 II Page 12 of 26 G. PAYMENT: (Continued) 2 SERVICE COST OF SERVICE 3 Regional/ Shared Staff: 4 • 7.91% of sixty one hundredths of one (0.60) Sergeant -Traffic 5 @ $281 ,289/each $ 13,350 6 • 7.91% of four (4) Deputy Sheriff lis-Traffic 7 @ 245,706/each $ 77,741 8 • 7.91% of two (2) Investigative Assistants -Traffic 9 @ $115,074/each $ 18,205 10 • 7.91% of one (1) Office Specialist-Traffic 11 @ $92,928/each $ 7,351 12 • 5.38% of thirty one hundredths of one (0.30) Sergeant-Auto Theft 13 @ $280,513/each $ 4,527 14 • 5.38% of two (2) Investigators-Auto Theft 15 @ $251 ,035/each $ 27,011 16 • 5.38% of one (1) Investigative Assistant-Auto .Theft 17 @ $119,265/each $ 6,416 18 • 5 .38% of one (1} Office Specialist-Auto Theft 19 @ $91,980/each $ 4,949 20 • 12.21% of one (1) Sergeant-Directed Enforcement Team (DET) 21 @ $379,854/each $ 46,380 22 • 12.21% of one (1) Investigator-Directed Enforcement Team (DET) 23 @ $300,961/each $ 36,747 24 • 6.97%> of one (1) Office Specialist-Subpoena 25 @ $84,796/each $ 5,910 26 • 13.86% of two (2) Investigative Assistants--Court 27 @ $116,732/each $ 32,358 28 II Page 13 of 26 G. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ')1:: ;_.J 26 27 II 28 /1 PAYMENT: (Continued) SERVICE COST OF SERVICE • 9.38% of one half of one (0.50) Motorcycle Sergeant @ $308,496/each Other Charges and Credits: $ 14,468 $ 1,176,721 Charges: Annual leave paydowns and apportionment of cost of leave balances paid at end of employment; premium pay for bilingual staff; contract administration; data line charges; direct services and supplies; E-citation; enhanced helicopter response services; facility lease; holiday pay: camp and straight time; Integrated Law & Justice Agency of Orange County; mobile data computer (MDC) recurring costs; on-call pay; overtime; patrol training cost allocation; patrol video system (PVS) recurring costs; retirement rate discount expenses (interest and cost of issuance); training; transportation costs including vehicle fuel, mileage interest for replacement vehicles and maintenance. Credits: Local assistance funding; false alarm fees; overtime rate adjustment; reimbursement for training and miscellaneous programs; retirement rate discount FY 2015-16. TOTAL COST OF SERVICES $ 8.453,9.3_0 3. Unless the level of service described in Subsection C-4 ls increased or decreased, or CITY is required to pay for increases as set forth in Subsection G-4, the Maxirnum Obligation of CITY for services, other than Licensing Services that are referenced in Subsection C-4 of this Agreement and rendered by COUNTY between .July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016, is $8A53.930. Page 14 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2l 28 G. PAYMENT: (Continued) 4-a. At the time this Agreement is executed, there are unresolved issues pertaining to potential changes in salaries and benefits for COUNTY employees. The costs of such potentiai changes are not included in the FY 2015-16 cost set forth in subsection G-2 nor in the FY 2015-16 Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement. If the changes result in the COUNTY incurring or becoming obligated to pay for increased cost for or on account of personnel whose costs are included in the calculations of costs charged to CITY hereunder, CITY shall pay COUNTY, in addition to the Maximum Obligation set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement, the full costs of said increases to the extent such increases to the are attributable to work performed by such · personnel during the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, and CITY's Maximum Obligation hereunder shall be deemed to have increased accordingly. CITY shall pay COUNTY in full for such increases on a pro-rata basis over the portion of the period between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016 remaining after COUNTY notifies CITY that increases are payable. If the changes result in the COUNTY incurring or becoming obligated to pay for decreased costs for or on account of personnel whose costs are included in the calculations of costs charged to CITY hereunder, COUNTY shall reduce the amount owed by the CITY to the extent such decreases are attributable to work performed by such personnel during the period July i, 2015 through June 30, 2016, and CITY's Maximum Obligation hereunder shall be deemed to have decreased accordingly. COUNTY shall reduce required payment by CITY in full for such decreases on a pro-rata basis over the portion of the period between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016 remaining after COUNTY notifies CITY that the Maximum Obligation has decreased. Page 15 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 6 27 28 G. II PAYMENT: (Continued) 4-b. If CITY is required to pay for increases as set forth in Subsection G-4a above, COUNTY, at the request of CITY, will thereafter reduce the level of service to be provided to CITY pursuant to Subsection C-4 of this Agreement to a level that will make the Maximum Obligation of CITY hereunder for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 an amount specified by CITY that is equivalent to or higher than the Maximum Obligation set forth in Subsection G-3 for said period at the time this Agreement originally was executed. The purpose of such adjustment of service levels will be to give CITY the option of keeping its Maximum Obligation hereunder at the pre-increase level or at any other higher or lower level specified by CITY. In the event of such reduction in level of service and adjustment of costs, the parties shall execute an amendment to this Agreement so providing. Decisions about how to reduce the level of service provided to CITY shall be made by SHERIFF with the approval of CITY. 5. The Maximum Obligation of CITY for services provided for the 12-month periods commencing July 1, 2016 , 2017, 2018 and 2019, will be determined annually by COUNTY and approved by CITY . 6. COUNTY shall invoice CITY monthly, one-twelfth (1/12) of the Maximum Obligation of CITY . If a determination is made that increases described in Subsection G-4 must be paid , COUNTY thereafter shall include the pro- rata charges for such increases in its monthly invoices to CITY for the balance of the period berNeen July 1, 2015 and June 30 , 2016. 7. CITY shall pay COUNTY in accordance with COUNTY Board of Supervisors' approved County Billing Policy, which is attached hereto as Attachment B, and incorporated herein by this reference . Page 16 of 26 G. PAYMENT: (Continued) 2 8. COUNTY shall charge CITY late payment penalties in accordance with 3 County Billing Policy. 4 9. As payment for the Licensing Services described in Subsection C-8 of this s Agreement, COUNTY shall retain all fees paid by applicants for licenses, 6 pursuant to CITY ordinances listed in Attachment A hereto. Retention of 7 said fees by COUNTY shall constitute payment in full to COUNTY for costs 8 incurred by COUNTY in performing the functions related to licensing 9 described in Subsection C-8; provided, however, that if any of said fees are 10 waived or reduced by CITY, CITY shall pay to COUNTY the difference 11 between the amount of fees retained by COUNTY and the fees that were 12 set forth in the ordinances listed in Attachment A as of July 1 , 2015 . 13 Should CITY increase the fee schedule for the licensing ordinances set 14 forth in Attachment A, either party shall have the right to seek amendment 15 of thi s Agre e m e nt with respect to the d ivision of the increased fees 16 betwe en CITY and COUNTY. 17 10. Fees generated or collected by SHERIFF contract personnel for copying of 18 doc uments related to the services provided in this Agreement will be at 19 COUNTY-established rates and will be credited to CITY on an annual 20 basis. 21 11 . Narcotic asset forfeitures will be handled pursuant to Attachment C hereto, 22 whi c h is incorporated herein by thi s ref e ren ce . 23 H. NOTICES: 24 1. Except for the notices provided for in Subsection 2 of this Section, all :?s notices authorized or required by this Agreement shall be effective when 26 written and deposited in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid 27 and addressed as follows: 2e // Page 17 ot 26 H. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 J. 24 25 :?6 2l 28 NOTICES: (Continued) CITY: ATTN: CITY MANAGER 32400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 COUNTY: ATTN: CONTRACT MANAGER SHERIFF-CORONER DEPARTMENT 320 NORTH FLOWER STREET, SUITE 108 SANTA ANA, CA 92703 2. Termination notices shall be effective when written and deposited in the United States mail, certified, return receipt requested and addressed as above. STATUS OF COUNTY: COUNTY is, and shall at all times be deemed to be, an independent contractor. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as creating the relationship of employer and employee, or principal and agent, between CITY and COUNTY or any of COUNTY's agents or employees. COUNTY and its SHERIFF shall retain all authority for rendition of services, standards of performance, control of personnel, and other matters incident to the performance of services by COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement COUNTY , its agents and employees, shall not be entitled to any rights or privileges of CITY employees and shall not be considered in any manner to be CITY e mployees. STAT E AUDIT: Pursuant to Government Code Section 8546 .7, CITY and COUNTY shall be s ubJect to e xamination and audit by the State Audito r for a period of three (3 ) years after final payment by CITY to COUNTY under this Agreement . CITY and COUNTY s hall retain all records relating to the performance of thi s Agreement for said three -year period . except that records pertaining to any Page 18 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2'< 24 2.5 2G 2"/ 28 J. K. l. STATE AUDIT: (Continued) audit then in progress, or any claim or litigation shall be retained beyond said three-year period until final resolution of said audit, claim or litigation. AlTERAT ION OF TERMS: This Agreement futly expresses all understanding of CITY and COUNTY with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and shall constitute the total Agreement between the parties for these purposes. No addition to, or alteration of, the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing, formally approved and executed by duly authorized agents of both parties. INDEMNIFICATION: 1. COUNTY, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors and independent contractors shall not be deemed to have assumed any liability for the negligence or any other act or omission of CITY or any of its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors or independent contractors, or for any dangerous or defective condition of any public street or work or prope rty of C ITY, or for any illegality or unconstitutionality of C ITY's municipal ordin a n c es. CIT Y shall indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY and its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, employees, subcontractors and independent contractors from any claim, demand or liability whatsoever based or asserted upon the condition of any public street or work property of CITY, or upon the il!egality or unconstitutionality of any municipal ordinance of CITY that SHERIFF has enforced, or upon any act or omission of CITY , or its elected and appointed officials. officers, agents, ernployees, subcontractors or mdependent contractors related to this Agreement, including , but not limited to, any act or omission related to the maintenance or condition of any vehlclt'.1 or motorcycle that is owned or possessed by CITY and used by COUNTY personnel in the pertormance of this Agreement, for property damage, bodily injury or death or any other element of damage of any kind or nature. and Page 19 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 'l 2:) <'.f) 21 28 L M. INDEMNIFICAT ION: (Continued) CITY shall defend, at its expense including attorney fees, and with counsel approved in writing by COUNTY, COUNTY and its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents , employees, subcontractors and independent contractors in any legal action or claim of any kind based or asserted upon such condition of public street or work or property, or illegality or unconstitutionality of a municipal ordinance, or alleged acts or omissions . If judgment is entered against CITY and COUNTY by a court of competent jurisdiction because of the concurrent active negligence of either party, CITY and COUNTY agree that liability will be apportioned as determined by the court . Neither party shall request a jury apportionment. 2. COUNTY shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY and its elected and appointed officials, officers , agents, employees, subcontractors and independent contractors from any claim, demand or liability whatsoever based or asserted upon any act or omission of COUNTY or its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, employees, subcontractors or independent contractors related to this Agreement, for property damage, bodily injury or death or any other element of damage of any kind or nature, and COUNTY shall defend, at its expense, including attorney fees, and with counsel approved in writing by CITY, CITY and its elected and appointed officials , officers, agents . employ£~es. subcontractors and independ£:mt contractors in any legal action or claim of any kind based or asserted upon such alleged acts or omissions. TRAfFIC VIOLATOR APPREHENSION PROGRAM: 1 . COUNTY has established a Traffic Violator Apprehension Program (''the Program"]. which is operated by SHERIFF, and is designed to reduce vehicie accidents caused by uniicensed drivers and drivers whose licenses are suspended and to educate the public about the requirements of the Page 20 ot 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 M. TRAFFIC VIOLATOR APPREHENSION PROGRAM: (Continued) Vehicle Code and related safety issues with regard to driver licensing, vehicle registration, vehicle operation, and vehicle parking. The Program operates throughout the unincorporated areas of the COUNTY and in the cities that contract with COUNTY for SHERIFF's law enforcement services, without regard to jurisdictional boundaries, because an area-wide approach to reduction of traffic accidents and driver education is most effective in preventing traffic accidents. In order for CITY to participate in the Program, CITY has adopted a fee pursuant to Vehicle Code section 22850.5, in the amount and under the terms and conditions set forth in the TVAP resolution that is attached to this Agreement as Attachment 0 and incorporated into this Agreement by reference, and has directed that the revenue from such fee be used for the Program. CITY's participation in the Program may be terminated at any time by rescission or amendment of the TVAP re solution that is attached to this Agreement as Attachment D. In the event CITY 1) amends said TVAP resolution, or rescinds said TVAP resolution and adopts a new TVAP resolution pertaining to the above- referenced fee and the Program, and 2} remains a participant in the Program thereafter, CITY's Manager, on behalf of CITY, and SHERIFF, on behalf of COUNTY, have authority to execute an amendment to this Agreement to substitute CITY's amended or new TVAP resolution for Attachment 0 to the Agreement, as long as said amendment to this Agreement does not materially change any other provision of this Agreement. 2. COUNTY will make available for review, at the requ es t of CITY , all financial data related to the Program as may be requested by CITY. 3 . Fee revenue generated by COUNTY and participating cities will be used to . fund the following positions , which will be assigned to the Program : Page 21 of 26 M. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.3 24 25 26 27 28 TRAFFIC VIOLATOR APPREHENSION PROGRAM: (Continued) • Ten one hundredths of one (0.1 0) Sergeant (8 hours per two-week pay period) • One (1) Staff Specialist (80 hours per two-week pay period) • One (1) Office Specialist (80 hours per two-week pay period) 4. Fee revenue generated by CITY may be used to reimburse CITY for expenditures for equipment and/or supplies directly in support of the Program. In order for an expenditure for equipment and/or supplies to be eligible for reimbursement, CITY shall submit a request for and obtain pre-approval of the expenditure by using the form as shown in Attachment E. The request shall be submitted within the budget schedule established by SHERIFF. SHERIFF shall approve the expenditure only if both of the following conditions are satisfied : 1) there are sufficien t Program funds , attributable to revenue generated by CITY 's fee , to pay tor the requested purchase, and 2) CITY will use the equipment and/or supplies, during their entire useful life, only tor purposes authorized by its TVAP resolution in effect at the time of purchase. In the event that CITY terminates its participation in the Program, CITY agrees that the equipment purchased by CITY and reimbursed by Program funds will continue to be used, during the remainder of its useful life, exclusively for the purposes authorized by CITY's TVAP resolution in effect at the time of purchase . In the event the fees adopted by COUNTY, CITY and oth e r participating jurisdictions are not adequate to continue operation of the Program at the level at which it operated previou s ly . COUNTY , at the option of CITY . will reduce the level of Program service to be provided to CITY or will continue to provide the existing level of Program services . COUNTY will charge CITY the cost of Page 22 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 3 :~4 25 26 C:..i 28 M. N. TRAFFIC VIOLATOR APPREHENSION PROGRAM: (Continued) any Program operations that exceed the revenue generated by fees. Such charges shall be in addition to the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement. The amount of any revenue shortfall charged to CITY will be determined, at the time the revenue shortfall is experienced, according to CITY's share of Program services r.endered. In the event of a reduction in level of Program service , termination of Program service or adjustment of costs, the parties shall execute an amendment to the Agreement so providing. Decisions about how to reduce the level of Program service provided to CITY shall be made by SHERIFF with the approval of CITY. MOBILE DATA COMPUTERS: 1. As part of the law enforcement services to be provided to CITY, COUNTY has provided, or will provide, mobile data computers (hereinafter called "MDCs") that are or will be mounted in patrol vehicles and motorcycles, designated by COUNTY for use within CITY limits. 2. SHERIFF has the exclusive right to use said MDCs for law enforcement services related to this Agreement. 3. CITY shall pay COUNTY the full costs to COUNTY of a) the acquisition and installation of MDCs that are or will be mounted in patrol vehicles and motorcycles assigned to CITY. and b) recurring costs, as deemed nece s sary by COUNTY, including the costs of maintenance and contributions to a fund for replac e ment and upgrade of such MOCs when they b e com e functionally· or technologically obsole te. Th e costs to be paid by CITY for recurring co sts , including m a intenan ce and replacement/upgrade of MDC s, are included in the cost s set forth in Subsection G -2 and the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement unless CITY has already paid such Page 23 of 26 N. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0. 2:Cl 24 :~s 26 27 28 MOBILE DATA COMPUTERS: (Continued) costs. CITY shall not be charged additional amounts for maintenance or replacement/upgrade of said MDCs during the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 . 4. If, following the initial acquisition of MDCs referenced above, CITY requires MDCs for additional patrol cars or motorcycles designated for use in the CITY, or for CITY's Emergency Operations Center, COUNTY will purchase said additional MDCs. Upon demand by COUNTY, CITY will pay to COUNTY a) the full costs of acquisition and installation of said additional MDC's, and b) the full recurring costs for said MDCs, as deemed necessary by COUNTY, including the costs of maintenance, and contributions to a fund for replacement and upgrade of such MDCs when they become functionally or technologically obsolete. Said costs related to additional MDCs are not included in , and are in addition to, the costs set forth in S ubsection G-2 and the Maximum Obligation of C ITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agree ment. 5. COUNTY will replace and/or upgrade MDCs as needed. The costs of replacing/upgrading MDCs shall be paid by COUNTY from the repl acement/up g rade funds to be paid by CITY in accordance with the foregoing. CITY shall not be charged any additional charge to replace or upgrade MDC s . E-CITATION UNITS: 1. As part of the law enforcement services to be provided to CITY, COUNTY has provided, or will provide, E-Citation units designated by COUNTY for use within CITY limits . 2. SHERIFF has the exclusive right to use said E-Citation units for law enforcement services relatf.:d to this Agreement. 3. CITY shall pay COUNTY the full costs to COUNTY of a) the acquisition ot Page 24 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 i 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 :28 0. E-CITATION UNITS: (Continued) E-Citation units that are assigned to CITY, and b) recurring costs, as deemed necessary by COUNTY, including the costs of maintenance and contributions to a fund for replacement and upgrade of such E-Citation units when they become functionally or technologically obsolete. The costs to be paid by CITY for recurring costs, including maintenance and replacement/upgrade of E-Citation units, are included In the costs set forth in Subsection G-2 and the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this Agreement unless CITY has already paid such costs. CITY shall not be charged additional amounts for maintenance or replacement/upgrade of said E-Citation units during the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. 4. If, following the initial acquisition of E-Citation units referenced above, CITY requires E-Citation units designated tor use in CITY, COUNTY will purchase said additional E-Citation units. Upon demand by COUNTY. CITY will pay to COUNTY a) the full costs of acquisition of said additionai E-Citation units, and b) the full recurring costs for said E-Citation units, as deemed necessary by COUNTY, including the costs of maintenance, and contributions to a fund for replacement and upgrade of such E·Citation units when they become functionally or technologically obsolete. Said costs related to additional E-Citation units are not included in, and are in addition to , the costs se1 fotih in Subsection G-2 and the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-3 of this A.greemEH"it. 5. COUNTY will rf.:!place and/or upgrado E-Citation units as nee ded. The costs of replacmg/up~Jrading E-Citation units sh a ll be paid by COUNTY from the replacement/upqrade funds to be p id by C IT ( tn a ccordanc !1 with th • foregoing CITY shall not be charg ed a ny addlt1 o na l c harge to rep lace r upgrade E-Citation units . Page 25 of 26 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 in the Co un / ·' IN WITNESS W HEREOF , the parties have executed the AGREEMENT of orange, State of California. '\ · ~\ DATED :._~~r=:-t-lt-"--=,J ;,___,_/_.\,=--·-___ _ I/· / I ' / CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ....__) APPROVED Aa TO FORM : sv Q"'/1/7) -, .>-- 7 CiiY'*tto rney Chair rhan pf the Bpard ot Supervisors County of Orange, California SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS 19 AGREEMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD PER G.C. Sec. 25103, Reso 79-1535 20 Attest: / . , r- •' / I • J• ) / • • • ! i -L -! ,;:/? L __L.:__' I . . .. 21 Robin Stieler ;?21 Interim Clerk of the Board 21 County of Orange, California 24 25 26 27 28 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office of the County Counsel Orange County , Ca lifornia . / BY: Deputy I , DATED: I---.. ~ .. --- Page 26 of 26 ATTACHMENT A 2 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 3 ORDINANCE NO. 785 (5-24.01 MC) 4 ORDINANCE NO. 417 (5-18.02 MC) 5 ORDINANCE N0.869 ( 9-3.503 MC) 6 LICENSING 7 8 DANCE INSTRUCTOR (NUDE) 9 DANCE STUDIO (NUDE) 10 ESCORT 11 ESCORT BUREAU 12 FIGURE MODEL' (NUDE) 13 FIGURE MODEL STUDIO (NUDE) 14 GUN DEALER 15 II'JTERLOCUTRIX (NUDE) 16 INTRODUCTORY SERVICE 17 JUNK COLLECTOR 18 JUNK DEALER 19 MASSAGE PARLOR (Includes FBI Fees) 20 MASSAGIST (Includes FBI Fees) 21 PEDDLER 22 POOLROOM 23 PUBLIC DANCE ~~4 RAP SESSION (NUDE) 25 SECONDHAf'.JD DEALER (Pawnbroker) 26 TAXICAB STAND 27 28 ATTACHMENT B COUNTY BILLING POLICY APPROVED BY BOARD MINUTE ORDER DATED OCTOBER 27,1992 I. POLICY All County agencies/departments/districts (County) governed by the Board of Supervisors shall bill contracting entities for materials and/or services provided under contract in accordance with the following standardized billing and collection policy. Billing frequency is dependent on whether the contract is a fixed price or actual cost contract. Payment due date is designed to be both responsive to the County's cash flow needs and reasonable enough as to not require special processing by the contracting entity. If payments are not received by the required due dates, a late payment fee shall be computed and billed to the contracting entity in accordance with the requirements of this procedure. Nothing herein shall affect the liability, including pre-judgment interest, of the contracting party tor services or materials in as much as this is a policy to enact standard billing practices. II. DEFINITIONS A. Contract for the purposes of this policy -A contract is a formal written agreement, a purchase order from the contracting entity, or any other acceptable mutual understanding between the contracting parties. B. Received by the C ounty -The phrase "received by the County", as used in Section VI of this policy, refers to the date a payment is received by the County. It is defined as the date the payment is in the County's possession. It is not the date the payment is posted or deposited by the County. Ill. FIXED PRICE CONTRACTS A. Fixed Price (One-Time/Non-Recu rring Contracts) -Invoices that represent a billing for a one-time, non-recurring provision of materials and/or services shall be issued no iater than five (5) working days after delivery by the County of the materials and/or services. Examples of such one-time, non-recurring provision of materials and/or services might be a city contracting with the Sheriff for security service at a parade or sporting event; or, a city purchasing a computer listing containing certain city-requested data. Payment due date shall be invoice date plus 30 days . B. Fixed Price (Ongo1ng/Recurnnq Con tracts) -Invoices that represent a billing for an ongoing, recurring provision of materials and/or services shall be issued according to the following frequency~ Annual Billings that total $10,000 or less per i 2-rnonth period shall be billed via one ('I) annual invoice. Annual invoices will be issued for each 12-rnonth period of the contract, or portions thereof Invoices shall be issued no later !han five working days after the beginning of each 12-rnonth penod. Payment due date shall be invoice date plus 30 days. Page 1 of 4 2 . Quarterly Billings that are greater than $10,000 but not more than $200,000 per 12:. month period, shall be billed in quarterly installments. Quarterly invoices will be issued representing the contract amount for each 12-month period of the contract, or portions thereof, prorated into four (4) installments. Invoices shall be issued no late r than 30 days after the beginning of each quarter. Payment due date shall be 60 days after the beginning of each calendar quarter. 3. Monthly Billings that are greater than $200 ,000 per 12-month period shall be billed in monthly installments. Monthly invoices will be issued representing the contract amount for each 12-month period of the contract, or portions thereof , prorated into 12 installments. Invoices shall be issued on or before the first day of each service month. Payment due date shall be 30 days after the beginning of each service month. An example of a fixed price contract for ongoing , recu r ring provision of materials and/or services might be a city contracting with the Sheriff for law enforcement services. IV. ACTUAL COST CONTRACTS A. Actu al Cost (O n e-T im e/Non-Recur ri ng Contracts) -Invoices that represent a billing for a one-time, non-recurring provision of materials and/or services shall be issued after delivery by the County of the materials and/or services and no later than 15 days after actual cost data is available. Payment due date shall be invoice date plus 30 days. B. Actu al Cost (Ongoing/Recurring Co n tra cts) -Invoices that represent a billing for an ongoing, recurring provision of material s and /or services shall be issued on a monthly bas is and sh a ll re prese nt th e cost of mat erial s a nd/or services p rovid ed to th e co ntrac ting entity during th e previou s cale nda r m onth . S uc h invoices sha ll b e iss u ed no tater than 15 days after the close of the monthly billing p er iod. If th e County a gency/d ep a rtm ent/di stri ct does not utilize a monthly billing cycl e, the invo ic e shall be is s ued no late r than 15 day s after actual cost data is available. Payment due date shall be invoice da te plus 30 days . Exampl e s of actual c ost contracts for th e ongoing, recurring provision of materials and/or servi ces might be a city c ontracting with the County for communi c ations equipme nt repair or waste disposal at a County landfill. V. PAYMENT DUE DATES Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections II and til above, payment due date shall be at least invoice date plus 30 days . If the County is late in issuing an invoice , the contracting entity would always have at least invoice date plus 30 days to pay. If the County is early in 1ssuing an invoice , the contracting entity would still have a payment due date o1 either 60 days after the beginning of the quarter (quarterly invoices) or 30 day s after the beginning o! the service month (monthly invoices) (EXAMPLES: An invoice for October service. dated and issued October 8 (late) would have a payment clue date of November 7. An invoice for August service , dated and issued .July 20 (earl·y) would have a payment due date of August 30.) Page 2 of 4 VI. LATE CHARGES The late payment of any invoiced amount by a contracting entity will cause the County to incur costs not contemplated by the County/contracting entity agreement, the exact amount of such cost will be extremely difficult to ascertain. Such costs include, but are not limited to , costs such as administrative follow -up and processing of delinquent notices, increased accounting costs, etc. Late charges will be assessed in the following situations: -Over-the-counter payments will be assessed a late charge if any payment is not received by the County by the payment due date. -Payments transmitted to the County via the U.S. Mail that have the payer's postage meter mar k will be assessed a late charge if any payment is not received by the County by the payment due date plus one day. -Payments transmitted to the County v ia the U.S. Mail that have a U .S. Post Office postmark dated after the payment due date will be assessed a late charge . The late charge assessed in each of these situations shall be three-quarters of one percent (0.75 %) of the payment due and unpaid plus $100.00 fo r late payments made within 30 days of the payment due date. An additional charge of three-quarters of one percent (0 .75 %) of said payment shalt be added for each additional 30-day period that the payment remains unpaid . Late charges shall be added to the payment and invoiced to the contracting entity in acco rdance with this policy. VII. COLLECTIONS Any invoice remaining unpaid 90 days after the invoice date shall be referred to the Auditor- Controller for subsequent collection action, such as deduction from contracting entity moneys on deposit with the County Treasurer in accordance with Government Code Section 907 and any other applicable provision of law. Non-payment of invoices and applicable late charges will constitute a breach of contract for which the County retains all legal remedies including termination of the contract. Vlll. DISCOUNT FOR EARLY PAYMENT Any payment received by the County frorn a contracting entity 20 days or more before the payrnent due date shall be entitled to a discount of on~3-quarter of one percent (0.25'Yo). If the contracting entity takes a discount, and the payment is received by the County less than 20 days before lhe payment due date, County staff shall immediately notify thEl contracting entity by telephone that the discount should not have been taken and that the balance is due by the original payment due date. If the balance is not received by the County in accordance with the dates as specified in Section VII. applicable late charges shall be calcuiated on the balance due. Page 3 of 4 IX. DEFERRED REVENUE At fiscal year end, any portion of revenue invoiced (not necessarily received) during the fiscal year being closed out that represents charg es or prepayment for materi a ls and/or services for the upcoming fiscal year shall be reclassified from a revenue account to a deferred revenue account (liability). !n the new fiscal year the deferred revenue shall be reclassified to a revenue account. (EXAMPLE: On June 1, 19X1, a city is invoiced $48,000 which represents charges for the 12-month period June 1, 19X1 to May 31, 19X2. The amount to be reclassified to deferred revenue would be $44,000, representing 11/12ths of the total amount. In July 19X1, the $44,000 would be reclassified to revenue.) Reclassification entries shall be made by Auditor-Controller Agency Accounting units, or for those agencies/departments/districts without such a unit, the agency/department/district shall notify the Auditor-Controller of the amounts to be reclassified. X . COST RECOVERY All County agencies/department/districts shall include all costs of providing contracted services in contract rates. Including all direct costs, allocated indirect costs such as departmental and County (CWCAP) overhead, and cost of capital financing. XL EXISTING CONTRACTS Billing terms and provisions contained in existing contracting entity agreements (existing as of the date this policy is approved by the Board of Supervisors} shall remain in effect for the life of the contract. However, when these existing contracts are renegotiated, they shall contain the billing provisions as set forth in this policy. XII. DEVIATIONS FROM POLICY Deviations from this policy shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors. Proposed deviations by agencies/departments/districts shall be submitted to the CEO for concurrence in advance of filing an Agenda Item Transmittal (AIT) with the Clerk of the Board. The CEO, or his/her designee, shall advise the agency/department/district of approval or disapproval of the proposed deviations . If a County agency/department/district submits a contract to the Board of Supervisors for approval , and the billing provisions in the contract deviate from this policy, the agency/department/district shall specifically advise the Board of Supervisors in the AIT of the deviation, the reason for the deviation, and of the CEO's recommendation relative thereto. Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT C POLICY FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FORFEITED AND SEIZED ASSETS BACKGROUND The Orange County Sheriff's Department provides contract law enforcement services to cities in Orange County. Because of the increased likelihood that contracted patrol or investigation personnel may become involved in significant narcotic seizures, which could affect law enforcement services provided by the Sheriff's Department to contract cities, the following policy is in effect. 1. NON-RNSP CONTRACTED PATROL AND INVESTIGATION OFFICERS When assets (cash or property) are seized in CITY by contracted patrol or investigation personnel other than RNSP personnel, and subsequently forfeited to COUNTY , the forfeited assets shall be shared with CITY as set forth below, for the purpose of augmenting law enforcement services in CITY, subject to approval by the forfeiting agency (U.S. Attorney or State) of such sharing and use of forfeited assets. A portion of forfeited assets may be retained by COUNTY 's Sheriff Department, hereinafter referred to as "SHERIFF", to pay for departmental expenses not recovered through law enforcement contracts. In such cases, SHERIFF shalt apply to the forfeiting agency for the return of a share of the assets to COUNTY. In his application, SHERIFF shall specify the percentage of shared assets returned to COUNTY that will be used to augment law enforcement services in CITY and the use of said assets by CITY. In those cases in which assets are seized within CITY by non-RNSP personnel assigned to CITY pursuant to this Agreement , without the involvement of other law enforcement personnel, and in which the seizure is a result solely of activities self-initiated by non-RNSP SHERIFF personnel assigned to CITY or initiated by said personnel in response to calls for service within CITY , SHERIFF shall apply to have all of the assets used to augment CITY law enforcement services In those cases in which non-RNSP SHERIFF personnel assigned to CITY pursuant to this Agreement play an ancillary role in a seizure or in which other law enforcement personnel are involved in a seizure, SHERIFF shall determine the percentage of the total forfeited assets for which he will apply to augment CITY's law enforcement services . This determination will be based on the circumstances of the seizure , including the pro-rata involvement of all personnel , including those assigned to CITY Each seizure will be evaluated on an individual and independent basis, and said evaluations wilt be available for review to CITY's manager. Examples of those incidents which would be evaluated as set forth in this section include situations in which a contract patrol deputy provides uniformed backup at a SHERIFF's Narcotic Bureau search warrant location or in which contract investigators participate in the service of a search warrant that was initiated by non-contract law enforcement personnel. Page 1 of 2 NON~RNSP CONTRACTED PATROL AND INVESTIGATION OFFICERS (Continued) Assets (cash or property) that are returned to COUNTY by the forfeiting agency with the understanding that they will be used to augment CITY law enforcement services shall be used by CITY and COUNTY only for such purposes. If the forfeiting agency attaches additional or more specific conditions to the use of said assets, CITY and COUNTY shall also abide by those conditions. SHERIFF and CITY's manager shall determine the specific use of said assets within the conditions imposed by the forfeiting agency. Subject to conditions imposed by the forfeiting agency and to the requirement that forfeited assets be used to augment law enforcement services, COUNTY shall place forfeited cash, or cash from the sale of forfeited assets in an interest~bearing account for use in CITY in compliance with the forfeiting agency's regulations. 2. CONTRACTED REGIONAL NARCOTICS SUPPRESSION PROGRAM (RNSP) OFFICERS 612!03 Assets forfeited as a result of activities conducted by contracted RNSP officers will be used to augment CITY's law enforcement services. Because activities of this type result from the efforts of both contracted officers and other RNSP officers, the percentage of sharing will be determined pursuant to the RNSP Memorandum of Understanding in effect at the time of the seizure. Said Memorandum of Understanding provides that assets are distributed according to percentage amounts based on the number of sworn personnel participating in the RNSP at the time of the seizure. The number of personnel in RNSP, as well as the number of participating agencies in RNSP, may fluctuate during the course of a contract year, thereby affecting the percentage amounts distributed to participating agencies. The percentage amounts distributed to participating agencies may also be affected by action taken by the RNSP Executive Board. CITY will use RNSP forfeited assets only to augment CITY's law enforcement services. If the forfeiting agency or applicable RNSP Memorandum of Understanding attaches any additional or more specific conditions on the use of said assets, CITY shall abide by those conditions SHERIFF and CITY's manager shall determine the specific use of said assets within the conditions imposed by the forfeiting agency and the RNSP Memorandum of Understanding Subject to conditions imposed by the forfeiting agency and the RNSP Memorandum of Understanding and to the requirement that RNSP forfeited assets be used to augment law enforcement services, COUNTY shall place forfeited cash or cash from the sale of forfeited assets in an interest-bearing account for use in CITY in compliance with the forfeiting agency's regulations and the RNSP Memorandum of Understanding. Page 2 of 2 ."" ATTACHMENT 0 RESOLUTION NO. 00-7-18-4 ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC VIOLA TOR APPREHENSION PROGRAM A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC VIOLATOR APPREHENSION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of San Juan Capistrano contracts with the Orange County Sheriffs Department for law enforcement services; and, WHEREAS, as a contract City, San Juan Capistrano is eligible to participate in the County's new Traffic Violator Apprehension Program; and, WHEREAS, the goals of the Traffic Violator Apprehension Program are to reduce the number of collisions involving suspended or unlicensed drjvers, to reduce the number of hit and run collisions, to establish a public education program to deter violators, and to establish a cost recovery system to pay for continued enforcement; and, · WHEREAS, the Traffic Violator Apprehension Program is funded by a Traffic Safety Grant from the State of California and on~going revenues will be generated from the collection of vehicle impound fees within the unincorporated areas of the County and participating cities that contract for law enforcement services with the Orange County Sheriffs Department; and, WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors has established a fee of $50 for each vehicle towed/stored/impounded as a result of negligent operation of a vehicle and a $152 fee for each vehicle impounded for 30 days, based on the actual administrative costs for the identification and apprehension of drivers with suspended or revoked licenses or unlicensed motorists; and . WHEREAS, all of the impound fees will be collected by the County and deposited into a Traffic Violator Apprehension Fund for use by this program exclusively _ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows _ SECTION 1. Authorize the City of San Juan Capjstrano to participate in the Traffic Violator Apprehension Fund; and. -1 - SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution . PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 2000. ATIEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, CHERYL JOHNSON, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 00-7-18-4, adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th day of July, 2000, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: (SEAL) Council Members Bathgate, Greiner, !!art, Swerdlin and .Mayor Campbell None None None -2~ f:-< ff.l tJ.l :::J CY LL1 ~ . z 0 ~ !_-... ~ u -t.t. -f-. ~ .. ~ u Cl) ,.J <{ ::> '· 0 p:: fl,. ~ < OCSD BUDGIT USE ON! Y I ORANGE COCNTY SHERIFF-CORONER TRAI<'FIC VIOLATOR APPREHENSION PROGRAM .. CONT~CT CJ.TY Panic:ipating City Rt:quvsi to Purchase From the TVA in FY Date APPLICABILTY QUANTITY lTEM DESCRIPTION TO TV A PROGRAM 1 ' ' • -- ESTIMATED COST THE CITY CER T IFIES THAT THE EQUlP.ME NT PURCHASED BY CUY AND TO BE REIMBURSED BY PROGRA.,.\-1 FUNDS Wll_L BE USED FOR ITS ENTIRE 'US EFUL LIFE EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE TRAFFIC VIOLATOR l\PPREHEN SI0 :--.1 PROGR A M ClTY MA~AGER REQl 'E:->T: P1 imed !\a me: Signarure· DATE J ORANGE COU~TY SRIDI,UFF1-CORONER F>.EPAlriMEN't ~ - Recommended for Approval CITY POLICE SERVICES CHIEF MAl'l'AGER-TVA PROGRAM - - ]> :t > n :I: s: m z -i m 2 3 4 5 6 7 THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, entered into this a Twenty-Fifth day of April 2018, which date is enumerated for purposes of reference 9 only, by and between the CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, hereinafter referred to 10 as "CITY" and the COUNTY OF ORANGE, a political subdivision of the State of 11 California, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY", to amend effective July 1, 2018, that 12 certain Agreement between the parties commencing July 1, 2015, hereinafter 13 referred to as the "Agreement". 14 1. 15 16 17 18 19 2. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 For the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, REGULAR SERVICES BY COUNTY , Subsection C-4 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: "C-4. The level of service, other than for licensing, to be provided by the COUNTY for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, is set forth in Attachment F and incorporated herein by this reference ." For the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, REGULAR SERVICES BY COUNTY, Subsection C-10 is added to the Agreement to read as follows: "C-10. With the limitations set forth below, SHERIFF, on behalf of COUNTY, and CITY Manager, on behalf of CITY, are authorized to execute written amendments to this Agreement to increase or decrease the level of service set forth in Attachment F, when SHERIFF and CITY Manager mutually agree that such increase or decrease in the level of service is appropriate. Any such amendment to the Agreement shall concomitantly increase or decrease the cost of services payable by CITY set forth in Attachment G and incorporated herein by this reference, and the Maximum Obligation of CITY Page 1 of 7 ATTACHMENT 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. set forth in Subsection G-2, in accordance with the current year's COUNTY law enforcement cost study. SHERIFF and CITY Manager shall file copies of any such amendments to this Agreement with the Clerk of COUNTY's Board of Supervisors and CITY's Clerk. Amendments to this Agreement executed by SHERIFF and CITY Manager may not, in the aggregate, increase or decrease the cost of services payable by CITY by more than one percent (1 %) of the total cost originally set forth in Attachment G and the Maximum Obligation originally set forth in Subsection G-2 for FY 2018-19. Prior approval by COUNTY's Board of Supervisors and CITY's Council is required before execution of any amendment that brings the aggregate total of changes in costs payable by CITY to more than one percent (1 %) of the total cost originally set forth in Attachment G and the Maximum Obligation originally set forth in Subsection G-2 of this Agreement for FY 2018-19. For the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, PATROL VIDEO SYSTEMS, Subsection E-3 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: "E-3. CITY shall pay COUNTY the full costs to COUNTY of a) the acquisition and installation of Patrol Video Systems that are or will be mounted in patrol vehicles assigned to CITY, and b) recurring costs, as deemed necessary by COUNTY, including the costs of maintenance and contributions to a fund for replacement and upgrade of such PVS when they become functionally or technologically obsolete. The costs to be paid by CITY for recurring costs, including maintenance and replacemenUupgrade of PVS , are included in the costs set forth in Attachment G and the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-2 of this Agreement unless CITY has already paid such costs. CITY shall not be charged additional amounts for maintenance or replacemenUupgrade of said PVS during the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 ." Page 2 of 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 . 5 . For the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, PAYMENT, Subsection G-2 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: "G-2. Unless the level of service as set forth in Attachment F is increased or decreased by mutual agreement of the parties, or CITY is required to pay for increases as set forth in Subsection G-4, the Maximum Obligation of CITY for services set forth in Attachment F of this Amendment, other than Licensing Services , to be provided by the COUNTY for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 , shall be $10,291,020, as set forth in Attachment G . The overtime costs included in the Agreement are only an estimate. COUNTY shall notify CITY of actual overtime worked during each fiscal year. If actual overtime worked is above or below budgeted amounts, billings will be adjusted accordingly at the end of the fiscal year. Actual overtime costs may exceed CITY's Maximum Obligation." For the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, PAYMENT, Subsections G-4a, G-4b and G-6 of the Agreement are amended to read as follows: "G-4a. At the time this Agreement is executed, there are unresolved issues pertaining to potential changes in salaries and benefits for COUNTY employees. The costs of such potential changes are not included in the FY 2018-19 cost set forth in Attachment G nor in the FY 2018-19 Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-2 of this Agreement. If the changes result in the COUNTY incurring or becoming obligated to pay for increased cost for or on account of personnel whose costs are included in the calculations of costs charged to CITY hereunder, CITY shall pay COUNTY, in addition to the Maximum Obligation set forth in Subsection G-2 of this Agreement, the full costs of said increases to the extent such increases are attributable to work performed by such personnel during the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, and Page 3 of 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 G-4b . CITY's Maximum Obligation hereunder shall be deemed to have increased accordingly. CITY shall pay COUNTY in full for such increases on a pro-rata basis over the portion of the period between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 remaining after COUNTY notifies CITY that increases are payable. If the changes result in the COUNTY incurring or becoming obligated to pay for decreased costs for or on account of personnel whose costs are included in the calculations of costs charged to CITY hereunder, COUNTY shall reduce the amount owed by the CITY to the extent such decreases are attributable to work performed by such personnel during the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, and CITY's Maximum Obligation hereunder shall be deemed to have decreased accordingly. COUNTY shall reduce required payment by CITY in full for such decreases on a pro-rata basis over the portion of the period between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 remaining after COUNTY notifies CITY that the Maximum Obligation has decreased. If CITY is required to pay for increases as set forth in Subsection G-4a above, COUNTY, at the request of CITY , will thereafter reduce the level of service to be provided to CITY as set forth in Attachment F of this Agreement to a level that will make the Maximum Obligation of CITY hereunder for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 an amount specified by CITY that is equivalent to or higher than the Maximum Obligation set forth in Subsection G-2 for said period at the time this Agreement originally was executed. The purpose of such adjustment of service levels will be to give CITY the option of keeping its Maximum Obligation hereunder at the pre-increase level or at any other higher or lower level specified by CITY . In the event of such reduction in level of service and adjustment of costs , the parties shall execute an amendment to this Agreement so providing . Decisions about how to reduce the level Page 4 of 7 2 3 4 5 G-6. of service provided to CITY shall be made by SHERIFF with the approval of CITY. COUNTY shall invoice CITY monthly, one-twelfth (1/12) of the Maximum Obligation of CITY. If a determination is made that increases described in Subsection G-4 must be paid, COUNTY thereafter shall include the 6 pro-rata charges for such increases in its monthly invoices to CITY for the 7 balance of the period between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019." 8 6. Effective July 1, 2018, TRAFFIC VIOLATOR APPREHENSION PROGRAM, 9 Subsection M-3 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: 10 "M-3. Fee revenue generated by COUNTY and participating cities will be used to 11 fund the following positions, which will be assigned to the Program: 12 • Ten one hundredths of one (0.1 0) Sergeant 13 (8 hours per two-week pay period) 14 • One (1) Staff Specialist 15 (80 hours per two-week pay period) 16 • One (1) Office Specialist 17 (80 hours per two-week pay period)" 18 7. For the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, MOBILE DATA 19 COMPUTERS, Subsection N-3 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: 20 "N-3. CITY shall pay COUNTY the full costs to COUNTY of a) the acquisition 21 and installation of MDCs that are or will be mounted in patrol vehicles and 22 motorcycles assigned to CITY, and b) recurring costs, as deemed 23 necessary by COUNTY, including the costs of maintenance and 24 contributions to a fund for replacement and upgrade of such MDCs when 25 they become functionally or technologically obsolete. 26 The costs to be paid by CITY for recurring costs, including maintenance 27 and replacement/upgrade of MDCs, are included in the costs set forth in 28 Attachment G and the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection Page 5 of 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8. 9. II II II II II II II II G-2 of this Agreement unless CITY has already paid such costs . CITY shall not be charged additional amounts for maintenance or replacement/upgrade of said MDCs during the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019." For the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, E-CITATION UNITS Subsection 0-3 of the Agreement is amended to read as follows: "0.3. CITY shall pay COUNTY the full costs to COUNTY of a) the acquisition of E-Citation units that are assigned to CITY, and b) recurring costs, as deemed necessary by COUNTY, including the costs of maintenance and contributions to a fund for replacement and upgrade of such E-Citation units when they become functionally or technologically obsolete . The costs to be paid by CITY for recurring costs, including maintenance and replacement/upgrade of E-Citation units, are included in the costs set forth in Attachment G and the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-2 of this Agreement unless CITY has already paid such costs. CITY shall not be charged additional amounts for maintenance or replacement/upgrade of said E-Citation units during the period July 1, 2018 through June 30 , 2019." All other provisions of the Agreement , to the extent that they are not in conflict with this THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, remain unchanged Page 6 of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed the THIRD 2 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT in the County of Orange, State of California. 3 DATED:. ______________________ _ 4 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 5 ATTEST: _______________ _ 6 City Clerk 7 BY: ------------------------Mayor 8 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM : 10 BY : -----------------------City Attorney 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 DATED : ------------------- 13 COUNTY OF ORANGE 14 15 BY: --------------------------- 16 Chairman of the Board of Supervisors County of Orange, California 17 18 SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS 19 AGREEMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD PER G .C. Sec. 25103, Reso 79-1535 20 Attest: 21 Robin Stieler 22 Clerk of the Board 23 County of Orange, California 24 25 26 27 28 APPROVED AS TO FORM : Office of the County Counsel County of Orange, California BY:Yt·~~ Deputy DATED : S/t/;r } 7 Page 7 of 7 ATIACHMENTF ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF-CORONER FY 2018-19 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO "REGULAR SERVICES BY COUNTY" (Subsection C-4) LEVEL OF SERVICE PROVIDED BY SHERIFF· Title Detail Quantity Frequency MANAGEMENT: Lieutenant 1.00 SUPERVISION: Sergeant Patrol 4.00 each , 80 hrs./ pe r two wk . pay period Sergeant Administrative 1.00 80 hrs./ per two wk . pay period INVESTIGATION SERVICES: Investigator 2.00 each , 80 hrs./ per two wk. pay period PATROL AND TRAFFIC SERVICES*: Deputy Sheriff II -Patrol Patrol 15.00 each, 80 hrs./ per two wk. pay period Deputy Sheriff II -Motor Motorcycle 2.00 each, 80 hrs./ per two wk. pay period ADDITIONAL SERVICES*: Crime Prevention Specialist Crime Prevention 1.00 80 hrs./ per two wk. pay period Community Services Officer Parking Control 2.00 each, 80 hrs./ per two wk. pay period Deputy Sheriff II Community Support 1.00 80 hrs./ per two wk . pay period Deputy Sheriff II DET 1.00 80 hrs./ per two wk . pay period Deputy Sheriff II Extra Help As needed TOTAL 30.00 • Deployment to be determined by SHERIFF in cooperation with CITY Manager REGIONAL I SHARED STAFF· Title Regional Team Quantity % Allocation TRAFFIC: SerQeant Traffic 0.60 6 .61% Deputy Sheriff II Traffic 4.00 6 .61% Investigative Assistant Traffic 2.00 6 .61% Office Specialist Traffic 1.00 6.61% AUTO THEFT: Sergeant Auto Theft 0.30 4 .84% Investigator Auto Theft 2.00 4.84% Investigative Assistant Auto Theft 1.00 4 .84% Office Specialist Auto Theft 1.00 4 .84% DET: Sergeant DET 1.00 12 .19% Investigator DET 1.00 12 .19% SUBPOENA: Office Specialist Subpoena 1.00 6.92% COURTS : Investigative Assistant Courts 2.00 21 .54% MOTORCYCLE (shared Supervision): Sergeant Motorcyle Supervision 1.00 6.45% TOTAL 17.90 Page 1 of 1 ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF-CORONER FY 2018-19 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO "PAYMENT" (Subsection G-2) COST OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY S H ERIFF !Subsec ti on G-21 : Cost of Service Title Detail Quantity (each) MANAGEMENT: Lieutenant 1.00 $ 379.122 SUPERV ISION : Sergea nt Patrol 4 .00 $ 326,575 Sergeant Adm inistralive 1.00 $ 326,575 INV ESTI GA'T ION SERVIC ES: Investigator 2 .00 $ 320 ,454 PATROL AND TRAFFI C SERVICES : De puty Sheriff II -Patrol Patrol 15 .00 $ 268 .748 Deputy Sheriff II -Motor Motorcycle 2.00 $ 274 ,176 ADDITIONA L SERVICES : Crime Preveniton Specialist Crime Prevention 1.00 $ 101.927 Community Services Officer Parking Control 2.00 $ 123,914 Deputy Sheriff II Community Support 1.00 $ 268,748 Deputy Sheriff II DET 1.00 $ 268,748 Deputy_ Sheriff II Extra Help TOTAL POSITIONS 30 .00 REGIONAL I S H ARED STAFF· Title Re giona l Team Quanti ty %Allocation TRA FFI C: Sergeant Traffic 0 .60 6.61% Deputy Sheriff II Traffic 4 .00 6.61% Investigative Assistant Traffic 2 .00 6 .61% Office SQ_ecialist Traffic 1.00 6.61% AUTO TH EFT : Sergeant Auto Theft 0 .30 4 .84% Investigator Auto Theft 2 .00 4 .84 % Investigative Assistant Auto Theft 1.00 4.84 % Office Specialist Auto Theft 1.00 4 .84% DET: Sergeant DET 1.00 12.19% Investig ator DET 1.00 12.19% SUBPOENA : Office Specialist Subpoena 1.00 6.92% C::OURTS : Investigative Assistant Courts 2 .00 21 .54 % MOTORCYCL E (shared Superv ision): Sergeant Motorcyle Supervision 1.00 6.45% TOTAL REGIONAUSHARED 17.90 OTHER CHARGES AND CREDITS !Subsec ti on G-2): OTHER CHARGES: ATIACHMENTG Cost of Service Total $ 379 ,122 $ 1,306,300 $ 326 ,575 $ 640 ,908 $ 4,03 1,220 $ 548 ,352 $ 101 ,927 $ 247 ,828 $ 268,748 $ 268,748 $ 75 ,658 $ 8 195 ,386 Cost$ $ 15 ,353 $ 74 ,327 $ 16,735 $ 6,750 $ 5.638 $ 30,089 $ 6 ,329 $ 4,982 $ 58,140 $ 51 ,299 $ 6 ,502 $ 52,405 $ 22.527 s 351 ,076 Other Charoes incl ude: Annual leave paydowns and apportionment of cost of leave balances paid at end of employment; premium pay for bilingual staff; contract administration; data line charges; direct services and supplies; Enhanced helicopter response services; E- Citation recurring costs for three {3) units; facility lease; holiday pay; Integrated Law & Justice of Orange County fees; Mobile Data Computer (MDC) recurring cost for seventeen (17) units; on-call pay; overtime; patrol training cost allocation; Patrol Video System (PVS) recurring cost for eleven (11) units; and transportation charges CREDITS: Credits include: Estimated vacancy credits; false alarm fees reimbursement for training and miscellaneous programs; and retirement rate discount for FY 2018-19. TOTAL O T HER CHARGES AND CREDITS $ 1 ,744 ,558 TOTAL COST OF SERVICES (Subsecti on G-2) $ 1 0,291 ,020 Page 1 of 1 )> ~ (') I s: m z --l w CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 YEAR 4 OF 5 YEAR TERM -3RD AMENDMENT FINAL (April 24, 2018) I DIREc:;T PURCHA:;E I NO POSITIONS 1 Lieutenant 5 Sergeant (4 Patrol+ 1 Administrative) 2 Investigator 15 OS II Patrol 2 OS II Motorcycle 1 OS II Community Support 1 OS 11-0ET OS II -Extra Help 27 Subtotal Safety 2 Community Services Officer 1 Crime Prevention Spec ialist 3 Subtotal Prore&Si onal 30 TOTAL STAFF REGIONAL I SHARED STAFF 0.6 Traffic-Sergeant 6 .61% 4 Traffic-Deputy Shenff II 6.61% 2 Traffic-Investigative Assistant 6 .61% 1 Traffic-Office Specialist 6 .61% 0.3 Aulo Theft-Sergeant 4 .84% 2 Auto Theft -Investigator 4,84% 1 Auto Theft -In vestigative Assistant 4 .84% 1 Auto Theft -Office Specialist 4 .84% 1 DET -Sergeant 12.19% 1 DET -Investigator 12.19% 1 Subpoena-Office Specialist 6.92% 2 Courts-Investigative Assistant 21 ,54% 1 Motorcycle Sergeant + MDC 6.45e/o 17.90 Subtotal . ,. ·····.' ' ..... ,.~ SALARIES & EMPLOYEE BENEFITS :;ERVIc:;ES & SALARY OVERTIME BENEFITS POST PAY SUPPLIES 171,575 0 165,682 0 5,899 663,935 0 686,465 61,995 29,495 233,626 0 244,216 19,668 11,798 1,605,555 0 1,675,065 99,525 88,485 220,074 0 228,066 13,270 11,798 107,037 0 111,671 6,635 5.899 107,037 o I 111.671 6.635 5,899 $3,108,839 $0 $3,222,836 $207,728 $159,Zn 104,956 0 65.736 0 11,798 53 .789 0 31,609 0 5,899 ,158 745 $0 $97,345 $0 :j'17,697 $3,267,584 $0 $3,320,181 $207,728 $176,970 5,699 1,830 5,633 492 234 29 ,981 3.429 29.954 1,754 1,560 7,964 5 5,478 0 780 3,273 19 1,829 0 390 2,088 671 2,064 180 98 11.594 47T 11 .634 953 655 2,983 69 2.027 0 327 2.381 32 1,333 0 327 16,882 14.177 17,886 1,512 719 14,846 12,187 15,479 1,199 719 3,452 0 1 ,914 0 408 26 ,073 801 18.031 0 2,541 8.760 1,005 8.862 800 381 $135,976 :>.34.69o $122,124 $6',890 $9,139 P .. , ... l .,, 2 I INDIRECT COSTS I c:;OUNTY ::iAVINu::i/ TRANSP. DEPT. OH DIV.OH TRAINING OH OTHER REVENUE TOTAL 0 7,625 21,087 3,497 3,757 0 0 379,122 0 38,125 119,475 17,485 15.900 0 0 1,632,875 0 15,250 103,808 6,994 5.548 0 0 640,908 0 114,375 358,425 52.455 37.335 0 0 4,031,220 0 15.250 47.790 6.994 5,110 0 0 548,352 0 7.625 23,895 3,497 2,489 0 0 268,748 0 7,625 23,895 3,497 2,489 0 0 268,748 75.658 75,658 $0 $205,875 $698,375 $94,419 $72,628 $75,658 $0 $7,845,631 0 15,250 47,790 0 2 ,298 0 0 247,828 0 7,625 1,827 0 1.178 0 0 101,927 :j'0 ~22,875 ~49,617 ~0 3.476 -~0 ~0 ~349,755 $0 $228,750 $747,992 $94,419 $76,104 $75,658 $0 8,195,386 335 302 513 139 176 0 0 15.353 517 2,016 3,421 925 no 0 0 74,327 0 1,008 1.325 0 175 0 0 16,735 0 504 663 0 72 0 0 6,750 123 111 188 51 64 0 0 5,638 2,164 739 1 ,255 339 285 0 0 30 ,089 0 369 487 0 67 0 0 6.329 0 369 487 0 53 0 0 4,982 0 930 4 ,895 426 713 0 0 58,140 0 930 4 .895 426 618 0 0 51,299 0 527 126 0 75 0 0 6,502 298 3,285 787 0 589 0 0 52,405 935 492 835 226 231 0 0 22,527 $4,372 $11,582 $19,877 $2,532 $3,888 $0 $0 $3Sf,076 1o .-••• ,IJ·H.f fl r 4 ;~~ CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019 YEAR 4 OF 5 YEAR TERM • 3RD AMENDMENT FINAL (April 24, 2018) SALARIES & EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INDIRECT COSTS ADDITIONAL REGULAR SERVICES & COUNTY SAVINGS/ NO COSTS/REVENUE SALARY OVERTIME BENEFITS POST PAY SUPPLIES TRANSP . DEPT. OH DIV.OH TRAINING OH OTHER REVENUE TOTAL Overtime 714.956 50.621 15.658 781,235 cst1mate: vacancy Cred1t FY 2018-19 150,000) (150,000 Annual Leave (Pay Downs & Termination Pay) 12.3 ,930 123,930 Bilingual Pay 31 .956 31,956 BSCC Local Assistance Funding 0 Contract Administration 32,979 32,979 ata Line 4,447 4,447 DirectS & S 39,097 39,097 3 -Citation 3,211 3,211 Enhanced Helicopter Response Services 21,925 21,925 Facility Lease 44,392 44,392 !Holiday Pay: Como & Straight Time 135.389 135,389 Integrated Law & Justice Agency of Orange County 3.089 3,089 MDC -Acquisition Costs 0 17 MDC-Recurring Costs 59.374 59,374 On-Call Pay 18,583 18,583 Patrol Training Cost Allocation (FTB) 175,868 175,868 Patrol Video S ~stem (PVSJ-Acquisition 0 11 Patrol Video System (PVS)-Recurring Costs 26 .372 26,372 Retirement Rate Discount . FY 2018-19 (Gross) (85.357) 85,357) Retirement Rate Discount (Expenses for Interest & Issuance) 23.406 23,406 Revenue/False Alarms (12,665 (12,665) Revenue/Training Reimbursement (1,220) (1,220) Transportation -Vehicle Fuel, Mneage Interest, and Ma1nt. etc. 468,547 468,547 Subtotal $0 $714.956 ($11.330 $0 $87,936 5490,472 $0 $0 $175,868 $15,658 $284.883 ($13,885 $1,744,558 fY 2018-19 FINAL CON!RACT TOTAL $3,40:1 ,560 $749,652 $3,430,975 $214,618 $274 .045 5494,844 $240,»< Hb r .o69 $272,819 ~lll>,b :>U ~~.:>'I' ~~,~,GG:>J >10. 91,020 FY 2017-18-FINAL CONTRACT TOTAL $3,326,636 $720,ti00 $3,235,696 $213,417 $271 ,115 $406,312 $190,213 $786,682 $212,769 $95,441 $295,314 ($24,539) $9 ,729.656 2 31% 4 .03% 6 04% 0.56% 1.08% 21 .79% 26.35% -2 39% 28 22% 0.22% 22.09% -43.42% 5.77% $76.924 $29.052 $195,279 $1,201 ~ $88.532 $50,119 ($18.813) $60.050 $209 565.227 $10.654 $561,364 ',...~~~ .,, .•••••• ?·" "'" P .. ~,~ .. 2 •. ,2 '• ,.., • l'}Jr/0'61 41 ;.1\1 Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department Law Enforcement Contract (LEC) Assumptions FY 2018-19-Second Estimate The Law Enforcement Contract Cost Study has been updated for FY 2018-19. Costs reflect statistical data from FY 2016-17 and updated rates from the FY 2018-19 County Budget Instructions. Below are the assumptions used in the LEC Second Estimate . FY 2017-18 final assumptions are shown for comparative purposes where appropriate. Direct Personnel Cost: • Annual Hours of 2,080 are based on the number of paid days in FY 2018-19 . o Hours in FY 2017-18 totaled 2 ,080 • Salary & Wages: Salary increases are projected as follows : o Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs (AOCDS) • 1. 5% COLA effective 7/6/18 • 1.5% COLA effective 1/4/19 o No increase has been projected for other bargaining units . The following rates are updated based on the FY 2018-19 Budget Instructions: o Retirement (See Attachment A for detail of the retirement components). Group FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 Increase Variance FY 2018-19 2"d Est % % 1st Est Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs 70 .95 % 73 .82% 2 .87 % 4 .04 % 72 .62 % (AOCDS) Law Management (ML) 71 .85% 73.92% 2.07% 2.88% 73 .12% General 32 .71% 32 .07% -0 .64% -1 .97% 32 .17% Note : Rettrement rates mcreased from 2nd Esttmates versus 1st Esttmates due to an increase in the Retiree Medical Rates subsequent to the distribution of 1 st Estimates. o Retirement -STAR Cola o Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance o Dental Insurance o Health Insurance per month increased from $789.79 to $874 .61 (+10.7%) for professional staff and $1,281.11 to $1,390 .73 (+8.6%) for safety personnel. The rate for professional staff is based on the department average from the County's FY 2018-19 Salary & Benefits Forecasting System and the rate for safety personnel is based on the current AOCDS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). o Life Insurance o Medicare Insurance o Optional Benefit Plan (OBP) o Other Insurance o Salary Continuance Insurance Page 1 of 4 o Unemployment o Workers' Compensation rate decreased from 8 .63% to 8.45% for Safety personnel. • Services and Supplies (S&S) o Services and Supplies costs are updated based on the FY 2016-17 S&S expenditures made at the Division level. FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 Variance$ Variance% North Division _{_Villa Park) $4,401 $3,358 $(1 ,043) (23.7%) South Division $2,094 $2,366 $272 13.0% 0 Liability Insurance decreased from $3 ,989 to $3 ,533 (-11.4%) per person . FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 Variance liability Cost $ 13,920,923 $ 12,619,096 (1 ,301 ,827) %Chanqe (Base Year) -9.35% • Overheads -Includes Department, Division, Training and County-Wide Cost Allocation Plan (CWCAP) which are updated to reflect the most current staffing levels. Jhe following is the Departmt?nt and Divi_sion cost per person comparison ~ Cost Per Person FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 Variance %Change 2nd Est. Department Overhead $ 6 ,008 $ 7,625 $ 1,617 26.91% Division Overhead* Southwest Patrol 23 ,973 23,895 (78) -0.33% Southeast Patrol 23,585 23,522 (63) -0 .27% San Clemente Patrol 17,981 17,920 (61) -0 .34% North Patrol-Stanton 15,206 15,325 119 0.78% North Patrol-Villa Park 22,636 49,465 26,829 118 .52% North Patrol-Yorba Linda 15,206 15,325 119 0.78% Southwest Investigation 59,964 51,904 (8,060) -13.44% Southeast Investigation 48 ,274 56,008 7,734 16 .02% San Clemente Investigation 59,964 51,904 (8,060) -13.44% North Investigation-Villa Park 47,396 55,345 7,949 16.77% Training Overhead 2,634 3,497 863 32 .76% *All Patrol Overhead includes Captain, Emergency Communication Bureau (ECB), and Department Commander costs . Page 2 of 4 The following costs are included in the Division Overhead above : Cost Per Position FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 $ % 2nd Est. Variance Change Captain-Southwest $ 1,768 $ 1,827 $ 59 3.34% CaQ_tain -Southeast 1,888 1,968 80 4 .24% Captain -North 1 ,751 1,801 50 2 .86% Department Commander 2 ,706 2,808 102 3 .77% EmerQency Communic. Bureau 10,907 10,611 (296) -2.71% Th f II . th CWCAP t e 0 OWing IS e rae companson : Division FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 %Change South 2.24% 2 .19% -0.05% North 2 .68% 2.61% -0.07% Stanton 2 .07% 2 .02% -0 .05% OCTA 1 .77% 1.48% -0.29% San Clemente 1 .98% 1.95% -0 .03% Yorba Linda 1 .91% 1.87% -0.04% Shared or Regional Staff Positions: • The Shared or Regional Staff positions include Direct Enforcement Team (DET), Regional Traffic, Auto Theft, and In-custody costs which are allocated based on FY 2016-17 actual statistics . • The Subpoena Clerks' cost is allocated based on each city's direct purchased Deputy Sheriff II (DSII), Investigator, and Community Services Officer (CSO) positions. • The Motorcycle Sergeant cost is one Full Time Equivalent (FTE) position including MDC, repair/maintenance, consumables and motorcycle replacement costs . The cost is allocated to each participating city based on the number of motorcycle deputies in FY 2017-18. Additional Cost/Revenue: • The following categories have been updated to reflect the final FY 2018-19 cost or revenue: o Annual Leave Pay-(Consist of Termination Pay and Annual Leave pay down) o Bilingual Pay o Contract Administration o Data line charge o Direct Services & Supplies o E-Citation o Enhanced Helicopter Response Services o Southeast Substation Facility Expense Cost is based on the scheduled FY 2018-19 lease payments and reconciled common operating expenses. Costs Page 3 of 4 are allocated to the South Contract Cities and Unincorporated Patrol excluding San Clemente. o Holiday Pay: Camp & Straight Time o Integrated Law & Justice Agency of Orange County (ILJAOC) o Mobile Data Computer (MDC) Recurring & Replacement Costs o On-Call Pay o Overtime Projection costs are estimated and based on agreed upon hours with City/Agency concurrence o Retirement Rebate (or Pension Prepayment Discount) o Patrol Training reflects the administrative and overtime backfill costs o Patrol Video System (PVS) o False Alarm Revenue o Training Reimbursement o Transportation Cost o Vacancy Credits for FY 2018-19 are estimated amount with City/Agency concurrence o Credit to Stanton for services and supplies related to deployment from Stanton Page 4 of 4 Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department Retirement Rate Comparison FY 2017-18 vs. FY 2018-19 SECOND ESTIMATE TIER II -SAFETY· LAW ENF. (3% @ISO) Rep. Unit: PO, PS * Normal Unfunded Accrued Actuarial liability (UAAL) Pickup 1 Pickup 2 (Varies) AOCDS Normal Reduction Pension Prepayment Discount Retiree Medical Subtotal Defined Contribution Rep. Un1t: Ml • Normal Unfunded Accrued Actuarial Liability (UAAL) Pickup 1 Pickup 2 (Varies) Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs (AOCDS) Normal Reduction Pension Prepayment Discount Retiree Medical Total Subtotal Defined Contribution TIER11· GENERAL (2.7%@ 55) Rep. Unit: C1, CS, GE, HP, SM, SO t Normal Unfunded Accrued Actuarial Liability (UAAL) 2.7% (Reverse Pickup) Pension Prepayment Discount Retiree Medical PO· Peaca OffloerUnit Ps-Supervloing Peace Offiter Unit Ml-LaW Enforcement Management Unit Cl· Offite Service$ Unit C5-Community Serv1CI!S Un~ GE-General Unit HP-Health.,.re Profe••lonal Unit SM . supervi•orv Management Unit so-Sheriffs Special Officer and Deputy Coroner Unit X:IFY 2018-19\ FY 18·19 LEC STUDY-2ND ESTIMATE (3-8-18) Ret. Comparision Page 1 of 1 Total Total FY2017·18 25.560% 36.990% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 3.400% 65.950% 5.000% 70.950% FY 2{117-18 25.560% 36.990% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 7.300% 69.850% 2.000% 71.850% FY 2017-18 13.191% 22.450% -6.929"/o 0.000% 4.000% 32.712% FY 2018-19 • SECOND Attachment A ESTIMATE Variance 25.630% 0.07% 38.190% 1.20% 0.000% 0.00% 0.000% 0.00% 0.000% 0.00% 0.000% 0.00% 5.000% 68.820% 5.000% 73.820% FVZ018-19· SECOND 1.60% 2.87% 0.00% 2.87% ESTIMATE Vana~ 25.630% O.D7% 38.190% 0.000% 0.000% O.OOO"A. 0.000% 8.100% 71.920% 2.000% 73.920% FY2.018-19 • SECOND ESTIMATE 13.191% 21.720% -6.743% 0.000% 3.900% 32.068% 1.20% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.80% 2.07% 0.00% 2.07% Variance 0.00% -0.73% 0.19% 0.00% -{).10% -0.64% Prepared by: r;;; RevieYICd by: PMI Dal e: 3129/2