HAC Minutes-2002-08-29September 5,2002 MEMORANDUM TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst II SUBJECT: Housing Advisory Committee Actions of August 29,2002 This report summarizes actions taken by the Housing Advisory Committee on August 29, 2002. No action is required unless Council wishes to hold special review of an item. Commission Attendance Present: Marie Buckner, Joann deGuevara, Howard Langhans, David Nahas, Absent: Michelle Knorre (excused), Ethel Tregarthen (excused), Gene Ratcliffe Staff Present: Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst II Debbie Dirnu,-City’s Housing Consultant A. B. C. D. E. CALL TO ORDER - Member Nahas called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - Ms. Adolphson introduced Mr. Langhans to the Committee members and indicated that Mr. Langhans is the newly-appointed mobile-home park representative on the Housing Advisory Committee. MINUTES OF MARCH 21, 2002 - The minutes of March 21, 2002 were unanimously approved. OLD BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS 1. Annual Reoraanization of the Housinu Advisorv Committee - Selection of ChairDerson and Vice Chairperson - Ms. Adolphson opened the floor for nominations for chairperson of the committee. Member Nahas was elected chairperson. Nominations were opened for vice chairperson. Member deGuevara was nominated and unanimously elected to be vice chairperson of the Housing Advisory Committee. 2. Consideration of Approval for Modifications to Rental Securement/Subsidy Proaram Reaulations - Ms. Adolphson provided a presentation on the proposed modifications to the program rules and regulations. The modifications include an increase in the maximum allowable monthly rents to reflect current market rents in San Juan Capistrano, and minor revisions to the language relating to administration of the program. Ms. Dirnu advised that, due to personnel changes, her firm would only be providing housing Housing Advisory Committee Minutes of August 29,2002 Page 2 services to the City related to the City’s CDBG and HOME grant programs. It was further noted that staff was also considering whether the rental subsidy program will be administered by City staff when the existing contract with Comprehensive Housing Services expires in November. The proposed program modifications allow staff added flexibility to either perform the work in house or to select an outside agency/consultant to assist with administration of the program. The Committee discussed the proposed rent increases and recommended that language be added allowing annual increases based upon the average Consumer Price Index for the preceding year (as determined by the Mobile Home Park Rent Control section of the City’s Municipal Code). The Committee also including provision for the Planning Director, at his discretion, to administratively approve higher rents based upon the current market rental rates for comparable units in the area. The Committee concurred that this language would keep staff from having to come back in the future to increase the maximum allowable rents again. The Committee also requested inclusion of language allowing the Planning Director, at his discretion, to allow higher occupancy limits based upon unique household circumstances. Following discussion, the Committee unanimously voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the Community Redevelopment Agency for the proposed modifications to the Rental Securement/Subsidy Program Regulations, including the Committee’s recommendations to allow higher rents and occupancy limits, as determined by the annual Consumer Price Index increases, and at the discretion of the Planning Director as discussed in the preceding paragraph. 3. Housina Proarams Status ReDort - Ms. Dirnu provided a status report on the CDBG housing rehabilitation and HOME first-time homebuyer programs. She explained that the environmental processing required for the 2001 HOME grant funds in nearly completed. The City was awarded funds totaling $330,366 for housing rehabilitation loans and $255,000 for the first- time homebuyer program. Ms. Adolphson gave a brief summary of the status of the multi-family affordable rental new construction project. Staff noted that a panel had reviewed the ten submittals that were received as a result of the City’s Request for Qualifications and selected four firms to be interviewed. Following the interview process, the panel’s recommendation will be scheduled for consideration by the Housing Advisory Committee. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes of August 29,2002 Page 3 F. COMMITTEE/STAFF COMMENTS -None G. ADJOURNMENT -There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m. Lyrlhette Adolphson, Secretary DATE APPROVED: NOVEMBER 21,2002 C \MyFilesWOUSING\HAC\N82902 wpd -