ZA Resolution-01-08-22-01ZA RESOLUTION NO. 01-08-22-I Conditional Use Permit 01-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP 01-07) TO ALLOW OUTDOOR LIGHTING FOR AN EXISTING BASKETBALL COURT FOR AN EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 26112 CALLE ROBERTO AND MORE PRECISELY REFERRED TO AS ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER 649-101-25. (SCADRON). Whereas, Mr. Neal Scadron, at 26112 Calle Roberto, San Juan Capistrano, 92675, has requested approval of outdoor lighting for an existing basketball court, to an existing Single-Family residence which is General Plan-designated as Very Low Density Residential (VLD) and classified as Large Estate (EL) on the Official Zoning Map; and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator has reviewed the project pursuant to Section 15061 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), issued a Class 1 categorical exemption. Class 1 exemption includes minor modifications of existing structures or facilities, and caused a Notice of Exemption to be posted pursuant to Section 15062 of the CEQA Guidelines; and, Whereas, the Zoning Administrator has conducted a duly-noticed public meeting on July 25, 2001 pursuant to the provisions of Administrative Policy 409, and Planning Department Policy 510 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comment; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Zoning Administrator of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the Municipal Code requires that setbacks be measured from property lines, or the edge of any private or public easement. The applicant has an existing 50’-0” x 50’-0” concrete pad for the existing basketball court, which is consistent with all required rear, side and front yard requirements as well as the location to the nearest dwelling on an adjacent lot. 2 The applicant has proposed five, 150 watt metal halide lamps mounted on fourteen foot tall poles, four of the proposed lights will be installed to illuminate the basketball court and one will illuminate the walkway along the west side of the basketball court, where a water fountain will be located. The proposed lighting (fixture and pole) will comply with all the required standards, since the maximum allowed height for residential outdoor lighting is fourteen (14’-0”) feet and the applicant is proposing to have a maximum heiqht of twelve (12’-0) feet. Additionally, the lights will have shield optical chambers that will be strategically oriented in order to reduce any possible light spillage behind the fixtures and anywhere else other than the basketball court area. The proposed project complies with all applicable provisions of the Land Use Code subject to the mitigation measures and conditions of approval contained in this resolution. ZA Resolution 01-08-22-01 2 August 22,200l 3. The spacing of the light fixtures will be located approximately five (5’-0”) feet along the side from of each one of the corners of the basketball court, therefore leaving forty (40’- 0”) feet of space between each light fixture, including the light fixture that would be located next to the proposed water fountain along the walkway. 4. The applicant has not indicated any limitations regarding the hours of operation of the lights. The use and lighting of sports courts have impacts that relate to noise, resulting from extended hours of play time. Therefore, in order to minimize impacts on adjacent properties, staff recommends a condition requiring that sports courts not be used after 9.00 p.m. on weekdays and IO:00 p.m. on weekends, nor before 8:00 a.m. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Zoning Adminrstrator of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby recommends approval of the project subject to the following conditions of approval: Conditions of Approval 1 The applrcant has not rndrcated any limitations regarding the hours of operation of the basketball court as well as the use of the lights. The use and lighting of sports courts have impacts that relate to noise, resulting from extended hours of play time Therefore, In order to minimize impacts on adjacent properties, staff recommends a condition requiring that sports courts not be used after 9:00 p.m on weekdays and 10.00 p.m. on weekends, nor before 8:00 a m. 2. The proposed lighting fixtures will be restricted to have a maximum height of twelve [12’-0”) feet at its highest, which will be measured from the ground level to the rim of the chamber housing the light bulb. 3. The proposed lighting fixtures should have shield optical chambers strategically oriented in order to reduce any possible light spillage behind the fixtures and anywhere else other than the basketball court and the walkway area EFFECTIVE DATE & FINAL APPROVAL: This project approval shall become effectrve following expiration of the fifteen (15) day appeal period without frlrng of an appeal application The appeal period shall expire at 5:00 p m ,Thursday, September 6, 2001 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22 day of August, 2001. William A. Ramsey, AICP, Zoning nistrator (C \My Documents\WordPetfect Docs\Current Planmng\CUP 0107 Scadron\CUP 0107 Scadron-res wpd)