HAC Minutes-2007-08-2932400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AUGUST 29, 2007 Commission Attendance MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN JOE SOTO DR. LONDRES USO Present: Marie Buckner, Joanne Marquez (left meeting at 6:30 p.m. due to illness), Laura Freese, Gene Ratcliffe Absent: Mary Ann Groover (excused) Staff Present: Lynnette Lehmann, Senior Management Analyst A. CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Freese called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None C. MINUTES OF JUNE 27, 2007 The minutes of June 27, 2007 were approved unanimously. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. 2007 Housing Element Update — The Committee unanimously continued the item to their meeting on August 30, 2007 at 6 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 2. Architectural Control 06-14, Little Hollywood Expansion, a site plan, elevations, grading, landscaping, and other related improvement plans for a proposal to add 10 additional affordable manufactured housing rental units on approximately 1.67- acres in Little Hollywood Located at the Northern Terminus of Paseo Adelanto Between Ramos and Mission Streets (Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 121-142-01, 07)(Little Hollywood Affordable Rental Unit Expansion Proiect)(Applicant: San Juan Capistrano San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future �M Printed on 100% recycled paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes August 29, 2007 Page -2 - Community Redevelopment Agency) (Case Planner: Lynnette Lehmann, Senior Management Analyst) City Council Priority Na — Ms. Lehmann provided the staff presentation noting that the Community Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") is proposing to construct 10 additional affordable manufactured housing rental units on the remaining 1.67 acres of vacant land in Little Hollywood owned by the Agency. The proposed site plan includes three 674 square feet one -bedroom units and seven 813 square feet two-bedroom units. All three of the one -bedroom units will have disabled access ramps and bathrooms. Staff described the components of the site plan, including the building elevations, parking, window treatments, landscaping, equestrian trail, and preservation of the large grouping of pepper trees in the common area. Staff pointed out that state law (Govt. Code sec. 65915 et seq.) requires that cities grant a density bonus and other concessions to their development standards for any residential project which includes affordable units. Since the proposed plan will provide 20 parking spaces rather than the 28 parking spaces required per the Municipal Code, one parking concession is requested. Ms. Lehmann stated that the City had previously adopted affordability covenants for the existing 14 units in August, 2005, and that the adopted covenants applied to any new units added or constructed on the Agency - owned property in Little Hollywood. Staff summarized the Design Review Committee ("DRC") review of the proposed project on August 2, 2007 and summarized the DRC recommendations identified in the staff report. Mr. Michael Imlay of Land Concern was present to answer any questions about the project for the Committee members. Discussion ensued, and the Committee raised questions about the (1) landscape plant palette, (2) preservation of the grouping of pepper trees in the common backyard area, (3) the DRC's recommended use of variegated asphalt shingles for the roofs, (4) proposed street curbs, (5) house and porch height from finish grade, (6) mix of one and two-bedroom units and disabled access and bathrooms for the one -bedroom units; (7) the possible ramifications to the project if Paseo Adelanto should ever need to be extended through to Avenida de la Vista. In response to the above questions, the following discussion ensued: (1) It was agreed that the use of native California plants was appropriate for this project. Member Ratcliffe also recommended that the Arbutus unedo "Elfin King" (Dwarf Strawberry Tree) plans be replaced with a Housing Advisory Committee Minutes August 29, 2007 Page - 3 - less expensive species. It was pointed out that the Santa Barbara Daisy can be very invasive and the landscape architect may want to reconsider planting of this species adjacent to the creek. Additionally, the Committee concurred with the DRC's recommendation to match the palette for the Los Rios Park, extend the landscaping to the existing access drive at the southwest corner of the project, and to incorporate differences in the landscaping to avoid the appearance of a condominium project. Mr. Imlay discussed the proposed irrigation system noting that once the native landscaping is established, irrigation will not be necessary for the most part and may be shut down; (2) Member Ratcliffe requested tight controls during project construction to ensure that the large grouping of pepper trees are protected from construction activities; (3) It was agreed that variegated asphalt shingles were appropriate to provide added dimension to the roofs; (4) The proposed street French drains (no curbs) is appropriate to maintain the rural character of the neighborhood (5) It was agreed that the house finish grade and porch height may be varied depending upon its location. (6) The Committee concurred with the mix of one and two-bedroom units for the project, including the disabled access and bathrooms for the one -bedroom units. (7) Staff pointed out that the possible extension of Paseo Adelanto to Avenida de la Vista had been presented to the City Council on January 16, 2007, and that the City Council had directed staff to proceed with the expansion plans in accordance with the Circulation Element in the Los Rios Specific Plan. However, Mr. Imlay pointed out that if the City Council should ever determine that the extension of Paseo Adelanto to Avenida de la Vista is necessary, only one unit in this phase would require relocation. Since the units will be manufactured units, relocation could be easily accomplished. Chairperson Freese opened the floor for public input. There being no one wishing to speak, the floor was closed for more discussion or a motion. There being no further discussion, the Housing Advisory Committee unanimously voted to forward Architectural Control 06-14 (Little Hollywood Expansion) to the Planning Commission with a recommendation of approval. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes August 29, 2007 Page - 4 - 3. Status Report on Housing Programs — Ms. Lehmann provided a staff presentation summarizing the status of the Rental Subsidy Program, Little Hollywood Affordable Rental Program, the 2004 HOME First -Time Homebuyer and Owner -Occupied Housing Rehabilitation grant, the 2006 Owner -Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program Over -The -Counter Grant award of $400,000, the 2004 Community Development Block Grant expenditures and construction status for the Habitat for Humanity of Orange County, Inc. Project, the 2007 Owner -Occupied Housing Rehabilitation HOME grant application status, the 2008 Housing Element Update, the Little Hollywood expansion project to develop 10 additional units, and the Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park closure request. The Committee unanimously received and filed the report. E. COMMITTEE/STAFF COMMENTS - None F. ADJOURNMENT TO AUGUST 30, 2007 AT 6 P.M. — The Housing Advisory Committee adjourned at 7:05 p.m. to August 30, 2007 at 6 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lyn ette Lehmann, Secretary a - APPROVED: /! b /