HAC Minutes-1999-04-15- MEMORANDUM TO: George Scarborough, City Manager July 29, 1999 FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of April 15, 1999 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on April 15, 1999. No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item ttendm Present Marie Buckner, Richard Collins, Joann de Guevara, Jessica Dean, Ettie Tregarthen Absent Mike Eggers (excused), Maryrose Winkler (excused) Staff Present Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst I William Ramsey, Principal Planner A - B C D E F CAJ,J, TO ORDEB - Chairperson de Guevara called the meeting to order at 5 00 p.m. Following roll call, the Committee adjourned at 5.07 p m for a walking tour in the Los Rios District WAJ KING TOUR OF LOS BIOS Dm - Mr Ramsey gave a tour of the Los Rios District to the Committee members and members from the public He described the proposed amendments to the Los Rios Specific Plan and pointed out the locations of the Los Rios entry plaza, Little Hollywood residential area, and the park area CT WALKING TOUR - Chairperson de Guevara reconvened the meeting back in the City Council Chambers following the Los Rios tour at 6:34 p.m Roll call was taken and remained unchanged. Q&41, COMMUNICATIO- - None. MINUTES OF MARCH 22. 1999 - The action minutes of March 22, 1999 were unanimously approved DLD BUSNIBS 1 n of Recmons of the Draft Amendments Los Rros c Plan (Auwt 4. 1998 Cltv Cound Dra& Sneclfic Plan 78-01) and the 3.6, 1999 Draft EnvironmentalImDact &port (Em Mr Bill Ramsey provided an oral presentation and summarized the staffs recommended amendments to the Los Rios Specific Plan Specifically, he discussed the staffs recommendations to modify condition nos 4 and 6 of the draft report MEMORANDUM September 2, 1999 (-y&&a/ /?Y~~~‘.~ i.4G.J f T ../! ;$.3,‘?,, r I, d’.P&4 / ;- jc4 TO: Murray, Assistant City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlrnson, Planning Director- Cindy Russell, Administrative Servrces Director SUBJECT: Response to Council Member Swerdlrn’s Questions Regarding Housing Programs and Bond Proceeds 1. Bonds were onginally issued in the amount of 1.8 mrllron. Per Cindy Russell, after costs, the proceeds were approxrmately 1.5 mill/on, What was the original amount of the bond proceeds allocated to the Community Enhancement program? How much was earmarked for other housing programs? The total amount of the bond issue was $1,800,000. The net proceeds after bond reserve set-aside and costs of issuance were $1,377,369.33. The bonds were Issued to cash flow the Community Enhancement Program and other affordable housing programs such as Little Hollywood and rental subsidy programs. At that time, it was estimated the Agency would purchase 30 units During subsequent budget years a portion of the bond proceeds were also Identified for the Little Hollywood demolltlon and constructlon project How much has been spent to date on the Community Enhancement program7 To date, the Agency has Interest earnings of $96,501 08 on the bond proceeds and has expended $1,408,098.11 The balance remaining as of August 30, 1999 is $65,772.30. Attached IS a schedule outlining the annual expenditures Incurred since the bond issue 3 How much cash flow IS the Agency recerving from rental rncome from the properfres at present7 The Agency moved prospective home buyers Into 11 of the 14 units beginning In May, 1999 Rents received to date from May through August total $25,990 (see chart at end of document) At the time the program was implemented, staff projected that the rents collected would produce some Income stream to offset programs costs, but not be sufficient to cover all costs associated with acqulsltlon and management MEMORANDUM -2- September 3, 1999 Staff estimated the average monthly rent (minus homeowners’ association dues) at $400 per unit for a total of $5,600 per month to be applied to the cost of the bond debt service. Actual rents are. 9 units at $650lmonth and 2 units at $775/month In addition to the above rents, three CEP units have been used to house Little Hollywood households, and monthly rents collected from these three families are $375 for a total rental income of $7,775. The total monthly HOA dues average $2700/month leaving a net rental income of approximately $5,075. The rent shortfall from that originally projected results from the fact that three of the units are being used to house the Little Hollywood tenants These tenants are paying the same rent as when they were living in Little Hollywood ($125/month each), thereby decreasing the projected rental income for these three units by $1275lmonth. However, the Agency is savings approximately $2,85Olmonth in rental payments by not moving these households to the Capistrano Point Apartments After the CRA Board took an action in Apnl to complete only the existing phase of the CEHP, how have the remarnrng bonds proceeds been allocated, or for what projects have they been earmarked7 As stated In No. 1 above: the bond funds were allocated to the Little Hollywood constructron project What was the original commitment on how the bond would be repaid, under the original program parameters7 The Agency pledged 20% set-aside funds to the repayment of the bonds. What IS the current strategy for servrcrng the bonded Indebtedness7 Since the bonds were sold with the 20% set-aside pledged for repayment, this IS the current strategy for repayment Could the Agency choose to repay some of the bond Are there advantages or disadvantages to doing this7 The bonds are Issued with speclflc maturity dates and call dates The Agency would have to call the bonds and pay the premium required for the call Staff would have to evaluate the cost effectiveness of repaying the bonds and the premium against the very low Interest rate on the bonds, our ability to pay, and cash flow needs - MEMORANDUM -3- September 2, 1999 0 What were the onginal qualifying income Ilmits for CEHP participation7 What are the actual income limits for current program partlcipants7 Why are the proposed limits higher7 The original qualifying income for the Community Enhancement Program was 100% of the area median income The rncome ltmits for proposed new programs was Increased to 120% because this is the maximum allowed under redevelopment law In the past It has been difficult to Implement a first-trme homebuyers program at the 80% of medran (which for San Juan Capistrano IS suppressed to 70% of median). A separate matrix is attached that shows the ability of the various income levels (80%, loo%, and 120% of the area median income) to support a first mortgage loan The actual income limits for households buying CEHP properties are as follows: five households below 50% of median, four households between 50% and 80% of median, and one household at 82% of median Community Enhancement Housing Program Summary of Rental Income Month Gross Rental Income ’ Security Deposits May 1999 $3,500 $2,500 June 1999 $5,840 $0 July 1999 $7,400 $0 I August 1999 Total I $23,490 Total Gross Income To Date: $25.990 $2,500 I ’ Flqure does not Include routme property maintenance expenditures or other ancillary expenditures (I e HOA dues) I X8 p,o In 0 we $ f Lo CON SE8 . . . 5 Ol-0 SE2 E _ ‘4 - _ Is ccl 5 9-3bb 7 Ncoww 7 05(s)cvr- 07wm E OOlT-W -iI 0 g- g cg- z -t 8 0 I SE si CD+ g . 2% k-v - P o- ol 70 N a Es % F 23 In 0 % g W LL 828 gg$ c? 0 a! 7 i m zi VVb(3, w*o<q E y5c5g . . 3 - -1 o- cn- w- co w E AXE $ g 828 dOd I ;;; 5; 0000 b *ooo c-3 0 I u&o60 g . cn E d 7 r 1 5 iz WOd 7 ii- & 8 0 I t-G=:88 gdd c3 888 ood 8888 I I 8 2 0066 d z k c-9 4 I =;‘Q, al g!ii mcc u-- aJ%iim t.!!!E ?%a acw ccc “g = E U-J lQ= =j g s 8% i! a.fjs tZ! 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DE LA VISTA SJ-JN 952B7 2B 1.00 P149680 C/A 30944 AVANIDA DE LA VI B62 SJ-JN 952B6 2B 1.00 L91693 C/A*29481 *RIVIERA * SJ-JN*952B4*2B 1.00 S184672 C/A*30645 *CALLE CHUECA * SJ-JN*952B6*2A 2.00 S182503 S/A*29726 *WOODLAKE * SJ-JN*952B4*3A 1.00 S188665 S/A*26502 *BAY TREE * SJ-JN*952B3*2A 1.00 82409 S/A*29411 "AVOCAD3 * SJ-JN*952B3 2A 1.00 -188253 T/A*26216 *CEDAR GROVE * SJ-JNk952B4*3B 1.50 S187436 S/D*30931 *PASEO CAMALU * SJ-JN*952C6*2A 1.00 Si91783 S/D*31196 *VIA SAN VICENTE * SJ-JNk952C7*2A 2.00 5192447 S/A*29496 *RIDGE * SJ-JNk952B4*4B 2.00 S;68602 T/A*27587 *PASEO ALONDRA * SJ-JN"972E2 3B 2.50 Si87979 S/D 27569 VIA FORTUNA SJ-JN 972E2 3B 2.00 P151575 S/D 5269 MERIDIAN AVE SJ-JN 72Al 3A 2.00 L9232G S/D*27549 *VIA FORTUNA * SJ-JN*972E2*3B 2.00 S180977 T/A*32203 *VIA BARRIDA * SJ-JS*972E2*2A 2.00 S7an950 T/A 27822 LA.2 PASEO 3Ej SOL SJ-JS 972E2 3B 2.50 S127304 S/D*33895 *CALLE ACORDARSE * SJ-JS*972C5 3A 2.00 S189396 C/A*27509 "PASEO VERANO * SJ-JS*972E3*3A 2.00 ES192038 S/3 27589 VIA FORTLTNA SJ-JS 972E3 3A 2.00 S187536 T/A 27567 VIA MOXTOYA SJ-JS 972F2 3B 2.75 S190847 C/A*3C844 *AVEN*JE LA VIS 26B * SJ-MA 952B7*2B 1.00 5186894 I/A*31C28 'CALLE SAN DIEGO * SJ-:gA*952B7*2T 1.00 S192631 C/A*31076 *CALLE SAN 3IEGO 7oc * SJ-MA*952B7*2B 1.00 Cl"16f2.3 L-I, :‘/A"31548 "LCS RIOS 127 * SJ--MA*972C1*2B 2 .OO s1~l~q~~ C/A*31256 *CALLE SAN JrJAN 3c * SJ--XA*952B7*2B 1.00 syv933 "/‘q*31*17S **Los RICS 9 * SJ-XAk972C1*2T 2.00 -.- - - -7- b _ 7 i '2 : -' , ,z / A 3;msls L~T~T2~<iCA~ DE LA TLjI SJ-ISA 952B7 2B 1.00 s;32.1.1-1 C'/A*31j39 XLCS RIGS 123 * SJ-Mk*972C1*2T 2.00 s13-1252 -;ti r'"*33s'(i2 2.. 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MLS# Tme Address Citv-Ar TGNO Bed Bath LP/SP St S188650 C/A*26548 *CALLE SAN FRANC1 2;; = SJ-MA*952B7*3A 1.00 99900 A cl76819 C/A*31377 *LOS RIOS SJ-MA*952C7 3T 1.00 104500* A -90059 T/D*26431 *PASEO CARMEL 7A * SJ-MA*952B7*2A 1.00 107000* A 3191923 C/A*31431 *VIA LA MORA * SJ-OR*952D7*2A 2.00 219900 A S184474 S/D 13700 MONTE VISTA SJ-OR 895Dl 2B 2.00 265000 A S191002 S/D 27886 VIA DE COSTA SJ-OR 972E2 3B 2.50 267000* A L92248 S/D*27894 *VIA DE COSTA * SJ-OR*972E2 3B 2.50 268900* A L92404 C/A*27594 *AVENIDA LARGA * SJ-OR*972E2*2A 2.00 279000 A S189322 S/D*27984 *VIA DE COSTA * SJ-OR*972E2 3B 2.50 307000* A S189087 S/D*31082 *VIA SONORA * SJ-ORX952E7*4B 2.50 345000 A S191505 S/D*32140 *ORTEGA SJ-OR*895J2*3A 1.75 349900 A The accuracy of all information reqardless of source, includinq but not limited to square footaqes and lot sizes, is deemed reliable but is not quaranteed and should be independentlv verified throuqh personal inspection and/or with the appropriate professionals. 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