HAC Minutes-1999-05-03. MEMORANDUM May 4, 1999 TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Direct SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of May 3, 1999 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on May 3, 1999. No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item Present Marie Buckner, Richard Collins, Joann de Guevara, Jessica Dean, Ettie Tregarthen, Maryrose Winkler Absent. Mike Eggers (excused) Staff Present. Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst I, William Ramsey, Principal Planner A CAIN, TO 0RDE;B - Chairman Collins called the meeting to order at 7 00 p.m. B ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None c OLD 1 on of Recommendations of the Draft wts to the Los Ria c Plan (Aua 4. 1998 City Council D&I. SDeclfic 78-01) and January 7,6. 1999 Draft Environmentalact Reuort (EI&j Mr Ramsey provided a description of the draft amendments (housing policies l-7) recommended by the Ad Hoc Committee In addition, Mr Ramsey discussed the staff recommended revisions to housing policies 4, 6, and 7. Member Tregarthen inquired as to whether a time limit would be imposed as part of housing policy 4 to exhaust all available opportunities to develop affordable housing outside the Specific Plan District. Staff responded that if the Committee had a concern with the time period, the Committee could forward a recommendation to the Community Redevelopment Agency to amend the Five Year Community Redevelopment Agency Implementation Plan to include time limits Chairman Collins opened the floor for comments from the public on this item. HAC Minutes -2- May 4, 1999 Ms. Francie Kennedy, 26632 Ramos Street, San Juan Capistrano, addressed the Committee MS Kennedy indicated she has been a resident in Los Rios for 17 years She raised concern with preservation of the Los Rios neighborhood due to its historical significance Ms. Kennedy noted concerns with piecemeal erosion of the residential areas and requested that the Committee research the possibility of home ownership rather than rentals in the neighborhood In addition, Ms. Kennedy suggested that alternative locations for the 11 additional low-income housing units may be more appropriate elsewhere (i e Lower Rosan property) rather than in the Little Hollywood area of Los Rios There being no further comments from the public, Chairman Collins closed the floor for Committee discussion Member Dean made a motion to adopt Resolution No 99-5-3-l recommending certification of the January 26, 1999 draft environmental impact report (EIR) and approval of the proposed amendments to the August 4 draft Los Rios Specific Plan as proposed by staff. Chairman Collins seconded the motion for discussion purposes Member Dean recommended that language be included establishing time limits for researching and acquiring alternative affordable housing sites. MS Winkler expressed concern with the appearance of affordable housing units in Los Rios Staff clarified that the proposed amendments are policies and that future affordable housing units in the Los Rios area would be reviewed as a separate discretionary review process before the Housing Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council Member Tregarthen stressed that potential affordable housing sites identified six-to- seven years ago are no longer available Therefore, she noted the importance of researching affordable housing sites immediately. Member Buckner indicated that maps are available at the General Plan update meetings identifjring all remaining vacant land in the City limits Members Buckner and de Guevara concurred that the motion should include a recommendation setting forth time limits on identifying alternative affordable housing sites. Member Dean amended the motion to recommend that (1) within one year of the adoption of the Specific Plan, the Agency will identify and analyze alternate affordable housing sites in the City to address the affordable housing need which would have been served by development of 11 additional affordable housing units in the Little Hollywood neighborhood; and (2) within two years, the Community Redevelopment Agency shall acquire such alternate site(s) for the purpose of constructing 11 affordable housing units HAC Minutes -3- May 4, 1999 Chairman Collins withdrew his second, and Member Tregarthen seconded the amended motion The motion carried 5- 1, Chairman Collins opposed. D COMWFF COMMENTS - None E ADJOUWMFN - The meeting was adjourned at 8 03 p m Lynrktte Adolphson, Secretary DATE APPROVED i .OFFILE \‘.‘PWR*‘~\VPDOCS‘HOUSING~HAC?MIN5399 HAC