PC Minutes-2005-09-2732400PASEOADELANTO USAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. CA 92675 (949) 493- 1 17 1 Jt’Tt.11, sat7/llallcupr.~lr.Ntlo 0r.g (949) 493- 1053 FAX MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,2005 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAMALLEVATO DIANE BATHGATE WYAT HART JOE SOT0 DAVID M SWERDLIN CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Neely at 7:OO p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Tim Neely, Chairman Robert Cardoza, Vice Chairman Sheldon Cohen Joe Drey Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: None Staff members in attendance: Molly Bogh, Planning Director; Omar Sandoval, Deputy City Attorney; William Ramsey, Principal Planner; Sam Shoucair, Senior Engineer; Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager; David Contreras, Associate Planner; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR None PUBLIC HEARINGS - USE PERMIT (FP) 04-01, PUBLIC LAND LEASE. CAPISTRANO VALLEY GOLF Sun Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future m 13 P- ntea 01 :ec.z~ za32r PC Meeting 2 September 27,2005 L.P. HAS REQUESTED APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO u CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM “OSR” (OPEN SPACE A REZONE FROM “OSR” (OPEN SPACE RECREATION) TO “RM” FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF SENIOR HOUSING ON A 10.5 ACRE PARCEL. THE PROJECT ALSO REQUESTS APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR FINANCING PURPOSES TO CREATE 4 PARCELS FROM A 29.2 ACRE PARCEL FOR THE SENIOR HOUSING, DRIVING RANGE, CLUB HOUSE, AND GOLF COURSE HOLE #I. THE ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL APPLICATION INCLUDES PROPOSED PRELIMINARY SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW CLUBHOUSE FACILITY (13,830 GSF), CART BARN (10,920 GSF), 241 SPACE PARKING AND ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS. THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE RELOCATION OF THE “DRIVING RANGE” AND TO ALLOW “LIVE ENTERTAINMENT” AND “ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES” AT THE NEW CLUB HOUSE IN THE “OSR” (OPEN SPACE RECREATION) DISTRICT. A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE DEVELOPED WITH CLUB HOUSE AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS IS DISTRICT (SFHD) AND REQUIRES A FLOODPLAIN LAND USE PERMIT. FINALLY, THE APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT THE CITY LEASE A 2.5 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAN JUAN CREEK u ROAD AND LA NOVIA AVENUE FOR GOLF COURSE PURPOSES TO ACCOMMODATE A PORTION OF GOLF COURSE HOLE #I. THE PROJECT ZONED “OSR” (OPEN SPACE RECREATION), AND IS LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF SAN JUAN CREEK ROAD BETWEEN CHATEAU SAN JUAN SAN JUAN GOLF, INC.) RECREATION) TO “2.5, HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8.1-1 8.0 DU/ACRE)”, (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY), AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SITUATED IN THE REGULATORY 100-YEAR SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD SITE IS GENERAL PLAN-DESIGNATED “1 .I , OPEN SPACE RECREATION,” IS ASSISTED LIVING AND LA NOVIA AVENUE. (APN 666-01 1-27) (APPLICANT: Written Communications Staff report dated September 27, 2005 Property Owner Roberto Brutocao, c/o Capistrano Valley Golf L.P., 32120 San Juan Creek Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Architect Dan Conrardy, AIA, Conrardy Design Group, 24672 San Juan Ave., #104, Dana Point, CA 92629 Representatives larry Kosmont, Kosmont Partners, 601 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 3550, Los Angeles, CA 9001 7 W PC Meeting 3 September 27, 2005 ‘V ‘v Dan Friess, Friess Company Builders, Inc., 31658 Rancho Viejo Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Ramsey presented the staff report as continued consideration of a proposed project reviewed by the Planning Commission on July 26 and August 9. The applicant is asking for land use approvals to shift the existing driving range to the east and develop a club house, cart barn and other facilities on the property. The applicant is also requesting to rezone 10.5 acres from Open Space to High Density Residential in order to develop senior affordable housing on this portion of the site. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission separate the applications and discuss the broader land use issues associated with the Rezone (RZ) of the General Plan Amendment (GPA) first. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission continue the AC 04-06, FP 04-01, CUP 04-01 and other applications to a future date after City Council has taken action on the GPA and RZ. Mr. Ramsey said the applicant has revised the application to request approval of a GPA to change the land use designation from “OSR” to 2.5, High Density Residential (8.1-1 8.0 du/acre). Mr. Ramsey said that the traffic study’s link analysis determined that the proposed project would not require widening of San Juan Creek Road along the frontage, as described on page 4 of the staff report. Mr. Ramsey referred to the August 16 memorandum from John Shaw, City Attorney, which provided an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) to a Development Agreement in assuring the project provides an affordability component. Mr. Ramsey said that the property is not entitled to a “density bonus” according to provisions excerpted from California Government Code which were included on page 5 of the staff report, because the residential zoning is not yet adopted. Staff recommends that should the City Council approve a GPA amending the land use designation for a portion of the existing golf course from “1 .I, Open Space Recreation” to a residential designation, the City should include provisions to assure the project includes 30% “affordable” housing. Mr. Ramsey reviewed alternatives to the applicant’s proposal listed on pages 8, 9, and 10 of the staff report. He stated staff is recommending a redesignation of four acres for housing at a maximum density of 15 units per acre. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked for clarification on the use of the remaining 6.5 acres if only rezoning 4 acres. Mr. Ramsey said the balance of the 6.5 acres would be included in the over-all design of the golf course. PC Meeting 4 September 27,2005 W L’ Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if staffs recommendation on the GPA would yield a total of 42 dwelling units, with 30 percent of 18 units on one acre of affordable, or fewer than six units of affordable housing. Mr. Ramsey said that 30 percent of the entire project would be affordable units. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if the future road crossing of the trail close to Plant Depot had been taken into account on the traffic studies and if there would be a signalized crossing there. Mr. Ramsey said that the crossing needs to occur to the east of Valle Road and would include a rider or pedestrian-actuated signal. Commissioner Drey asked the number of units in Chateau San Juan. Mr. Ramsey answered 11 1 units. Commissioner Drey said since the January traffic study was based on 420 units, that at 11 8 units the number of trips would be cut down, and with staff recommendation it would be about one-tenth the number of trips. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked if there would be a different parking ratio requirement. Mr. Ramsey said that parking standards are based on the type of residential use. Commissioner Cohen asked that the density of 15 units per acre be lessened after seeing the conceptual development plan included in the agenda packet. He asked if the maximum density is considered to be guaranteed. Mr. Ramsey said the Commission has discretion to approve a project with less density, although the maximum number creates an expectation on the part of the applicant, even though it is not a guarantee. Public Hearing Roberto Brutocao, one of the Co-General Partners of the golf course, presented to the dais a petition signed by approximately 170 members of the community in support of the project. Mr. Brutocao said the community prefers the proposed project over other allowed facilities that could be built on the property in the OSR zone. Mr. Brutocao said that the applicant initiated the GPA with a 10.9 acre parcel in mind. Phil Schwartze, 31872 San Juan Creek Road, spoke as a neighbor and a representative of the applicant, saying that the seniors housing would be a preferable use to other allowed facilities. Mr. Schwartze spoke in support of trail linkages of riding and hiking trails along the north side of San Juan Creek Road, crossing over to the south side and linking up to trail linkages on the “old hotel” side through San Juan Meadows. Mr. Schwartze presented to the dais a revised recommendation from the land owner that recommends the PC designation on the General Plan and the PC on the zoning for 10.5 acres. Chairman Neely asked if the draft Architectural Concept Plan included in the agenda report was for the 10.5 acres. Mr. Schwartze said that it is a concept plan that shows that the total number of units requested can fit in that project. Mr. PC Meeting 5 September 27, 2005 W Schwartze said he believes 8 to 18 will work. Chairman Neely asked how many stories this represents. Mr. Schwartze said it is a two-story elevation. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked if the over-all density is 18 versus the 15 that staff recommended. Mr. Schwartze said the concept plan shows high density which is 8-1 8du/acre, duplicating the high density multiple family zoning. Mr. Ramsey said there are two changes shown on Mr. Schwartze’s handout: 10.5 acres and 18 dwelling units per acre instead of 15. Commissioner Cohen asked if there was a reason staff proposed 4 acres rather than 10.5. Mr. Ramsey said that staff’s recommendation was the City’s Conservation Open Space Element and the character and pattern of development along the San Juan Creek corridor. Staff felt it was possible to minimize the amount of acreage and retain the open space corridor by providing a reduced residential component to meet some of the applicant’s objectives. Ms. Bogh referred to Exhibit 2 Proposed Site Plan in the staff report, showing a four acre City-owned Parcel D at the northwest corner of La Novia and San Juan Creek Road. The Planning Commission would be acting on behalf of the property owner, Le. the City, in making a recommendation to the City Council as to whether or not they should lease this property for this use. Ultimately the City has control as a partial property owner as well as the legislative body. The exhibit indicates that the land to be leased appears similar to the proposed housing site, and that the exchange of land uses was intended to be “quid pro quo.” Bertha Henry Taylor, 32353 San Juan Creek Road, 20-year resident at Chateau San Juan, spoke in favor of open space, the golf course, and against a high-rise building on the golf course. Dale Woytek, Executive Director of Atria Chateau San Juan, spoke on behalf of the residents and said that traffic is a concern since seniors walk along San Juan Creek Road every day. Connie Kuhlmann, 27212-B Via Capote, resident of San Juan Hills West, said that the many representatives here tonight from San Juan Hills West are in favor of the applicant’s proposal, and that there should be traffic control between Valle Road and La Novia. George Hammersley, 27191 B Calle Caballero, President of Block 1 of San Juan Hills West, said his block totally supports the applicant’s proposal. Tom Hribar, Paseo Monte Vista, spoke in support of the staff recommendation and in opposition to the proposed structure. Bob Savanich, 27373 Paseo Ravenna, resident of Mesa Vista North Town Homes and on the Board of the San Juan Hills Men’s Club since 1996, spoke in support of the applicant’s proposal. PC Meeting 6 September 27,2005 John Perry, 32175 Via Barrita, spoke in support of the applicant‘s proposal. Larry Oien, 27151-B Capote De Paseo, resident of San Juan Hills West, spoke in support of the applicant’s proposal. Armando Sotello, 27212 Via Capote-C, resident of San Juan Hills West and part- time employee at the driving range, spoke in support of the applicant’s proposal. Donna Fogt, 27241-B Via Callejon, resident of San Juan Hills West, spoke in support of the applicant’s proposal. Commissioner Comments Commissioner Ratcliffe said that GPAs and Rezones are important to the City, that affordable housing is needed, and the exchange needs to be equitable to the City. Commissioner Cohen said he would support the land use change and protection to the City ensuring public access to the golf course if the golf course would become private. Commissioner Cohen said that he would like to see the finished residential project prior to making a determination on the allowed units per acre. W Vice Chairman Cardoza said that the Design Review Committee (DRC) and Planning Commission would be looking closely at the design, and that 4 acres or 10.5 acres depends on the relationship of the land areas and structures, and that parking on the perimeter is not appealing. Commissioner Drey said the golf course is an exceptional design and an asset to the community, although he is concerned about the open space. The 189 units are too much and the concept plan is too intense and not visually appealing from the street. Chairman Neely said that he agreed with Vice Chairman Cardoza and Commissioner Drey, and that the 4 acre versus 10.5 acres is not as important as the frontage along San Juan Creek Road. If the City Council approves the project with the intensity range from 8 to 18 units/acre, the design would need to be visually appealing. Commissioner Cohen said that the end result would need to be looked at, and suggested forwarding the recommended density range to City Council. Commissioner Ratcliffe agreed with Commissioner Cohen on the density range and agreed with Vice Chairman Cardoza regarding the appearance of the parking area, and retaining the affordability component. W PC Meeting 7 September 27, 2005 Vice Chairman Cardoza said the density is relative to the size of the unit, and that the DRC and Planning Commission would be looking for usable open space. Chairman Neely asked if there is an open space ratio in any of the requested districts. Ms. Bogh said in the residential districts there is a percent of site that cannot have buildings on it, but this is not the same as a requirement for useable open space. Ms. Bogh said that the use of the Planned Community (PC) General Plan designation allows wording to be added to the text of the General Plan. One of the options the Planning Commission has in recommending a PC General Plan designation is to define some parameters to be included in the text of the General Plan in terms of the amount of frontage on San Juan Creek Road, the amount of area within the site that should be usable open space, and any pathways or integration between the riparian area along the creek and trails. With that designation you’re not confined to using the 8 to 18 range. The PC designation is open to the types of standards that the Planning Commission wants to tie to it, and the future plan would have to come in under those standards. Commissioner Cohen asked if the right time to establish the criteria is tonight. Ms. Bogh said staff recommends that criteria be established. Staff has recommended a maximum density of 15 under the PC designation, and is trying to create a range of options for the Commission to consider. The Planning Commission may want to put in the General Plan a mixture of densities or a mixture of one- and two-story units with a maximum density no greater than X. Commissioner Drey agreed with Commissioner Cohen’s comments regarding the number of units and agreed with Vice Chairman Cardoza’s usable green open space comment. Commissioner Drey stated he supports visual open space from the street in substantial landscape setbacks. Chairman Neely agreed with Ms. Bogh’s suggestion to be more precise in the PC General Plan designation regarding recommendations to City Council regarding the residential portion of the project, and the mixture of one- and two-stories. He stated the percent of frontage or open space would be tough to do without looking at site alternatives and designs. Staffs recommended density of 15 might be a more realistic cap than 18. Chairman Neely asked staff to come up with alternatives to give City Council a range of design options to consider beyond the mixture of one- and two-story and the maximum of 15 du/acre. Commissioners Cohen, Ratcliffe and Drey and Vice Chairman Cardoza agreed with minimizing the frontage development, and that the number set as a cap would not be a consensus for the ultimate build-out. Vice Chairman Cardoza said there should be a green buffer on all sides including street frontage, the driving range and the riparian corridor as well as a buffer between Chateau San Juan and the proposed project. PC Meeting 8 September 27,2005 Chairman Neely said he would be hesitant to recommend buffer dimensions prior to seeing the site plan. u Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if a CDP would be a portion of a PC designation that would include affordable covenants at a later point. Ms. Bogh said that would come at a later point. Chairman Neely said that 15 units to the acre is not a guarantee and that the quality of the design in meeting the other objectives will determine in large part what is an achievable density for the site. Mr. Ramsey said the Planning Commission could incorporate reference to the density provisions of the Land Use Element which indicate that anything more than the average density within a given density range requires that a project meets certain objectives including exceptional design and public amenities above and beyond what would normally be expected. Chairman Neely said that the Planning Commission is attempting to do the same thing, but in a more customized manner. Motion Chairman Neely moved, seconded by Commissioner Cohen, to approve L Resolution No. 05-9-27-1 recommending (1) City Council approval of a General Plan Amendment (GPA) 03-02 and Rezone (RZ) 04-01 for a parcel located along the north side of San Juan Creek Road and east of Chateau San Juan and more precisely referred to as part of Assessors Parcel Number(s) 666-01 1-27 (Capistrano Valley Golf, LP) as follows: (a) a General Plan Amendment (GPA) to the “PC” (Planned Community) land use designation to “100% - 2.5, High Density Residential” use for a 10.5 acre portion of the existing driving range with a maximum overall density of 15.0 du/ac (dwelling units per acre) and consisting of: a minimum 30% affordable housing units (20% “low” and 10% “very low” income households) a maximum 70% market rate housing units 0 age-restricted to age 55 years or older 0 mix of 1 & 2 story structures significant buffering at perimeter of site with landscaped open space (provide illustratives to City Council) 0 actual density shall be determined based upon site design, and may not be maximum allowed. PC Meeting 9 September 27, 2005 (2) Rezone to the “PC” (Planned Community) Zone District for a 10.5 acre portion of the existing driving range at a maximum overall density per the General Plan and affordability provisions per the General Plan (note: a Comprehensive Development Plan establishing use and development standards would be subject to future City review and approval in conjunction with the Architectural Control application) and with age restricted housing to persons 55 years of age or older). u (see Attachment 1, Draft Resolution 05-9-27-x Recommending Approval of a General Plan Amendment (GPA) 03-02 and Rezone (RZ) 04-01); and, (3) continue consideration of Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 2004-1 21, Floodplain Land Use Permit (FP) 04-01, Architectural Control (AC) 04-06, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 04-01, and the Land Lease pending a final decision by the City Council on the legislative applications; and, (4) table consideration of a Development Agreement until such future date that the developer of the senior housing site submits and processes a Rezone application (zoning text amendment establishing a Comprehensive Development Plan). AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cardoza, Chairman Neely u NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. Chairman Neely called for a recess at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened at 9:00 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION OF REZONE 03-05, MISSION HILL-MISSION FLATS NEIGHBORHOODS. A PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING THE MRD-4,000 ZONING DISTRICT AND A ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REZONING THE 27.4 ACRE MISSION HILL-MISSION FLATS PLANNING AREA TO THE “MRD-4,000” (MISSION RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT- 4,000 SF LOT MINIMUM) ZONE DISTRICT (APPLICANT: CITY OF SAN JUAN CAP I ST RAN 0) Written Communications September 27,2005 PC Meeting 10 September 27,2005 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Ramsey presented the staff report as consideration of a proposed zoning ordinance amendment establishing the MRD-4,000 Zoning District and a zoning map amendment rezoning the 27.4 acre Mission Hill-Mission Flats Planning Area to the “MRD-4,OOO” Zone District. Goals are to maintain the character of development within this neighborhood and appropriately treat historic buildings and historic resources. The draft “MRD-4,000” zone district use standards would establish the Mission Hill-Mission Flats neighborhoods as single family detached residential districts. Duplex and multi-family structures, now permitted under the current zoning standards, would not be permitted. The ordinance also contains design guidelines and standards to maintain neighborhood character. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission receive the staff report, open the public hearing, provide direction to staff on revisions to the draft ordinance as deemed appropriate, and continue consideration of this item to the October 11 public hearing. At that time staff will present a resolution for Planning Commission consideration. Commission Questions and Comments Vice Chairman Cardoza asked if building permits had been issued for the duplex condo project. Mr. Ramsey said building permits had not been issued and that it would become a legal non-conforming use, if constructed. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked if the proposed 3’ side and rear yard instead of 5’ setbacks for garages are acceptable to the Fire Department. Mr. Ramsey said that current Code provisions allow a zero lot line and that the 3’ would allow for a minimum 6’ separation. During the building permit process the Fire Authority would look at individual structures and would either impose standards on access that may require additional setback or may require that structures be constructed to a certain fire rating. Chairman Neely asked if these development standards would not require any discretionary permit, and that staff would be making interpretations about architectural compatibility and consistency over the counter. Mr. Ramsey said that is correct and that the DRC would have a role on occasions when a particular project may not meet provisions or design objectives. Ms. Bogh said that Section A(2) on page 11 of the draft ordinance says “If the Planning Director determines that the project does not meet the requirements of this section, the Planning Director may deny the project or may forward it to the Planning Commission for review.” Commissioner Neely asked what happened to the DRC. Ms. Bogh said we always have the opportunity to bring projects to the DRC, but ultimately this is giving the Planning Commission discretion if staff feels that the project does not meet this ordinance. PC Meeting 11 September 27,2005 Chairman Neely asked if this was worked on with residents from the community. Mr. Ramsey said it was put together after three workshops with residents. Public Hearinq Angela Duzich, 31372 Don Juan Avenue, spoke in favor of the ordinance, and asked the following questions: 1) if the secondary dwelling could be limited to being detached and if there would be a setback between the main house and the detached accessory dwelling unit; 2) if the detached accessory dwelling unit can be limited to single story or have a height restriction; and 3) that metal roofing be allowed provided it is not of a reflective material. Ms. Duzich said architects may approach the City to design the ordinance to satisfy their development needs. Chairman Neely asked Ms. Duzich if curbs and gutters were wanted. Ms. Duzich said that there is no room for sidewalks and there are no curbs and gutters, except maybe in the flats. Ms. Duzich suggested any road widening be done on a case-by-case basis where extra parking may be needed. Orrie Brown, 31481 La Matanza Street, spoke in favor of the ordinance and in opposition to curbs and gutters or sidewalks. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Drey said that he is in favor of the ordinance. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked if metal roofing would require a Conditional Use Permit. Ms. Bogh suggested that the following wording replace the wording in Section B (3) on page 11 “Metal roofing may be allowed provided that it is not reflective and resembles natural material.” Vice Chairman Cardoza asked if there should be restrictions on the types of vehicles on the narrow streets. Mr. Ramsey said that might best be handled through traffic control. Ms. Bogh said that parking vehicles over 72 hours is already regulated by the Vehicle Code. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked about the excess driveway paving. Ms. Bogh said a standard on page 12 limits the paving, allows divided driveways, and says that not more than forty percent of the front yard area may be paved. Commissioner Ratcliffe agreed with Vice Chairman Cardoza on the metal roofs. Chairman Neely suggested that metal clad roofs be in a dull finish with a color that blends in with the architecture, and that there are numerous architectural styles. Commissioner Cohen said that item B (5) covers highly reflective materials and that item B (3) could be eliminated. PC Meeting 12 September 27,2005 Chairman Neely suggested clarifying “No more than 35 percent of the building frontage should be occupied by garage doors” as a linear ratio. ‘U Chairman Neely suggested setting guidelines for architectural style by saying the architecture should be reflective of architecture that already exists in the neighborhood. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Drey, to continue the item to the October 11, 2005 Planning Commission meeting. AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cardoza, Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 3. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 04-08 MODIFICATION, GATES -d OFFICE BUILDING AT 31601 AVENIDA LOS CERRITOS. A REQUEST TO INSTALL AN ATM MACHINE ON THE BUILDING FACADE FOR AN APPROVED OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED ON THE WEST SCDE OF AVENIDA LOS CERRITOS AND EAST OF THE 1-5 FREEWAY. INCLUDED IN THIS AGENDA ITEM IS A CODE INTERPRETATION RELATIVE TO THE REQUIRED BRAD GATES) PARKING FOR A COMMERCIAL BANK. (APN: 650-1 51-17) (APPLICANT: Written Communications September 27, 2005 Owner Cerritos Land Partners, LLP, 28546 Paseo Diana, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Applicant Brad Gates (Same as Owner) Architect Robert C. Lenz, 71 8 Avenida Columbo, San Clemente, CA 92672 Staff presentation & recommendation Ms. Bogh presented the staff report as a request to install an ATM machine on the building fagade for an approved office building located at 31601 Avenida Los L PC Meeting 13 September 27, 2005 Cerritos. Included in this agenda item is a code interpretation relative to the required parking for a commercial bank. b Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the applicant’s request. Public Hearinq Applicant Brad Gates, 28546 Paseo Diana, said almost all of the operations of this commercial business bank are done by either courier or personnel going to the location of the business client. There are 51 parking spaces on the site and the bank is asking for 21 spaces, leaving a balance of parking spaces that wouldn’t be used. Commissioner Cardoza asked if there would be additional signage for the ATM machine. Mr. Gates said that he didn’t believe there would be additional signage. Ms. Bogh said that Condition 12 requires that the signage and lighting for the ATM be brought back to the DRC. Commissioner Comments Commissioner Ratcliffe voiced concern that the ATM would draw other people to the area. Commissioner Cohen said that there are enough ATMs around that the ATM would probably be used primarily by the patrons of the building. u Chairman Neely voiced concern with the ATM lighting and asked that it be minimal. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Cardoza, to approve Resolution 05-9-27-2 conditionally approving a modification to Architectural Control (AC) 04-08 for an ATM and bank parking for the Gates Office Building on approximately .838 acre of land located at 31601 Avenida Los Cerritos (APN 650-1 51-1 7). AYES: Commissioners Cohen, and Drey, Vice Chairman Cardoza, Chairman Neely NOES: Commissioner Ratcliffe ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 4-1. PC Meeting 14 September 27, 2005 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 05-01, ARCHITECTURAL W CONTROL (AC) 05-03, ZONING VARIANCE (ZV) 05-04, TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (TRP) 05-080, LECK HOUSE AT 31861 LOS RlOS STREET. A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO 1) ALLOW THE CONVERSION OF THE 1,641 SQUARE FOOT ARLEY LECK HOUSE FROM RESIDENTIAL TO PUBLIC/MUSEUM USE; 2) ALLOW ENCROACHMENT INTO THE REAR SETBACK; 3) NOT PROVIDE THE REQUIRED SIX PARKING SPACES FOR THE MUSEUM USE; AND REMOVAL OF TWO MATURE EUCALYPTUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY) TREES. (APN 121-160-48) (APPLICANT: SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Written Communications September 27,2005 Own e r/A p p I i ca n t Tom Ostensen, San Juan Capistrano Historical Society, 31831 Los Rios Street, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Enaineer/Architect Fabio Escobar Jr., RBF Consulting, 14725 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618-2027 Staff presentation & recommendation Ms. Delcamp presented the staff report as a request for CUP 05-01, ZV 05-04, TRP 05-080; Leck House Museum. The San Juan Capistrano Historical Society has requested approval of several discretionary applications to allow the Leck House to be converted and used as a museum. r Staff recommends that the Planning Commission 1. Adopt a resolution approving an addendum to the previously approved Negative Declaration and approving CUP 05-01 to allow the conversion of the Arley Leck House from residential to public/museum use at 31861 Los Rios Street, based on the required findings; and 2. Adopt a resolution approving an addendum to the previously approved Negative Declaration and approving ZV 05-04 and TRP 05-080 to allow an encroachment into the rear setback; relief from the requirement to provide six parking spaces for the museum use; and the removal of two mature eucalyptus trees at 31861 Los Rios Street, based on the required findings. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked why the structure was referred to as both a historic structure and a potentially historic structure in the report. Ms. Delcamp said when the project Rancho Madrina was processed through the City a historical report done for the Leck House concluded that the property was potentially significant. For purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) it is considered to be a historic structure. It is not currently on the City’s Inventory of Historical u PC Meeting 15 September 27, 2005 Cultural Landmarks (IHCL). It is on the buildings of distinction list. The Specific Plan states that relocated buildings into the District need to be on the IHCL. Public Hearing Tom Ostensen, Vice President, San Juan Capistrano Historical Society, asked that the Planning Commission support this recommendation and that a private developer is footing the bill to rehabilitate and preserve this historic structure. The overall plan is to create a center for historical structures at the O’Neill Museum to preserve historical resources. Ms. Bogh clarified that there are two different actions since there are two applicants with different purposes. One action is a Site Plan Review that has already been approved by the Cultural Heritage Commission, which allows the applicant to move the house. That was subject to the variance and the Tree Removal Permit, which if the Planning Commission approves, the applicant has permission to move the house. The Conditional Use Permit relates to the Historic Society and their desire to convert the house into a museum use. These conditions on the CUP are for the museum use. Tom Grabel, William Lyon Homes, said that while it is the Historical Society’s responsibility to satisfy the conditions, they are going to be satisfying those conditions in many ways through William Lyon Homes. On Condition 19, several things are being asked for prior to a grading permit. Mr. Grabel said they would like to have the site excavated and graded for its final location, and said Condition 19 is more appropriate to the building permit phase than the grading permit phase. Ms. Bogh said staff would concur with moving Condition 19 to the next section, “prior to building permits”. Mr. Grabel said on Condition 23 Building Construction Plans, the construction plans are more as built types of plans. Ms. Bogh said that could be prior to occupancy. Ms. Delcamp said the intent was acknowledging the fact that William Lyon Homes is going to be relocating the house onto the site, putting it back together, getting it situated on the foundation, and trying to make it weather-proof and structurally sound. The intent was to have these conditions met at the point in time when the Historic Society would determine what was needed to accommodate use as a museum. Chairman Neely asked and received concurrence that design details could be addressed by the DRC. Mr. Grabel asked for clarification of 23.e. Ms. Bogh said this is for the museum use. Ms. Delcamp said the project is conditioned to be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards, which need to be used for historic properties. This entails things like making sure that as much historic fabric as now exists is retained and that replacement materials are as consistent with the materials now on the house that match to the extent feasible. Mr. Grabel said that a lot of pieces have been added through the years. .September 27,2005 PC Meeting 16 Mr. Grabel said that utility companies dictate where things go in terms of lines ‘-J and boxes. Mr. Grabel said that on Item 27, Surety for Tree Preservation, the industry standard is three to six months, and 24 months seems to be extensive. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked about the preserved versus new landscaping. Mr. Grabel said most of the landscaping will be new, and that there is a Pepper tree northeast of the house. Ms. Bogh said that staff would concur with six months. Commissioner Ratcliffe said that ground compaction around existing trees can show up several years later in declining tree health, and the Pepper tree should be protected during construction. Mr. Grabel said that Item 28 will be complied with to the extent that OCFA does not conflict with other local, state, and federal standards. Ms. Delcamp said that the current Item 30 had been modified from the Item that Mr. Grabel had previously seen. Mr. Grabel said that final Cultural Resource Reports would be submitted if applicable. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Cardoza, to approve Resolution 05-9-27-4 Zoning Variance (ZV) 05-04, Tree Removal Permit (TRP) 95-080 approving a request to allow encroachment into a rear setback, relief from the requirement for six parking spaces and removal of two eucalyptus trees on a 3.978 acre parcel located at 31861 Los Rios Street and more precisely referred to as Assessors Parcel Number 121-160-48, Leck House Museum with revisions to conditions 19, 23, 27, and 40 as discussed. u AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cardoza, Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 5. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16168 (TTM), VILLAGE ALIPAZ. A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A SUBDIVISION MAP TO SUBDIVIDE A 1.0 ACRE PARCEL INTO FOUR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS, AND THREE LETTERED LOTS. THE LOTS WILL BE DIVIDED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: (LOT 1) 7,590 SQ. FT., (LOT 2) 4,900 SQ. FT., (LOT 3) 4,660 SQ. FT. AND (LOT 4) 4,900 SQ. FT. THE PROPOSED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP b PC Meeting 17 September 27, 2005 WAS ORIGINALLY APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 6, 2001 AND EXPIRED ON NOVEMBER 6, 2003. THE PROJECT IS GENERALLY LOCATED 700 FEET WEST OF ALIPAZ STREET AND 100 FEET SOUTH OF PASEO TOSCANA ~u (APN121-171-19) (APPLICANT: VILLAGE ALIPAZ, LLC) Written Communications September 13,2005 Owner/Applicant Village Alipaz, LLC, 19700 Fairchild Road, Suite 120, Irvine, CA 92614 Engineer Fred Cornwell, 151 Kalmus Drive, Building M, Suite 2, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Contreras presented the staff report as a consideration of TTM 16168; a request for approval of a subdivision map to subdivide a 1 .O acre parcel into four single family residential lots, and three lettered lots. The proposed tentative tract map was originally approved on November 6, 2001 and expired on November 6, 2003. The application will not result in any significant physical changes to the lot pattern of the previously approved subdivision. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution certifying the Negative Declaration and recommending City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map 16168, subject to conditions of approval. .W Public Hearinq Phil Schwartze, 31872 San Juan Creek Road, presented to the dais a letter from Dave Murphy, President of the Alipaz Homeowners Association, saying they have reviewed the proposal and are not opposed to it. Irwin Canode, 26402 Paseo Tuscano, the house next to Lot B, a 44’ lot made up of 24’ on a water well facility and the other 20’ is designated as an access road to the proposed project. Mr. Canode said his concerns about the project are 1) minimum grading is necessary to produce suitable building pads. If there is a change to this present level of grade it would impact the roads in the area and it would cause a lot of noise in the surrounding area. If a lot of dirt and haulers were brought in it would impact the roads considerably. The pads where the existing homes are about 3’ above the existing grade, and he would like to see that maintained and a retaining wall behind where the present grade is now and there is landscaping in the area where the water well facility is now. The developer previously had three two-story homes including one one-story home which is behind Mr. Canode’s home. He would like to maintain his view of the hills maintained and maintain the fence on the south side of the Alipaz tract. He would like to have the homeowners association maintain the wall behind their home and have the homeowners association maintain the fence that separates Lot B from the new tract as well as the sprinkler system. u PC Meeting 18 September 27,2005 Mr. Contreras said Lot B is a City-owned well site property, with a well pump house on that property. The Lot B road access of 23’ is an easement over that property that is granted to Village Alipaz for ingress and egress. The fence Mr. Canode is referring to is located south of the well pump house building. There will be a fence located along that property line to designate the City property versus the Lot 1 property line. The area behind the pump house is maintained by the City. The front of the pump house has been fully landscaped at this time. L Ms. Bogh said the fence plan is required by Condition 42.f to go to DRC. Commissioner Questions and Comments Chairman Neely asked if the single story would remain and said that the fencing issues could be dealt with when there are precise grading plans. Chairman Neely asked that Mr. Canode be noticed of the DRC discussion on this item. Ms. Bogh said staff will do so. Motion Commissioner Drey moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to approve Resolution 05-9-27-5 Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 16168, Village Alipaz, recommending certification of a Negative Declaration and recommending approval of a Tentative Tract Map for the development of 4 single family residential lots and three lettered lots on a 1.0 acre parcel located 700 feet west of Alipaz Street and 100 feet south of Paseo Toscana and more precisely referred to as Assessor’s Parcel Number 121-171-19 (Village Alipaz, LLC). b AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cardoza, Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. NEW BUSINESS 1. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (TRP) 05-109, PARKS RESIDENCE AT 31761 AGUACATE. AN APPLICATION TO REMOVE TWO (2) EUCALYPTUS TREES, WITH DIAMETERS OF EIGHTY (80) INCHES EACH. THE SUBJECT TREES ARE LOCATED IN THE SIDE YARD ON THE NORTH END OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, GENERALLY LOCATED 170 FEET NORTHWEST OF VIA PASTORAL. (APN 649-091-31) (APPLICANT: RICHARD & LUCY PARKS). L- Written Communications September 27, 2005 PC Meeting 19 September 27, 2005 L Applicant Richard & Lucy Parks, 31761 Aguacate Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Contreras presented the staff report as an application to legalize the removal of two (2) Eucalyptus trees located on the side yard on the north end of the subject property, generally located 170 feet west of Via Pastoral at 31761 Aguacate Road. This application was submitted after a Code Enforcement case related to construction on the property was opened. The Code Enforcement officer noticed a large stockpile of Eucalyptus logs and staff found a section of one tree that measured approximately 80 inches in diameter and that of the second tree that measured approximately 60 inches. An arborist report received after the packets were distributed was distributed on the dais. The applicants have stated that the trees were removed because of disease. The arborist found some evidence of disease and bug infestation in both trees. Based on the present condition of the remaining stump and sliced up trunk and branches, the only option to legalize TRP 05-109 is the replacement of the subject trees on site. Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution legalizing the removal of two (2) Eucalyptus trees, based on the findings required by Section 9-2.349 of the Municipal Code and that the applicant be required to replace both trees with a 60” box and a 48” box tree of native species at the choosing of the Planning Commission or the DRC. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked what would be the status if the removal were not legalized. Mr. Sandoval said that would be a Code Violation because the trees were removed without a permit. Violations of Title 9 are infractions that the City Attorney has the authority to prosecute as misdemeanors. If the City wishes to prosecute and refers to the City Attorney’s office, then it would be forwarded to a prosecuting Attorney who would draft and file a Misdemeanor Complaint. Commissioner Cohen asked if the City Attorney could enter into an agreement with the owner that they replace the tree. Mr. Sandoval said that the applicant is required to obtain a permit either from the Planning Director or with Planning Commission approval. There is no legal means for the Attorney’s office to offer a “plea bargains” instead of a permit. Commissioner Ratcliffe said the trees appear to have been pruned excessively in the past, causing them to deteriorate and be cut down in violation of City standards. PC Meeting 20 September 27, 2005 Public Hearing Applicant Richard and Lucy Parks, 31761 Aguacate Road, said that after a branch from one of the Eucalyptus trees fell and killed one of their llamas, a professional tree service trimmed the trees. Both trees later died and Mrs. Parks said she didn’t realize a permit was required to cut down dead trees and that Mr. and Mrs. Parks had been traveling for an extended time. Mrs. Parks stated she had also submitted an application to remove a dead pine tree with beetle infestation on the property. L Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked the applicant to give Mr. Contreras the name of the tree service that cut down the trees. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked how many trees are on the site, and if the construction would require more removal of trees. Mrs. Parks said the planned construction would not require removal of trees. Mr. Parks said there are about one-half dozen trees of 2’ diameter on the property. There are Washingtonia robustas, pine trees, Cyprus trees and a palm tree. Commissioner Ratcliffe said that it looks like the tree trimmer was the inadvertent agent of destruction, and should be informed of City policy. Chairman Neely asked if there is a City business license program for tree removal services and to prevent “lollypopping” of shrubs. Mr. Sandoval said that he will review the City tree trimming ordinance and bring information to the next Planning Commission meeting. L Commissioner Cohen asked that a letter go out to tree company licensees with a copy of the Code section on tree trimming. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Cardoza, to approve Resolution 05-9-27-6 confirming issuance of a Categorical Exemption and legalizing a Tree Removal Permit for two Eucalyptus trees located at 31761 Aguacate Road with the condition that the applicant is to bring the overall landscape plan back to the DRC to evaluate the applicability of the materials, including replacement tree. (APN 649-091 -31). AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cardoza, Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None b ABSTAIN: None PC Meeting 21 September 27,2005 The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. L COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Bogh forwarded Ziad Mazboudi’s thanks for the efforts of Planning Commissioners on the cleanup. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked for the status of the playground play structure at Cook’s Park on Calle Arroyo. Ms. Bogh said that Karen Crocker could tell Commissioner Ratcliffe when the new equipment that has been ordered will arrive. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 11:02 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 11, 2005, at 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Plan-ning-Director L /sm