HAC Minutes-1996-12-11MEMORANDUM December 12, 1996 ‘.- TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of December 11, 1996 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on December 11, 1996. No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item Commission Attendance Present: Jessica Dean Ed Johnson Janice Palermo Jonann deGuevara Mark McGuire Absent: None 1. Oreanization of Committee - The Committee selected Jessica Dean as Chairperson and Ed Johnson as Vice Chairperson. 2. Review of Draft Revised Housing Element - Mr. Tomhnson, Planning Director presented the revised draft Housing Element to the City’s General Plan and its compliance with the comments from the California Department of Housing and Community Development. He reviewed each section of the document and answered questions from individual Committee members As recommended by staff this item was continued to their meeting of January 15, 1997 for formal review and recommendation 3. Review of Existing Housing ProPrams - Mr. Tomlinson provided the Committee with a review of the existing housing programs currently being administered by the City This report was an information item and no action was necessary 4. Draft Work Schedule - Mr. Tomlinson reviewed the draft work schedule of pending items and the preliminary meeting dates for Committee consideration. After review of the draft schedule it was the consensus of the Committee that the following meeting dates be set * Wednesday, January 15, 1997 for consideration of the revised Housing Element, initial public hearing for soliciting suggestions for CDBG grant applications, and review of the guidelines for the Rental Supplement Program * Wednesday, January 29, 1997 for consideration of proposed programs for inclusion in the CDBG application, review of the Little Hollywood Housing Program and a status report on current housing programs MEMORANDUM -2- December 12, 1996 --- * Wednesday, March 20, 1997 review of draft set-aside budget for the Community Redevelopment Agency for fiscal 1997/l 998 Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8.34 p.m C :U’PWIN60’WPDOCS’~C’~CTIONRP WPD