HAC Minutes-2009-11-18 The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with special needs should call Kathleen Springer at (949) 443-6321 at least 48 hours in advance to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 18, 2009 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL David Solt, Chairperson Jess Lopez Gila Jones, Vice Chairperson Joanne Marquez William Bonney Gene Ratcliffe Nancy Campman C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS William Laudermilk, Ray Valentino, Peter Bloom, Steven Simmeron, and Lason Lee Spinelly discussed a desire to have the Committee review and discus shelter facilities/locations during inclement weather and RV overnight parking for homeless living in vehicles. D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 Approval of Minutes with the correction of AB 566 opposed to SB 566 on page 3. Passed 7-0. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Housing Program Status Report (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator)- Laura Stokes summarized the report and provided additional information regarding the Habitat for Humanity project and report given to the Community Redevelopment Agency the previous evening. Chairperson Solt recommended the committee provide a supportive comment to the Agency Board regarding Habitat for Humanity and the beneficial work they have been completing on the site. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes November 18, 2009 Page 2 Ms. Stokes related that since the Agency had not made any decision because of a need for additional information, it would be inappropriate for the committee to for a mutual comment, and recommended individual committee members provide their individual comments at the Agency’s next meeting. Committee received and filed report 7-0 2. UC Irvine Community Scholars Research Project (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator)- Vice Chair Gila Jones provided a summary of the report. Committee Received and filed report 7-0 3. The Groves at Williams Ranch Request For Proposal Interviews (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator)- Laura Stokes provided a short summary of the project and Committees duties in reviewing the four Proposals received in response to the Request for Proposals. Advent Companies Representatives Tyson Jacobsen provided an overview of the company, reviewed his own experience as a project manager and introduced his partners John Montierth, Architectural Designer, and Mike Flanagan, Architect. Mr. Montierth summarized his experience with architecture in Orange County, and multi-family affordable housing. Mr. Flanagan provided an overview of his experience with technical design of residential developments. The Committee requested further details on the firm’s experience and comfort level with: • Agrarian Themed Development • City Height Limits • Parking • Tax Credits • Site Obstacles • Green Building/Leed • Landscaper Experience in Orange County • Geotechnical & Archeologist Cooperation LandWorks Development Services representative Timothy Palmquist provided an overview of the company, reviewed his own experience as a project manager, sticking to a set schedule, and successfully completing complex projects. Mr. Palmquist also introduced his partners John Olivier, with Fuscoe Engineering, Inc., Jeff Chelwick, with William Hezmalhalch Architects, and T & B Planning. Mr. Olivier related that he and his firm were very familiar with the city and the challenges facing the site. Mr. Chelwick related his knowledge, experience, and passion for the agricultural architecture, and designing a working project on a challenging site. All participants have experience in affordable housing and sustainable energy projects. The Committee requested further details on the firm’s experience and comfort Housing Advisory Committee Minutes November 18, 2009 Page 3 level with: • Varying Building Sizes/Looks • Meeting Site Densities • Parking • Scheduling • Site Obstacles • Green Building/Leed • Geotechnical & Archeologist Cooperation Newman Garrison and Partners representative Kevin Newman provided an overview of the company, reviewed the firms experience with designing residential projects, new ideas (including raising the site) for the development and bringing quality to a lower income housing development. Mr. Newman also introduced his partners John Garrison and Glenn Taylor with Newman Garrison and Partners, Jason Vroom, with Alliance Land Planning and Engineering, and John Kain, with Urban Crossroads. Mr. Vroom related his own firms experience and his own exceptional engineering skills. Mr. Kain related his knowledge of the community and gave a brief overview of his own tasks for the project. Glenn Taylor related his vision for the site and overcoming the site challenges. The Committee requested further details on the firm’s experience, comfort level with, and clarification on: • Agrarian Themed Development • Previous work with Texas Rep. • Geotechnical Constraints • Sustainable/ Green Design • Broken Down Fees • Public Relations Team Member • Expected Schedule • City Height Limit • Similar Projects • Affordable Projects RRM Design Group representative Kirk Van Cleave, Principal in Charge, provided an overview of the company, reviewed his role with the project and introduced his partners David Chacon and Diane Bathgate with RRM Design Group, Steve Svete, with Rincon Consultants, Sam Ali, Civil Engineering Consultant, John Kain, with Urban Crossroads, and David Nahas, with Veloce Partners. Ms. Bathgate, Project Planner, related her own experience with working with the city, and understanding of the delicacies of city values in open space and architectural design. Mr. Chacon, Project Manager, related his experience with designing site layouts and his experience as a project manager. Mr. Svete discussed his experience with environmental reviews, and expectation of the site’s eligibility for a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Mr. Nahas discussed his experience with finance of affordable housing developments and the value adding services his firm can provide to remain eligible for the greatest number of funding sources. Mr. Ali related his extensive engineering experience to the committee, including sustainable design and water resources. Mr. Chacon emphasized the intimate knowledge of the site and the benefit this knowledge brings forward when dealing with environmental, archeological and community concerns. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes November 18, 2009 Page 4 RRM is the best investment because, they understand the San Juan Capistrano community values, they can “hit the ground running” having already developed the preliminary study, they have in-house inter-disciplinary team members collaborating on the project, they have shown that they can successfully take projects from vision through implementation and remain on budget, schedule, and point, they have a great deal of experience with sustainable design and development, they develop implementable solutions and the specific direction to get there, and they have a great passion for affordable housing and giving back. The Committee requested further details on the firms experience and comfort level with: • Multi-Architectural Development • Reducing Visual Impact • Project Density/Mass • Habitat for Humanity Experience • Quality of the Sites Soil • Geotechnical Investigation • Need to Raise the Grade • Flood Zone Clarification • Schedule Accuracy The Committee Rating of all interviewees was on the following four criteria: 1. Experience of Firm/Team 2. Project Understanding and Technical Competence 3. Quality of Proposal and Responsiveness 4. Reasonableness of Fee Proposed The final rating, out of 455, for each of the proposing firms is as follows: Firm Rating RRM Design Group- 364 LandWorks Development Services- 363 Advent Companies- 226 Newman Garrison + Partners- 222 The Committee debated strongly between RRM Design Group and LandWorks Development Services. Both firms would bring LEED expertise, local knowledge, experience in affordable housing developments, and a passion for quality to the project. The final choice for RRM design group came from their knowledge of the site, understanding of the City process, and the quality of their work in the past. The Committee selected RRM Design Group (RRM) for GPA and RZ Planning, Environmental, Architectural and Engineering Services 4-3 with Committee members Jones, Ratcliffe, and Campman preferring LandWorks. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes November 18, 2009 Page 5 F. SUB-COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS Committee motioned to postpone remaining sub-committee reports to the following meeting. Passed 7-0. i. Sub-Committee Comments- a. Grants (William Bonney, Nancy Campman, and Gila Jones) b. Rehabilitation (David Solt and Joanne Marquez) c. Homelessness (Jess Lopez, Gila Jones, and Nancy Campman) d. RHNA (Gila Jones) e. Mobile Home Parks (Jess Lopez and Gila Jones) A. Update on Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park Closure Status Laura Stokes summarized the agenda report and gave details regarding the proposed Resolution. Gila Jones noted that the sub- committee would prefer a shorter response time from the park owner. Ms. Jones recommended a change to the resolution from a 30 to a ten day response time from the park owners. Requested Staff look into amending the ordinance to avoid future conflicts. Committee Member Lopez recused himself from the discussion. The Committee received comments from Ray Holter, representing the owners of Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park. Mr. Holter detailed the history of the park closure application and expressed surprise that the residents would want to accelerate the closure process. In response to Chairperson Solt’s question of why the park owners have been buying properties, Mr. Holter related that some property owners requested the park purchase the property after the property would not sell, or in the event the unit was no longer safe for a resident the park purchased the property from the owners. Park resident Sally Rather, related her pleasure with the Committee for moving the item forward and encouraged the response from the park owner be reduced from 30 days to ten days. Resolution Passed 6-0 Housing Advisory Committee Minutes November 18, 2009 Page 6 f. First Time Home Buyers (Gene Ratcliffe) g. Public Relations Advocacy (Joanne Marquez and David Solt) Discussion regarding: • Los Rios Park Sprinklers and Signage • Homeless Prevention/Shelters and RV Overnight Parking • Brown Act regulations G. ADJOURNMENT TO DECEMBER 16, 2009 AT 6 P.M.- Meeting Adjourned 10:21 7-0