PC Resolution-04-04-27-02PC RESOLUTION NO. 04114-27- 2 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 03-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CERTIFYING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO STORY, 5,963 SQUARE FOOT PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDING AND AN AMENDMENT TO SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (SDP) 92-01. THE PARCEL IS LOCATED AT 27345 ORTEGA HIGHWAY, BETWEEN MYSTIC GARDENS NURSERY TO THE EAST AND ORTEGA PLAZA TO LAW OFFICE). THE WEST. (ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER 650-201 -14) (REISING Whereas, William Reising (owner), 32222 Camino Capistrano, #A, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, has requested approval of Architectural Control application AC 03- 02 to allow the construction of a two story, 5,963 square foot professional office building (San Juan Law Center) and to recommend to City Council, approval of an amendment to Site Development Permit (SDP) 92-01. The property is located at 27345 Ortega Highway which is General Plan-designated "ORP" (Office Research Park) and classified as "SP/PP" (Specific PlanlPrecise Plan) on the Official Zoning Map; and, Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9- L 2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator has reviewed the initial study prepared pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, has issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to Section 15070 of those guidelines; has caused a Notice of Negative Declaration to be posted pursuant to Section 15072 of those guidelines, and has otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (1 970); and all mitigation measures have been included herein; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): and, Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly-noticed public meeting on March 23,2004, pursuant to Section 9-2.339 of the Municipal Code to consider public testimony on the proposed project; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings: PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 2 April 27,2004 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Amendment to Site Development Permit (SDP) 92-01 - The proposed project is consistent with the overall purpose and general design of SDP 92-01 in that professional offices are listed as a permitted use and the project will be developed under the same development standards that were used for all the parcels that are covered by the SDP within the Specific Plan/Precise Plan (SP/PP) zone; and, The proposed project complies with all the provisions of Title 9 of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code subject to the mitigation measures and conditions of approval contained in this resolution; and, The architectural and general design of the project is generally consistent with the goal, policies and objectives of the Community Design Element and all other applicable provisions of the General Plan in that the overall architectural design of the project has been designed in a manner which utilizes building materials and finish colors consistent with existing developments found throughout the City. Incorporation of such considerations help in maintaining the City’s character and identity without creating impacts typically associated with new development of commercial projects; and, The site plan is compatible with surrounding existing and proposed land uses in that adjacent land uses include various types of commercial uses to the east, west, and south, and with the residential area immediately to the north; and, The general design considerations, including the character, scale and quality of the design are consistent with the adopted Architectural Design Guidelines of the City; and are compatible with the character and scale of adjacent buildings with respect to building materials, colors, exterior lighting and signing and similar elements in that the architectural design is characteristic of Spanish Revival styles of architecture, and will be compatible with, and complimentary to the surrounding commercial projects immediately adjacent the to the site; and, The site plan is functional and safe in regards to existing or mitigated off-site conditions as they relate to adequacy of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian circulation in that the overall improvement of the site would not interfere with the fully developed circulation elements within the immediate area and will provide for additional pedestrian sidewalk and access for emergency vehicles; and, The general landscape design, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials has been considered to insure visual relief to complement buildings and structure and to provide an attractive environment for the enjoyment of the public in that the proposed landscaping materials are appropriate to the climatic zones of the City; and, PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 3 April 27, 2004 8. The mitigation measures contained in the mitigated negative declaration, as issued by the City's Environmental Administrator, will reduce potentially significant environmental impacts to a level below significance; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby certifies the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approves Architectural Control (AC) 03-02 and finds the project consistent with Site Development Permit (SDP) 92-01 subject to the following mitigation measures and conditions of approval: Mitigation Measures: Mitigation measure # 1 : Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall prepare and maintain dust control plans/procedures for managingheducing dust and PM,, emissions associated with grading and construction to the satisfaction of the Planning Director or his designee. Plans and procedures for PM,, emissions reduction will be consistent with South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 403 and may include use of soil binders, truck washing, street sweeping, and regular vehicle maintenance. Mitigation measure #2: During periods when average wind speeds exceed twenty-five (25) miles per hour, the City's grading inspector shall have the authority to require the project to cease all grading activity, or implement extraordinary air quality mitigation to effectively reduce fugitive dust emissions (PM,,). Mitigation Measure # 3: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, which would permit trenching or grading at a depth of eighteen inches or greater, the applicant shall retain the services of a RPA (Register of Professional Archeologists)-certified field archeologist who will monitor all grading and excavation for potential impacts on cultural resources including archeological, paleontological, and historic resources. The applicant shall execute a contract for services with a RPA (Register of Professional Archeologists)- certified field archeologist including a scope-of-work which provides for comprehensive monitoring; a contingency for assessment, recovery, and/or evaluation; and the preparation of a technical memoranda or report and submit a copy to the Planning Director for review and approval. In the event cultural resources are encountered during grading, the monitor may cease grading operations, consistent with City Council policy, to allow for the assessment, recovery, and/or evaluation of any cultural resources. Mitigation Measures # 4: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit a "Subsurface Geotechnical Investigation" completed by a licensed engineering geologist professionally certified by the State of PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 4 April 27,2004 California to conduct such work subject to approval by the Chief Building Official, or an analysis of the proposed project vis-a-vis any previously prepared "Subsurface Geotechnical Investigation". The grading plan design will be based upon the analysis and recommendations contained in the approved "Subsurface Geotechnical Investigation". Any change in recommendations and/or design shall be subject to review and approval by the City's Engineering and Building Department. Mitigation Measures # 5: Prior to issuance of a building permit, proposed retaining walls shall be designed by a professional engineer and constructed to standards and specifications established by the City Engineer. In conjunction with the submission of improvement plans for proposed retaining walls, the applicant shall submit a soils study/geotechnical report prepared by a qualified engineering geologist which analyzes soils and geologic conditions and provides specific recommendations on the design of the proposed retaining walls. Mitigation Measure # 6: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the City Building Official shall require the developer to offer to video -tape the existing conditions for all adjacent properties. Proof of said offers, and a tape copy of the existing conditions shall be provided to the City. In addition, movement detectors shall be installed at the common property lines and monitored by the engineering geologist. Mitigation measure # 7: Prior to issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit a detailed hydraulic/hydrologic report which evaluates drainage areas, storm water runoff, existing and proposed storm water drainage facilities to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to issuance of any building or grading permits, the City Engineer or his designee shall determine that the existing public storm water drainage facilities potentially impacted by the project are adequate to accommodate all drainage associated with the subject proposal, The City Engineer may require upgrade of the existing public storm water drainage facility in order to accommodate the project's runoff. Mitigation Measure # 8: The proposed storm water drainage system design shall comply with the City's adopted "storm water management regulations and policies" and subject to review and approval by the City Engineer or his designee. Mitigation Measure # 9: Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the applicable provisions of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements subject to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 5 April 27,2004 Mitigation Measure # IO: Prior to issuance of any building or grading permit, the applicant shall submit a storm water management design incorporating Best Management Practices (BMP) to minimize impacts to surface water quality. Mitigation Measure # 11 : Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the applicant shall pay for the project's fair share financial participation which shall be in addition to payment of CCFP fees of the total estimated cost for future improvements as approved by the City Engineer at the intersections below: Ortega Highwayll-5 Southbound. Project traffic impacts at this intersection require financial participation in construction of an eastbound right-turn lane. The project contributes 0.33% to the PM near-term traffic growth at this location Ortega Highway/ld Northbound. Project traffic impacts at this intersection require construction of a northbound left-turn lane. The project contributes 0.48% to the PM near-term traffic growth at this location. Ortega Highwayldel Obispo Street. Project traffic impacts at this intersection require construction of an eastbound throughhght-turn lane. The project contributes 0.26% to the PM near-term traffic growth at this location. Mitigation Measure #12: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall be required to secure approval of a "haul route permit" from the Engineering & Building Department. The City may restrict the hours of import/export to exclude the AM and PM peak periods so as to minimize impacts along Ortega Highway and surrounding intersections. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ENGINE ERIN G/B U I LD I N G CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING AND RIGHT-OF-WAY IMPROVEMENT PERMITS 1 .l. Pav Fees. The applicant shall fulfill all applicable fee requirements in accordance with the City Municipal Code, Section 9-2.3 and the Public Works, Water Division, requirements and post securities to insure satisfaction performance (Engr.). PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 6 April 27, 2004 1.2. Utility Undergrounding. The applicant shall show on the grading plans the locations of all existing power poles and indicate that all overhead utility lines within the property and along its street frontage shall be under- grounded at applicant's cost (Engr.). 1.3. Storm Runoff. Hvdraulic/hvdroloav Calculations. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and obtain approval for a Storm Runoff study prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer showing existing and proposed facilities, hydraulic and hydrologic calculations and the methods of draining on-site and tributary areas without exceeding the capacity of any affected. Runoff shall not be allowed to cross properties without proper authorization and recorded documentation. Said study shall be consistent with the City's Master Drainage Plan in accordance with all applicable City regulations, OCEMA design criteria, and standards (Engr.). 1.4. Soils/Geoloav Report. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer and Building Official for their review and obtain approval for a Soils ReporVGeotechnical Feasibility Study prepared by a Registered Geologist and/or Soil Engineer to determine the seismic safety and soils stability of all proposed development within the project and preliminary pavement sections and substructure bedding/backfill recommendations, including the section of Ortega Highway which requires widening. (Engr.). 1.5. Street ImDrovement. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer and CALTRANS, for review and obtain approval for, Street Improvement Plans for Ortega Highway, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. These plans shall show all existing and proposed improvements including but not limited to street widening, curb and gutter, meandering sidewalk, street lights, existing overhead utility poles and location of proposed utility conduits to be under-grounded, street striping, storm drain, sewer and water. (Engr.). 1.6. Gradina Plans. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer and Building Official for their review and obtain approval for Grading Plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. These plans shall show the limits of grading, modified driveway for emergency access purposes, drainage, sewer, and water improvements. The extent of the topography shall be extended enough to determine the drainage impacts to adjacent properties. The elevations shall correspond with the Orange County benchmark datum. (Engr.). 1.7. permits, the final design of the eastern emergency access only driveway, where no public vehicular access shall be allowed, shall be subject to review and approval by Caltrans and the City Engineer. If the driveway design and Site Plan and Easterlv Drivewav. Prior to issuance of building PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 7 April 27, 2004 location is not approved by Caltrans, a revised site plan shall be submitted to the Design Review Committee for review and approval (Engr.). 1.8. NPDES and Clean Water Act of 1990 Compliance. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer and Building Official for their review and obtain approval for a Water Quality management Plan (WQMP) specifically identifying structural and non-structural Best Management Practices (BMP's) that will be used on-site to control predictable pollutant runoff. This plan shall show all temporary and/or permanent erosion/sediment control mitigation and devices needed to properly control the runoff and contain silt and debris. (Engr.). 1.9. Drainaae Plans. The City Engineer, upon reviewing the hydrology and grading plans, may determine that concentrated runoff conveyed by this project and other upstream properties onto adjacent downstream properties would require certain improvement to existing drainage facilities, the applicant shall then submit to the City Engineer for review and obtain approval for a Drainage Plan specific to the project which reflects consistency with the City's Drainage Master Plan. This plan shall show locations of all existing and proposed facilities. Any proposed improvements shall be constructed by the applicant and at applicant's cost. (Engr.). 1.10. Sewer and Water. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer, for review and obtain approval for a Site Plan prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer showing the sewer and water service lines and their corresponding easements and points of connection with the City public main lines. All on- site water facilities behind the water meter shall be privately owned and maintained, including the fire protection system. The plan shall be specific to the project which reflects consistency with the City's Sewer and Water Standards. Any public sewer or water easement dedication, shall be, at minimum, 20 feet wide and shall comply with the City's regulations. (Engr.). 1.1 1. Riaht-of -wav Easement Dedication alona 0 rteaa Hiahwav . The applicant shall dedicate to the City of San Juan Capistrano the necessary right-of-way easement all along the property frontage on Ortega highway to maintain a sixty two foot (62') wide right-of-way, measured from the centerline of Ortega highway in accordance with the Master Plan of Arterial Highways, Scenic Highway Element of the General Plan, and Caltrans standards. (Engr.). 1.1 2. Construction Mitiaation Proaram. Prior to issuance of grading and right-of-way improvement permits, the applicant shall pay a cash deposit for erosion control and clean up purposes in an amount to be determined by the Building Official, and shall prepare and adhere to a Construction Mitigation PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 8 April 27,2004 Program, approved by the Planning Director and Building Official. Any exception to, or deviation from this condition shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. (Engr. & Plng.). 1.13. All Construction Work Requires a Permit. Any and every improvement work, whether performed on-site or off-site, requires a Right-of- Way Permit. from all pertinent agencies. The purpose of such permit is to ensure the integrity of all existing improvements affected by the permit's construction activities. (Engr.). 1.14. NPDES and Clean Water Act of 1990 ComDliance. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and obtain approval for a Water Quality management Plan (WQMP) specifically identifying structural and non-structural Best Management Practices (BMP's) that will be used on-site to control predictable pollutant runoff. (Engr.). 1.15. Submit Haul Route Plan. For importation/exportation of soil in excess of fifty cubic yards, in and out of the project site, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and obtain approval for, a Haul Route Plan specific to the project and in compliance with all applicable City standards (Engr.). 1.16. Obtain Haul Route Permit. For importation/exportation of soil in excess of fifty cubic yards, in and out of the project site, the applicant shall submit a permit application, provide security deposit and obtain a Haul Route Permit from the Engineering Division which will specify the dates and times and head ways for hauling activities. (Engr.). 1.17. Drv Utilities (Elect.. TeleDhone. Cable TV. Gas). The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer, for review and obtain approval for, Electrical, Gas, Telephone and Cable Television Installation Plans to ensure proper utility undergrounding and compatibility with existing and proposed improvements. Vaults, transformers, juncture boxes, or any similar devices will not be permitted above ground. Any deviation from such requirements shall be subject to City Engineer review and approval. (Engr.). 1.18. Traffic Studv. Prior to issuance of grading and right-of-way improvement permits, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer, for review and obtain approval for, a Focused Traffic Study, prepared by a Register Traffic Engineer, which evaluates the proposed development project and mitigates its anticipated traffic impact. Said study shall be in compliance with the Master Plan of Arterial Highways and consistent with the City's Master Plan of Streets and Highways Standards, the Traffic Demand Management Ordinance and the Administrative Policy 31 1 (Preparation of and Use of Traffic Studies). (Engr.). PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 9 April 27,2004 1.19. This project will result in new construction and development, which will generate significant quantity of solid waste. Adequate space shall be accommodated for on-site source separation of solid waste during both pre and post construction activity. Additionally all building site plans shall depict the area for recycling space allocation per SJCMC Sec. 9-3.629. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall submit a written waste management plan and show on the site plans the location of receptacle(s) to accumulate on-site generated solid waste for recycling purposes. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the applicant shall submit solid waste generation tonnages, disposal, and recycling records. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 2.1. Pavment of Fees . Prior to the issuance of Building Permits, the applicant shall fulfill all applicable engineering fee requirements, including but not limited to the Capistrano Circulation Fee Program (CCFP), Sewer Capacity Fees, Agricultural Preservation Fees in accordance with the City Municipal Codes and Policies as last revised. In addition, the applicant shall pay the project’s fair share participation towards the following required non- CCFP circulation mitigation’s;(Engr.): 1. Orteaa HiahwavA-5 Southbound. In accordance with the City approved Traffic Study, the project shall pay 0.33% towards the construction of an eastbound right-turn lane. (The project has a direct impact on PM traffic at this location. Compared to the scale of the proposed project and its fair share percentage toward this improvement, construction of this improvement will place an undue burden on this project. Based on this, CEQA allows for payment of the project’s fair share cost of the improvement as appropriate mitigation of the project’s impact.) 2. Ortega Hiahwav/l-5 Northbound. In accordance with the City approved Traffic Study, the project shall pay 0.48% towards the construction of a northbound left-turn lane. (The project has a direct impact on PM traffic at this location. Compared to the scale of the proposed project and its fair share percentage to ward this improvement, construction of this improvement will place an undue burden on this project. Based on this, CEQA allows for payment of the project’s fair share cost of the improvement as appropriate mitigation of the project’s impact.) PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 10 April 27,2004 3. Orteaa Hiahwav/Del Obispo Street. In accordance with the City approved Traffic Study, the project shall pay 0.26% towards the construction of an eastbound throughhght-turn lane. (The project has a direct impact on PM traffic at this location. Compared to the scale of the proposed project and its fair share percentage toward this improvement, construction of this improvement will place an undue burden on this project. Based on this, CEQA allows for payment of the project’s fair share cost of the improvement as appropriate mitigation of the project’s impact.) 2.2. Riaht-of-wav Dedication. Prior to issuance of building permit, for any necessitated right-of-way dedication to Caltrans, the applicant shall prepare, for Caltrans’ approval and submit to the City Engineer copies of all documentation for the dedication of Ortega Hwy public right-of-way along the property frontage. (Engr.). 2.3. Public Facilitv Easement Dedication. Prior to issuance of building permits, for any required public facility easement dedication to the City, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the City Engineer all required documentation for said dedication of easement. The minimum width of a public utility easement is twenty feet, measured at ten feet in each direction from centerline of pipe. Dedication of easement shall be at no cost to the City. Any exception to, or deviation from this condition shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. (Engr.). 2.4. Reciprocal Access-Agreement. Prior to issuance of Building permits, the applicant shall provide a recorded “Reciprocal Access Easement” and Maintenance Agreement with the affected adjoining property owner for the use of common access aisle and driveway. Any exception to, or deviation from this condition shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. (Engr.). 2.5. Riaht-of-wav Dedication. Prior to issuance of building permit, for any necessitated right-of-way dedication to Caltrans, the applicant shall prepare, for Caltrans’ approval and submit to the City Engineer copies of all documentation for the dedication of Ortega Hwy public right-of-way along the property frontage. (Engr.). 2.6. Public Facility Easement Dedication. Prior to issuance of building permit, for any required public facility easement dedication to the City, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the City Engineer all required documentation for said dedication of easement. Dedication of easement shall be at no cost to the City. Any exception to, or deviation from this PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 11 April 27,2004 condition shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. (Engr.). PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 3.1. ComDlete all Improvements to the City's Satisfaction. The applicant shall complete, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, all facility improvements, (including the under-grounding of overhead utility lines and the installation of bollards & chains, or approved equal, at the proposed driveway, on private property behind the right-of-way line) necessary to serve the development in accordance with the approved plan and approved exceptions. (Engr.). PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS AND RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE SECURITIES: 4.1. Provide As-Built Mvlars. Prior to acceptance of the works of improvements and release of performance securities, the applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review, and shall obtain approval of, the reproducible "as-built" mylar plans of all public improvement works completed and accepted. Said plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. Also, the applicant shall submit digital copies of all as-built plans that call out any deviations from the City approved plans, including public street and sewer improvements, in accordance with the latest edition of the "City of San Juan Capistrano Digital Submission Standards". (Engr.) FIRE AUTHORITY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Fire Access Roads . Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit a fire access plan and obtain approval of the Fire Chief for all fire protection access roads to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior of every structure on site. The site plan shall indicate the locations of all fire hydrants located near the property line. Please contact the OCFA at (714) 744-0499 or visit the OCFA website to obtain a copy of the "Guidelines for Emergency Access." 2. Fire Lane Markinas. Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, the applicant shall submit plans and obtain approval from the Fire Chief for fire lanes on required fire access roads less than 36 feet in width. The plans shall indicate the locations of red curbs and signage, and include a detail of the proposed signage, including the height, stroke and colors of the lettering and its constrasting background. Prior to the issuance of any certificate of use and occupancy, the fire lanes shall be installed in accordance with the approved fire lane plan. The CC&R or other approved documents shall contain a fire lane map provision prohibiting parking in the PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 12 April 27,2004 fire lanes and a method of enforcement. Please contact the OCFA at (714) 744-0499 or visit the OCFA website to obtain a copy of the "Guidelines for Emergency Access Roadways and Fire Lane Requirements." 3. Water Availability. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall provide evidence of adequate fire flow. The "Orange County Fire Authority Water Availability for Fire Protection" form shall be signed by the applicable water district and submitted to the Fire Chief for a p prova I. 4. Automatic Fire Sprinkler svstems. A) Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans for any required automatic fire sprinkler system in any structure to the Fire Chief for review and approval. Please contact the OCFA at (714) 744-0499 to request a copy of the "Orange County Fire Authority Notes for New NFPA 13 Commercial Sprinkler Systems." B) Prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, this system shall be operational in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief - PLANNING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Planning Commission Resolution. Grading/building permit plans shall include a copy of the approved 2. Based upon the parking provided on-site at the ratio of 3.5 spaces per 1,000 s.f., the uses of the building shall be limited to the following uses allowed by Specific Plan 92-01 (Plaza de Las Golondrinas): General Office Uses (i.e. attorneys, accountants, tax services, architects, consulting, psychologistlpsychiatrist, engineers, travel agencies, brokers, real estate agencies/offices, insurance offices, property mgmt. services, advertising agencies, graphics services, word processing, visitor center, etc.) Financial Services (Le. banks, savings and loans, stock brokerages, financial planners) Any proposed change of use shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval, which shall include a determination that adequate parking is provided to support the proposed use. PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 13 April 27,2004 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit Building Permit plans which illustrate the location of all proposed methods of illumination for the project site, to include landscaping accent lighting, exterior building mounted lights, and parking lot lighting. The plans shall reflect wattage, light source type, and should include shields on fixtures immediately adjacent to the residential area to the north, subject to final review and approval by the Design Review Committee. 4. Prior to issuance of a building Dermit, the exterior finish for all structures shall be called out as smooth troweled stucco on plans submitted for building permit plan check, subject to final discretionary review and action by the Design Review Committee. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit a revised site plan that identifies the location and integration of all appurtenant equipment on site (ie. transformer boxes, phonekable boxes, risers, irrigation controllers, etc.) and method of screening to be provided subject to review and final discretionary approval by the Design Review Committee. Said equipment shall not be located immediately adjacent to and shall be screened from view from Ortega Highway. 6. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit a parking plan showing the type of material and decorative paving to be used for delineating the parking spaces in lieu of painted stripes, for review and approval by the Design Review Committee. 7. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit a finish and materials schedule to the Design Review Committee for review and approval that shows all walls and fences on the site, including the wrought iron-style fencing. The solid retaining wall/ screen wall on the east property line shall be constructed so as to connect with the existing pilaster near the street frontage on APN 650-201-13, and the portion of the wall facing said parcel shall be finished with a white, smooth-troweled stucco. 8. submit a final landscape plan to the Design Review Committee for review and approval, which shall include but not be limited to planting plans for the top of slope at the rear of the building; along the eastern portion of the street frontage and driveway transition area; and adjacent to the retaining walls. Plans shall show all landscape and hardscape materials within open space areas of the site. Applicant shall coordinate landscape plans with the owner of the Ortega Animal Hospital (APN #650-201-15) where appropriate, to ensure that plant pallettes, coverage, erosion control, and buffering from adjacent residential uses to the north and south of both sites are adequately addressed. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 14 April 27,2004 9.Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits or approvals, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Department for review and approval a revised site plan showing the following additional items: a. A wrought iron 6 (six) foot high fence to be located along the shared property line between the subject site and the adjacent residential parcel (APN 650-201-13), extending from the end of the solid wall along said property line to the west boundary comer of both properties. The approximate location of a proposed grove of a minimum of three (3) California Pepper trees (Schinus rnolle) to be planted on the adjacent parcel (APN 650-201 -1 3), in order to provide additional landscape screening of the commercial use from the adjacent residential use. The requirement to plant these trees shall be waived if the adjacent property owner withholds permission for their installation. All irrigation and maintenance of these trees shall be the responsibility of the adjacent property owner. A note stating that the perimeter fence, wall and all associated drainage improvements shall be located on the subject property. A note stating that the solid wall shall be designed so that it connects to the existing wall and pilaster on parcel 650-201 -1 3, and so that the portion of the wall facing said parcel resembles a smooth trowel white stucco finish. b. c. d. 10. Prior to issuance of any permits for building or precise grading, the applicant shall submit engineered drawings for the proposed wall on the east property line to the Department of Building and Engineering and Department of Planning for review and approval. All drainage and foundation improvements required for the wall shall be located on the subject property. 1 1. wall, the applicant shall submit written documentation to the Building Department of permission granted by the adjacent property owner to the applicant to enter onto the Parcel 650-201 -1 3 for construction purposes. The requirement to construct the screen wall shall be waived if the adjoining property owner withholds permission for its installation. Prior to issuance of permits for construction of the perimeter PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 12. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the project shall complete installation of all landscaping and lighting in accordance with the plans approved by the Planning Commission and subject to review and approval by the Planning Director or their designee. 13. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all parking spaces are to be delineated by decorative paving in lieu of painted stripes in PC Resolution 04-04-27-2 15 April 27,2004 accordance with the parking plan approved by the Design Review Committee. - EFFECTIVE DATE & FINAL APPROVAL: This project approval shall become effective following expiration of the fifteen (1 5) day appeal period if an appeal is not timely filed. The appeal period shall expire Wednesday, May 12, 2004. This project approval shall be valid for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of approval of this resolution, and shall expire on April 27, 2006 unless a time extension request or buildinglgrading permit application related to this discretionary approval is submitted to the City prior to that date. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27'h day of April, 2004, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Comnissioners Neely, Cardoza, Cohen and Ratcliffe NOES: None ABSTAIN : None ABSENT: None Molly Bogt@ecr&ry (P:\Planning\Archive\AC PROJECTS\Ad)302SanJuanLaHhAC03-OZPCResApri12d.wpd)