HAC Minutes-2000-02-24MEMORANDUM June 1,200O TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Direct SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of February 24, 2000 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on February 24, 2000. No action IS required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item. Commission Attendance Present: Mane Buckner, Joann de Guevara, Jessica Dean, Mike Eggers, Maryrose Winkler Absent: Richard Collins (excused), Ettie Tregarthen (excused) Staff Present: Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst I Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director A. B C. D. CALL TO ORDER - Vice-Chairman Buckner called the meeting to order at 7.00 p.m. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Ms. Pauline Leonard indicated she was attending the meeting on behalf of Mary Erickson Community Housing. MINUTES OF AUGUST 19. 1999 - Member Eggers stated for the record that he would not vote since he was absent from the August 19 meeting. Member de Guevara moved and Member Dean seconded to approve the minutes of August 19, 1999 as submitted. The motion passed 4-O-1, Member Eggers abstaining. NEW BUSINESS 1 Introduction to Revised General Plan Housina Element [GPA 00-02![City of San Juan Caoistrano) - Mr Tomlinson provided a staff presentation noting that the State of California requires cities to update their General Plan Housing Elements every five years. The purpose of the update is to incorporate the revised Regional Housing Needs Assessment (“RHNA”) allocations for new construction of affordable housing units for inclusron in the Citv’s five-vear housina oroaram The RHNA distributes the reaional Memorandum Houstng Advisory Committee Minutes of February 24, 2000 Page 2 City’s new RHNA allocations of very low, low, moderate, and above housing units for the next five years based upon 1990 Census data. Staff noted that the Housing Element had also been reformatted to be consistent with the newly-adopted General Plan. Mr. Tomlinson explained that the new General Plan included sufficient land set aside to accommodate the RHNA allocation of affordable units. However, due to the delay by SCAG’s Regional Council in adopting the new RHNA allocatlons, staff could not update the Housing Element when amending all other elements of the General Plan during 1999. Staff clarified that the draft Housing Element would be sent to the State of California for comments and that this item would be rescheduled for the Committee’s consideration in two-to-three months prior to City Council adoption. Committee discussion ensued Member Dean pointed out that the goals had been misnumbered. In addition, Member Dean requested tnclusion of a time limit in finding alternative affordable housing sites outside of the Los Rios District (Little Hollywood). She stated that the Committee had recommended inclusion of a trme limit during review of the Los Rios Specific Plan, but that this language had been omitted. Mr Tomlrnson clarified that the City Council had removed the time-limit language from the Los RIOS Specific Plan during their review. However, staff pointed out that the Committee could ask the City Council to reconsider and include the time-limit language within the Housing Element. Member Dean also emphasized the need to provide affordable housing units for families Mr. Tomlinson agreed that the City needs to focus on constructing affordable housing rental units for families. To address this need, staff included within the newly-revised Land Use Element a 15acre designation for an affordable housing rental project. Mr. Tomllnson indicated that negotiations are underway with the property owner and that a proposed project (of approximately 200 units) will be agendized for consideration in approximately six months. Member Eggers requested that pages 18 and 29 add reference to Laguna Woods and that page 35 be corrected to say “due to Inclusion”. Member Eggers also recommended that any households receiving assistance with affordable housing be required to have U.S. citizenship or permanent Memorandum Housrng Advisory Committee Minutes of February 24, 2000 Page 3 residency status and that San Juan Capistrano residents receive first priority for affordable housing Mr. Tomllnson clarified that use of federal funds prohibited the City from giving preferential treatment to San Juan Capistrano residents. When asked about whether using City funds would also prohibit the City from giving preferential treatment to San Juan Capistrano residents, staff offered to obtain a determination from the City Attorney. There being no other Committee comments, the Committee unanimously concurred to receive and file the report 2. Annual MHP Rent Control - Ms. Adolphson indicated that the maximum allowable mobile home park space rent Increase from April 1, 2000 through March 31, 2001 IS 2.3 percent and that all mobile home parks had been nottfled. The Committee received and filed the report 3. Housina Prow-am Status Report - Staff summarized the status of the various housing programs identified in the staff report. The Committee received and filed the report. - 4 Little Hollvwood Construction Proiect Slide Presentation - Staff gave a slide presentation on the Little Hollywood Construction Project. E COMMITTEE/STAFF COMMENTS - MS Adolphson advised that the next meeting of the Housing Advisory Committee was scheduled for March 16, 2000. F ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 9: 10 p.m. cretary, Housing Advrsory Committee DATE APPROVED: June I,2000 c C \OFFICE\WPWIN\WPDOCS\HOUSlNG\HAC\tvliN2Z4OO HAC