PC Minutes-2004-09-14L, 32400PASEOADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493 1 17 1 (949) 493- 1053 FAX w~rn~.suizJ~~ancup~~f~u~lo 0r.g MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO DIANE L BATHGATE WAlT HART JOE SOT0 DAVID M SWERDLIN MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,2004 CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Vice Chairman Cardoza at 7:05 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Robert Cardoza, Vice Chairman Sheldon Cohen Joe Drey Gene Ratcliffe Com m issioners Absent: Tim Neely, Chairman Staff Present: Molly Bogh, Planning Director; Omar Sandoval, Deputy City Attorney; William Cunningham, Contract Staff; William Ramsey, Principal Planner; Alan Oswald, Traffic Engineer; Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst; Amy Volzke, Principal Planner; Larry Lawrence, Consulting Project Manager; Sam Shoucair, Senior Engineer; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes Julv 27. 2004: Commissioner Ratcliffe moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Drey, of the Minutes of July 27, 2004, and the motion passed by a vote of 4-0, with Commissioner Cardoza stating for the record that he was not present for the discussion of the Leck House within the minutes. Minutes August 10. 2004: Commissioner Cohen moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Drey, of the Minutes of August IO, 2004, and the motion passed by a L vote of 4-0. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future PC Minutes 2 September 14,2004 PUBLIC HEARINGS L- I. REZONE 04-07, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 04-05, VALLE RANCH: A COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN'S "R&D" (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT- REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE FORSTER CANYON OFFICE) DISTRICT REGULATIONS, SECTION V.D.l O.F., DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; AND, PRELIMINARY SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR A 44.373 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL OFFICE COMPLEX ON AN EXISTING 3.00 ACRE PORTION OF A PROPOSED 16.73 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED 1500 FEET REALTYMNORTH R&D SITE, 141 96, PACIFIC POINT). SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERN END OF VALLE ROAD (APN: 675-361-O6)(CENTRA Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Ramsey presented the staff report as a request for approval of an amendment to the Forster Canyon Comprehensive Development Plan's "R&D" District regulations, Section V.D.lO.f., Development Standards; and, preliminary site and architectural plans for a 44,373 square foot commercial office complex on an existing 3.00 acre portion of a proposed 16.73 acre parcel located 1500 feet south of the southern end of Valle Road (Centra Realty)(North R&D Site, 14196, Pacific Point). He stated staff has proposed a number of conditions and a number of elements to come back to the Design Review Committee (DRC). Mr. Ramsey stated that pursuant to a previously approved Development Agreement, SJD Development, rather than Centra Realty, has retained the responsibility for maintaining off-site water system and traffic improvements. This agreement has been reviewed and approved by City Council. He concluded that staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the amended resolution on the agenda item supplement that would recommend approval of the amendment to the CDP and conditionally approve the Architectural Control. 'u Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cardoza asked for clarification of how the resolution had been changed and any affect from this change on the building's footprint. Mr. Ramsey referred to page 7 of the agenda item supplement, and pointed to minimal landscape changes to the northwest corner of the site. Public Hearing Phillip Schwartze, representing Centra Realty and the Valle Ranch project, said that George Peterson, Keith Ross, and Steve Sandland were present tonight from Centra Realty, as well as Ken Wink, Project Architect. The applicants feel that the building improvements have improved the architecture and landscape palette, and request approval of the AC and Conditions of Approval. Ken Wink, Ware Malcomb Architects, 181 11 Von Karman, Suite 600, Irvine, pointed out the five buildings on the wall map, the courtyard, and referred to building heights, entry elements, reduced window sizes, and increased height of the stone treatment on the building facades. PC Minutes 3 September 14,2004 Jim Ridge, Ridge Landscape Architects, 8841 Research Drive, Irvine, project landscape architect, said that the landscape plan exceeds requirements and includes indigenous, L drought tolerant trees. Steve Sandland, Vice President, Centra Realty Corporation, 3 Park Plaza, Irvine, representing the applicants said they are in agreement with the staffs recommendation to approve the zone change and architecture plan. He asked that the Planning Commission approve the exterior schemes for the buildings without the applicant having to go back to the DRC. He asked that the Planning Commission approve the location and general size of the signs on exterior elevations in the packet. He asked that Condition 5. I, construction and participation of offsite circulation improvements prior to the issuance of a second occupancy permit, be struck, because these are the obligations of the master developer, Suncal. The applicant believes that the Development Agreement that exists with the City is sufficient to meet this requirement and doesn’t feel their occupancy requirements should be tied to this condition. Mr. Sandland also referred to Condition 2.1 on page 11, regarding construction of all domestic water system. The concrete tilt-up type of construction proposed for these buildings requires a 300-ton crane and their experience has been that if water lines are put in prior to the construction of the building and tilting of the walls, the crane can crush some of the waterlines. Therefore, he requests that the water lines be required prior to certificate of occupancy, rather than prior to building permits. Mr. Ramsey said that Condition 4 would have DRC review a number of elements such as architectural details, sign font colors, lighting, and landscaping. Widening of La Novia b and other conditions related to road improvement were taken from SunCal and incorporated into Conditions of Approval. He stated staff recommends that Condition 2.1 be changed as requested by the applicant. Mr. Oswald said the original condition for offsite road improvements was placed on the SunCal Development. The partial assignment and assumption of Development Agreements redefined who was responsible for making these improvements. There has not been a traffic study done for this particular project. The study from the North R&D site was used to cover this and the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) site. It was an original requirement of the entire SunCal Development including this site, and was the subject of a development agreement signed by SJD Development, Centra Realty and the City. These conditions for offsite street improvements need to be incorporated into these approvals. Ms. Bogh said the question may be more a matter of timing. Although the master developer improvements are the obligation of SJD, there are certain improvements to be done to support this project, and for whoever goes first in the development process, the obligation is still there. Commissioner Questions and Comments Vice Chairman Cardoza asked if the responsibility for financial improvements was placed on SunCal. Mr. Oswald said that SJD Development would be handling all the costs of improvements. Ms. Bogh said Centra Realty has been conditioned not to occupy the second building until the improvements are done. Mr. Sandland said the improvements are bonded and the City could call those bonds, and that the improvements to Valle Road would be done by SunCal prior to occupancy. L.-, PC Minutes 4 September 14,2004 He said that the widening of La Novia Avenue does not benefit this project. La Novia is designed as one of the main entries to the SunCal property. Mr. Ramsey said the Subdivision Improvement Agreement requires that SJD Partners complete this improvement by the 60” permit of the third phase. Mr. Sandland said he couldn’t say when the 60* permit would be issued, and that the improvements on Valle Road are to be completed by the end of this year. Ms. Bogh said that staff would not recommend that bonding be accepted in lieu of the street improvements because it wouldn’t be typical that the City would try to call bonds and build streets to support the development project. That is the developer’s obligation. Ms. Bogh also said that it cannot be said with certainty that there isn’t a need to widen La Novia to support this project. This is a significant amount of office space and with the current congestion at the intersection of Ortega Highway and the 1-5, many people use La Novia as a way of getting through town. L Mr. Sandland said the costs for improvements on Valle Road are much more significant and the capacity that the project is putting into Valle Road more than makes up for any traffic that would use La Novia. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked for clarification of the condominium subdivision referred to on page 5. Mr. Ramsey said the Applicant has submitted a Subdivision Map for creating condominium space, or ownership units within the office buildings, which would be coming back to the Planning Commission in the future. u Vice Chairman Cardoza said one concern of the DRC was that the project architecture was too similar to the other project that was made reference to. Mr. Cardoza asked for clarification of the extent to which the style of architecture was to be compatible with the project next door, according to staff report recommendation. Mr. Ramsey said staff would like to afford the Planning Commission the opportunity to send this back to the DRC because of the changes made by the applicant since the July 1, 2004 DRC meeting. Commissioner Cohen said since the Planning Commission has not been privy to what transpired at the DRC, and since there were concerns raised at the DRC regarding the architectural style and roof element, that it would need to go back to the DRC. Vice Chairman Cardoza agreed that the DRC needs to review the project colors, lighting, and landscape palette. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if the color board changes were reflected in the current rendering. Vice Chairman Cardoza said it is hard to tell from the color board; however that is a relatively minor item that could be addressed by the DRC. Commissioner Drey asked for clarification regarding roof heights. Vice Chairman Cardoza said that the DRC asked that the 4’ exposed roof portion be increased to 6’. L Mr. Oswald presented an alternative to Condition 5.1, where the developer could pay their fair share at the time of occupancy of Building 2. PC Minutes 5 September 14,2004 Ms. Bogh asked if the fair share would be determined through a traffic study. Mr. Oswald said it is already identified in the agreement and the wording change at the bottom of page 9 of the amended resolution would be similar to what is in Condition 4.4 directly above it, replacing “shall construct” with “shall pay required fair share for . . .” L Commissioner Cohen asked about the potential of the improvements not being made. Mr. Ramsey said that since it is an indirect, cumulative impact, fair share would be consistent with City policy. Mr. Sandoval said that when the development that would trigger the widening at La Novia occurs, part of the money would be used for that widening. Commissioner Drey asked why the DRC requested a dissimilar design to the Ortega project since the projects were 5 miles apart, and compatible colors with CUSD. Vice Chairman Cardoza said the DRC requests were made in order to enrich the gateway appearance of this project at the southern entrance to the City. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Drey, to adopt Resolution 04-9-14-1 as amended including comments by Alan Oswald,- City Traffic Engineer, regarding an alternative to Condition 5.1, where the developer shall pay the required fair-share contribution at the time of the second Certificate of Occupancy for the following off-site traffic circulation improvement: widen La Novia Avenue to secondary standards, from Valle Road to 2500 feet easterly, conditionally approving architectural and site development plans, and recommending City Council approval of amendments to the R&D (Research & Development-Office) district standards of Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 81-01, Forster Canyon for a 16.73 acre parcel located at the south terminus of Vale Road and more precisely referred to as a portion of assessors parcel number 675-361-06 (Valle Ranch). ’v AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, and Vice Chairman Cardoza NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Neely ABSTAIN: None This motion passed by a vote of 4-0. 2. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT (TUP) 04-15, MARBELLA COUNTRY CLUB OUTDOOR EVENTS: AN APPLICATION FOR A TEMPORARY USE PERMIT FOR MARBELLA COUNTRY CLUB TO CONDUCT OUTDOOR PATIO EVENTS FOR CLUB HOUSE FACILITY LOCATED ON 8.97 ACRES LOCATED AT 30800 GOLF VIEJO ROAD ON THE NORTH SIDE OF GOLF CLUB DRIVE. WEDDINGS, TOURNAMENTS, AND PARTIES FOR A ONE-YEAR PERIOD AT THE CLUB DRIVE (APN 650-61 1-02) APPROXIMATELY 1700 FEET EAST OF RANCHO PC Minutes 6 September 14,2004 Staff presentation & recommendation Ms. Adolphson presented the staff report as an application for a Temporary Use Permit for Marbella Country Club to conduct outdoor patio events for a one-year period at the Club House facility. She stated staff did not feel that a temporary use permit was an appropriate method for approving this type of use, as it is intended to be a regular and ongoing component of the business. The new owners installed a large tent on one of the patios. The pool and spa have been removed and cemented in for outdoor use. The nearest residences are from 147’ to 1000’ from the Marbella Country Club Valencia Terrace. She noted that this item was noticed as a public meeting rather than a public hearing. u Ms. Adolphson stated staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve a Temporary Use Permit on a trial basis through the end of December and require the applicant to apply for a Conditional Use Permit to continue the outdoor event use. During the trial period, the City would monitor their events to determine if the noise levels from the amplification meet the City’s noise standards. Staff recommends that the hours of outdoor events be limited to Monday through Thursday from 12:OO noon to 9:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday nights until 1O:OO p.m. and Sunday until 9:00 p.m. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked the difference between a series of temporary permits and the granting of a Conditional Use Permit. Ms. Adolphson said that the Municipal Code says that the Planning Director may administratively approve a Temporary Use Permit for one year with the ability to extend it for an additional six months. For uses that exceed that time, a CUP is needed. u Commissioner Cohen asked how the noise would be monitored. Ms. Adolphson said that a City staff person would take readings at the residential properties to determine if the applicant was in compliance. Commissioner Drey asked if the Planning Commission can issue a Temporary Use Permit for a maximum of 18 months. Ms. Adolphson answered yes. Ms. Bogh asked for clarification of the number of events per year. Ms. Adolphson answered about 64 events per year, with most of the events in the summer months. Commissioner Drey asked if the current owner has added more events. Ms. Adolphson said that within the last 1 1/? years the number of outdoor events with amplification have resulted in an increase of complaints by neighbors. Commissioner Cohen asked if the original permit covered dancing events. Ms. Adolphson said indoor dancing events are allowed, but that outdoor amplified events would be covered under the Temporary Use Permit (TUP). Public Meeting .u Jeffrey Kreafle, 30800 Golf Club Drive, representing Marbella Country Club, asked the Planning Commission to approve the Temporary Use Permit, due to the value of the PC Minutes 7 September 14,2004 club memberships, the marketability of the entire community, the role of the Marbella Country Club as an ambassador, and the 135 families supported by those in gainful employment at the club. Mr. Kreafle said that the sound box has significantly reduced the noise, and extended an invitation to meet with individuals impacted by the noise. L Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if the loud speakers could be moved to reduce the impact on neighbors. Mr. Kreafle said that the DJs would be required to use the sound box. Ed Bon/Arron, 76 Plaza Cuesta, spoke in opposition to the TUP, saying that the noise has been deafening during the past three years since the club was bought out. Don Busche, 58 Plaza Brisas, spoke in opposition to the TUP, saying that he has to leave his condo during events because of the loud noise. Ken Luttrell, 92 Plaza de las Flores, spoke in opposition to the TUP, stating that property values have decreased. John C. Hall, 67 Plaza Cuesta, spoke in opposition to the TUP, saying that the noise is intolerable since the new owners bought the club. Claire Sacks, MBA, PhD, 16 Plaza Baja Del Sol, spoke in support of the TUP saying that the business should be allowed to support itself and suggested that the club place the outside events on a patio that would have less negative effect on the neighbors. L John DiDonato, I1 Plaza Baja Del Sol, spoke in support of the TUP in order to keep the club running to enhance the value of the residences. Bob Vermas, 5412 Amalfi, Irvine, spoke in support of the TUP, since his two daughters plan to have their weddings at the country club. Bruce Pittenger, 30982 Via Mirado, spoke in support of the TUP or CUP, since the Marbella Country Club is a major contributor to the community. Paul Sullivan, Marbella Vista Drive, spoke in opposition to the TUP, because of the loud noise. George Burghart, 30182 Via Conquista, spoke in opposition to the TUP, due to the deafening noise. Chairman Cohen asked if the item could be continued to the October 12, 2004 meeting, while monitoring noise levels of the five scheduled events. Mr. Sandoval said the City could conditionally approve the TUP for a 30-day period and require the applicant to hire an acoustic engineer to provide the City with a report. Vice Chairman Cardoza stated concern regarding residents who have been subjected to the noise versus the business aspects, and he supported the 30-day trial period with the applicant hiring a consultant. L PC Minutes 8 September 14,2004 Commissioners Ratcliffe and Drey spoke in favor of the applicant hiring a noise consultant. Commissioner Drey said the real estate disclosure document could have an adverse effect on property values. L, Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Drey, to adopt Resolution 04-9-14-2 Temporary Use Permit 04-1 5 (Marbella Country Club Outdoor Events) recommending approval of a proposed temporary use, with modifications to Condition 2, “The Temporary Use Permit to expire October 14, 2004, and to add the following conditions:” Condition 9), “The City shall select an acoustical engineer, at the expense of Marbella Country Club, to monitor the sound levels of the outdoor events held at the project site through October 14, 2004. Said monitoring shall be conducted periodically for the duration of the events from four separate locations within the affected adjacent residential neighborhoods;’’ Condition IO), “The Planning Commission will review the temporary use permit at their meeting of October 26, 2004 to review the acoustical engineer’s monitoring results to consider (1) whether the applicant adequately mitigated the amplified noise from the outdoor events to meet the City’s noise ordinance standards, and (2) whether to extend the temporary use permit through December 31, 2004. ” AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, and Vice Chairman Cardoza NOES: None b ABSENT: Chairman Neely ABSTAIN: None This motion passed by a vote of 4-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. Vice Chairman declared that a break be taken at 9:40 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 958 p.m. NEW BUSINESS 1. WORK SHOP - ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 04-02, REZONE (RZ) 04-06, OF 159,138 SQUARE FEET WITHIN TWELVE BUILDINGS; 6 TWO-STORY BUILDINGS; 6 ONE-STORY BUILDINGS AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS. THE NORTH OF ORTEGA HIGHWAY AND BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY THE 1-5 FREEWAY, DESCRIBED AS ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBERS 650-142-06 AND 650-151-22 THE SITE IS DESIGNATED AS OFFICE RESEARCH PARK (ORP) BY ORTEGA RANCH; THE PROJECT PROPOSES AN OFFICE COMPLEX CONSISTING PROJECT IS LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RANCHO VIEJO ROAD AND THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONED OFFICE COMMERCIAL (OC). THE PROJECT u PC Minutes 9 September 14,2004 INCLUDES A REQUEST TO REZONE THE PROPERTY TO PLANNED COMMUNITY [PC) AND WILL INCLUDE A COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CDP). Representative Phillip Schwartze, the PRS Group, 31682 El Camino Real, Applicant Ortega Ranch, LLC, 3 Park Plaza, Suite 1490, lrvine Architect Ware Malcomb, 181 1 I Von Karman, Suite 600, lrvine Staff presentation 8 recommendation Mr. Cunningham presented the staff report as a Worksession - Rezone and Architectural Control; a request to construct an office park on approximately 18 acres of land on the west side of Rancho Viejo Road and north of Ortega Highway at Office Research Park (ORP). Mr. Cunningham discussed building height, supportive retail use, and the applicants request for shared parking with the adjacent Church property. Mr. Cunningham stated an Initial Study has been prepared for the project and is pending review and determination by the City’s Environmental Administrator (EA). A final determination is scheduled to be made by the EA at a meeting currently scheduled for September 14, as to whether a Mitigated Negative Declaration or preparation of an Environmental Impact Report will be required. He stated staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the development plans for Ortega Ranch Business Park, receive staffs presentation, outline major issues associated with the project, and allow the Commission an opportunity to discuss and give direction. \ Applicant Presentation Phillip Schwartze, 31682 El Camino Real, said it would be a while before the CEQA issue is resolved, and introduced Ken Wink to present the site plan. Ken Wink, Ware Malcomb Architects, 181 11 Von Karman, Irvine, showed computerized view simulations of the buildings and introduced building design features to mitigate the high visibility of the structure. The site plan is designed so that all of the one-story buildings are located to the front (Rancho Viejo Road) portion of the site, and the two- story buildings are located to the interior of the site. The applicant proposes to process a Lot Line Adjustment, which will result in a net land increase being transferred to the Mission Cemetery. Both the Mission staff and City staff support the proposed Lot Line Adjustment. The tower elements would be recessed with wall sconces at all the tower elements. The rendering shows proposed meandering sidewalks. Proposed materials are ledger stone at all the entries and some of the tower elements, and 2-piece mission tile roof. Commission Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked about the height of the tower element and stated that the CDP called for something in excess of 40’. Mr. Wink said the tower for Building 6-3 would exceed the 35’ height by approximately 5’. L PC Minutes 10 September 14,2004 Steve Sandland, Centra Realty, 3 Park Plaza, Irvine, said in the original design the building was overall about 39’ and the top element was approximately 45’. During the DRC review process the whole building was lowered, and the DRC felt that the center tower should be a little higher than the other two. The applicant would be amenable to a maximum height of 40’ for the element. L Mr. Schwartze said in large scale projects with a variety of uses cities tend to go with a CDP designed for the uses in specific buildings. Mr. Schwartze said there is no sidewalk along the south portion of Rancho Viejo Road because such a sidewalk would hit an intersection with no crosswalk. Staffs position on the proposed driveways along Rancho Viejo Road doesn’t agree with traffic engineers and applicant. The applicant and other landowners in the area, including the church, don’t support the extension of Avenida Los Cerritos to Ortega Highway. He stated this style of architecture needs to be slightly higher so as not to have a squatty roof. The tower element of the church is at least 50’. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked where the proposed end of the sidewalk was. Mr. Sandland referred to a circulation diagram and referred to benches as part of the historic depiction program, and provided the Commissioners with photographs showing no sidewalk on the church frontage and no way to get through along Ortega Highway. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if there is a connection between the northern end of the site and the Marbella Plaza Shopping Center. Mr. Sandland said there is not and there is no sidewalk on the west side of the entire length of Rancho Viejo Road. b Commissioner Drey spoke in favor of less sidewalks as he prefers a rural look. The pedestrian circulation would be in the interior 6f the project. Commissioner Ratcliffe said she would be in favor of a sidewalk to provide pedestrian access to the historical depiction area. Vice Chairman Cardoza spoke in favor of a short walking course and did not see a need to extend the sidewalk to Ortega, and asked how the open space at the north end of the site would be handled. Mr. Sandland said that the intent is to leave the open space in its existing state and that the environmental sensitivity of that area would require additional environmental study. He stated one acre in Planning Area 3 is to be used as open space. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked how the driveway closest to Ortega Highway lines up with the entrance to the Ganado neighborhood. Mr. Sandland said it would be striped for a left turn in only and would be precluded by the striping from people trying to turn in. It is now protected by the median. He stated staffs position is that the driveway is in the right location but it should be right-in, right-out only. Commissioner Drey asked if there is still a right-turn pocket coming from the north. Mr. Sandland said a right-turn into Avenida Los Cerritos in front of Building B-I. Commissioner Drey said the proposed entrance treatment and paving would be very attractive. Vice Chairman Cardoza said it would be an elegant treatment and proposed that it not be stamped asphalt as asphalt is too temporary and difficult to maintain. Mr. L PC Minutes 11 September 14,2004 Sandland said long-term maintenance is required on a public street. Vice Chairman Cardoza stated he thought it would be maintained by the association through private funding. Commissioner Ratcliffe expressed her concern that the decorative paving of the main entry gives the impression to the casual passer-by that Avenida Los Cerritos is a private area driveway. L Commissioner Drey said that across the street there is a slope bank that is more obtrusive. Commissioner Ratcliffe said that would be a landscaped detention basin. Vice Chairman Cardoza stated that the median landscaping could add to the scenic quality. 2. “CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO LOCAL GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT”. 2004 CEQA GUIDELINES. Written Communications Staff report dated September 14,2004 Applicant City of San Juan Capistrano, 32400 Paseo Adelanto Staff presentation & recommendation Ms. Volzke presented the staff report as a request to adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council repeal the City of San Juan Capistrano Environmental Review Guidelines, and approve the “City of San Juan Capistrano Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act”. u Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Ratcliffe asked why approval of a final map was considered a ministerial action. Ms. Bogh said that it is defined that way by the Subdivision Map Act. The Tentative Map is a discretionary action that is approved after public hearings by the Planning Commission and by the City Council. The Final Map, if it is in substantial conformance with the Tentative Map, is non-discretionary and is not subject to review since the Tentative Map has already gone through CEQA review. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to adopt Resolution 04-9-14-3 recommending that the City Council repeal the existing Environmental Review Guidelines adopted July 5, 1994 and adopt a resolution approving the City of San Juan Capistrano Local Guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (Pub. Resources Code § 21000 et seq.) (2004 CEQA Guidelines). PC Minutes 12 September 14,2004 AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, and Vice Chairman Cardoza LA’ NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Neely ABSTAIN: None This motion passed by a vote of 4-0. CO M MISS IONlSTAFF COMMENTS Commissioner Cohen asked if the new Denny’s sign on the northbound exit off Ortega Highway was approved by the Planning Department, and stated it looks like a free- standing pole as opposed to a monument. Ms. Bogh answered that it was approved as a change of copy, and will ask staff to check into that. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :20 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, at 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Molly Bwgh Planning Director Ism P:\Planning\Plan Shared\PC Minutes\Draft PC MinutesSJC-PC 9-14-04-MinutesdrafLdoc