PC Resolution-14-10-14-02PC RESOLUTION NO.14-10-14-2 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC)14-019 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO,CALIFORNIA APPROVING ARCHITECTURAL PLANS ASSOCIATED WITH TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16168,THE COVE ESTATES FOR AN APPROVED 4 SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED,RESIDENTIAL HOME SUBDIVISION ON 1 ACRETHAT COMPRISETENTATIVETRACT MAP (TTM)16168 LOCATED AT 26411,26391,26371, AND 26351 VIA FLOR;APPROXIMATELY 100 FEET SOUTH OF PASEO TOSCANA (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER(S):668-521-79,668-511-93,668-511-92 &668-511- 91)(THREE G DEVELOPMENT,LLC) Whereas,Louis Marano,Three G Development,LLC,11105 Quail Street, Newport Beach,CA 92660,has requested approval ofArchitectural Control (AC)14-019 to allow the development of an approved 4 single-family detached,residential home subdivision on 1 acre that comprise Tentative Tract Map (TTM)16168,located at 26411, 26391,26371,and 26351 Via Flor,which is General Plan-designated Medium HighDensity Residential and classified as RG-4,000 (SDP 99-01) on the Official Zoning Map;and, Whereas,the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9- 2.301,Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, Whereas,the Environmental Administrator has reviewed the project pursuant to Section 15061 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)and determined that the project as proposed with staff recommended conditions is consistent with the November 1, 2005 City Council adopted Negative Declaration (ND)associated with Tentative Tract Map 16168,Village Alipaz;and, Whereas,the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA),has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination;and, Whereas,the Planning Commission conducted a duly-noticedpublichearing on October 14,2014 pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code,Section 9-2.302, CityCouncil Policy 5 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby find that the project as proposed with staff recommended conditions is consistent with the November 1,2005 City Council adopted Negative Declaration (ND)associated with Tentative Tract Map 16168,Village Alipaz;by Resolution 05-11-01-04. Whereas, the record of proceedings on which the Planning Commission's decision is based is located at City Hall forthe City of San Juan Capistrano, located at 32400 Paseo Adelanto,San Juan Capistrano,California and the custodian of record of proceedingsisthe Development Services Department Administrative Coordinator. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,thatthe Planning Commission ofthe City ofSan Juan Capistrano does herebymakethe following findings as establishedby Section 9-2.313 ofTitle9, Land Use Code of the Cityof San Juan Capistrano with respect to the Architectural Control (AC)application: 1.The proposed use and design ofthe projectcomplies with allapplicable provisions ofTitle9 of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code because the projectincludes proposed site and architectural plans designed consistent with the City'sadopted Architectural Design Guidelines and the proposed development is in compliance with applicable development standards; 2. The proposed use and design of the project is consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan, including the Community Design Element, because the project design is substantially consistent with the development standards of the RG-4,000 (SDP 99-01)zoning district,and the applicable provisions of the City's Architectural Design Guidelines; 3.The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate all yards,open spaces, setbacks,parking,access,and other features pertaining to the application,as established in the RG-4,000 (SDP 99-01)districts; 4.The character,scale and qualityof the architecture,site design and landscaping are consistent with the adopted Architectural Design Guidelines of the City because the project has been designed to incorporate architecture which relies on the use of varied roof lines,varied building massing,varied setbacks,courtyards,and varied color palettes and materials consistent with the eclectic style encouraged for single family residential neighborhoods; 5.The site plan provides functional and safe vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian access and circulation because the project features a private drive that connects to Paseo Toscana which provides a sidewalk on both sides of the street;which allows for safe traffic access and flow consistent with Public Facility Standards maintained by the Public Works & Utilities Department; 6.The proposed use and design of the project are compatible with surrounding and proposed land uses and community character,including scale,intensity,massing, architectural design,landscape design,and other development characteristics because the proposed project design relies on the use of varied roof lines,varied building massing,and the color boards are consistentwith the Architectural Design Guidelines and compatible with the adjacent Village Alipaz community. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Planning Commission of the Cityof San Juan Capistrano hereby approves the project subject to those conditions of approval established by Exhibit A,attached hereto and incorporated herein. EFFECTIVE DATE &FINAL APPROVAL:This project approval shall become effective following expiration of the fifteen (15)day appeal period without filing of an appeal application.The appeal period shall expire at 5:30pm,Wednesday,October 29, 2014.This project approval shall be validfor a period of 2 years from the date of approval of this resolution,and shall expire on October 14,2016 unless a time extension request has been submitted or a building/grading permit has been issued for the project prior to that date. PROTEST OF FEES,DEDICATIONS,RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS:Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020,the applicant may protest the imposition of fees,dedications,reservations or other exactions imposed on this development project by taking the necessary steps and following the procedures established by Sections 66020 through 66022 of the California Government Code. PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14th dayof October,2014,by the following vote,to wit: <^A Sheldon Cohen,Chairman Charles View,Development Services Director Secretary EXHIBIT A PC RESOLUTION# 14-10-14-2 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL PROJECT LOG #:Architectural Control (AC)14-019 (TTM 16168) PROJECT NAME:The Cove Estates (formerly Village Alipaz) APPROVAL DATE:October 14,2014 These conditions of approval apply to the above-referenced project application described in more^SZlhepu^JoUhBBB conditions,the term "applicant"shal also mean the developer,the owner or any successors)In interest to the terms of this approval. GENERAL CONDITIONS: A The subject project proposes to development 4single-family detached residential—homesonlacrethatcomprises Tentative Tract Map (TTM)1616S The rosidential subdivision features 4,000 square foot minimum lot sizes.TTM 16168 wasapprovedbytheCityCouncilonNovember1,2005 by Resolution 05-11-01-04.The Architectural Control application includes the home architecture and landscapingplans,and site plan (depicting the location of residences on individual lots).The project includes a private street which will connect to Paseo Toscana.The project includes landscaping along the private street and within the development;including fencing.The project is located at 26411,26391,26371,and 26351 Via Flor; approximately 100 feet south of Paseo Toscana (Assessor Parcel Number(s):668- 521-79,668-511-93,668-511-92 &668-511-91).This project approval is based on and subject to the application materials prepared by Hannouche Architects dated September 8,2014,including site plan(s),building elevation(s),floor plan(s),and preliminary landscape plan(s).These plans and the proposed use of the project site are hereby incorporated by reference into this approval as submitted and conditioned herein,andshallnotbe further altered unlessreviewed andapproved bythe affected city departments.Minor modifications tothis project approval maybe approved by the Development Sen/ices Director pursuant to Section 9-2.303, Administrative approvals of Title 9,Land Use Code. B. Approvalofthisapplication does notrelievethe applicantfromcomplying withother applicableFederal, State, Countyor City regulationsor requirements. C.All plans,specifications,studies,reports,calculations,maps,notes,legal documents,anddesigns shall be prepared,stamped andsigned,ifrequired,only by those individualslegallyauthorized to do so. D.Legal Defense.The applicant/subdivider,its agents,and assignees shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of San Juan Capistrano,its elected and appointed officials and employees,and its contract consultants,from any claim, action or proceeding to attack,set aside,void,or annul any land use approvalassociatedwiththisproject,including but not limited to environmental impact report requirements under CEQA,rezoning approvals,subdivision map approvals,or other applicable City Municipal Code Title 9land use approvals.Upon notice provided bv City to the applicant/subdivider,its agents,or assignees,of service of process ofsuchclaimsoractions,the project proponent,its agents,and assignee!??haH PC Resolution H14-10-14-2 Conditions ofApproval AC 14-019.The Cove Estates Page2of3 immediately act to provide an appropriate defense to such claims or actions.The applicant/subdivider shall consult with the City Attorney regarding appropriate defense counsel inthe event ofthe filing ofsuch claims or actions.(DSD) E.Compliancewith Prior Project Approvals.Theprojectshall comply with all applicable conditions of approval established byCityCouncil Resolutions 05-11-01-04. 1.THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF ANY GRADING PERMIT(S): 1.1 PermitsRequired.Prior tothe commencement ofanygrading orconstruction activity notprovided forinpreviously-approved permits,the project shallsecurethe required grading and/or building permits from the City.All improvement work subject to securingrequired gradingand/or building permits,whetherperformed on-siteor off- site, shall secure said permit(s)to ensure the integrityand safety ofallexistingand proposed publicimprovements affected byconstructionactivities.(PW.) WATER INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONS: 1.2 Design of Water Facilities.Prior to approval of grading permits,the applicant/subdivider shalldesign alldomesticand non-domesticwater facilities in compliancewith Citywaterstandard specifications. Ifawater improvement phasing planistobe implemented,the phasingplanshallbesubmittedwith the improvement plansto the City Engineerand the Utilities Engineerfortheir review and approval. (Water) 2.THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF ANY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT(S): 2.1 Plan Submittal:Prior to issuance ofany building permit for proposed residential structures or other habitable structuressubject to providing sprinklersystemsper the California Building Code (CBC),the applicant orresponsiblepartyshallsubmitthe fire sprinklersystemplan(servicecodes PR400)totheOrangeCounty FireAuthority forreviewand approval.Approval shallbe obtainedon each planpriortotheevent specified.(OCFA) 2.2 Construction Plans. Prior to issuance of the first building permit,the applicant/subdivider shallsubmitconstruction plansto the Development Services Department forCity review and approval which shallinclude,as applicable,butnot be limited to the following: a. Grading plans (unless previouslyapproved bythe City). b. Finalsite and landscape plans as partofthe Landscape Permitapplication. c.Architectural elevations. d.Wall/fence plans. e. And other plans as specified by the Development Services Department. (DSD) 2.3 Landscape Permit.Prior to the issuance of the first building permit,the applicant/subdivider shall submit a Landscape Permit application to the Development Services Department for review and approval.(DSD) PC Resolution #14-10-14-2 AC 14-019.The Cove Estates ConditionsofApproval Page 3 of3 3. 2.4 Fence Permit.Priorto the issuance ofa fence permit,the applicant/subdivider shall submita sample ofthe vinyl fence materialtothe DevelopmentServices Department forreviewand approval.The vinyl fence shallbe designed ofa high-grade material with a wood appearance and with6"wide vertical pickets. (DSD) THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFANY CERTIFICATE(S)OF OCCUPANCY: 3.1 Installation ofLandscaping.Priorto issuanceofa certificate ofoccupancyforthe first home, the applicant/subdivider shall submita letter to the DevelopmentServices Director,signed bya RegisteredLandscape Architect,stating thatall materialsforall landscaped areas have been installed In accordance with the approvedlandscape plans for each development phase,and shall demonstrate to thesatisfaction of toe DevelopmentServices Directorthatalllandscaped areas have beenlandscaped per theapproved landscape plans.Theapplicantshallprovideas-builtlandscape plans that identify all deltas (changes)prior to staff inspection and acceptance of landscape plans. (DSD) 3.2 Architectural Compliance.Prior totoe issuance ofa certificate ofoccupancy("C of 0") for the model homes, the applicant/ subdivider shall submit a letter to the Development Services Director,signed bytoe projectArchitect,statingthatalldetails and materialsforallmodels have been constructed inaccordancewith theapproved plans. Priorto issuance of "Cof 0,"staff will conducted final inspections to verify compliance with development plans. Responsible Departments/Agencies:DSD: DSD-B&S: PW-ENG: UTIL: OCFA: Development Services Department DSD Building &Safety Division Public Works-Engineering Division Utilities Department Orange County Fire Authority Applicant AcceptanceofConditions ofApproval: <^Louis Marano,Three G Development,LLC Date:J$/7A*>s^