CHC Minutes-2017-06-27MINUTES June 27, 2017 CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING A. ORGANIZATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Lawrence -Adams called the Regular Meeting of the Cultural Heritage Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano to order at 4:32 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. 2. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Mechelle Lawrence Adams, Chair Rhonda DeHaan, Vice -Chair William Bonney Lorie Porter Commissioner Absent: Donna Friess Staff Present: Joel Rojas, Development Services Director Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. C. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Draft May 23, 2016 Cultural Heritage Commission Minutes. Approved, as presented, by a 4-0 vote. D. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. E. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. F. NEW BUSNESS: 1. Discussion - Support Letter for a proposed Cultural and Natural History Museum at the Great Park in Irvine. (Project Manager: Sergio Klotz, Assistant Director) Sergio Klotz made the staff presentation and responded to questions. CHC Action Minutes 2 June 27 2017 Patricia Martz, provided a PowerPoint presentation and responded to Commissioner's questions and comments. Cultural Heritage Commissioners provided comments and feedback. Adoption of Motion Commissioner Porter made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Bonney, recommending that the City Council consider a Support Letter for a proposed Cultural and Natural History Museum at the Great Park in Irvine. The motion passed by a 3-1 vote. AYES: Commissioners Bonney, DeHaan and Porter. NOES: Chair Lawrence Adams. ABSTAIN: None 2. Discussion — Protection of Cedar trees along Camino Capistrano north of Junipero Serra Road to Approximately the 29900 Block (Project Manager: Sergio Klotz, Assistant Director) Sergio Klotz, made the staff presentation and responded to questions. Cultural Heritage Commissioners provided comments and feedback. Adoption of Motion Commissioner Porter made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Bonney, recommending that the Planning Commission consider amending the Municipal Code governing tree removal permits to define the cedar trees, located along Camino Capistrano north of Junipero Serra Road to approximately the 29900 block, as heritage trees due to their unique and intrinsic value to the community and as a scenic highway into the City regardless of trunk size. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. AYES: Commissioners Lawerence-Adams, Bonney, DeHaan and Porter. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None G. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS: Commissioner DeHaan inquired and was informed that the City had filed suit against the CPUC on the SDGE Substation project. CHC Action Minutes 3 June 27 2017 2. Chair Lawrence Adams thanked staff on The Mills Act Presentation, presented at the May 23, 2017, Cultural Heritage Commission. H. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Lawrence Adams adjourned the meeting at 5:38 p.m. to Tuesday, July 25, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Approved on July 25, 2017 Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary