HAC Minutes-2005-07-2732400 PASEO ADELANTO (949) 493- 1 171 (949) 493- 1053 FAX SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. CA 92675 HM'M' sanjz~ancupr~truno org MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAL1 ALLEVA-0 DIANE BATHGATE VA'AT HART ;OE SOT0 DAVlD M SWERDLIN JULY 27,2005 Commission Attendance Present: Absent: Michelle Knorre (excused) Staff Present: Marie Buckner, Joann deGuevara, Joanne Marquez, David Nahas, Gene Ratcliffe, Claude Vincent Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst 11 A. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ratcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:OO p.m. L B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None C. PUBLIC HEARING 2004/2005 State of California Community Development Block Grant Grantee Performance Report: - Ms. Adolphson gave a staff presentation indicating that the State of California requires the City to conduct a public hearing annually to report to the public the City's progress on use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from program income and use of the 2004 open grant funds. Staff added that it was necessary to conduct a special meeting because the next regularly-scheduled Housing Advisory Committee meeting was August 24, 2005, and the Grantee Performance Report is due to the State of California by July 31, 2005, Staff advised that the City expended a total of $70,844.01 in program income funds. Of this amount, $70,466 was used to fund five zero-percent deferred payment housing rehabilitation loans, and $378.01 was expended on delivery services for submittal of state reports and for public hearing publications. Staff pointed out that the draft report needed to be modified before submittal from six loans to five loans and that the female-headed household number needed to be modified to zero. San Juan CapistJ-ano: Preserving the Past to Etihance the Fzitziw fi Printed on 100% Recycled Paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes July 27, 2005 Page 2 L No funds have yet been expended on the 2004 CDBG open grant as the City is waiting for authorization to begin spending funds. Although staff explained that state approval to spend funds is expected any day, the City will be required to spend $125,000 from these grant funds by December 31, 2005 to meet the milestone expenditure deadline. Staff has been working with Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, Inc., to develop a spending strategy to ensure funds are expended by the deadline. Chairperson Ratcliffe opened the public hearing. There being no one wishing to address the Committee, the hearing was closed. By motion, the Housing Advisory Committee unanimously approved the 2004/2005 State Community Development Block Grant Program Grantee Performance Report with the revisions noted by staff as follows: L * Modify the number of housing rehabilitation loans funded with program income from six to five loans (pages 10-40 and 10-41). Modify the number of female-headed households to zero (page 10- 41 ) * D. COMMlTTEElSTAFF COMMENTS - Ms. Adolphson indicated that the Committee’s next meeting would be held on August 24, 2005. F. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Chairperson Ratcliffe adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. to the next regularly-scheduled meeting on August 24,2005 at 7 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4- APPROVED: March 22,2006