Resolution Number 18-04-03-04RESOLUTIO N NO . 18-04-03-04 A RESOLUTION O F THE C ITY COU N C IL OF THE C ITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, TO CONDEMN STATE LAW T HAT RESTRICTS LAW ENFORCEMENT A ND ENDANGERS PUB LI C SAFETY WHEREAS, the City Council of San Juan Capistrano have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and Constitution of the State of California · I and WHEREAS, the State of Californ ia enacted Senate Bill 54 , called the Ca lifornia Values Act; and WHEREAS, t h e Ca lifornia Values Act is codified into Government Code Title 1, D ivision 7, Chapter 17 .25 entitled "Cooperation with Immigration Authorities;" an d W HE REAS, the California Values Act severely inhibits our law enforcement and creates a genuine th reat to public safety by releasing perpetrators who have committed serious felonies (including but not limited to , sex crimes , domestic violence , assault and battery, identity theft, robbery and homicide) into our communities who otherwise would be subject to further f ederal immigratio n penalties, including and up to deportation; and WHEREAS , The City of San Juan Capistrano , when accepting Federal Contracts and/or Federal Grants, must comply with Federal Law, including lawful requests for access to premises ; and WHEREAS , the Californ ia Values Act may be in direct conflict with Federal Laws and the Constitution of the United States. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE City Counc il of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby reject the effort through Senate Bill 54to actively work against Federal Immigration Laws and instead urge its repeal ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , THAT THE City Counci l of the City of San Juan Capi strano does hereby renew our commitment to comply with all relevant Federal Immigration Laws and the Constitution of the United States . ED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of Apri l 20 18 . f I J-~-~ f•lcS\ Jcz ---~ )'1"J. \,\,A (.1 SRGIO FA~IAS , MAYOR 1 4/3/2018 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN TY OF ORANGE ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO) I, Maria Morris , appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 18-04-03-04 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a Regular meeting thereof, held the 3 rd d\ of April 2018 , by the following vote: AY~S . COUNCIL MEMBERS: Ferguson, Reeve , Patterson and Mayor Pro Tern Maryott N \ES COUNCIL MEMBERS: Mayor Farias AB e :COUNCIL MEMBERS: None 2 4/3/2018