HAC Minutes-1999-08-19February 24,200O NDUM TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Direct SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of August 19, 1999 This report summariz es actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on August 19, 1999. No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item on Atten- Present Marie Buckner, Richard Collins, Joann de Guevara, Jessica Dean, Ettie Tregarthen Absent Mike Eggers (excused), Maryrose Winkler (excused) Staff Present Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst I A B. C. D Debbie Dirnu, Atfordable Housing Professionals (City’s Housing Consultant) -1, TO OI&QER - Chairman Collins called the meeting to order at 7:0 1 p m. Q&41, COMMUNI- - None. UTES OF APU, 15 AND l&iY 3.1999 - Member de Guevara moved and Member Tregarthen seconded to approve the minutes of April 15, 1999 and May 3, 1999, subject to corrections on page two of the April 15 minutes modifying “Member Leonard’ to “Pauline Leonard”. The motion passed 5-O NEW BUS- 1 v Program Omerlv &QQ& - Member Dean moved and Member de Guevara seconded to receive and tile the Rental Subsidy Program quarterly reports. The motion passsed unanimously 2 . . . . . . . 1deralm.l of Auprpval of Various Hw Pros Bond Proceeds - MS Debbie Dirnu gave a brief staff presentation noting that the Community Redevelopment Agency directed staff to return with alternate recommendations for use of the approximately $600,000 in bond proceeds that will be realized upon sale of the Community Enhancement Program condominiums. Staff identified three proposed programs to address the needs of the target neighborhoods (Capistrano Villas I, II, III and Casa de Capistrano) and city-wide affordable housing efforts as follows Housing Advisory Committee Minutes of August 19, 1999 Page Two 1 $100,000 for a Rental and Owner-Occupied Window Air Conditioning and Ceiling Fan Program 2 $300,000 for a Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program 3 $200,000 for a Down Payment Assistance Program The Committee discussed the proposed programs and opposed the rental and owner-occupied window air-conditioning and ceiling fan program Member de Guevara stated that the Capistrano Villas homeowners’ associations do not allow installation of window or roof air conditioners The Committee agreed to delete the air conditioner program and to take the proposed funding for this program and add $50,000 to both the owner-occupied housing rehabilitation loan program and the down payment assistance program. The members also discussed the income limits for assistance Member Tregarthen indicated that a household with income at 120 percent of median can afford to do rehabilitation work without assistance. Therefore, the Committee concurred that the maximum income for the owner- occupied housing rehabilitation program should be lowered from 120 percent to 100 percent of median Member Collins moved. 1 To delete the rental and owner-occupied window air-conditioning and ceiling fan program, 2. To modify the maximum allowable income for the owner-occupied housing rehabilitation loan program to 100 percent of median and to increase the funding to $3 50,000, 3 To increase the funding for the down payment assistance program to $250,000 Member Dean seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-O 4 . . State HOME Prwam Grant AIULWMQ - Ms. Debbie Dirnu gave the staff presentation recommending that the application submittal include a request for funding for $250,000 for a rental assistance program and $500,000 for a down payment assistance program. MS Dimu stated that further research was required to determine if this approach for the City’s application would be competitive. Staff further indicated that if, based upon further research, the rental assistance program had to be deleted, the item would be rescheduled for Committee review prior to consideration by the City Council Staff recommended that the Committee forward this recommendation on to the City Council , L Housing Advisory Committee Minutes of August 19, 1999 Page Three A motion was made by Member Dean and seconded by Member Tregarthen to forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve submittal of the 1999 HOME program application requesting $250,000 for a rental assistance program and $500,000 for a down payment assistance program The motion carried unanimously. 5 . IMP Prop- Status Report - Staff summarized the status of the various housing programs identified in the staff report. The Committee received and filed the report. E COMMITTEE/STAFF COM- - Member Dean expressed support for using the rental subsidy funds to subsidize rents for elderly people living in retirement homes within the City F ,4DJOUm - The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m I Lynrktte Adolphson, Secret&y DATE APPROVED i OFFI: E WPWIh- WPDOCS HOL!SING:HAC:hl~81999 HAC