HAC Minutes-1997-05-21MORANDUM May 22,1997 TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Direc SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of May 21, 1997 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on May 21, 1997 No action is requrred unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item Present: Marie Buckner, Richard Collins, Jessica Dean, Joann deGuevara, Janice Palermo Absent Sheldon Cohen, Mary Rose Winkler 1. Qll to Order - The meeting was convened at 7.05 p m 2. CommunicatioaS - None 3. bent Cw - The Action Minutes of March 5, 1997 were approved as submitted 4. . New Busrness a Review of Draft Code Amendment 97-01 - Exemption of Low and Very Low Income Residential Projects with Long-Term Affordability Agreements from Residential Growth Management Regulations - This item was continued from the meeting of May 5, 1997, because of concerns of the committee regarding the potential for srgnificant numbers of affordable unrts to be constructed each year Mr Tomlmson, Planning Director, made a presentation on the proposed code amendment He noted that in the last 20 years only one project which would have qualified for the exemption has been developed in the City He also noted that construction of affordable housing almost always requires a financial partnership between the City and developer, and therefore there is no real potentral for there to be a signrficant number of exempt units to be developed m a given period of time wrthout City approval ,4ddrtionally, a cap or ranking system would create a governmental constraint on affordable housing, which 1s contrary to the goals of the recently adopted housing element The Committee expressed general support for the concept of exempting units with long term affordability agreements, and agreed that the potentral for there to be a signrficant number of affordable unrts constructed over and above the Crty’s growth management limits does not exist Committee Member Palermo moved for staff recommendation, and Committee Member deGuevara seconded the motion, L’ Housing Advisory Committee Action Minutes May 6, 1997 which passed unanimously. Housing Program Status Report - Mr Tomlinson made a presentation regarding the status of the City’s current housing programs, and MS Dirnu, the City’s Housing Consultant, provided additional information regarding the City’s Neighborhood Enhancement Program General conversation ensued regarding promotion of the City’s programs to City residents, and also the potential costs associated with rehabilitating units purchased for the Neighborhood Enhancement Program MS Dirnu clarified that program participants are selected from lists of eligible City residents, and that Civic Center Barrio, the non-profit organization implementing the Neighborhood Enhancement Program is working on marketing plan geared towards City residents She also noted that the City was not obligated to purchase any units which require excessive rehabilitation 5: . . . m - Jessica Dean was elected Chairperson, and Joann deGurvara was elected Vice-Chairperson 6. Cow As a follow-up to the comments of the May 5, 1997 meeting, Mr Amstrup confirmed that he would be able to direct any housing related comments to the appropriate staff members in City Hall With regards to the new coach which was located on space 44 at the Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park wlthout a building permit, Mr Tomlinson informed the CommIttee that the application for a permit has been denled by the Planning Department, and the coach will need to be relocated 7. miournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8 20 p m C \OFFICEiWPWNWPDOCSb4IN052 1 HAC -