HAC Minutes-2008-01-31 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS JANUARY 31, 2008 Commission Attendance Present: Joanne Marquez, Laura Freese, Gene Ratcliffe, Mary Ann Groover (arrived at 6:14 p.m.) Absent: Marie Buckner (excused) Staff Present: Lynnette Lehmann, Senior Management Analyst Steven A. Apple, Planning Director Grant Taylor, Assistant Planning Director A. CALL TO ORDER – Chairperson Freese called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. and introduced Mr. William Bonney from the audience, the newly appointed Housing Advisory Committee member as of February 1, 2008. B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None C. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 28, 2007 – The minutes of November 28, 2008 were approved unanimously. D. OLD BUSINESS Continued Consideration of General Plan Amendment (GPA) 06-01, Rezone (RZ) 06-01, Architectural Control (AC) 05-01, Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 17250, Villa Montana, a request for approval of planning applications to allow the development of a 163-unit multi-family, apartment complex on an existing 9.7 gross acre parcel located on the north side of Vista Montana about 370 feet west of La Pata Avenue (Applicant: Whispering Hills, LLC; Dennis Gage)(Case Manager: William Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner)-Staff recommended that the item be continued to the next meeting on February 27, 2008 at 6 p.m. because the applicant had failed to submit the draft pro-forma in time to allow review by the City prior to the packet distribution. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes January 31, 2008 Page - 2 - Member Ratcliffe made a motion to continue the General Plan Amendment (GPA) 06-01, Rezone (RZ) 06-01, Architectural Control (AC) 05-01, Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 17250 for Villa Montana to their next meeting on February 27, 2008 at 6 p.m. The motion was seconded by Member Marquez, and carried 4-0. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Draft 2008 Housing Element Update (Case Manager: Lynnette Lehmann, Senior Management Analyst) – Ms. Lehmann provided a summary of the state requirement to update the City’s Housing Element and discussed the schedule for review of the rough draft document. Ms. Lehmann introduced the City’s consultant, Mr. Mike McLaughlin of SourcePoint. He stated the rough draft of the Housing Element must meet specific state requirements while also taking into consideration the City’s unique character. Mr. McLaughlin indicated that the City must identify its progress in meeting the goals and objectives set forth in the current Housing Element from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2008. The new Housing Element will cover the period from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2014 and must be approved by the City Council. The State of California Department of Housing and Community Development will determine if the new Housing Element complies with state law. Mr. McLaughlin discussed various state-mandated provisions included in the various chapters and noted that the 2000 Census information had been updated to account for anticipated trends. It was also pointed out that the newly adopted Southern California Association of Government’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment numbers have been included in the document as required by state law. These numbers identify the number of new residential units by income category to be constructed during the time period. Mr. McLaughlin identified the proposed review process for the Housing Element and noted that, upon City Council authorization to submit the document to the state, the state has 90 days to review and comment on whether the document meets state regulations. Chairperson Freese opened the floor for public input and comments. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes January 31, 2008 Page - 3 - Ms. Yvonne Tschaikowsky addressed the Committee and encouraged revitalization of the downtown commercial centers, protection of the community’s character, continuation of the mobile home park rent control, emergency rent relief, first-time home buyer assistance, and rental assistance programs. Ms. Tschaikowsky expressed concern that the document indicates the City will never be built out if the City must continue providing new housing construction, resulting in increased intensification of land use, high density development, and impacts on schools and infrastructure. She further raised a question about regulating care facilities. Mr. McLaughlin explained that he would clarify the language to indicate that changes within the City, such as redesign of commercial property for residential use, would protect the character of the City while providing for new residential construction. Mr. Apple further clarified that the City was including opportunities for mixed use and secondary dwelling units in commercial areas rather than proposing zone changes. Care facilities of six or fewer persons cannot be regulated per state law and that this cannot be addressed in the housing element. Mr. Jim Vance, 32802 Valle Road, addressed the Committee and expressed concern with how the City is assisting the lower income households. He noted the need for laws to protect these households and questioned whether there are any model cities that have done a good job meeting their affordable housing requirements. Mr. McLaughlin indicated that the City of San Marcos has done a good job in providing affordable housing and has, in fact, constructed more than their required number of affordable units. However, it was noted that housing for lower and moderate income households is a social crisis because people cannot afford to live here. Ms. Rosanne Kercel of the Kennedy Commission expressed support for the City’s serious efforts thus far to address the need for affordable housing. Ms. Kercel discussed the affordable units in Talega in San Clemente stating that people have old ideas about low-income housing that are simply not true any longer. She also supported home care facilities in the community. Mr. Richard Winfrey, 32802 Valle Road, stated he was the president of the Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park, and that the units in the park are Housing Advisory Committee Minutes January 31, 2008 Page - 4 - affordable and at risk of being lost due to the proposed mobile home park closure. Mr. Apple clarified that the mobile home park units are not considered “affordable units” because they are not deed restricted. There being no further public input, Chairperson Freese closed the floor for public comments. The Committee provided the following comments on the draft Housing Element update: • The Committee supported mixed-use commercial/residential development to provide transit-oriented housing close to downtown businesses that employ service workers. Mixed-use development would reduce traffic because service workers could walk to their jobs. • The Talega affordable housing units in San Clemente are not distinguishable from the market rate units. • Zone changes may be required to provide family affordable housing and that would be appropriate. • Use of designated open space land for affordable housing is not appropriate. • Using granny flats for affordable housing was supported. The City may want to look into pre-approved architectural designs for granny flats to encourage people to construct secondary dwelling units. • Creative solutions for affordable housing units should be investigated to maintain the charm of San Juan Capistrano. • Work force affordable housing can be very attractive. Some of the work force housing in Santa Barbara has ocean views and the Habitat for Humanity homes are beautiful. • Housing in-lieu fees must be increased. • Affordable housing units need to be included within new developments rather than paying in-lieu fees. • May want to consider assisted living affordable housing units. • The land inventory includes potential affordable housing sites that demonstrate there is sufficient land to construct the City’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment requirements. Some of the sites on the inventory may not necessarily be available. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes January 31, 2008 Page - 5 - Member Marquez made a motion to forward consideration of the draft Housing Element update document to the Planning Commission for comments. The motion was seconded by Member Ratcliffe, and passed 4-0. 2. Housing Program Status Report (Case Manager: Lynnette Lehmann, Senior Management Analyst) – Ms. Lehmann gave an oral report on the status of the various housing programs and projects as identified in the staff report. Mr. Jim Vance spoke regarding the 2007 HOME grant award and inquired about whether the funds would be eligible to assist mobile home owners in the Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park. Ms. Sally Garibaldi, 32802 Valle Road, Space 34, addressed the Committee. She discussed the proposed mobile home park closure impacts on real estate sales in the park. In addition, she indicated she was denied a housing rehabilitation loan for her leaky roof in 2004 and wondered if any of the new grant funds were available to assist people in Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park. Staff indicated that the City would review her previous request for assistance to determine why she had been denied a housing rehabilitation loan. Ms. Lehmann requested that Mr. Garibaldi contact the City to place her name on the City’s waiting list. F. COMMITTEE/STAFF COMMENTS – None. G. ADJOURNMENT – The Housing Advisory Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. to February 27, 2008 at 6 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Douglas Dumhart, Secretary APPROVED: _______________