HAC Minutes-2001-08-15- MEMORANDUM August 22,200l TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Willram Ramsey, Acting Planning Director T ’ K- SUBJECT: Housrng Advisory Committee Actions of August 15, 2001 Thus report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on August 15, 2001 No action IS required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item. Commission Attendance Present. Mane Buckner, David Nahas, Michelle Knorre, Ethel Tregarthen, and Bill Sonka Absent: Joann de Guevara (excused) Staff Present. Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst II A B. C D. CALL TO ORDFR - Charrperson Tregarthen called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. MINUTES OF JUNF 19.2002 - The minutes of June 19,200l were unanimously approved, subject to the following changes: Page 1, Item C: Add sentence Indicating that a college student had attended the meeting rn order to write a class paper. Page 1, Commission Attendance, Present Add David Nahas and delete Ed Johnson NEW BUSINESS 1 Consideration of Amendment to Housina Element of the General Plan: Ms. Adolphson indicated that Thomas Tomlinson prepared the report and was unavailable to present the item due to his vacation schedule. Ms. Adolphson presented the item to the Committee stating that in order to obtain certrfication of the Housing Element, the State of California Department of Housing and Communrty Development had asked that the City Include addrtronal clarifying language In its Housing Element regarding the following: a. Could enclosed garage parking standards in the multiple family district be considered a constraint to the development of affordable housing opportunitres? b How will the City’s conditional use permit process facilitate and encourage the development of emergency shelters and transitional houslng in the Public Institutional District C. Identify the amount of vacant land designated as Public Instrtutional. L’ Housing Advisory Committee Minutes August 15, 2001 Page Two To clear up questions regarding whether the use of the 25 units per acre would apply to all affordable housing projects or only those designated as Affordable Family/Senior Housing, staff recommended inclusion of language incorporating a new district designation of affordable housing projects to be consistent with the parcels designated Affordable Family/Senior Housing. Committee discussion ensued Chairperson Tregarthen raised concerns with the recommended language for item b and c above regarding shelters, transitional housing, and the availability of vacant land. The issues drscussed by the Committee included: (1) whether the proposed language would satisfy the state; (2) questions on where the 90 acres of vacant land are located, (3) the language does not state how much of the Public Institutional vacant land would be unsuitable for transitional housing (i.e. adjacent to schools, etc.); and (4) the language does not state how the City’s conditronal use permit process will facrlitate and encourage the development of emergency shelters and transitional housing. Chairperson Tregarthen asked when this item was scheduled to be considered by the City Councrl and whether there was a need to expedite the item. Staff indicated that the only ramification of delaying the item until Thomas Tomlinson’s return from vacation would be that delaying the certification of the Housing Element by the State may affect the City’s ability to apply for grant funding. Based upon the above, the Committee unanimously voted to recommend adoption of the draft resolution to forward a recommendation of approval to the Plannrng Commission and City Council for text amendments to the Housing Element of the General Plan, subject to the Committee’s recommended revisions regarding shelters and transitional housing. The Committee asked that they receive a copy of the new language prior to City Council consideration of the item. The Committee also unanimously concurred that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council to request a study to determine the locations on the Public Institutional vacant land where emergency shelters and transrtronal housing uses would be compatible with surrounding uses. The Committee members were not certain whether they had ever received the most current copy of the Housing Element Staff agreed to provide each of them with a copy of the Housing Element. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes August 15, 2001 Page Three 2. Housina Proarams Status Report - Ms. Adolphson provided a status report on each of the housing programs. The Committee noted that the Rental Subsidy Program quarterly report had not been included and requested that the report be mailed to them. The Committee raised concerns that the proposed affordable housing multi- family rental project site had some very difficult issues to resolve before the project could move forward (i.e. access, bridge construction, possible grant applrcation submittal for funding, etc.) The Committee Inquired whether the City had considered alternate locations for the project in order to expedite construction of the rental units. Staff recommended, with Committee concurrence, that the item be agendized for their next meeting so that the Planning Drrector could provide more details on the status of the multi-family rental project. The report was informatlonal only and did not require action by the Committee. E. COMMITTEE/STAFF - The Committee requested that staff provide them with advance notice of items to be agendrzed for their consideration at their meetings. Staff agreed to provide written notification to the Committee members of any upcomlng agenda items to be scheduled F. ADJOURNMENT- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8.29 p.m Lyndette Adolphs etary, Housing Advisory Committee DATE APPROVED 9/l 7/01 C ~OFFICE:WPWIN\WPDOCS\HOUSlNG\HAC\MIN8150l WPD