HAC Minutes-1998-11-19MEMORANDUM February 18, 1999 TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of November 19, 1998 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on November 19, 1998 No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item dance Present Marie Buckner, Jessica Dean, Joann de Guevara, Janice Palermo, William Pichler Absent- Richard Collins, Maryrose Winkler Staff Present Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst I A CAJ,J, TO Ow - Chairperson de Guevara called the meeting to order at 7 00 p m B ORAL- Chairman de Guevara advised that oral communications would be opened following discussion on the agenda items scheduled under new business C MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 23.1998 - The action minutes of September 23, 1998 were unanimously approved, subject to revisions D NEW 1 Status Report - The Committee unanimously received and tiled the housing program status report 2 on to Contmue Rental SecurementlSubsidy Propram - Staff advised that Mary Erickson Community Housing Corporation’s contract will expire February 4, 1999 Staff recommended that the Committee forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council to continue the program, authorize staff to receive proposals for consultant services to administer the program, approve the revisions proposed by staff for the program guidelines, and include budget recommendations for Fiscal Year 1999/2000 Discussion ensued, and the Committee took the followmg actions a Member Palermo moved to continue the rental securement/subsidy program Member Dean seconded the motion The motion passed 4-O- 1, Member Memorandum -2- February 18, 1999 Buckner abstaining Member Buckner stated her opposition to the program based upon problems with one of the participating tenant households b The Committee voted 4-1, Member Buckner opposed, to budget $4,200 in Fiscal Year 1999/2000 for the annual Rental Securement Program C A motion was made to increase the Fiscal Year 1999/2000 budget for the Rental Subsidy Program to $100,000 in order to assist approximately 13-l 5 families rather than the 1 O-12 households currently being assisted A majority of the Committee supported the increase based upon the need for affordable housing in the area and the high numbers of low-income residents that need assistance The increase also takes into consideration possible fee increases that may result based on new consultant fee proposals The motion was approved 4- 1, Member Buckner voting in opposition. d The Committee discussed the program guidelines and possible revisions Motions for each individual item listed below were made, seconded and passed by a majority vote to revise the program guidelines to include the following modifications * Add language that prohibits subrenting and allows only one family per rental unit * Include provisions to allow the Agency and/or its designee access to information regarding tenant/landlord compliance with rules and regulations. * Continue to include requirement in guidelines restricting participating households to a maximum of two years in the program Member Palerrno stated opposition to this requirement adding that provisions should be allowed to extend the program for extenuating crrcumstances Member Pichler indicated that extending the program for some participants and not for others would set a precedent and could be construed as discrimination * Add requirement for submittal of quarterly reports to include criteria to be evaluated and completion of a chart addressing each of the criteria. e Member Palermo moved to recommend that staff receive proposals for consultant services to administer the program The motion passed 5-O Memorandum -3- February 18, 1999 E ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairperson de Guevarra opened the floor for oral communications The following individuals addressed the Commisslon Mr Jerry Nieblas, 3 1574 Los Rios Street, stated his concern with the Rental Subsidy Program because he was aware that one family supported by Mary Erickson Community Housing Corporation rented out two bedrooms of their unit to two additional families and that the tenant had parties every weekend Mr Nieblas questioned whether the consultant monitored the household size or conducted visits to the units Member Dean indicated that site visits were conducted periodically Staff stated that a provision could be added to the guidelines requiring monthly inspections by the consultant selected to administer the program Darin Masterton, a resident in Capistrano Villas III, indicated that he purchased a unit through the Officer Next Door Program He wanted to know who to call if the homeowners’ association did not correct the termite problems Staff advised that this issue was a civil matter between the homeowners and the association MS Gillian Cannon, 26467 Calle San Luis, questioned whether the Rental Subsidy Program limited the number of guests or length of time guests could stay in the units She indicated that one tenant in the neighborhood had relatives who came and lived in the unit for four months Staff advlsed that the current guidelines did not address guest limitations However, staff and the Committee concurred that language could be included in the guidelines limiting guest visits (includmg relatives) to a maximum of one month F COMMITTEE/STAFF COMMENTS Staff responded to questions about why the Agency had not purchased additional units through the Community Enhancement Program Staff explained that the Agency can only purchase uninsured units in the Capistrano Villas and that no units have been available for purchase for many months In response to a question, staff advised that the Agency-owned condominiums will have wmdow coverings installed prior to occupancy G ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 9 00 p m Lydette Adolphson, Housing Advisory Committee Secretary \- DATE APPROWD February 18, 1999 I ‘,m:r L ivwv,\- \VFLiO< .\ fV~1’Sl\c; f,-\C \ifYI I I9 HAC MEMORANDUM February 19, 1999 TO: Housing Advisory Committee Members FROM: Lynnette Adolphson, Secretary SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Meeting Date The next Housing Advisory Committee meeting will be held on MONDAY, MARCH 22,1999 AT 5:15 P.M. in the City Council Chamber. The meeting will be called to order in the Chamber at 5: 15 pm and then adjourned to Los Rios for a tour of the area. After the tour, the Committee will return to City Hall for the remainder of the meeting. The packet will be mailed to you one week prior to the meeting. LCA:sh C \OFFICE:WPWIN\WPDOCS\MEMO HAC