HAC Minutes-2010-09-22 I I I i 4 32400 PASEO ADELANTO i' MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO,CA 92675 ii (949)493-1171 � L SAM ALLEVATO I 111 19611fD LAURA FREESE (949)493-1053 FAx ESTRILISHEB THOMAS W.HRIBAR www.sanjuancapistrano.org 1776 ® MARK NIELSEN 0 DR.LONDRES USO :j I 3 MINUTES F REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 22, 2010 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS A. CALL TO ORDER-6:07 P.M. .i B. ROLL CALL Gila Jones, Chairperson Jess Lopez Joanne Marquez, Vice Chairperson Gene Ratcliffe William Bonney Dave Solt Nancy Campman C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JULY 28, 2010- Committee approved the minutes 7-0 with the minor change on page two to correct a typo "sate" to "state." E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Worksession, Architectural Control (AC) 10-026, General Plan Amendment j (GPA) 10-003, Grading Plan Modification (GPM) 10-007 Rezone (RZ) 10- 002, and Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 10-002, The Groves at Williams Ranch ' a request for a work session review of preliminary design plans for a proposed 26 unit affordable housing project located on a 3.05 acres (132,858 square feet) located on the westerly terminus of Junipero Serra Rd. and is Q located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Junipero Serra Rd. and Camino Capistrano. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency) (Project Manager: Justin Kirk, Associate Planner) E Project Manager Kirk provided a summary of the staff report. Chairperson Jones expressed her concern with the parking of the site referencing her own observations of Silverado's parking use, and requested staff investigate some of the amenities be shifted north on the site plan so that parking can be more fully accommodated onsite and units will not need to The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.Persons with special needs should call Kathleen Springer at (949) 443-6321 at least 48 hours in advance to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future Printed on 100%recycled paper I E c f y Housing Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2010 Page 2 I be lost. Additionally, Ms. Jones related her support for having multiple sizes of parking stalls for the residents (compact and large). I Committee Member Bonney requested clarification on why the term "breaking off' was used when referencing the site when it already has a separate zoning, and where the proposed large vehicle parking would be. Mr. Kirk related that when the Tentative Tract Map was completed, they would have.a recorded separation between the larger mass of open space and the smaller residential zoned site, which would officially break it off from the whole, and that the proposed sites are located in the rear of the development. i G Committee Member Lopez expressed a concern about losing units for parking and questioned the possibility of sharing parking with the offices and J. Serra across Camino Capistrano. Mr. Kirk responded that staff would investigate I the possibility, but the agreements necessary to share the parking would be complicated as the offices and J. Serra would have nothing reciprocal in return. Committee Member Ratcliffe questioned why the multi-use sport court could not be removed so that more parking could be provided, and if the project had looked into pervious concrete for the roadways. Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator related that the sports court was necessary for qualifying for California Tax Credits which require that the project provide recreation for all ages expected to live within the development, -- - and that the pervious concrete was investigated, but did not have the desired water quality impact due to proximity to the creek and the site size being to small for significant impact. Committee Member Solt expressed a concern with allowing large vehicle parking and requested additional regulations on such vehicles be included within the development's CCR's and additionally requested that as much mitigation of adverse effects occur prior to final approval, so that the development moves forward with a positive backing. There was no action on this item; therefore, the Committee thanked Mr. Kirk for his work and efforts with the project. F. OLD BUSINESS I 1. Beautification Program Guidelines Review (Laura Stokes, li Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). f Ms. Stokes summarized the sub-committee's work put into formulating the guidelines, budget and award selection. Committee Members Jones, Marquez, Bonney, Lopez, and Ratcliff expressed a desire to reduce the number of awards from twice a year to once a year. Committee Members Jones and Ratcliff Expressed concern regarding the front yard and business I Housing Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2010 Page 3 window signs, expressing a preference for newspaper notices and neighborhood mailings, and referencing the limiting factors of sign regulations by the City and HOAs and potential vandalism and theft of said signs. Chairperson Jones also recommended that the single family homes be combined with condos/townhomes but then separate the categories into sizes opposed to geographical locations. The committee voted 7-0 to send the guidelines back to the sub-committee to amend/review the identified areas. 2. Request of the Planning Commission to Amend (Title 9, Chapter 2.331) Mobilehome Park Conversions, Closures, and Cessation of Use Update (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). Ms. Stokes summarized the staff report. Ms. Sally Rather of Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park expressed her pleasure with the Committee's attempts to update the code, but feels that changes made to the ordinance after the Committee approved of the ordinance were offensive and does not wish the process to update the code should stop completely, although she understands the complications with the council direction. Committee members Lopez and Solt expressed concern with halting the amendment, and would only like to postpone the process and start again at a later date. The Committee member Bonney motioned to receive and file the report and bring the item back for further discussion of the amendment at the November Committee Meeting. Motion seconded and passed 6-1 with Committee Member Lopez against the motion. G. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Sub-Committee Comments- i. Grants (William Bonney, and Nancy Campman) ii. Rehabilitation (David Solt and Joanne Marquez) iii. Homelessness (Jess Lopez, Gila Jones, and Nancy Campman) Committee member Lopez updated the Committee on the non-profit organization iHope's action in providing a mobile shower for people who are homeless, and requested that it be noted that drivers for the shower trailer are desired. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2010 Page 4 iv. RHNA (Gila Jones) Committee member Jones requested that Committee members provide letters of the Support for AB 1867 addressed to the Governor be sent to the Secretary, to encourage the bill being signed into law. v. Mobile Home Parks (Jess Lopez and Gila Jones) 5 Ms. Stokes related information regarding a meeting on October 7, 2010 for Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park residents and owners to meet the consultant preparing the Relocation Impact Report, to receive information and ask questions regarding the process. s Chairperson Jones requested an update be prepared by the Project Manger regarding the Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park closure for the, November Committee meeting. k - i. First Time Home Buyers (Gene Ratcliffe) ii. Public Relations Advocacy (Joanne Marquez and David Solt) Sub-committee related that a presentation will be ready for the November Committee meeting. H. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS 4 Committee Member Solt notified the Committee of Neighborhood Housing Services actions in assisting homeowners with foreclosure prevention and the ongoing problem of fighting foreclosures within the county. Chairperson Jones related a need to review the Sub-Committee's and evaluate the removal or addition of sub-committees. Requested an item be put onto the } November meeting for the Committee to discuss. 1. ADJOURNMENT TO NOVEMBER 17, 2010 AT 6 P.M.- 8:30 p.m. i i i a I