HAC Minutes-1998-01-15O&llVDUl’Vl January 29, 1998 TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of January 15, 1998 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on January 15, 1998 No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item Present Jessica Dean Joann de Guevara, Maryrose Winkler, Marie Buckner, Richard Collins (arrived at 7:Ol p.m.), Janice Palermo, Sheldon Cohen (arrived at 7 37 p m ) Absent: None 1. Call to Or& - Chairperson Dean called the meeting to order at 7:00 p m 2 . . Oral C:ommunlcatlons - None. 3 Minutes of w 1997 - The action minutes of May 21, 1997 were unanimously approved, subject to spelling corrections for Maryrose Winkler on Page 1 and Joann deGuevara on Page 2, Item 5. 4 . wBum.w . . ew - Received and filed 2 ] - The Committee expressed concern with how occupancy limits are to be regulated as a part of this program. Staff advised that occupancy would be limited to two persons per bedroom plus one. Questions arose regarding how this would be implemented if a family had another child through natural birth or adoption or if a grown child moved back into the house. Staff agreed to present the proposed program regulations, including the occupancy restrictions, to the Committee for consideration at their next meeting Discussed ensued regarding the maintenance of the Agency-owned units Member De Guevara indicated that one of the units on Calle San Juan had an unsecured window Staff agreed to secure the window and advised that Housing Advisory Committee Action Minutes January 15, 1998 2 weekly monitoring and maintenance of the units will be conducted by the City until such time as a new management firm has been selected to oversee this responsibility Received and filed. 3 rogram- Staff advised that the City submitted a HOME grant application to the state for allocation of state HOME program funding. A portion of the grant application requested $250,000 for mobile home rehabilitation, and we are awaiting a decision from the state on whether this program will be funded through the HOME grant application Staff advised that at the present time no further funds are available and interested persons are being put on a waiting list Received and filed 4. -yHomebuyer Proom - Staff clarified that this program cannot be used for mobile homes as the homes must be on a permanent foundation Received and filed (Sheldon Cohen arrived at 7 37 p.m.) 5 Subs& Progrm - The Committee expressed concern with the procedures for checking the progress made by tenants to determine (1) if they are progressing, (2) if they still qualify based upon their income level, and (3) whether they should remain in the program or be moved out to make room for new people They reached consensus that this program was intended to assist tenants in getting back on their feet Staff indicated that the City requested tenant progress reports from Mary Erickson Community Housing no later than January 31, 1998 Staff will agendize the tenant education and progress report information for the next Committee meeting in February. Received and filed. 6 . . . Little Hollvwood v - Received and filed 7 . . CDRG &&a&n - St&advised that the proposed CDBG grant application will be brought to the Committee for their consideration at their next meeting in February Received and filed 8. . . HOME a - Staff advised that we have not yet heard from the state regarding our application for funding. Received and filed Housing Advisory Committee Action Minutes January 15, 1998 3 9. Title 25 Mobile Home Par-r Repair Prom - Staff advised that prior to any inspections of the mobile home parks, the City intends to schedule meetings with the homeowners to inform them as to the process Received and filed B. n of west bv Capl&ano Terrace Mobrle Home m by J JNC Housing Corpe - Member Cohen moved, Member Palermo seconded to forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve the request of the Capistrano Terrace Homeowners Association for City assistance in the purchase of the park by LINC Housing Corporation to (1) fund $25,000 - $30,000 from Community Redevelopment Agency housing set aside funds for the geotechnical study; and (2) lend the City’s tax exempt status for issuance of bonds. Member Winkler advised that she would abstain from voting on this item because she lived in this mobile home park and, therefore, had a conflict of interest. The motion passed 6-O- 1, Member Winkler abstaining. C. of M Momt Control - Received and filed D Q&cer Next Door Program - Received and filed. 5. ee/Sw Co- - The Committee requested a listing of all the committee members phone numbers. Staff advised that the next meeting of the committee will be scheduled in mid-February The Committee agreed that Mondays would be a better meeting date for them, subject to availability of the City Council Chambers 6 . Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8 40 p m son, Housii!g Advisory Committee Secretary DATE APPROVED. C ~OFFICE\WPW~.WPDOCSHOUSIXG’H.K?MNI IS HAC -