PC Minutes-2005-11-2232400 PASEO ADELANTO -AN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493- 1 17 1 (949) 493- 1053 FAX ~t'HI1' sanJuancupurr.atlo. 0r.g MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22,2005 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAMALLEVATO DIANE BATHGATE WYATT HART JOE SOT0 DAVID M SWERDLIN CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Neely at 7:OO pm., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Tim Neely, Chairman Robert Cardoza, Vice Chairman Sheldon Cohen Joe Drey Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: None Staff members in attendance: City Attorney ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR I. APPROVAL OF PLAN1 11,2005. Molly Bogh, Planning Director; Omar Sandoval, Deputy ING COMMISS ON MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER Minutes October 1 1, 2005: Commissioner Drey moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Cardoza, of the minutes of October I I , 2005. The motion passed by a vote of 50. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future rn tJ Prin'ed on recvcled ZaDir PC Minutes 2 November 22,2005 PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM) 05-154, TAVASSOL: A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A FOUR LOT SUBDIVISION WITH LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 20,217 SQUARE FEET TO 36,719 SQUARE FEET, FOR SINGLE-FAMILY- DETACHED, CUSTOM HOME, RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON AN EXISTING 2.65 ACRE PARCEL. THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF FORSTER CANYON ROAD ABOUT 950 FEET SOUTH OF THE MCCRACKEN HILL MANAGER: DAVID CONTRERAS, ASSOCIATE PLANNER) GATED ENTRY. (APN 675-341-02) (APPLICANT: JAFFAR TAVASSOL)(PROJECT Written Communications Staff report dated November 22,2005 Staff presentation 8t recommendation Ms. Bogh said that on the applicant’s request staff is requesting that the Planning Commission open the public hearing and continue this item to the Planning Commission meeting of December 13,2005. Chairman Neely opened the Public Hearing and no one in the audience was present to testify on the item. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to continue the item to the December 13, 2005 Planning Commission meeting. I AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey, Ratcliffe, Vice Chair Cardoza, and Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 50. 2. CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM) 05-230, PACIFIC CASTLE (COSTCO CENTER) AT 33959-33963 DOHENY PARK ROAD: A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TO SUBDIVIDE A 4 ACRE PARCEL INTO 2 LOTS. PARCEL ‘A WILL ENCOMPASS 1.5 ACRES AND PARCEL ‘B’ WILL ENCOMPASS 2.5 ACRES. THE PROJECT IS GENERALLY LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 30 FEET WEST OF DOHENY PARK ROAD AND 650 FEET NORTH OF VICTORIA BOULEVARD AND IS CURRENTLY DEVELOPED WITH EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AS PART OF THE COSTCO SHOPPING CENTER; NO ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROPOSED. (APN: 121-254-21, 26, PC Minutes 3 November 22,2005 27, 28) (APPLICANT: OK0 ENGINEERING INC) (PROJECT MANAGER: DAVID - CONTRERAS, ASSOCIATE PLANNER). Written Communications Staff report dated November 22,2005 Staff presentation & recommendation Ms. Bogh said that staff is requesting that the Planning Commission open the public hearing and continue this item to the Planning Commission meeting of December 13, 2005, to allow additional time for review of easement documentation. Chairman Neely opened the Public Hearing and no one in the audience was present to testify on the item. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to continue the item to the December 13, 2005 Planning Commission meeting. AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey, Ratcliffe, Vice Chair Cardoza, and Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None - The motion passed by a vote of 50. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 1. COMMITTEE. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO SERVE ON THE OPEN SPACE Written Communications Staff report dated November 22,2005 Staff presentation & recommendation Ms. Bogh stated staff requests that the Planning Commission appoint two representatives to serve on the committee recently formed by the City Council to examine the feasibility of acquiring more open space and methods of planning for the northwest portion of the City. PC Minutes 4 November 22,2005 Motion Chairman Neely nominated Commissioner Cohen, stating the idea of forming the committee had been presented by Commissioner Cohen at the joint workshop. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Cardoza and passed 5:O. Commissioner Cohen nominated Chairman Neely, stating that he had been involved in the Open Space Committee before the 1992 bond measure was passed. Vice Chair Cardoza seconded the motion, which passed 50. ., -.. COMMlSSlONlSTAFF COMMENTS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Approved: Molly Be, PIbning Director