HAC Minutes-2001-09-17September 18,200l MEMORANDUM TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst II SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of September 17, 2001 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on September 17, 2001. No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item. Commission Attendance Present: Marie Buckner, Joann de Guevara, David Nahas, Michelle Knorre Absent: Ethel Tregarthen (excused), Bill Sonka (excused) Staff Present: Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst II - - A. B. C. D. Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director Debbie Dirnu, City’s Housing Consultant CALL TO ORDER - Vice-Chairperson Knorre called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. MINUTES OF AUGUST 15.2001 -The minutes of August 15,200l were approved 3-O-1, Member de Guevara abstaining. OLD BUSINESS Planninq Director’s Status Report (Affordable Multi-Familv Rental Proiect) - Mr. Tomlinson summarized the status of the City’s actions to date regarding development of an affordable multi-family rental project. Mr. Tomlinson indicated that the City is committed to moving forward with an affordable rental project. One potential site under discussion, a portion of the Saddleback Valley Christian School property at Oso Road, will provide (1) separation from existing residential neighborhoods that may oppose an affordable rental project; and (2) easy access to public transportation. Issues needing to be addressed include: (1) determining how much of the school’s property the school will need for its future needs; (2) working with the Army Corp. of Engineers regarding creek and flood control requirements; and (3) providing for access to the property (bridge construction). Mr. Tomlinson stated that he was also looking at other potential sites in the event the school property becomes infeasible. In October, the City Council will consider staffs recommendation to invite interested non-profit groups to submit proposals of their qualifications to partner with the City to develop an affordable rental project. Received and filed. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes September 17, 2001 Page Two General Plan Housina Element Revised Wordinq - At the Housing Advisory Committee meeting of August 15, 2001, the Committee requested revisions to the proposed language regarding amount of vacant land available that would be compatible for homeless shelters. Mr. Tomlinson provided the Committee with the revisions to be forwarded to the City Council for consideration on October 16. Received and filed. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. - Consultant Services Selection for Rental Subsidv and Securement Proaram - Ms. Dirnu stated that the City received only one response from the City’s current consultant, Comprehensive Housing Services, on the City’s request for proposals to administer the Rental Subsidy Program. Staff indicated that the scope of work had been modified to ensure that areas previously handled by the City would be the responsibility of the consultant during the term of the contract. Ms. Dirnu stated that the contract included fees to be based upon function performed per each application or participating tenant to assist with budgeting and determining the number of households the City can assist each year. The Committee unanimously forwarded a recommendation of approval to the Community RedevelopmentAgency to enter into an agreement with Comprehensive Housing Services, Inc. for consultant services to administer the Rental Subsidy and Securement Program. 2. 2001 HOME Proqram Application for Fundina under the State Home Investment Partnership Proaram - Ms. Dirnu indicated that the Committee is being requested to provide feedback and input regarding the City’s application for funding of housing activities through the State HOME program. Ms. Dirnu recommended that the City apply for $250,000 in funding for a First Time Home Buyer Program and $250,000 for Owner- Occupied Housing Rehabilitation. In addition, because the City successfully expended the required funds for the 1999 HOME First Time Home Buyer Program, the City may qualify for an additional $100,000. Ms. Dirnu recommended that these funds be applied to the Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program. The Committee unanimously voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for the submittal of an application to the California State Department of Housing and Community Development HOME Program for funding of the (1) First Time Home Buyer Program; and (2) Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program as recommended by staff. _. _-.-_-_ Housing Advisory Committee Minutes September 17, 2001 - Page Three 3. Status Report on Housina Proarams - Ms. Dirnu gave a report on each of the City’s housing programs. It was noted that the Head Start Child Care facility funded by the City’s 1998 and 1999 CDBG grant funds was scheduled for a grand opening at the Community Presbyterian Church on Monday, September 24, 2001. Ms. Dirnu added that enrollment at the facility’s child care program has reached capacity. Received and filed. F. COMMITTEE/STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Adolphson indicated that Ethel Tregarthen would be unable to attend the City Council/Commission status meeting scheduled for September 19, 2001. The Committee agreed that Michelle Knorre and David Nahas will attend the meeting. Ms. Adolphson advised that the multli-family rental project draft Request for Qualifications would be mailed to the Committee members. G. ADJOURNMENT-There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Lyf(nette Adolphson, Secretary, Housing Advisory Committee DATE APPROVED: C VvlyF~les\H0USING\HAC\MIN91701 WPD