HAC Minutes-2001-02-21MEMORANDUM May 15, 2001 TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Dire SUBJECT: Housrng Advisory Committee Actions of February 21, 2001 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on February 21, 2001 No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item. Commission Attendance Present Marie Buckner, Joann de Guevara, Ed Johnson, Michelle Knorre, Ethel Tregarthen, Maryrose Wrnkler Absent: None Staff Present: Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst II Debbie Drrnu, Housing Consultant A. CALL TO ORDFR - Chairperson Buckner called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. B ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. - C. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 26. 2000 - The minutes of October 26, 2000 were unanimously approved as submitted. D NEW BUSINESS 1 Status of Annual Mobile Home Park Rent Control - Received and filed. 2. Housrng Proarams Status Report - The City’s housing consultant provided a status report on each of the housing programs. The report was rnformatronal only and did not require action by the Committee. E COMMITTEE/STAFF COMMENTS - MS Adolphson reminded the Committee members of the deadline for submittal of applications for reappointment to the Housrng Advisory Committee F ADJOURNMENT- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8.00 p.m. Lyrthette Adolphson,‘Secretary, Housing Advisory Committee L DATE APPROVED. C \OFFICE’kVPWIN~WPDGCS\HOUSlN~\HAC\MIN22lOl HAC