PC Minutes-2004-12-142400 PASEO ADELANTO WAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 4931171 (949) 493 1053 FAX www.sanjuancaputran0. org MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLNATO DIANE BATHGATE WYATT HART JOE SOT0 DAVID M SWERDLIN MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14,2004 CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Neely at 7:06 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Tim Neely, Chairman b Robert Cardoza, Vice Chairman Sheldon Cohen Joe Drey Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: none Staff Present: Molly Bogh, Planning Director; Omar Sandoval, Deputy City Attorney; Nasser Abbaszadeh, Director of Engineering; Larry Lawrence, Consulting Project Manager; Tom Merrell, Contract Planner; John Douglas, Contract Planner; Sam Shoucair, Senior Engineer; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (TRP) 04-166, SPAULDING OFFICE BUILDING; A REQUEST FOR AN APPLICATION FOR THE REMOVAL OF ONE ASH TREE WITH A TRUNK DIAMETER OF APPROXIMATELY FORTY-EIGHT (48) INCHES ON A 47.015 SQUARE FOOT LOT, LOCATED AT 32232 PASEO ADELANTO, ASSESSOR L PARCEL NUMBER: 668-101-15; GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST Sun Juan Cupistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future --- - .. PC Meeting 2 December 14,2004 CORNER OF THE LOT, ADJACENT TO PASEO ADELANTO. APPLICANT: STACY L ROJOlSPAULDlNG PROPERTIES, INC. Motion Commissioner Ratcliffe moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Drey, of Tree Removal Permit (TRP) 04-166, as recommended in the staff report. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 04-03, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 04-01. ORTEGA HIGHWAY GAS; A REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL, AND ZONING EXCEPTION APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW GAS STATION, MINIMART, CAR WASH, AND MEZZANINE OFFICE ON A 48,238 SQUARE FOOT SITE LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ORTEGA HIGHWAY AT AVENIDA LOS CERRITOS (AT THE OLD SHELL STATION SITE, APN 650-151-18) Continued from the November 23,2004 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Cardoza recused himself from this item due to a potential appearance of conflict of interest due to some of his business dealings. Written Communications Staff report dated December 14,2004 u Proponents Applicant Phillip Schwartze, for M&M Petroleum, The PRS Group, 31682 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Applicant - Propertv Owner Bob Hendrickson, P.O. Box 5776, Irvine, CA 92616 Architect Richard Finkel, Bundy-Finkel Architects, 20331 lrvine Avenue, Suite 7, Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 Civil Enclineer Dru Mayers, Mayers & Associates, 19 Spectrum Pointe Drive, #609, Lake Forest, CA 92630 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Lawrence presented the staff report as an item continued from the last meeting to discuss the new information contained in the staff report and determine whether the gas station and ancillary uses are appropriate for the proposed site. If the use is determined appropriate, staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit, architectural L’ PC Meeting 3 December 14,2004 control and zoning exception applications based on the findings and subject to the conditions in the resolution. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen referred to Bullet 3 in the November 2, 2004 Caltrans letter regarding the feasibility of eliminating the left turn movement from eastbound Ortega to northbound Avenida Los Cerritos. Mr. Lawrence said it is not an issue to be resolved because Caltrans is concurring with what the City staff has determined would be necessary. Public Hearing Phillip Schwartze, representing M&M Petroleum, 31682 El Camino Real, said that the applicant has read and agrees with the staff recommendations including reducing or eliminating the sidewalk, reducing the number of parking spaces by two spaces along the western boundary, returning to the Planning Commission with the sign program, utility under-grounding, and bonding for the additional right turn lane that may be required at some point in time. Richard Finkel, Bundy-Finkel Architects, 20331 lrvine Avenue, Suite 7, Santa Ana Heights, presented slides of an Arc0 station project in Rancho Santa Margarita, many elements of which would be incorporated into the proposed project. L Chairman Neely asked if the easements for Avenida Los Cerritos are co-terminus or have different footprints. Mr. Schwartze said that there are different footprints and different owners of the various easements. Ed Thurston, owner of 76 Station across the street, spoke in opposition to the project due to concerns regarding freeway signage, additional traffic, and scope of the project being too large for the site or location. Commissioner Questions and Comments Chairman Neely asked whether or not each independent use would have its own sign. Ms. Bogh said Condition 1.10 requires that prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant submits a sign program as a one-tenant building to the Planning Commission for review and approval. Mr. Sandoval said that the sign program is not yet before the Planning Commission. Ms. Bogh read suggested wording about the sign program reflecting a single-tenant user. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if emergency access easements could be a possible spot for additional parking. Ms. Bogh said parking would not be allowed in the emergency access easement because the Fire Department needs access along that easement way at all times. Commissioner Cohen asked staff if lighting would be referred to the DRC. Ms. Bogh said that one of the Conditions requires photometric lighting plans to be submitted, and that under-canopy lighting is not to exceed 50 foot candles under the canopy or I foot candle at the property line. L PC Meeting 4 December 14,2004 Commissioner Cohen said he can’t support the project in its current configuration. Commissioner Drey said the large site would easily accommodate the proposed uses. L Chairman Neely spoke in favor of Condition 1 .I 1 regarding Design Review Committee (DRC) follow up and suggested that the DRC be given greater flexibility to reduce parking and increase landscaping along the freeway. Ms. Bogh advised the Planning Commission to set a minimal number of parking spaces, since the DRC does not have the authority to grant a parking deviation or approve a shared parking plan. Mr. Schwartze said the applicant could live with 17 parking spaces. Ms. Bogh suggested wording regarding the limit of sale of alcohol. Mr. Schwartze said the applicant would agree that no more than seven and a half (7.5) percent of the gross floor area would be used for display and storage of alcoholic beverages. Motion Commissioner Drey moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to approve the Resolution No. 04-j 2-1 4-1 approving a Conditional Use Permit, Architectural Control Application, and Zoning Exception for a gas station, mini-mart with off-site alcohol sales, food service and car wash on the north side of Ortega Highway between 1-5 and Avenida Los Cerritos (APN 650-1 05-1 80) subject to staff’s recommended conditions with the following revisions: Add the following language to Condition 1 .I 1 : “The number of parking spaces may be reduced to no less than 17 in order to provide additional landscaping on the site; location and configuration of parking and landscaping shall be reviewed and approved by the DRC”; 0 Condition D, add paragraph 6 to state: “Sale of alcoholic beverages shall be limited to beer and wine only, as an accessory use to the primary convenience store use; no more than seven and a half (7.5) percent of the gross floor area of the retail use may be used for display and storage of alcoholic beverages.” Add the following language to Condition 1 .I 0: “The Sign Program shall reflect that the tenant of the site has been determined to be a single-tenant user, for purposes of determining the number and location of permitted signs.” AYES: Commissioners Drey and Ratcliffe, and Chairman Neely NOES: Commissioner Cohen ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None RECUSED: Commissioner Cardoza PC Meeting 5 December 14,2004 This motion passed by a vote of 3-1 with Commissioner Cardoza abstaining. Chairman Neely declared a recess at 7:45 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 755 p.m. L 2. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16146, BELLADONNA ESTATES; A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE A 16.14 ACRE PARCEL INTO 31 LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM APPROXIMATELY 13,600 TO 32,000 SQUARE FEET. THE PROJECT IS LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF DEL OBISPO STREET, NORTH OF PASEO DE LA PAZ AND ABOUT 1,300 FEET SOUTH OF CALLE ASPERO; APN #121-181-08 Written Com mu nications Staff report dated December 14,2004 Mr. Tom Merrell and Mr. John Douglas of Civic Solutions, contract planners for the City, presented the staff report as a request for approval to subdivide a 16.14 acre parcel into 31 lots ranging in size from approximately 13,600 to 32,000 square feet, located on the west side of Del Obispo Street, north of Paseo de La Paz and about 1,300 feet south of Calle Aspero. Mr. Merrell said that the Planning Commission is a recommending body and the City Council has the final approving authority. If the recommended conditions are adopted, the project would come back to the Planning Commission and DRC for further review. \v Staff and the DRC are recommending that the grading be modified to provide for more natural contouring and treatment for the natural drainage course that extends along the northerly side of the property. A retaining wall proposed along the property boundary line would have the effect of grading into portions or segments of the natural drainage course that are currently on the Scalzo property. The three design alternatives as outlined in Condition 17 are as follows: 1) Allow the applicant to stay completely out of the natural channel. 2) Reconstruct a natural, flat, soft-bottom channel through the area but to realign 3) Constructing a soft-bottom channel with a pipe under the natural-looking it as proposed to be aligned along the existing easement. channel that would carry the high flows. Condition 17 allows the applicant to select one of the three designs. Before the map could record, the applicant would have to prepare a design and submit it for review to the City Engineer, Planning Department, and Resource Agencies. Building permits would not be issued prior to completion of the drainage course for any of the custom homes that are proposed on this lot. The applicant intends to go to City Council concurrent with this item with a request for the City to share in the cost of the drainage improvement. L Staff has met with the applicant, their representative and consultants numerous times over the past year to go over conditions and the process. The applicant is in general I. PC Meeting 6 December 14,2004 L concurrence with staff recommendations and conditions, with notable exceptions to several items including Condition 17, the treatment of the natural drainage course. There have been numerous communications with the neighbors as well as meetings with the Sun Ranch residents. Staff recommends approval of the map as presented. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked if the wetlands are a result of the Cook Reservoir or the San Juan Creek Watershed. Mr. Douglas referred to the jurisdictional delineation study by Jones & Stokes, a biological consultant, and said that prior to the early 1970’s that drainage channel showed up as a natural drainage in the topographical maps. Public Hearing Joe Ferrentino, 895 Dove, Newport Beach, the applicant’s attorney representing the Scalzo Family Trust, presented a DVD simulation of views of the project and a PowerPoint presentation describing requested changes to the conditions of approval #17, #IO, and #24. Commissioner Cohen asked if there is any reason why the site improvement agreement would not come before the Planning Commission. Ms. Bogh said it is a financing decision so it would go to the City Council, not to the Planning Commission. Mr. Sandoval said it is similar to the Public Works projects that the City normally handles. u Commissioner Drey asked for clarification of Condition 17. Mr. Ferrentino said the applicant is in favor of working with the City to accomplish Alternative 3, but not in favor of having Alternative 3 solely the obligation of the applicant. The six foot retaining wall would be included in the site improvement along with mitigation efforts and reconstruction of the drainage channel. Alternative I would require the applicant to adjust the retaining wall so that it would not impact the sensitive area at all. Chairman Neely asked if the applicant felt that Alternative 1 for Condition 17 would be inappropriate because there is no nexus and if you avoid the impact areas there would be no reason to do restoration. Mr. Ferrentino said to some extent, yes, and that Alternative 1 without the word “restoration” and “the 1 OO-year floodplain” and the last sentence with regard to dedicating an easement, would be an appropriate condition. Alternative 1 as currently worded obligates the applicant to do things even if they avoid the sensitive area. Chairman Neely asked if, in Alternative 3, the applicant would be willing to cooperate with the City on the drainage easement, what consideration would change the equation so that the applicant would not participate with the City? Mr. Ferrentino said if they were to leave the retaining wall where it currently is, there would be a debate whether that retaining wall is in a sensitive area and about the impact of their project. Rather than deal with that debate the applicant has proposed that a resolution be reached between the City and the applicant. It would require the applicant to improve an area that they do not believe is all of their responsibility. L I .. PC Meeting 7 December 14,2004 Commissioner Cardoza asked about the lots adjacent to the street to be maintained by the individual owners, and if there would be a parkway. Mr. Ferrentino said it is not currently on the plan. Sharon Vanderlan, 32181 Paseo De Manuel, asked that the wetlands not be disturbed, and spoke in favor of Alternative 1, restoration. Don Vanderlan, 32181 Paseo De Manuel, said that Alternative 3 would cost at least $1 million, and said that the fill previously placed at the head of the channel should be removed. Alexander Suvakovic, 32192 Paseo De Manuel, said that the property is moving and the channel is really deep, and supported improvements to stabilize the channel. Karen Gartner, 155 Fleurenze Street, Laguna Niguel, representing Richard Gartner and family, 32141 Via Alicia, asked that the wetlands be preserved. She spoke in support of Alternative 1, with restoration, and that a retaining wall not be used, a buffer zone/maintenance easement be created on the Belladonna Estates equal to that of the Sun Ranch Development, and that sufficient native vegetation be planted and maintained to maintain the appearance of a natural riparian area. Rick Clayton, 32151 Via Alicia, said that a videotape has been forwarded to the Army Corps of Engineers showing rain that came through the canyon on October 20, 2004. He said a survey showed that he has a fence in the easement. His markers were moved the week of December 2. Commissioner Cohen asked for clarification of the mention of heavy equipment. Ms. Bogh said that the City met with representatives of the Department of Fish and Game in July 2004 and was informed that a significant amount of invasive plants and unconsolidated fill adjacent to the channel needed to be removed. The City Public Works Department obtained a maintenance permit from Fish and Game and contracted with Ed Stewart, a maintenance contractor, to remove arundo and to remove a berm that had been left there through some emergency remediation activity a couple of years ago. Greg Sykes, 32171 Paseo De Manuel, spoke in favor of Alternative 1 to preserve the natural habitat. Frank Hartigan, 32351 Del Obispo, provided Commissioners with an aerial view in 1972, and said 1) access to the proposed development through the existing private road should not be permitted because it would create a private and City liability, 2) conditions of the approval map of 97-225 should be met as required by the City, 3) improvements to the private road should be completed to serve the remaining three-acre parcel, and 4) the proposed street improvements and signalization plan promised by the City in 1997 should be completed. Art Birtcher, 32327 Del Obispo, said the neighbors are asking for help from the City Engineer and City Attorney to participate in the documents of the Homeowners PC Meeting 8 December 14,2004 Associations for this private drive below the Access B and above Access B. Those outside of Rick‘s development won’t have enough political clout or control to say this is what we would like to protect the environment. Right now that property consists of an easement that has been established with approximately 30-40 trees along both sites of that private drive. This tract development will remove all the trees with no guarantee to replace the trees. Residents living adjacent to and using that private drive will be affected by this project, because 19 out of the 31 lots will use B Street leading to the private drive in order to go south on Del Obispo for all of the schools, city parks, recreation, Boys and Girls Club, and for Dana Point. Patricia Long, 32182 Paseo de Manual, said that she is an easement victim, with an eight foot retaining wall three feet from her kitchen window that blocks a panoramic view. The wall doesn’t show up on City records. Her hillside is falling. She requested that a match of the proposed easement be required on the property on the other side of the easement, and spoke in support of Alternative 1, restoration. Mark Czerwin, 32131 Via Alicia, spoke in favor of Alternative I of Condition 17 and said he does not want to look at a six foot high wall. Gay Mcllwaine, 25782 Calle Ricardo, asked if the Alternative plan video would be available for public review at the meeting. Commissioner Questions and Comments Chairman Neely asked for clarification regarding the video mentioned by Ms. Mcllwaine. Ms. Bogh said a video of Alternative 3 was shown to individual Planning Commissioners but that staff does not have a copy of the video. Mr. Sandoval recommended that if a Commissioner’s personal experience and conversations with the applicant off site or off the record bear in tonight’s decision, the Commissioner would need to disclose that fact into the record if it hadn’t already been included in the record. Commissioner Drey asked if both federal and state agencies had approved developing the wetlands portion of the property. Ms. Bogh said staff has received confirmation from the Army Corps of Engineers that there are jurisdictional wetlands under their review. The applicant has conveyed to staff that they are in the process of appealing that decision. In addition there would be Water Quality Control Board permits from the State that would be necessary for any streambed alteration. Commissioner Cardoza asked if there was intent to increase the easement to 30 feet on the Scalzo side, and if the road is private or public because of the access onto the Scalzo property from it? Ms. Bogh said that the original EIR for the 1972 Sun Ranch Tract and a couple pieces of correspondence in the files from Engineering, staff identified the property as a natural drainage course, a portion of which occurred on the Sun Ranch property and a portion of which occurred on the neighboring property. The EIR for the Sun Ranch property specified mitigation measures to make sure that it remained a natural drainage course. From that the staff is inferring that the intent of that document was to imply that if in the future the adjacent property were to develop, that an additional easement would be necessary on that site. Mr. Sandoval said there is no public road in the sense that there’s a public street for public use. The reason there is a L- . .. PC Meeting 9 December 14,2004 license agreement is because that is the access conveyed to the County prior to the City incorporating, where the Cook Reservoir is located. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked for clarification of the Road B access onto the private drive and the Fire Authority involvement. There was a similar situation with Honeyman Ranch and the Ortega neighborhood in establishing the partial access. Why would the Fire Authority be opposed to that condition here? Ms. Bogh said this was discussed at the Transportation Commission and that there is a Fire Authority requirement for a secondary access from this subdivision due to the length of the cul-de-sac. Commissioner Cardoza asked if the area within the existing drainage easement to be retained would be 30 feet, who would pay for drainage improvements in the easement? If the easemet were to be doubled in size, who would provide that improvement for restoration and naturalization of that drain area? Who would maintain it? Mr. Merrell said it would be the obligation of the applicant to construct whichever of the three options they choose. The applicant is intending to seek reimbursement for a substantial portion of that cost from the City. Ms. Bogh said that staff identified several impacts of this project to that natural drainage channel. Staff believes that there is a nexus substantiated by the evidence in the record for the granting of any additional drainage easement needed to support the project. The granting of the easement would be the obligation of the developer as an environmental mitigation measure. Once the easement is granted to the City, the City would maintain the easement. For a natural drainage course the City has a different level of maintenance than it does for an improved drainage course. Chairman Neely asked if the staff had a chance to respond to Mr. Hartigan’s revised access plan. Ms. Bogh said staff reviewed Mr. Hartigan’s plan. Staffs concern about that plan is that it would involve the acquisition of additional right-of-way over Mr. Hartigan’s property. It did not appear to staff as though there were a nexus for asking this developer to obtain off-site right-of-way. There is feasible and reasonable alternative access, so staff did not feel there was justification for condemning or acquiring right-of-way over Mr. Hartigan’s property. b Chairman Neely said we really still don’t know what the 100-year floodplain is through this area and asked if staff feels that Alternative I is feasible from an engineering standpoint given the erosion that has occurred. Mr. Sandoval said that in terms of liability for earth movement or having to do restoration, in the Tort Claims Act, a statute that addresses liability for public agencies, cities do not have liability for natural conditions of land. Since the development of Sun Ranch this area has been left in a natural state, staff is proposing that either one of three conditions would satisfy local regulations. Ms. Bogh said staff would have liked to see the drainage design and the 100-year floodplain, but has not received this information. Conditions have been added requiring information for each of the three drainage alternatives prior to grading or recordation of the final map. Commissioner Cardoza asked for clarification on the private road improvements. Ms. Bogh said the private road shows includes an access easement of 30 feet. Within those 30 feet the Engineering Department is recommending a section of 28 feet of paved L .. .. PC Meeting 10 December 14,2004 roadway and a curb for drainage purposes. If the property owners in that area can work it out among themselves to grant each other a landscape easement adjacent to the 30- foot roadway, then they could replant trees and have a decorative fence. L Commissioner Drey said that the eight foot high retaining wall along Del Obispo does not fit with the rural character of our community and is not compatible with the adjoining properties on the north and south side. Commissioner Cardoza said the retaining walls and grading could be brought back to the Planning Commission or DRC for modification to try to retain the rural character, retain the landscaping, and retain the fencing. Chairman Neely said the Planning Commission believes that if the City Council approves the item, the DRC should have some latitude to resolve issues. Chairman Neely asked if Mr. Birtcher and others prefer that there be emergency access only through B Street to reduce the number of trips over onto the private lane. Commissioner Cardoza would like the common area landscaping, slopes, streetscape, and additional plantings that take place in the drainage area to go back to the DRC. Chairman Neely said that’s largely in the wording. Chairman Neely said that the cul-de- sac shown on the map as Street C would be on the other side of the proposed emergency access gate but would be accessible from the private lane. Ms. Bogh said that Condition 43 addresses the street improvement plans for the southwesterly road and so Condition 43 would be modified to say that the existing character of the road shall be maintained with the fence material and landscape treatment as an obligation of the developer and that that would have to be shown on the street improvement plans. The obtaining of offsite landscape easements to accommodate that would also be the obligation of the developer. - Ms. Bogh said that B Street would have to be gated at the intersection with the main access road, if the Commission wishes to make B Street an emergency access only. Chairman Neely stated he expects that if some type of design alternative 17.2 were to be done, that those drainage improvements would not be exclusively the cost of the project applicant. The City staff would need to work with the applicant on what is the appropriate nexus between the parts of the property that are affected by it and that are not. Ms. Bogh asked for clarification of the consensus of the Commissioners to recommend the second drainage alternative as set forth in Condition 17, and the Commissioners concurred. The Commission discussed the need for additional drainage information regarding the 100-year floodplain and ways to stabilize the channel sides; the need to retain rural character of the area; provision of adequate vehicular and pedestrian access along the private drive access to south; the need for contour grading, landscaped parkways on L PC Meeting 11 December 14,2004 interior streets, minimizing use of and height of walls; landscaping of the private drive; and the need for additional time to review the staff report and supporting documents. Chairman Neely asked the applicant whether there was a time constraint in providing the additional information requested by the Planning Commission. Mr. Ferrentino stated the applicant’s desire for an immediate decision on the project. The Planning Commission discussed recommendations pertaining to landscaping, access, drainage improvements, and design, and incorporated these into the motion as follows: Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Chairman Neely, to recommend to the City Council that they deny the request for approval to subdivide a 16.14 acre parcel into 3; lots, based on concerns regarding the project design. Included in the motion were recommendations that, should the City Council approve the project, the following changes be incorporated into the project approval: 0 Condition I7 should be revised to reflect that Alternative 2, the contoured open channel design alternative for the natural drainage course along the northern boundary of the site, shall be the preferred alternative, and that the City should work with the applicant to determine the applicant’s fair-share contribution to these improvements based upon the project impacts to the drainage course, grading, and General Plan conformance; 0 The project should be revised to show that B Street be gated at the intersection with A Street, and be used for emergency access purposes only; 0 The applicant should be required to obtain additional landscape easements and install landscape improvements along the private southwesterly drive from Del Obispo to B Street, which improvements shall be consistent with existing landscaping and fencing along said drive; 0 The final design plans for grading, landscaping, sidewalks, walls, fences, and the channel improvements shall be forwarded to the DRC for final review and approval. AYES: Commissioners Cohen and Ratcliffe and Chairman Neely NOES: Commissioners Drey and Cardoza ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None This motion for denial passed by a vote of 3-2. Chairman Neely declared a recess at 11:Ol p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 11:18 p.m. -- .I ,. -. PC Meeting 12 December 14,2004 3. RZ 04-03, AC 04-07, TTM 16628: ZION -VISTA SAN JUAN OFFICE PROJECT. L APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A MEDICAL AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE PROJECT WITH APPROXIMATELY 70,100 SQUARE FEET ON THE EAST SIDE OF RANCHO VIEJO RD. NORTH OF SPOTTED BULL LN. ( APN'S 650-01 1-34 AND -39) Chairman Neely opened the public hearing and continued the public hearing. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to continue to the January I 1 , 2005 Planning Commission meeting consideration of RZ 04-03, AC 04-07, TTM 16628: Zion - Vista San Juan Office Project. AYES: Commissioners Cardoza, Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, and Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None This motion passed by a unanimous vote of 5-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. u NEW BUSINESS None COMMlSSlONlSTAFF COMMENTS None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :25 p.m.-The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 11 , 2005, at 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, *v Moll ogh Planning Director Ism