PC Minutes-2004-05-11I L 32400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. CA 92675 (949) 493 1 17 1 (949) 495 1053 FAX w~l.u:scn~llunc~~~s~/.u~7u urg MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COM M lSSl0 N TUESDAY, MAY 11,2004 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO DIANE L BATHGATE WYAlT HART JOE SOT0 DAVID M SWERDLIN CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Vice Chairman Cardoza at 7:05 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Tim Neely, Chairman (arrived 7:07 p.m.) Robert Cardoza Sheldon Cohen Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: Sheldon Cohen Staff Present: Molly Bogh, Planning Director; William Ramsey, Principal Planner; Omar Sandoval, Deputy City Attorney; Larry Lawrence, Consulting Project Manager; Sam Shoucair, Senior Engineer; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR None PUBLIC HEARINGS None UNFINISHED BUSINESS None Scrn Juan Capisti-ano: PI-eseiving the Past to Enhance the Future PC Meeting 2 May 11,2004 NEW BUSINESS L 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 03-09 AND COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CDP) AMENDMENT, A,REQUEST TO DEVELOP TWO TWO- STORY OFFICE BUILDINGS TOTALING APPROXIMATELY 98.000 SQUARE FEET ON 1 I .5 ACRES LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF RANCHO VIEJO ROAD, SOUTH OF VIA ESCOLAR. (MAMMOTH EQUITIES LLC.) Property Owner Mammoth Equities LLC, 20532 El Tor0 Road, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Architect James Goodman, AIA, 31732 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite E, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Owner’s Representative Phillip Schwartze, The PRS Group, 31682 El Camino Rea, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Written Communications Staff report dated May 1 I, 2004 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Lawrence presented the staff report as a request to develop two two-story office buildings on 11.5 acres located on the east side of Rancho Viejo Road, south of Via Escolar (Mammoth Equities LLC), and said that included in commission packets were revised plans in response to suggestions made at the April 22, 2004 Design Review Committee (DRC) meeting. u Mr. Lawrence referred to two letters attached to the packet received from Mr. Robert King, a resident of the nearby spotted bull area, which makes several points regarding traffic, noise, and other environmental impacts, and contests the negative declaration. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission I) consider the DRC’s design comments and staff recommendations regarding relocation of the north building, 2) request that the Applicant relocate the north building substantially back from the top of slope similar to the south building, and 3) continue the item to allow time for the necessary revisions to the site and landscape plans. If, on the other hand, the commission believes that the project concept is acceptable as submitted, staff recommends approval of both the AC and the amended CDP subject to the resolution of the deceleration issue by the Commission. A draft resolution with recommended conditions of approval has been supplied with the Commission’s report. ‘v PC Meeting 3 May 1 1,2004 L Public Hearing Phillip Schwartze, representing Mammoth Equities, showed three views of the site and gave a brief history of the project, which was approved 14 years ago. The two office buildings contain specialized floor space and rent as executive suites. The DRC reviewed the site plan on three occasions and ultimately concluded that the site plan being presented had been approved by the DRC. Mr. Schwartze stated that the property would not be visible from the spotted bull area. Jim Goodman, Architect, showed aerial views of the unique site architecture. Mr. Schwartze said that the DRC commented that if a deceleration lane were added, crib walls would be necessary, and that in lieu of a 200-foot deceleration, a reduced version could be considered. Lee Rocheck, 31 0 Arroyo Drive, Encinitas, said that Mammoth Equities creates smaller office suites for tenants, with a secure courtyard configuration having minimized points of access and accessibility to adequate parking. Commission Questions/Comments Commissioner Cohen asked if the relocation of the north building had been a running theme and asked for renderings of what the buildings would look like from the 1-5. Mr. Rocheck said that the current staff had an issue with the proposed relocation, the Gateway Church had a similar relationship on the lot, and the size of the building has been reduced and shifted 8 feet from the back of the slope as far as practicable. Mr. Goodman said the north building wouldn’t be visible from the freeway because of the ramps and said the landscape would be substantial. Commissioner Cardoza asked how the deceleration options recommended by staff would be workable or incorporated into the plan. Alan Oswald said the purpose for the right-turn deceleration lane into the site was to reduce traffic speed from increased volume of traffic in the future. The I00 foot deceleration alternative would reduce the length and height of the retaining wall. Staff is in favor of the Caltrans standard length deceleration lane in order to reduce speed and increase safety. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked what the retaining wall dimensions would be. Mr. Rocheck said it would be as high as 4 to 5 feet and that the main objections to the wall were the visual impact of the wall and replacing landscape with asphalt. Commissioner Cohen asked if the zoning differentiates between executive suite general offices as far as the parking requirements. Mr. Lawrence said that the CDP provides three-and-a-half spaces per thousand and it does not distinguish between the types of office. Commissioner Cohen asked if the Applicant could confirm that executive offices tend to have fewer employees and parking than other offices. Mr. Goodman said that even when the buildings are 98 percent occupied, their parking lots are generally only PC Meeting 4 May 11,2004 75 percent occupied, and that there is less peak traffic with smaller offices. Mr. Cohen asked if staff believes it is feasible to move the northern building back into the site. Mr. Lawrence said that the substantial north building perches on the edge of the slope and is at the entry to the City. -- Commissioner Cardoza asked if the developer could accommodate a smaller building. Public Hearing Jim Harris said he shares a common property line with this project, and asked what kind of security wall or fence was planned on the east side of the property, what type of drainage would be proposed, what about a southbound deceleration lane, and the proposed number of parking spots. Mr. Schwartze showed photographs from Mr. Harris’ house and said that there would be a striped median that would come into the center divider. Mr. Rocheck said that Jim Harris and he had met on site and have had cursory discussions regarding the security fence and that there is an access easement on either site of the property line. Commission Comments Commissioner Cohen said that he needed more time to look at the packet and would like to see more renderings from the 1-5 and the toll road, and would like to see if the north building could be pushed back. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if the Applicant could revisit the building setback and build the retaining wall. Commissioner Cardoza said that removing parking from the back of the building and moving the building back ten feet might not be sufficient to provide the relief addressed this evening. Chairman Neely said that he strongly disagrees that this building would be the gateway to the City. He believes that the basic site design architecture would blend into the landscape and is a result of meetings with the DRC. He would like to see the grading come back to the DRC. Mr. Rocheck said they tried to move the project quickly due to the purchase agreement with the church running out May 11 or 12, and the SDG&E not yet making a final decision. He said that landscaping could be done according to DRC recommendations. Commissioners Cohen and Ratcliffe voiced concerns regarding having very little time to study the project. PC Meeting 5 May 1 1,2004 Commissioner Cardoza said modifications have taken place as a result of DRC suggestions, and said that the site amenities would go back to the DRC. Chairman Neely asked the Applicant to clarify ihe statement that they might prefer a denial rather than a continuance. Mr. Rocheck said that the Applicant had done all they could do. ./ Commissioner Cohen asked Mr. Sandoval how an abstention would be treated. Mr. Sandoval said that an abstention would count as an aye vote if there were a tie. Motion Chairman Neely moved, seconded by Commissioner Cardoza, to adopt Resolution No. 04-5-11-1 approving the Mammoth Equities Office Project (AC 03-09) and accompanying CDP amendment with the driveway tapered flare as shown on the project and with all of the details spelled out in the conditions to be taken back to the DRC, and for those to include glazing and consideration of perimeter fencing. AYES: Commissioners Cardoza and Chairman Neely NOES: Commissioner Ratcliffe ABSTAIN: Commissioner Cohen ABSENT: None This motion passed by a vote of 2-1 with one abstention. - Chairman Neely allowed someone from the audience to speak. ORAL COMMENTS Ms. Harris said there were neighborhood meetings with Stonybrook School and the local neighborhood in opposition to SDG&E, due to electromagnetic fields. Chairman Neely said the Public Utilities Commission has omnipotent control and has no obligation to consider public views. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Bogh apologized for the lateness in distribution of the packets. Chairman Neely said that on a project where the Applicant is involved in the timeframe of the distribution, the developer should bear the burden of making the distributions. PC Meeting 6 May 11,2004 ADJOURNMENT _- There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 25, at 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Planning Director Ism