PC Minutes-2004-02-1032400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493 1 171 (949) 493 I053 FAX I\ \\‘I\ ~~~~J/If~~~J~~~~fSr~~~jlC) CJJg MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,2004 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL DIANE L BATHGATE JOHNS GELFF WYATT HART JOE SOT0 DAVID M SWERDLIN CITY MANAGER DAVE ADAMS CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Neely at 7:OO p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Tim Neely, Chairman Sam Allevato Robert Cardoza Sheldon Cohen Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: none Staff Present: William Ramsey, Principal Planner, Secretary; Omar Sandoval, Deputy City Attorney; William Huber, Director, Engineering and Building; Amy Amirani, Public Works Director; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of Januarv 13.2004: Commissioner Cardoza made a correction to the wording on page 4 to “runoff from hard surfaces onto greenbelts” and moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Allevato, of the corrected Minutes of January 13,2004. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. PC Meeting 2 February 10,2004 v PUBLIC HEARINGS None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Chairman Neely asked if there were any objections to the staff proposal to reverse the order of Items 1 and 2. Hearing no opposition, Item 2 was considered prior to Item 1. 2. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CIPI 791, CONSIDERATION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLANS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF AN INITIAL 4.0 MILLION GALLON (MG) AND A FUTURE 4.0 (MG) WATER RESERVOIR (760 ZONE SC-04 SOUTH TERMINAL RESERVOIRS SOUTH OPEN SPACE) ADD I icant Public Works Department, Peter Salgado, Associate Engineer, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Geotechnical Engineer Leighton and Associates, Inc., 17781 Cowan, Irvine, CA 92614 Environmental Consultant Impact Sciences, Inc., 30343 Canwood Street, Suite 210, Agoura Hills, CA v City’s Geotechnical Ena. Consultant Lawson & Associates, Geotechnical Consulting Inc., 1020 Calle Cordillera, Suite 101, San Clemente, CA 92673 Written Communications Staff report dated February 10, 2004. Staff mesentation & recommendation Mr. Ramsey summarized the continued consideration of CIP 791 , and referred to a map showing the eight alternative sites. Staff found that the proposed site to be the most suitable site for the construction of an initial 4.0 million gallon (mg) water reservoir and a future 4.0 mg water reservoir on a 13-acre pad located at the head of Reservoir Canyon. Grading was reduced so that no manufactured slope would be steeper than 2-to-1. Construction access would be limited to Camino Las Ramblas and existing dirt roads to minimize impacts to adjoining residential properties. Staff recommends additional Project Design Features (PDF’s) regarding constructing the access road with soil cement and use of natural soil-colored cement for terrace drains and down drains. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and recommend approval of preliminary L PC Meeting 3 February 10,2004 - design plans for the construction of the initial 4.0 million gallon (mg) water reservoir, future 4.0 mg water reservoir, and all ancillary facilities and site work associated with the 760 Zone SC-04 Terminal Reservoirs. Ms. Amirani presented the history and development of the total domestic water system of the Master Plan adopted by City Council in 2000 and the low water storage capacity of the City. The groundwater recovery plan provides about one-half of the water for the City. Andi Culbertson, CEO of Culbertson and Associates (CAA), said that she assists the City in obtaining the necessary permits from state and federal agencies to allow the City to move forward with the project. The Section 4(d) process involves the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWOCB) and Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). “Protocol surveys” revealed the presence of occupied Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS); the California Gnatcatcher and two Least Bell’s Vireos. Ms. Shawna Shaffner of Culbertson and Associates said the MND indicated that the project would impact over 20 acres of habitat area. The re-design affects only 15.1 acres, of which only 2.2 acres are permanent impacts to Coastal Sage Scrub. Chairman Neely said the access road would be put on a berm as opposed to a flat pad. Ms. Amirani said that by lengthening the fill they were able to reduce the footprint for the pad (road) and that prior to grading, the City will remove the vegetation and store it on site. Once the construction is complete, the topsoil and chipped vegetation material will be used to dress the graded areas. Chairman Neely asked how long would it be before the second reservoir construction commences, and if the access road would be at the same site for both phases. Ms. Amirani said the second reservoir construction is scheduled between 2010 and 2012, and that the access road to the site would be the same for the two phases. Public Hearinq Judith Hurst, 3351 1 Calle Miramar, spoke in opposition to the project and said that she is not satisfied that other sites were not appropriate, and asked why 760 feet had to be the elevation. She said some homes were sinking because of an underground river, and that 240-1 slopes fall and are not acceptable. She asked that if the project goes ahead, that the work not be done on weekends. Don Currie, 33442 Calle Miramar, president of the Meredith Canyon Homeowners Association, spoke in opposition to the project due to the impact on the terminus of Delgado, the slippage of homes, Delgado being used as an alternative route, and possible rupturing of the water tanks. PC Meeting 4 February 10,2004 Ms. Amirani said that in the meeting held with the residents two residents were convinced that this is a good project. She said that the elevation of 760 is required for hydrolic, the reservoir is needed today, and the City will re-slurry the street after construction. Commissioner Comments/Questions Chairman Neely asked if settlement of homes or any runoff conditions from the access road would change the groundwater. Mr. Tim Lawson, a geotechnical consultant to the City, said that the settling of the houses to date is attributed to a 1974 engineering fill and alluvium under that. There is no relation to the settlement and no impact to groundwater from future construction. Mr. Lawson indicated on the map that the site of the proposed reservoir is the best site available. Chairman Neely asked about the possibility of tank failure. Ms. Amirani said that in the case of tank failure, there would be 4 inches of water reaching the residential area, not counting permeability. Commissioner QuestionslComments Commissioner Allevato said that no construction would be done on the weekends. Commissioner Cardoza said that this project provides a safety feature in the event of a disaster or a fire. There are proposed mitigation measures regarding Coastal Sage. Commissioner Cohen thanked Ms. Amirati and staff for returning to answer questions. Commissioner Ratcliffe said that many neighborhoods are close to community services that serve a wider area. Chairman Neely thanked staff for the additional documentation requested at the last Planning Commission meeting and for proper mitigations resulting in resource agency issuance of permits. Motion Chairman Neely moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Cohen, of Resolution No. 04-02-1 0-1 recommending certification of a mitigated negative declaration and recommending approval of preliminary design plans for the construction of an initial four million gallon and a future four million gallon terminal reservoir, with the condition that added down-drains and soil cement access road, lighting design details, landscape plans, contour grading, entry gate treatment finishes, design of tanks, and vegetation be returned to the Design Review Committee (DRC) for approval. PC Meeting 5 February 10,2004 v AYES: Commissioners Allevato, Cardoza, Cohen and Ratcliffe and Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None This motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. 2. CONSIDERATION OF ORTEGA AT 1-5 INTERCHANGE ALTERNATIVES Written Communications Staff report dated February 10, 2004. Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Huber presented the proposed construction alternatives for a new traffic interchange to replace the existing Ortega Highway / 1-5 interchange. The project is needed to accommodate the expected increase in through-traffic and traffic generated by planned development to the east on Ortega Highway. Mr. Huber gave an overview of the background, project timeline, mitigations and proposed improvement alternatives. Staff recommends 1. It is recommended that Partial Closure, Roundabout, Plan “G”, Plan “S” (Modified) and Plan “X” (Modified) be carried forward for consideration by the City Council for further study in the PSR, on the basis that they accommodate the future traffic demands. 2. It is also recommended that Plan “S” (As Proposed), Plan “X (As Proposed), and Plan “X”, (as proposed without west loop ramp option) be dropped from further consideration as not being viable alternatives, due to inadequate traffic capacity to accommodate the projected 2030 volumes at an acceptable level of service. Kevin Haboyan, Parsons Transportation Group, presented an evaluation of eight preliminary alternatives: 1) Partial Closure, 2) Roundabout, 3) Plan G, 4a) Plan “S” (As Proposed), 4b) Plan “S” (Modified), 5a) Plan “X (As Proposed), 5b) Plan “X (As proposed without east loop ramp option), 5c) Plan “X” (Modified). Terry Austin, Austin Foust Associates, presented a traffic analysis simulation for the year 2030 for each alternative. Public Hearing Steve Jones, 26942 Ortega Highway, Jack In The Box franchise operator, asked if Plan ”S” and “X” retain existing access. Mr. Huber said the existing access can be retained with PC Meeting 6 February 10,2004 Plan “S”, Plan X, and Plan “X” modified. Mr. Jones’ top priorities would be Plan “S”, Plan “X” and Partial Closure. Scott Gates, 31601 Avenida Los Cerritos, said that Plan “S” as submitted was not the way it was proposed, and pointed out flaws in the Modified “S” plan. He said that there are major flaws in the Partial Closure and Roundabout proposals. He suggested combining the best points of the proposed plans in order to cut costs with a common-sense approach. Brad Gates, 31601 Avenida Los Cerritos, spoke in opposition to cloverleafs and roundabouts and said that the image and entry to San Juan Capistrano is the most important consideration and the City should not be responsible for solving regional traffic problems. Plan “S” or Plan “X” make the most sense in terms of lower cost and lessened impacts to the historic quality of the City. Ted Stroscher, property owner and resident of San Juan, spoke in support of Plan “X and said the historic quality of the City must be protected. The Roundabout wouldn’t work because of pedestrian safety issues. He asked that the City find solutions other than at the Ortega / 1-5 interchange that would mitigate the traffic on Ortega Highway. Chairman Neely asked about a different Plan “X alternative to put the southbound off- ramp further to the east. Mr. Haboyan said that option could be considered. Bob Lacoss, 31271 Paseo Sereno, asked Mr. Austin how the 25% growth would affect other intersections in town. Mr. Austin said the concern is that the Partial Closure would create incremental traffic on Camino Capistrano. Mr. Huber said that improving the level of service and capacity of the intersection at Camino Capistrano and Del Obispo is being addressed. Commission Questions/Comments Commissioner Cohen said the Mission should be the entry statement to the City. The Plan “S” as modified maintains the configuration that has worked until now. Plan “X needs to be looked at as an alternative, although it would be expensive. Plan “X modified with further work would be his choice to recommend to City Council. Commissioner Ratcliffe would be in favor of Plan “G” as long as the entrance to the fast food area would be minimized. Plan “S” modified with cat-tracking could be an interim solution, with refinements and Plan “X” could be made acceptable with refinements. Commissioner Cardoza said that Plan “G” could work, but he is not in favor of the loop system. Plan “S” as proposed has merit but doesn’t reflect some of the lanes proposed, and would be in favor of using the former Shell Station as part of the on-ramps. Plan “X” without an east loop would save destruction of businesses, and Plan “X” modified could be forwarded. ___- PC Meeting 7 February 10,2004 Commissioner Allevato said that he is not in favor of Partial Closure or Roundabout Options. Plan “G” does impact quite a few businesses. Plan “S” as proposed should include the lanes originally proposed by Scott Gates. Plan “X” west loop would need to follow Caltrans guidelines. Plan “X” modified could be forwarded. Chairman Neely said that the majority of the commissioners are in favor of advancing “G” with consideration of eliminating ramps on the east side, advancing “S” and “S” modified as works in progress, with modifications proposed by Scott Gates such as the southbound off-ramp having 3 turn lanes with only 2 lanes on the bridge, “X” modified, and “X without the ramp with consideration of realigning internal intersections. Plan “X” with no west loop ramp with the consideration of realigning internal intersections. Partial Closure and Roundabout alternatives are not to be continued. The third lane northbound on-ramp to 1-5 could be a solution. He would strongly suggest that the City look at closing and re- designing Los Cerritos. Driveways on Ortega to the Chevron Station could be eliminated. Motion Chairman Neely moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Cohen, that Partial Closure and Roundabout alternatives not be continued. The following alternatives could be forwarded with considerations discussed at tonight’s Planning Commission meeting: “G”, “S” , “S” modified, “X”, “X” modified. After City Council has considered the options, the recommendation is to return them to Planning Commission for further review. AYES: Commissioners Allevato, Cardoza, Cohen and Ratcliffe and Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None This motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. Commissioner Cardoza would like to see Scott Gates’ thoughts incorporated. Commissioner Cohen reiterated that the Commissioners do not want to see an artificial entry statement created in the City. NEW BUSINESS 1. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (TRP) 03-162. A REQUEST FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVAL A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT FOR A LARGE EUCALYPTUS TREE AT THE REAR YARD AT 32371 ALIPAZ STREET, SPACE #102. PC Meeting 8 February 10,2004 - Armlicant or ProDertv Owner Rancho Alipaz Mobile Home Park, 32371 Alipaz Street, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Consultina Arborist Modern Tree Service, James J. Klinger, Arborist, P.O. Box 487, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693 Written Communications Staff report dated February 10,2004. Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Ramsey presented the request for approval to remove a large eucalyptus tree of over 24" in diameter at the rear of Space #102. Staff recommends removal with the condition that the tree be replaced with a more suitable species for the general location. Public Hearinq Robert Smith, Rancho Robert Smith, Rancho Alipaz Mobile Home Park, said he was in agreement with staff proposal. Commissioner Cardoza suggested that the replacement tree be approved by the Director of Planning. Commissioner Allevato asked if there were sufficient trees in the area and if the requirement could be waived to replace the tree. Commissioner Cohen asked if there is a requirement to replace a tree that is removed. Mr. Ramsey said it is not a requirement but has been a matter of City policy. Motion Chairman Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, approval of Resolution No. 04-2-10-2 to confirm issuance of a categorical exemption and approving a tree removal permit for a tree located at 32371 Alipaz Street, Space #I02 (Rancho Alipaz Mobile Home park). AYES: Commissioners Allevato, Cardoza, Cohen and Ratcliffe and Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None This motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. L PC Meeting 9 February 10,2004 2. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT NOMINATIONS FORTHE FlSCALYEAR2005/2011, SEVEN YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UP). Written Communications Staff report dated February 10, 2004. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Allevato, for continuance of this Item to the February 24, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting. This motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. COMMISSIONISTAFF COMMENTS Commissioner Cohen indicated that he may be able to attend the League of California Cities meeting March 31 - April 3, 2004. Chairman Neely asked the Commission to pause for a moment of silence in honor of the passing of City Council Member John Gelff. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 1051 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 24, at 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Approved : William Ramsey, AICP, Secretary Ism P.\Planning\Plan Shared\PC Minutes\Draft PC Minutes\Punin2004feblOdraft.wpd