Resolution Number 17-11-07-02RESOLUTION NO. 17-11-07-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA CONCERNING THE MEASURE M2 EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017 WHEREAS, Orange County Local Transportation Authority Ordinance No. 3 requires local jurisdictions to adopt an annual Expenditure Report to account for Net Revenues, developer/traffic impact fees, and funds expended by the local jurisdiction that satisfy the Maintenance of Effort requirements; and, WHEREAS, the Expenditure Report shall include all Net Revenue fund balances, interest earned, and expenditures identified by type and program or project; and, WHEREAS, the Expenditure Report must be adopted and submitted to the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) each year within six months of the end of the local jurisdiction's fiscal year to be eligible to receive Net Revenues as part of Measure M2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of San Juan Capistrano, does hereby inform OCTA that: a. The M2 Expenditure Report is in conformance with the M2 Expenditure Report Template provided in the Renewed Measure M Eligibility Guidelines and accounts for Net Revenues, including interest earned and expenditures incurred during the fiscal year, and fund balances at the end of the fiscal year. b. The M2 Expenditure Report, as presented on Exhibit A and attached hereto, is hereby adopted by the City of San Juan Capistrano. c. The City of San Juan Capistrano Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer is hereby authorized to sign and submit the Measure M2 Expenditure Report to OCTA for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 7th day of November 2017. 4RR F U ON YOR r , ATTEST: I �t MARIA IVIGINIRS, OITY CL 11/7/2017 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARIA MORRIS, appointed City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 17-11-07-02 was duly adopted by the City Coucil of the City of San Juan Capistrano at the Regular meeting thereof, held the 7t" day a�Noyember 2017, by the following vote: AYES: OUNCIL MEMBERS: Reeve, Patterson, Maryott, Farias and Mayor Ferguson NOES:COUNCIL,MEMBERS: None ABSEN COUNCIL MEMBERS: None IS, CITY CLERK 2 11/7/2017 City of San Juan Capistrano M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017 Beginning and Ending Balances Schedule 1 Description Line Amount Interest No. Balances at Beginning of Fiscal Year A M Freeway Environmental Mitigation 1 $ (174,282) $ ..,. O„ ;.Regional Capacity Profram 2 $ 693,812 � ...... ..8,528 .... ., ............. ............. .... P �Re.Oonal Traffic Signal SynchronizatiannPro ram .. 3 .....,,........,.,, $ ....( Gm 3} $ ...................... Q'M2 Fair Share .... _ ; 4 $. .............. 712,977 $,....»............................ ................ ........................................... ................,....... .... R =High Frequency Metrolink Service (1) ........................................ ........... 5 .. $ (3,470) $ ................ _....... ....... S ;Transit Extensions to Metrolink e......................................................................................................................... 6 ............ $- ....................,..........•....... $ ..............,........,........... - ,Convert Metrolink Station(s) to Regional Gateways that 7 $ $ T :connect Orange County with High -Speed Rail Systems ........ n. .................. .................. U :Senior Mobility Program or Senior Non -Emergency Medical ........................,, 8 $ ..................... ,..,...., 20,986 .....o.•.,......,...,,..... $ ......•........ '. Proua m 4Community .. ............._..........._.......... V Based Transrt/Crrculators ...................... 9, Y, ....._......... ....,,...... W ,Safe Transit Stops ........................ 1Oµ ... $ - - X..-WaterQuality Pro ram � $,.,......................:....,,.....' $.........,.,.......,.,..r.......,.......- ...,........... ................ 12 ... . ....... . .......... ............ ............... . ..... ................I. .................,...., ..... ........ Balances at Beginning of Fiscal Year (Sum Lines 1 to 12) 13 $ 1,193,980 $ 8 528 -,, ...... Monies Made Available Durin Fiscal Year 14,.. . . $ 926,177 ,$ .- . .. ...... 3,684 .......................................................................................................................................w................................ Total Monies Available (Sum Lines 13 & 14) 15$ ........................, 2,120,157 $ ...... 12,212 .................. YExenditures During Fiscal Year ...........................,.......,,,...........,. .16. .... ..$................H 1,612,363 ..... .... '12,2'12 Balances at End of Fiscal Year 17 ��4. „O.,,Reronal Capacity Program . 18 .,................... $'91237 ................ $ ,.$ Pn fRe lonaI Traffic Signal Synchronization Program 19 $ ..$.....................704,778...$........................,.,,........,,,.: Mom ..,~........I .................. ...... Q. M2 Fair Share....................................................................................... 20.... R High Frequency Metrolink Service 21 $. S..'Transit Extensions to Metrolink............... 2. ......... .:..R.»..» ................... $.....,.....,.».......,.,...........,.: .Convert Metrolink Station(s) to Regional Gateways that 23 $ $ T ,connect Orange County with High -Speed Rail Systems S. ................. .. ................ U Senior Mobility Program or Senior Non -Emergency Medical ................. 24 .......................... $ .................. 13,831 ........... ......................... $ ............ - G Program V...:Communi y Based Transit/Circulators...................................�...,. 25.,....$...............,.........26 � 851) $ ...�....... W aSafe Transit Sto(y5.-.................- ......................... ..... ..2fi. .$............,.. .... ....... .... $ ......,. ,..,,, X..,sWater Quality Program... ................................. ....,........, ...... 2.. $...... ........,,........... ,........ ., ... .. ,.............. ............. ... .. ... r..... .......4. ......... . . ......................................................r `Other's .... , 28 r. ,. $ .....................,�............. - $ - Ill The beginning balance has been modified to include costs incurred during Fiscal Year 2015-16 for Project R (City Project No. 16103 - Second Eastbound Turn Lane at Del Obispo and Camino Capistrano Streets.) EXHIBIT A - Page 1 of 5 City of San Juan Capistrano M2 Expenditure Report Schedule 2 Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017 Sources and Uses Description Line Amount Interest No. R.evenu.e . s . ................ ­......"......... ............. I ................... .1 ...... I—_ A6 1 . ................................. ......... ...... A -M Freey��y..Eqviro.n,m.e.n.t.a.l..M.i.t.i.gation ......... ......1 ...................................y:.......... ..................... $ 237,844 ..... .... . ................ . . . ...... ...... 0 :Regional Capacity Program ....................... ............. ........... , ........ ....... 2 ...... ­­ ...... .................... $ ........ .......... ................................. $ 2,755P Regional Traffic Signal SYnchranixation K�M 3 $ ....... ............ Q M2 Fair Share ....... ..... ................ ....................... .................................... I ............. .... 4 $ I ...... . . . . . .. ­ $ ..................... 929 . ............. R -High Frequency Metrolink Service .... ............................................. ..... ....... I ......... 5 .............614.421 .... ............... . . I".."., ......... -.1 ....... . I., .. ................... »» .. . ...... S "Transit Extensions..to....Metrolink ................................... .......................................................... . ................. ........ 6 ... .......... $ ...... ........... $ ­ .................... Convert Metrolink Station(s) to Regional Gateways that connect ........ .......... .. ......................... .. . ........................... ...... T 'Orange County with High -Speed Rail Systems 7 $ $ .............................. I ............ .......... ....... ......... U 'Senior Mobility Program or Senior Nan Emergency Medical Program f" ......... 1 ...................................................... b ... ................................. ........ ................. 8 $ . . ...... 45,752 .......... $ ........... ................ ..... I— V =Community Based Transit/Circulators . .............................................................. I .............. 9 $ ................... $ ............... ............................................ ........................................ . W *Safe Transit Stops ................. I.— ................. ........................ ­ ...... . I .............. .... 10 ........... $ ................. - ................ $ ....... .......... .... . .......................... . ........ X Mater Quality Program ...... ............ ......... $ .. ......... .................. $ .. . . ........ .. ,.-Other* ........ i, 2$ .... ................................ ..................I........._ ... TOTAL REVENUES (Sum lines 1 to 12) 13 $ 926,177 $ 3,684 Expenditures: I ........I ............... ...... I ..................... ........ I ................................ ...................... "Freeway Environmental MitiRation. . . .. .................................. ................. . .............. ­­­ ..... ... I . . ..... . ................... ............ . 14 ............. $ 100,246 $ ... QjRegional .11,283 ................................................ ..................................... . .. ... 15 .......... ............................... $ .......... ...... 785,049 ........................... ..$...........,.. ­ ............ ?... .Regional TraSynchronizationPrIqgraM_ ynF.a..t..i .......... . ................. CMiTairShare......"on .............. ­ ................ .ff."...c...S..i..g..g.�.!. .r.g...n­i.z ...�.­....... ............—.......................................... ....1 i� ...................... .I ... .9...2..9... R `High ..!��q��X,Metrolink Service ........ . ................. .......................... .... ...6.. ... I 18 ......... ....... .. ..$ $ .............. .... 24,690 .. I ................................... $ r 5 :Transit Extension to Metrolink i�­ .I.I..-I.L, ............................................. ................. .................. ....................................................... 19 ...................................... $ .......... $ ............ ......... . .......... Convert Metrolink Station(s) to Regional Gateways that connect ................. ................................. .... ... ...... T `Orange County with High -Speed Rail Systems 20 $ - $ ..& ...U.& .......... ___ .... - ........... -1 ........................................... __., .... I ................... .. *Senior Mobility Program or Senior.Non-Emergency Medical Program .................. 21 ...................................... $ 52,907 ..... .......................... $ ....... I.i................................................................ ................. .............. ............................ ................ V:Community Based Transit/Circulators ................... I ................. -1 ............................. ........................................................... . .... ................. 22 ...................................... $ 26,851 ............................. $ ........ - .... W -Safe Transit Stops "..-1 . . ........ . .......... ...I., ......... . ......................... I ............. ..................................................... 23 $ ............................ - ........ .... $ . . .......... ............ I ...................... X Water Quality Pr�&L�.n .............. ..... ................. 24 ........................»..,.,...-. $ ... ........... $ I ............. i .......... ............. .Other* ................. 25 .... ....................... I ............ $ ...... TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Sum lines 14 to 25) 1 26 $ 1,612,363 $ 12,212 TOTAL BALANCE (Subtract line 26 from 13) 27 $ (686,186) $ (8,528) EXHIBIT A - Page 2 of 5 t O M 4) 7 r C d CL x LUN L C VI 12 0 � o YE E r 0 M N W a Q n �. ' mEvl1 o oaf Ni Irv, n� jN.;o:.1'; R;n m a, n m o m � N as Mi1p w ' N: ° N 1pi 'iO;i:en�M; iC N N O M• O O %uo=��o %Nmrl' to R v c c a � .O o .. Y v a W i vfy.W i Y Wytf/'vl`i!Y I I v1iiVYln I v1�4A VF VY�V4� u1�vl BVI m d �W `w s 0 I 0 °� O w ¢ o u m O c v V o s m in o .0 jA E Ui INI i i Ni N' I :ap •O J g a . >3k N I e 3 E k 1 IW i N° Vf i!F NA� mjk { � p1 jII f i ory iii - I 1i a E I W 1 yl1 yl 1 i F NEIN w Lp no n W Im �ml :�[Nj i ao! Ia00o - I �M n IE.°F o E E IIFI:iI {{ i C Z .. Ni vF �T we n` a0!mio i N�'ti ti Ni'- io n �cli9l����lvl I a� r vl clr, : C.._ ❑� 16. ��. '� �L C �L E v G:.1C v YI VI I, e 3 G_ ee f1 ❑ ci— 0v1 c E E 2 ' a' «' H _ H: c:175 �. - a 10 Z Lq aEi pCp. 2'0 o: 12 0 � o YE E r 0 M N W a Q 3 C V a, E O v c c a � o .. Y v a E 3 Y m m d �W 0 0 °� O w ¢ o u m O c v V o s m in o .0 jA E Ui g a >3k 12 0 � o YE E r 0 M N W a Q City of San Juan Capistrano M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017 M2 Fair Share Project List PROJECT NAME AMOUNT EXPENDED Bridge at Acjachema Street & La Calera Street (13102) $ 246 .................................... ........................ ..... Traffic S"sgnal Cabinet Upgrades (16101) ......... ................... $ .................... 6,961 e Second Eastbound.......................,.......3..,5...1...2........ .. ..... ..... ..r..n......... .................n.o................... City-wide Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation {16105} $ 445,585 ,. ......... ..... .......................................1.. City-wide Arterial Street Pavement Rehabilitation (16109) $ 167,245 $ 623,549 Schedule 4 EXHIBIT A - Page 4 of 5 City/County of M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017 Signature Page I certify that the interest earned on Net Revenues allocated pursuant to the Ordinance shall be expended only for those purposes for which the Net Revenues were allocated and all the Information attached herein Is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge; Ken AI -Imam — Director of Finance (Print Name) SIgAture Date 11/07/17 EXHIBIT A - Page 5 of 5