HAC Minutes-1999-02-18March 22, 1999 TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Directo+ SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of February 18, 1999 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on February 18, 1999 No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item . . Commlsslon Attend- Present Marie Buckner, Richard Collins, Jessica Dean, Maryrose Winkler Absent Joann de Guevara (excused), Janice Palermo (excused), William Pichler (excused) Staff Present Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst I, William Ramsey, Principal Planner; Debbie Dirnu, City’s Housing Consultant A CAJ,J, TO ORDER - Vice-Chairperson Collins called the meeting to order at 7.00 p m. B OFL41, COMMUNICATIONS - None L C UTES OF NOVE- 19. 1998 - The action minutes of November 19, 1998 were unanimously approved, subject to a revision on page 3, Section E, paragraph 3 changing “Capistrano Villas II” to “Capistrano Villas Ill” D. NEW 1 Con-n of the Draft Amenbents to the Los Rios Specifv;Plan (&gust 4 1998 City Council Dr&. soecific Plan 78-01) and the January 26. 1999 DI& Mr Ramsey, Principal Planner, indicated that the City Council had initiated an update of the Los Rios Specific Plan in August, 1998 to address land use, zoning, and circulation for future development of the Los Rios Historic District and surrounding area The proposed amendments to the plan represented the culmination of a six- month public workshop process conducted by the Los Rios Ad Hoc Committee Mr Ramsey recommended that the Housing Advisory Committee provide comments on the draft environmental impact report and adopt the draft resolution adopting the proposed amendments contained in the August 4, 1998 draft Los Rios Specific Plan Vice-Chairperson Collins opened the floor for comments from the public -- -. -_ Memorandum -2- March 22, 1999 Mr Steve Rios, a 9th generation resident of the Rios Adobe in the Los Rios neighborhood, voiced his opposition to any further affordable housing development in the Little Hollywood area of the district Mr Rios stated that development will alter the openness of the historic area Further, Mr Rios raised questions regarding environmental impacts such development would have in the area Another area of opposition noted by Mr Rios was inclusion of “B” Street as an access connection between the Rios Adobe and the Montanez Adobe Mr Rick Lobo, a resident of Laguna Niguel, stated that he grew up in the Little Hollywood neighborhood. Mr. Lobo spoke in opposition to the development of affordable housing units in the Little Hollywood neighborhood, noting that an increase in density will impact the residents Mr Lobo questioned the need to develop additional affordable housing units in Little Hollywood Mr Christopher Lobo, the nephew of Mr Villegas (resident in Los Rios), addressed the Committee in opposition to development of any additional affordable housing units in the Los Rios Historic District Mr Michael Villegas, a 48-year resident in Los Rios, stated that he was on the original committee that developed the Los Rios Specific Plan He noted that the original intent for this neighborhood was to replace the substandard units with the same number of units The district was not to become a high density residential area He suggested that the Committee take a walking tour of the neighborhood prior to making any decisions MS Sherry lto, a property owner and merchant in Los Rios, indicated that the Los Rios neighborhood, along with the Mission, represents the heart and soul of the town. Ms. lto added that the area was named Little Hollywood because movies were made there MS Ito stated that this historic part of town should be preserved and housing should be kept to a minimum Vice-Chairperson Collins called a five-minute recess at 8 00 p m The meeting reconvened at 8.05 p.m There being no further public comments, Vice-Chairperson Collins closed the floor for Committee discussion The Housing Advisory Committee members raised questions of staff regarding circulation and affordable housing In response to questions regarding the purchase of the property with CDBG funds, Mr Ramsey clarified that the federal funds were granted to the City to purchase the property for the purpose of constructing affordable housing Memorandum -3- March 22, 1999 Further Committee discussed ensued. Due to the emotional issues involved, the Committee agreed to continue the item to the next meeting to allow all of the Committee members to be present and to conduct a walking tour of the area Member Collins made a motion to continue the item to the next meeting Member Dean seconded the motion, and the motion passed 4-O 2 al Subdv Promerlv Rem - Member Dean moved and Member Collins seconded a motion to receive and file the quarterly report. The motion carried by a unanimous vote 3 of Annual Mobile Home Park Rent Control - A motion to receive and file was made by Member Collins and seconded by Member Buckner The motion carried 4- 0 4 Housing Propram Status Report - The Committee unanimously received and filed the housing program status report E Member Collins agreed to attend the Mayor’s meeting on February 22, 1999 at 7 p.m. Staff advised that the next Housing Advisory Committee meeting would be scheduled for mid- March Items to be agendized for a meeting in March included a walking tour of Los Rios at 5 15 p m., continued review of the Los Rios Specific Plan, and consideration of the 1999 CDBG grant application proposal Staff advised that the Committee would be notified of the meeting date Mr Rick Lobo (phone 495-5656) requested notification of the meeting date so that he could attend the walking tour. F ADJOURNMENT - The meettng was adjourned at 9 05 p t-n Ly&ette Adolphson, Housin’g Advisory Committee Secretary DATE APPROVED I OFF,< E :VPWl\-\VPDI)C:5 HIIUSING HAC,MfYZIX99 H4C -