PC Minutes-2005-07-2632400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493- 1053 FAX www. sanjuancapistrano. org ‘u(949) 493-1 171 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING CO M M lSSl0 N TUESDAY, JULY 26,2005 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO DIANE BATHGATE WYAl7 HART JOE SOT0 DAVID M SWERDLIN CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Neely at 7:OO p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Tim Neely, Chairman Robert Cardoza, Vice Chairman Sheldon Cohen Joe Drey Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Molly Bogh, Planning Director; Omar Sandoval, Deputy City Attorney; William Ramsey, Principal Planner; Sam Shoucair, Senior Engineer; Tamara Campbell, Assistant Planning Director; Brian Perry, Senior Civil Engineer; Douglas Dumhart, Principal Management Analyst; Keeton Kreitzer, Environmental Consultant; Sue McCu I loug h , Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of June 28, 2005. Minutes June 28. 2005: Commissioner Drey moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, of the minutes of June 28, 2005. The motion passed by a vote of 4-0 with abstention by Commissioner Cardoza due to his absence at the meeting. \- Sari Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future I, L.9 Printed on recycled oaaer Planning Commission Minutes 2 Julv 26,2005 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 05-08, (ENDEVCO BUILDING) AUTO b STORAGE AT 30700 RANCHO VIEJO ROAD. PROPOSAL TO ALLOW THE STORAGE OF NEW MOTOR VEHICLE INVENTORY AT AN EXISTING PARKING LOT. STORAGE OF VEHICLES WOULD BE ON 79 SPACES OF THE 458 EXISTING STALLS LOCATED ON THE LOWER PARKING TERRACE PARALLEL TO RANCHO VIEJO ROAD. (APN 650-1 11-1 5)(APPLICANT: ENDEVCO). Written Communications Staff report dated July 26, 2005 Owner Charles Postow, 150 E. qfh St., Suite 400, Cincinnati, OH 45202 Applicant Endevco, 30700 Rancho Viejo, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Staff presentation and recommendation Ms. Campbell presented the staff report as a request for CUP 05-08 (Endevco) to utilize an existing parking lot at 30700 Rancho Viejo Road for the inventory storage of new vehicles for off-site auto dealers. '- Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked if staff analyzed the feasibility of other sites in addition to Endevco, since dealerships cannot accommodate inventory. Mr. Dumhart said that the Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency, the dealers, and Mr. Dumhart are meeting on a regular basis to solve inventory accommodation problems. Commissioner Cardoza asked if there will be security fencing proposed at a later date. Ms. Campbell said that there has not been a fence proposed for this application. Chairman Neely asked that there be a limitation on hours cars could be transferred, to avoid more congestion during peak traffic hours. Ms. Campbell said a condition could be added to limit hours. Commissioner Cohen asked that vehicles be moved individually on and off the dealership premises rather than by transport truck. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Cardoza, to approve Resolution No. 05-07-26-1 confirming issuance of a categorical exemption and approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 05-08 to allow vehicle storage in an existing parking lot at 30700 Rancho Viejo Road (APN 650-1 1 1-1 5; Endevco Building) subject to Planning Commission Minutes 3 July 26, 2005 the following additional conditions: that transfer of the vehicles to and from the storage site shall be by driving the vehicles rather than by a transport truck, that transfer of the vehicles to and from the storage site shall not be allowed to and from the dealership during peak traffic hours (7:OO a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:OO p.m. to 7:OO p.m.), and that any future physical changes to the storage site would be subject to City approval. Y- AYES: Commissioners Cardoza, Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. Ms. Bogh said that staff would delete existing Condition 14 which is a duplicate of Condition 4, and insert a new Condition 14 regarding transfer of the vehicles to and from the storage and add Condition 15 specifying that any proposed physical changes would be subject to City review. 2. CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 03-02, REZONE /RZ) 04-01, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM) 2004- 121, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 04-06, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) W 04-01, FLOODPLAIN LAND USE PERMIT (FP) 04-01, PUBLIC LAND LEASE. CAPISTRANO VALLEY GOLF L.P. HAS REQUESTED APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM “OSR” DU/ACRE)”, A REZONE FROM “OSR” (OPEN SPACE RECREATION) TO “RM” DEVELOPMENT OF SENIOR HOUSING ON A 10.5 ACRE PARCEL. THE PROJECT ALSO REQUESTS APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FOR FINANCING PURPOSES TO CREATE 4 PARCELS FROM A 29.2 ACRE PARCEL FOR THE SENIOR HOUSING, DRIVING RANGE, CLUB HOUSE, AND GOLF COURSE HOLE #I. THE ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL APPLICATION INCLUDES PROPOSED PRELIMINARY SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW CLUBHOUSE FACILITY (13,830 GSF), CART BARN (10,920 GSF), 241 SPACE PARKING AND ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS. THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE RELOCATION OF THE “DRIVING RANGE” AND TO ALLOW “LIVE ENTERTAINMENT” AND “ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES” AT THE NEW CLUB HOUSE IN THE “OSR” (OPEN SPACE RECREATION) DISTRICT. A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY TO BE DEVELOPED WITH CLUB HOUSE AND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD DISTRICT (SFHD) AND REQUIRES A FLOODPLAIN LAND USE PERMIT. FINALLY, THE APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT THE CITY LEASE A 2.5 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAN (OPEN SPACE RECREATION) TO “2.5, HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8.1-18.0 (RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY), AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR FUTURE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS IS SITUATED IN THE REGULATORY 100-YEAR Planning Commission Minutes 4 July 26, 2005 JUAN CREEK ROAD AND LA NOVIA AVENUE FOR GOLF COURSE PURPOSES TO ACCOMMODATE A PORTION OF GOLF COURSE HOLE #I. THE PROJECT SITE IS “OSR” (OPEN SPACE RECREATION), AND IS LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF SAN JUAN CREEK ROAD BETWEEN CHATEAU SAN JUAN ASSISTED LIVING GENERAL PLAN-DESIGNATED “I. 1, OPEN SPACE RECREATION,” IS ZONED J AND LA NOVIA AVENUE (APN 666-01 1-27). (APPLICANT: SAN JUAN GOLF, INC.). Written Communications Staff report dated July 26, 2005 Property Owner Capistrano Valley Golf L.P., c/o Roberto Brutocao, San Juan Creek Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Architect Daniel Conrardy, AIA, Conrardy Design Group, 24672 San Juan Ave., #104, Dana Point, CA 92629 Representative Kosmont Partners, Attn. Larry Kosmont, 601 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 3550, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Representative Daniel Friess, Friess Company Builders, Inc., 31658 Rancho Viejo Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 .W Staff presentation and recommendation Mr. Ramsey presented the staff report as consideration of General Plan Amendment (GPA) 03-02, Rezone (RZ) 04-01 , Development Agreement, Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 2004-121, Architectural Control (AC) 04-06, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 04- 01, Floodplain Land Use Permit (FP) 04-01, San Juan Hills Golf, Inc.; entitlements to establish General Plan and Zoning designations on a 10.5 acre parcel for senior housing development, relocate an existing golf course driving range on a 10.57 acre parcel, develop a new golf course clubhouse and accessory improvements on a 4.5 acre parcel and allow certain conditional uses, develop improvements within a portion of the Regulatory conditional uses, develop improvements within a portion of the Regulatory 100-Year Special Flood Hazard District (SFHD), and develop golf hole #I on a 3.87 acre golf course parcel and a 2.5 acre public open space parcel to be leased from the City for golf course purposes (APN: 666-01 1-27). Capistrano Valley Golf L.P. has requested approval of several discretionary applications to allow future development of senior housing, development of a new golf course clubhouse facility and accessory improvements with certain conditional uses, and a lease for 2.5 acres of City-owned land for golf course purposes. Planning Commission Minutes 5 July 26, 2005 Mr. Ramsey passed copies to the dais of a letter in opposition to the project, from Terence and Mindy Dougherty. .- ’ Staff recommends that the Planning Commission consider the proposal, open the public hearing, provide direction to staff, and continue the public hearing to the regularly scheduled, Tuesday, August 9 public meeting. Staff will present necessary resolutions and recommended conditions of approval to the Planning Commission for consideration at that time. Commission Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked if the rental income from the lease of City property would go to the General Fund or Parks and Recreation fund. Mr. Ramsey said that while the decision would be City Council’s, the Parks, Recreation, & Equestrian Commission was supportive of having the revenue go into the Parks Fund. Commissioner Cohen asked if the project were to move forward and to insure that the golf course remain open to the public, could the lease be conditioned on an event of default in the event if the golf course were to become private. Mr. Sandoval said that would be a negotiated item that could be covered by the Development Agreement rather than the lease. Commissioner Drey asked how the project relates to the future of San Juan Creek Road east of La Novia. Mr. Ramsey said the General Plan establishes a different designation for the road east of La Novia. v Commissioner Cardoza asked if the General Plan shows an extension of the equestrian trail on the south side along San Juan Creek. Mr. Ramsey said it does not. Chairman Neely asked if the amended application is for a senior housing project, not just an affordable project. Mr. Ramsey said that staff believes it should be a senior housing project by virtue of existing land uses and that within the surrounding area there are age-restricted single family neighborhoods and an assisted living facility. The change has been made from an affordable,family senior housing designation to an RM multi-family which addresses the density. The question of “How do we assure that it is both affordable and senior housing?” would have to be incorporated into a development agreement or in some other manner. Chairman Neely asked for clarification of the age restriction. Mr. Ramsey said an affordability agreement and covenant could be conditioned on the approval of the project and that senior housing would include anyone 55 years of age or older. Commissioner Cardoza asked the number of affordable housing units needed. Ms. Bogh said by next year we need approximately 200 units in the affordable range and additional moderately-priced units. The developer has proposed 20 percent of the units Plannina Commission Minutes 6 Julv 26. 2005 as affordable. Mr. Ramsey said that 20 percent would equate to 17 to 36 units, under the RM Zoning. ._, Roberto Brutocao, Managing partner, San Juan Hills Golf, said other partners are at the meeting to answer questions. Mr. Brutocao said that the partners plan to renovate the golf course and presented to the dais Homeowner Association documents showing widespread community support. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if there were a danger of errant golf balls along the equestrian trails. Dan Conrardy, architect for the project, said the tee box faces away from the equestrian trai I. Chairman Neely asked if the Development Agreement includes any unit count stipulations and/or any stipulations about affordable unit counts as part of the public benefit component. Mr. Ramsey responded that we do not have a draft development agreement yet. Chairman Neely called for a recess at 8:lO p.m. and reconvened at 8:30 p.m. Public Hearing Bob Savanich, 27373 Paseo Ravenna, resident located directly above the golf course, spoke in support of the project, as a property owner and as a golfer. Tom Hribar, 31 91 1 Paseo Monte Vista, spoke in opposition to the project, because of the high density housing component disrupting the view corridor and decreasing the open space. Judy Soulakis, 25991 Serenata Drive, Mission Viejo, President of San Juan Hills Golf Association, spoke in support of the project, including the architectural design. John Perry, 32175 Via Burrida, San Juan Hills East, a resident located 200 yards from the existing clubhouse, spoke in support of the project, including senior housing. Mickey DeVitre, 31922 Via La Plata, President of San Juan Hills East and part-time employee of the golf course, spoke in support of the project. Richard Stein, 27677 Paseo Alondra, board member of Mesa Vista North Homeowners Association, spoke in support of the project. He is concerned with upkeep and maintenance of trees and shrubs that border his property. Pauline Leonard, 27589 Brookside Lane, a member of Parks and Recreation for 19 years, spoke in opposition to the housing aspects of the project because of the need for open space preservation. Planning Commission Minutes 7 July 26, 2005 Bob Ryan, 32145 Via Burrida, Treasurer of San Juan Hills East HOA, spoke on behalf of Lauren Madaloni in support of portions of the project including enhancements to the north side of San Juan Creek Road. Mr. Ryan presented to the dais a letter containing 17 concerns regarding the multi-family component and clubhouse parking lot components of the project, including noise, increased traffic, and lack of crosswalks on Valle Road and San Juan Creek Road. Mr. Ryan asked that any future purchaser not be allowed to increase the residential density beyond that already established in the neighborhood. L, Dennis Martinek, 31962 Via La Plata, across the street from the proposed parking lot, spoke in opposition to the project due to the zone change from open space to high density residential. He stated not providing an EIR hides information that should have come out. Mike Eggers, 27273 Via Capri, member of Men’s Club at San Juan Hills, spoke in support of the project due to the landscape improvements, excellent golf course, and increased revenue to the City. John Zelco, 31032 Via La Pata, spoke in opposition to the project due to increased traffic and zoning for alcohol and entertainment. Donna Volk, 27241 Via Caleon, spoke in support of the project due to the road improvements and affordable housing for seniors. Commission Questions and Comments ’v Commissioner Ratcliffe asked for clarification of the General Plan Amendment. Ms. Bogh said the General Plan Amendment and zone change are proposed for 10.5 acres from Open Space and Recreation (OSR) to Residential Multi-family (RM). Commissioner Cardoza expressed concern that the RM zone might invite higher density development. Mr. Ramsey said that a development agreement or other restriction on density is needed to limit the density. Ms. Bogh said it would be premature for the City to approve a comprehensive development plan prior to having a plan for the property. The RM zone allows a variety of dwelling types. The City has a right to ask for some affordable residential units and perhaps should ask for a development agreement. The RM zone district allows for a range of 8 to 18 dwelling units per acre. As a policy issue, the Commission can consider if a development agreement is proposed for this GPA and zone change, it is appropriate for the City to ask for public benefit such as affordable units. Commissioner Cohen asked if it is appropriate to do a development agreement for a housing project first and then deal with the GPA or rezone subsequent to that. Ms. Bogh said it would be difficult to ask the developer to plan, engineer, and pay up front design costs for the project if they weren’t sure they would get the GPA and zone change. Planning Commission Minutes 8 July 26, 2005 Chairman Neely said that he could not support the project if it includes the widening of San Juan Creek Road, but that he is in favor of widening the choke point on that road underneath the freeway. He raised the issue as to whether an increase in residential density would drive the need for road widening, and stated the RM allows a range of density and housing types. -' Commissioner Ratcliffe said that affordable housing would benefit the public. Commissioner Drey said that he felt that San Juan Creek Road should remain a scenic road and not be widened. Commissioner Cohen asked if staff would bring to the August 9 meeting direction and options regarding the GPA, the rezone and development agreement, as well as a draft copy of the proposed lease with respect to the 2.5 acres. Ms. Bogh agreed and said that staff would also bring a resolution with Conditions of Approval for the Architectural Control, Floodplain Permit, Parcel Map and Conditional Use Permit pertaining to the golf course. She stated that although discussion had focused on the housing proposal, the Commission will be asked to consider issues pertaining to the golf course expansion including use of the old clubhouse, relocation of the driving range, possible noise mitigations, alcohol and outdoor activities, outdoor use of the new clubhouse, trails and streetscape on San Juan Creek Road, design and layout of the new golf course facilities. Motion Commissioner Cardoza moved, seconded by Commissioner Cohen, to continue the item to the August 9, 2005 Planning Commission meeting. u AYES: Commissioners Cardoza, Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. Chairman Neely called for a recess at 9:45 p.m. and reconvened at 950 p.m. 3. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TTM) 16572, HIDDEN CREEK ESTATES AT 29921 CAMINO CAPISTRANO. THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE AN EXISTING 2.5 ACRE PARCEL INTO EIGHT (8) RESIDENTIAL LOTS, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF CAMINO CAPISTRANO ABOUT 0.75 MILES NORTH OF JUNIPER0 SERFW ROAD. THE PROPERTY IS GENERAL PLAN-DESIGNATED "2.2 MEDIUM-LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-3.5 DU/ACRE)" Planning Commission Minutes 9 Julv 26, 2005 AND ZONED "RS-10,000" [RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY-10,000 S.F. LOT MINIMUM). (APN 121-050-01)(APPLICANT: JIM ADAM). Y Written Communications Staff report dated July 26, 2005 Applicant Jim Adam, 26572 Juniper0 Serra Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Enaineer Selim Sawaya, P.E., Sawaya Engineering Consultants, Inc., 285 East Imperial Highway, Suite 207, Fullerton, CA 92835 Staff presentation and recommendation Mr. Ramsey presented the staff report as a request for approval of an eight (8) lot Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 16572, Hidden Creek Estates at 29921 Camino Capistrano. The Planning Commission previously conducted a work session on the project on February 8, 2005. The applicant proposes preserving or relocating the existing trees on site. The project qualifies for a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Supplemental Conditions of Approval were presented to the dais. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution recommending conditional approval of Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 16572, Hidden Creek Estates. Commissioner Questions u Commissioner Cohen asked for clarification of the medium-low density. Mr. Ramsey said the medium-low density is 2 to 3.5 dwelling units per acre. Public Hearinq Jim Adam, applicant, said craftsman-style features were included in all of the homes. Ron Williams, 29931 Camino Capistrano, neighbor of Jim Adam, spoke in support of the project Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Drey spoke in favor of the craftsman-style architecture and the visual streetscape, and asked what would be coming back to the DRC. Chairman Neely said Conditions 8, IO, and 11 specify the plans that would be returning to the DRC. Commissioner Cardoza said that he was glad to see clarification of Design Review Committee (DRC) concerns in the Conditions of Approval. Planning Commission Minutes 10 July 26, 2005 Commissioner Ratcliffe said that she was pleased with tree preservation and improvements to the sound wall by the railroad tracks. . -, Commissioner Cohen said that he appreciated the manner in which the trees and retention of that portion of US 101 were handled; however he would prefer to see a less dense project. Chairman Neely asked the project engineer about the need for access improvements off of Camino Capistrano. Mr. Sawaya said the east side and west side of Camino Capistrano will be widened. Chairman Neely asked if the entry throat can be reduced to less than 48 feet. Mr. Shoucair said it is a matter of turning radius. Mr. Ramsey said that a landscape median would break up some of that apron. Chairman Neely said that Condition IO needs to include the perimeter wall design, and recommended that Condition 8 be changed to grading permit level. Motion Chairman Neely moved, seconded by Commissioner Drey, to approve Resolution No. 05-7-26-2 recommending approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and recommending approval to subdivide an existing 2.5 acre parcel into eight (8) residential lots at 29921 Camino Capistrano, generally located on the west side of Camino Capistrano about 0.75 miles north of Juniper0 Serra Road (Assessor Parcel Number u 121 -050-01) (Hidden Creek Estates), with Design Review Committee review and approval of Conditions of Approval Conditions 8 and 10. AYES: Commissioners Cardoza, Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 4. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CIP) NO. 102, DEL OBISPO STREET WIDENING BETWEEN CALLE ASPERO AND AGUACATE. THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF PROPOSED WIDENING ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF DEL OBISPO STREET IN THE VICINITY OF CALLE ASPERO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY’S GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT. THE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE PAVEMENT WIDENING, CURB AND GUTTER, SIDEWALK, AND ACCESSORY IMPROVEMENTS. Written Communications L Planning Commission Minutes 11 July 26, 2005 Staff report dated July 26, 2005 ., Proiect Manager Brian Perry, Senior Civil Engineer, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Engineering Consultant LAN Engineering, 12 Mauchly, Building L, Irvine, CA 92618 Staff presentation and recommendation Mr. Perry presented the staff report as Capital Improvement Project (CIP) No. 102, Del Obispo Street widening; proposed widening along the northwest side of Del Obispo Street at Calle Aspero. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution recommending approval of the design concept for Capital Improvement Project No. 102, Del Obispo Street Widening. Public Hearing Garfield Logan, 32041 Del Obispo, spoke in opposition to the project, and said the only thing needed is to align the curb with the existing curb returns. If the road is widened, more people would get off of the freeway, and that would destroy the rural nature of the road. u Russell Pane, 32015 Del Obispo, spoke in opposition to the project, saying that it would increase the angle of his driveway. Mr. Pane asked if the utilities would be put underground, and said the water line has very low pressure. Mr. Perry said the Bella Donna project requirements provided a Class 2 bike trail to be consistent with the General Plan. As the curb lines move back, it will require reworking of that driveway, but that is not part of this project. The City Council took action to hold a public hearing August 16 to form an underground utility district on this project. Since those projects are designed by the utility companies, there is no certainty regarding when that will happen. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked the status on Bella Donna. Ms. Bogh said that project went to City Council and was continued for a period of seven months. Council authorized the Engineering Department to undertake a drainage study for the Cook Canyon Creek adjacent to that project, and the Bella Donna project is on hold right now. Commissioner Cohen asked if this project could be deferred until some action is taken on Bella Donna. Mr. Perry said although there is some potential to extend the project, Planning Commission M in Utes 12 July 26, 2005 the grant associated with this project provides that the contract should be awarded by June 2006. Commissioner Cardoza asked if the power lines would be moved back into the parkway. Mr. Perry said the power lines would be moved back into the parkway and that the under-grounding in front of Cobblestone is complete. Commissioner Cardoza spoke regarding concerns of under-grounding of utilities and the impact of the high wall. Commissioner Cohen suggested revisiting the project in the future. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if Capital Improvement Program (CIP) money has been designated. Ms. Bogh said that the project is included in the CIP, but that the Planning Commission has the authority to make recommendations regarding the design of funded CIP projects. Mr. Sandoval said the City Council has approval authority on this project. Chairman Neely suggested asking the City Council to develop a city-wide policy regarding street improvements in certain areas in order to preserve the rural character of the City. Motion Chairman Neely moved, seconded by Commissioner Cohen, to not endorse the project at this time but to ask City Council to authorize staff to work with the Planning Commission in evaluating design treatments for street widening projects city-wide and develop alternative designs more in keeping with the community’s rural character, reporting back to City Council before final decision on this CIP within the time frame for the grant. L/, AYES: Commissioners Cardoza, Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. UNFINISHED BUS IN ESS None NEW BUSINESS None u Planning Commission Minutes 13 July 26, 2005 COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS v Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if the bus stop in front of Cobblestone will remain there. Mr. Perry answered yes. Ms. Bogh gave an update on code compliance issues raised at prior meetings saying that the purple sign is gone, the large banner on McCracken Hill is gone, staff is investigating the tree removal by the Mission Inn, and the 99 Cent Store matter is in the City Attorney’s office. Ms. Bogh invited Commissioners to attend the Planning Directors Association of Orange County 2005 Planning Officials Forum in Brea on September 15, 2005. Ms. Bogh encouraged Commissioners to support the City-sponsored “Galloping Gauchos” team for the Relay for Life July 30-31. In addition, Bill Ramsey has committed to running 100 miles in 24 hours. The City picnic on July 30 will take place from 12 noon -4 p.m. at Cook Park. Commissioner Ratcliffe said that due to a death in the family she may not attend the August 2, 2005 City Council meeting. Commissioner Cohen thanked Ms. Bogh for following up with Code Enforcement, and said he would be out of town July 30-31. Chairman Neely voiced concern regarding integration of landscaping between the improvements begun on the Gates property and the gas station site. Ms. Bogh said that staff would look into it. ‘L ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 11:OO p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 9, 2005, at 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, ism