HAC Minutes-2005-03-0252400 PASEO ADELANTO MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 � SAM ALLEVATO (949) 493"1171 r � Ili. RAI£B DIANE BATHGATE (949) 495-1053 FAx ESIARLISNFR 1961 WYATT HART www.sanjuancapistrano. ori; 1776 JOE SOTO • DAVID M. SWERDLIN MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MARCH 2, 2005 Commission Attendance Present: Marie Buckner, Joann deGuevara, Michelle Knorre, Joanne Marquez, David Nahas, Gene Ratcliffe, Claude Vincent Absent: None Staff Present: Lynnette Adolphson, Management Analyst II Molly Bogh, Planning Director Larry Lawrence, Lawrence Associates A. CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson Ratcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None C. MINUTES OF JANUARY 13. JANUARY 19. AND FEBRUARY 5. 2005 — The Committee unanimously approved the minutes of January 13, 2005 with a correction to add Member Vincent to the ayes vote on page 6. The Committee unanimously approved the January 19 and February 5, 2005 minutes as submitted. D. NEW BUSINESS, Conceptual Affordable Housina Proiect on a Four -Acre Parcel Located West of La Pata Approximately One Mile South of Orteaa Hiahwav (Whispering Hills Area (Applicant: Whispering Hills LLCM — Following a staff presentation by Ms. Adolphson, Mr. Phil Schwartz and Mr. Dennis Gage representing Whispering Hills LLC gave a presentation to the Committee regarding the proposed plan for a four-story, 200 -unit apartment complex with 40 affordable units. The applicant described the various components of the plan, including parking, entry and building design and features, six -acres of open space adjacent to the street, site visibility from areas near La Pata, building height, and density. The applicant requested Committee feedback on the proposal before proceeding through the San .Tuan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future Printed on recvcled paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes March 2, 2005 Page - 2 - formal development review process. Mr. Jonathan Volzke of the Capistrano Dispatch addressed the Committee. He questioned whether the Ranch project outside the City limit would construct higher densities in their project if higher densities are constructed in this project. The Committee discussed the conceptual plan and project design, and a brief summary of their comments follows: Member Knorre: • Wanted more information on visual impacts to surrounding areas before commenting on the density issue • Expressed concern with how the project would look aesthetically Member Ratcliffe: • Need to consider density and building height together • Exceptions to the height limit usually occur due to unique circumstances, and this project at this location represents a unique circumstance • Concerned with four-story project • No concern for aesthetics of the project • Concerned with setting a precedent since exceptions are usually for a single element rather than an entire structure • Acknowledged the need for affordable housing • Concerned with precedent by amending the General Plan for density and requested additional information • Indicated that market rate rentals are needed • Need more affordable units in the project Member Marquez: • Critical need for affordable housing • Proposed project is excellent solution, especially at this location • Impressed with the City Lights project • Below grade location of building will lessen the building height impact Member de Guevara: • Concerned with four-story project • Questioned whether the building design could be reduced to three stories Housing Advisory Committee Minutes March 2, 2005 Page -3 - Member Nahas: • Expressed strong support for the proposed density • Supported the proposed building height and scale • Indicated project will not adversely impact residents due to proximity adjacent to City boundary • Need to provide as many affordable units in the project as possible • Wants to get moving with constructing affordable housing • Requested City Attorney review of City ordinances to comply with SB 1818 for affordable housing concessions, including parking requirements Claude Vincent: • Opposed to doubling (50 units/acre) the General Plan density • Concerned with precedent in amending the General Plan • Opposed to exceeding the two-story, 35 foot height limit • Concern with fire safety of residents with such a dense project • Support 25 units per acre plus density bonus (32 units/acre) Marie Buckner: • Concurred with the Housing Advisory Committee members comments Summary of Applicant Comments: • No impact to neighbors (no residential structures in the area yet) • City has exceeded 35 foot height limit over the years • Below grade project will lessen visual impact of a four-story building • Affordable units will be for moderate -income households, not low and very -low income households • Visibility study will be conducted to demonstrate the visibility of the project from all areas in the vicinity • La Pata to be extended into San Clemente in the future • No affordable projects have been done since the Lyon apartment project • Applicant is requesting no funds from the City to subsidize the affordable units • All units will have fire sprinklers and alarms installed per Fire Dept. restrictions and regulations • Project can be completed quicker will less government involvement Housing Advisory Committee Minutes March 2, 2005 Page - 4 - • Applicant has a great incentive to ensure an aesthetically -pleasing design due to the project's proximity at the entrance to the Whispering Hills single-family residential project • City contribution of funds to the project will allow for more affordable units Summary of Staff Comments: • General Plan amendment for density exception would only apply to affordable projects • Project will not impact any neighbors because there are none at this time • City has option to subsidize the rents up front to achieve additional affordable units • Ranch specific plan for Planning Area 1 includes commercial/industrial space and 3,000-4,000 dwelling units, maximum height limit of 75 feet • Need to maintain look and feel of San Juan Capistrano as the Ranch will use every opportunity to intensify the use • Ranch has agreed to work with City to reduce height from 75 feet to 45 feet maximum • City will be updating the General Plan Housing Element to incorporate the affordable housing concessions required by State law E. COMMITTEE/STAFF COMMENTS — Staff advised the Committee that the City Council will be conducting a public hearing on March 15, 2005, to take public input on Habitat for Humanity's offer to develop affordable ownership units at the terminus of Calle Rolando. Commissioner Nahas questioned why this item had not been scheduled for Housing Advisory Committee review. Ms. Bogh indicated that Habitat for Humanity provided a presentation to the Housing Advisory Committee on July 21, 2004, and that the Committee forwarded a recommendation to the City Council at that time to consider a Habitat for Humanity project at the Calle Rolando site. F. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Chairman Ratcliffe adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. to March 30, 2005, at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Ly nette Adolphson, Secretary APPROVED: May 25, 2005