11-0705_STROSCHER G3 LLC_Affidavit of Publication AI17FIDAVIT OF PUBLICA'T'ION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) )ss. County of Orange ) 1P �" UI�LICA`FION 1: 28.I am a citizen_of the United States and a resident q iv of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of # ( RANO eighteen years, and not a parry to or interested in the above entitled matter.I ain the principal clerk of the Capistrano Valley News, a newspaper that has been adjudged to be a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, on Jude 7, aaeo®uclo UAW�NR®! c° 1984, Case No. A-122949 in and for the City of °t�os8api a"ath ,Qra ' , °i n c€ry�Unrl AN 01NANOE OF THE CITY.OF SAN JUAN GAPtS-.f3 San Juan Capistrano, County of Orange,State of Fd0 CALIFORNIA APPRt>Vlob ANP.ADOP,f1NGA113ML-. OP�11EN7AGREEMENT FOR THE PLAZA p4NbERAS N0. California; that the notice, of which the annexed =7ELPRfJ1Ee7 7h€s ordnance approves and adopts a Dave€PpMEOF orae trent fora prev€nusiy a roved mixed use development; is a true printed copy, has been published in.each diet eracorpassea a7s ' :�quara rapt yza room r,otI„ appra'llco aty 16 Q64;square reef or commercial tend uses,, regular and entire issue of said newspaper and mclud€eg, 467 square feel ofi reta€I commera€al floor arga a> -6 Os5 square tont restaurant add a 3 ir02 square$dot.':pn,. 3 vete office on an �xtst€n.g 36atetatc not in. any supplement thereof on the following28871 a zsasi ort�tq H€ghway and genera ideated at the; northeast corner o Ortega €gtiway and I Carpmo.Real fAssessar'f arcei Nupibers 12417Q-12 i4 15_x;&16J "I'heDe- dates,t0 Wit. velapment Agreement establishes certan rghts and;re- sponslb€€ares on tha; art of the-hpphcant and the C 7f#e; protect s€te�s raenare:Plan-des€gnatetl PC`{Plarine Cnm' �� munify} acid Ia deslgn8tetl on'tha C11f€c€al Inning Map as,. July FC {planned Comrriunit�j 7ha apt�lemeits for ths;sub sect Pro eqf have beer reviewed in accardance w€th the;!Gal "I certify or declare under the penalty of rfornanv€ronmentalQual Act=and the City has prepared ( p y alt EIR vif[ch was;eeTiif€ad�y tF�e C€ty Cauna€I an Octoher,. 5 2010 and an October l$2Si10 ? perjury under the laws of the State of Californias A cert le copy ort aornpI to tnance€s„ pposted�arid m be;read €n.the Gty Clerk's I]epartrejant that the foregoing is true and,correct": �32400 Paseo A elanto San JuanZapestran ncharge a",and oT-',acopy may be obta ned frotn;thai off€ca"ai a nomial Executed at Santa Ana,Orange County Dated Jwys 201, California,on �s�Mena h larr€5 City Clerk publ€sh Gaptstrano Valley News, July 14,2011 9384537 Date: July 14,2011 r r'°� �r �4 Signature C,p strand Valley ews 25 N.Grand Av . Santa Ana,CA 92701 (714)796-2209 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORN A, ) RI-EDE' V E ) ss. County of Orange } PW(AK)MMLTCWf0N 4 m„ I aama citizen of the United States and a resident Cl!' ,Y �;;G t..t.i`,'f of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter,I.ane.the principal clerk of the Capistrano Valley News, a newspaper that has been adjudged to be a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the CITY OF:sI JIJpp4 4gpAslRAll�p IAFT i1CTiOt3i® AN RllIP9�NICE:..' County of Orange, State of California,on June 7, NtrYice is hereby gnih chat en Ju{y 5 X017§the Orly Opunc4li will edrisIder�doptign of an-0rif€Hance er!t�pad , 1984, Case No. A-122949 in and for the City of ORI31NAtiGE of THE cls of 5AN auAN rva�Mr X O CAU' . �NNIA'APPROVING,AAt3]ADO_PTINC.w A 6EVt"t' OPMENT AGREEMEN FOR- PL4ZA BPNDERAS k1S3 San Juan.Capistrano, County of Orange, State of TE[ Ptaol c This a7dEn�ce approves and adapts a Develapment,l3grea; California; that the notice, of which the annexed meat for a prevtausly aovad mixed[15e develapmeni, that et7gornpasses�� 76 'squdre ibat- 124 room.1lotai, apprtn lr#+atel t&264 square feet of commercial land use; is a true printed copy,has been published in each including 6 4 agawefeet nt, eornmeroial f!o�re��, 6 095-square faohr�astauranf;and a 3 7,532 squares-foot p�1», vete office oh an:�x€sung 31$ acre pr9perty Iodated at: regular and entire issue of Said newspaper and 26871&;2fi8910r5egaHlghw :andgeterallyylocateii;aYfihe`. na theasi corner of;Ortega y an i hwad E4 Carnmd Real: (AsseSs4r Parce(Numbers 124=70-12 1d 75&1$� T#so Pa not in any supplement thereof on the following velopmert Agreement establishes cerlan nghts and ra sponsfbtl�ties on the:part of the'applicant'bnd the Gity The: prglect site is,Genefat Plan designated PG (...... dates,to wit: murhtynd ss desgnated ori�tJ�e C3ffcts Zoning iAap as- PO { {snned Gommundy} ;The entdlements far the sub {ect lNpl-0-ave bpi r7 reuiawed m acsroYdanCe wlth.ri e CaE' Tiny 1.4,2011 dornia Environmenigl RuahryA&and the..Gity has prepared an EII3 which was certrfied by the c�ly�oune[l on October I certify (or declare) under the penalty of A certdi6d egpy oYsthe eompidfe text ofhe Ordmahcs fsj pasted and may be read in the Qt Clerks'DepaR Hent, parjuiy tinder the Taws of the State of California 3z4t7of�aseoAzle{antc sanJzaa,capistraio and/ora?cepyf may be bbia;ned.lrrim that alfiee ata nominal charge, that the foregoing is trite and.correct": Dated Julys 2011 Is1 Mar a Morns C tyGler{c I XeCuted at Santa Ana, Orange C011ilty, Pubitsh �apistra oVallsyMews Tuly14 2'011 9388597 California,on Date: July I4,2011 r 1 le P 3 ign.ature� Ca -� rano Valley N s G 5 N.Grand Ave. Santa Ana,CA 92701 (714)796-2209