HAC Minutes-2009-07-2332400 PASEO ADELANT0 SAN JUAN CAPWRANO, CA 92575 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493.1859 FAX www sanj ancapistrano.org MINUTES OF THE MEETING FOR THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS July 23, 2008 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN JOE SOTO OR, LONDRES USO A. CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Ratcliffe called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. B. ROLL CALL -Present: Joanne Marquez, Laura Freese, Gene Ratcliffe, William Bonney, Mary Ann Groover Absent: None Staff Present: Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None D. MINUTES OF APRIL 23 2008 — The minutes of April 23, 2008 were approved unanimously. E. PRESENTATION Homestead Friends Foundation Presentation of a Potential Affordable Housina Development. Caaistrano Commons. (Richard Pfeiffer, Homestead Friends Foundation)- Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator, summarized the agenda report of the proposal received from Homestead Friends Foundation and introduced Richard Pfeiffer, Homestead Friends Foundation representative, to present the proposal. Richard Pfeiffer stated that the project would be a combined effort of Homestead Friends Foundation and The Sundstrom Company. Capistrano Commons would provide 25-38 affordable units, for extremely low income households of developmentally disabled adults. Through the small scale housing village, . common areas, and the centrally located common -house, the residents will be provided with means to improve their social networking, and develop their lifestyle skills. The proposed location is ideal for the. project. The adjacent amenities, including bus stops and the health center, make the site a suitable location. The majority of residents will use public/alternative transportation minimizing the need for parking. The village like plan fits well on the irregularly shaped four -acre parcel. Committee member Freese requested clarification on Foundation's, how many Housing Advisory Committee Minutes Page - 2 — July 23, 2008 units are proposed, how many of these developments have they completed, and if a grant can assist with the purchase of the land instead of it being donated. Mr. Pfeiffer stated that the Foundation is primarily funded by the state. Robert Sundstrom, co-partner of The Sundstrom Company, stated that 25 to 38 units can be developed on the proposed site. Dennis Sundstrom, co-partner of The Sundstrom Company, said that they have developed 1300 to 1400 affordable housing units within Orange County, clarifying that this would be the first project of this type, and could potentially be used as a prototype for other cities. Committee member Bonney requested clarification on the sites suitablility for the proposed residents, particularly the changes in grading.: Dennis Sundstrom and Mr. Pfeiffer assured that the physical attributes of the site would not pose any problems with the proposed project or residents. Vice Chairperson Marquez questioned the inhabitation of the proposed project with current San Juan Capistrano residents or employees. Committee member Groover requested clarification on who is responsible for selecting the residents. Mr. Pfeiffer explained that the selection of tenants was dependent on eligible and qualified applicants and preference posed difficulties with state regulation and stated that the California Department of Development Services handles the placement of residents; he did however, support the acceptance of San Juan Capistrano residents or employees who apply and qualify for the program. Chairperson Ratcliffe requested clarification on the location of the Silverado Senior Living. Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager clarified that the proposed project is adjacent to Silverado and the new development's driveway would come off Silverado's driveway. Mr. Dumhart then requested clarification from Mr. Pfeiffer on where the on site manager would live, in a detached unit or in the common -house, and if he/she would qualify as a low income household. Mr. Pfeiffer clarified that the manager would live in one of the units and that there would be no income limit to the position. Committee member Freese motioned to encourage the applicant to further develop the plan for the council, and to forward an endorsement of the general proposal to council, motion seconded by Chairperson Ratcliffe, carried 5-0. F. NEW BUSINESS - Housing Program Status Report (Case Manager Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator)- Ms. Stokes gave an oral report on the Housing Advisory Committee Minutes Page - 3 — July 23, 2008 status of the various housing programs and projects as identified in the staff report, including and update to the Little Hollywood Expansion, and the potential postponement due to an extension of Paseo Adelanto. Chairperson Ratcliffe questioned if the extension would reduce the number of units and Vice Chairperson Marquez questioned the postponements effect on the City meeting the State required Regional Housing Needs Assessment Numbers. Ms. Stokes clarified that the roadway extension would require a postponement of development while the units are re -plotted but not necessarily reduced and that regardless of postponement, the completion of the units would still meet the State provisional time limit of 2014. Committee member Bonney requested clarification of the guidelines and number of units within the Rental Subsidy and Little Hollywood programs, and what benefits there are to extending Paseo Adelanto. Staff clarified that there are ten units within the Rental Subsidy Program, which allows applicants to pay an affordable rent and the City will subsidize the remaining rent, to be paid to the landlord. The Little Hollywood Program consists of 14 current units and will be adding 10 units through the extension, for a total of 24 units. This program utilizes City owned units and allows the tenants to pay the City an affordable rent. Additionally, the roadway extension would relived a portion of downtown traffic. 2. Consideration of Habitat for Humanity's Request for Additional Funding to Complete Calle Rolando Affordable Housing Development (Case Manager Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator)- Ms. Stokes summarized Habitat's need for additional funding. Ms. Stokes detailed staff recommendation of providing Habitat with $335,342, and $631,174, as a 0% interest loan to be paid back on a per unit basis both from the Community Redevelopment Agency's 20% Housing Set -Aside Funds. Ms. Shepard, CFO of Habitat for Humanity, related Habitat's requests of the maximum assistance available and they are unable to meet a reduced time limit. Habitat's board had approved a 24 month build out budget with the expected assistance, without assistance Habitat anticipates completion in 36 months. Chairperson Ratcliffe requested clarification on the fee amounts, what Habitat would pay back if their preferred funding was approved, what other funding sources may be available, and supports the City assisting further. Ms. Shepard clarified that Habitat is requesting the building permit fees totaling $506,169 over the budget be forgiven from the City offered loan. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes Page - 4 — July 23, 2008 Staff clarified that all city grants are for grant approved programs and activities, and that the funding comes from the Community Redevelopment Agency's housing funding due to the permit fees having previously been distributed. Committee member Freese requested clarification on how City permit fees were unknown, what funding was expected through Habitat for Humanity International, the cost of improving Calle Rolando, and verification that Habitat is looking for applicants for the homes from within San Juan Capistrano First. Mark Korando, Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity Orange County, clarified that fees were budgeted off experience with surrounding jurisdictions, and San Juan Capistrano 2005 fees. The roadway improvements were $830,811. Additionally, Mr. Korando explained Habitat's method of marketing maintaining San Juan Capistrano as the target market for the project. Ms. Shepard clarified that the Habitat International funding went to the Gulf Coast. Vice Chairperson Marquez requested clarification of the comparison of other jurisdictional fees to San Juan Capistrano fees, and expressed concern that non- profit developers are paying the same fees as for profit developers. Mr. Korando confirmed that San Juan Capistrano fee's were traditionally higher than other jurisdiction's fees. Committee member Bonney requested clarification of what Habitat was requesting, and if it is a reasonable request. Staff summarized that it would be a $125,005 loan and a $841,511 grant. Committee Member Freese Motions to forward Staffs recommendation to Council with the addition of forgiving $168,000 of the loan immediately, thus reducing Habitat paid permitting fees from $46,223 per unit to $40,000 per unit, and a possibility of further forgiveness if the project is completed by July 1, 2010. Vice Chairperson Marquez seconded, passed 5-0. Chairperson Ratcliffe called a break at 7:58 pm to recommence at 8:05 pm. G. PUBLIC HEARING -Consideration of an ordinance amendinq (Title 9, Chapter 5.103) In -Lieu Affordable Housing Fees (Case Manager: Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator)- Ms. Stokes summarized the details of the proposed In -Lieu Affordable Housing Fee Update including and reviewed the proposed equation to be used under the updated fee. Public Comment: Building Industry Association of Southern California (BIA) representative, Bryan Starr, of Irvine CA, referenced a letter addressing the Committee dated July 22, 2008, describing the difficulties of builders and developers within Orange County and the update could discourage future Housing Advisory Committee Minutes Page - 5 — July 23, 2008 development. Mr. Starr suggested that the City put a moratorium on fees until the, economy turns around. Mr. Starr requested clarification from staff on the data source and the data updates. Ms. Stokes clarified the data source as the annual Orange County Indicators. Chairperson Ratcliffe requested clarification on the BIA's letter regarding the state housing director. Chairperson Ratcliffe feels that the fee can not be delayed, that the current fee is not adequate for its intended purpose, and that the proposed fee update is fair to both the City and to the developers. Mr. Starr clarified, with reference to the BIA's letter attachments, that the State housing director discourages exclusionary housing policy, which in -lieu fees are considered a part of. Committee member Freese requested clarification on the fee per unit average, if the update would affect the developers already through council, and if the updated fee would provide funding equal to the development of an unit. Staff clarified that the average fee is approximately $14,000, that if a development agreement has been established by council then they are grandfathered into the old fee, the updated fee would not provide a unit on a one to one due to economies of scale. Committee Member Freese motioned to forward staffs recommendation to Council. Chairperson Ratcliff seconded, passed 5-0. H. COMMITTEE/STAFF COMMENTS — Committee member Freese questioned the status of Lower Rosan and the housing component of the site, and Chairperson Ratcliff requested clarification on the difference between 4% and 9% tax credits. Mr. Dumhart stated that the site was being master planned and the consultants should have concept plans ready for staff at the end of September. The 4% tax credit is guaranteed, while the 9% is determined by the project's density, location amenities, and funding. Chairperson Ratcliffe commended Ms. Stokes on her effort and quality of work. F. ADJOURNMENT — The Housing Advisory Committee adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m. to October 22, 2008 at 6 p.m. Respectfully submitted, i Laura Stokes, Secretary APPROVED: 22-6q