HAC Minutes-2010-07-28 �S 32400 PASEO ADEL ANTO MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO,CA 92675 (949)493.1171 SAM ALLEVATO (949)493-1053 FAXin[oproppifa LAURAFREESE FS1pttB8fg i IA6I THOMAS W.HRIBAR W14'wsanfluaticapisti-a 1o.oig 1776 MARK NIELSEN • DR.LONDRES USO • • I MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE JULY 28, 2010 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS A. CALL TO ORDER- Vice Chairperson Marquez called the meeting to order at j 6:05pm B. ROLL CALL Present Absent Jess Lopez Gila Jones, Chairperson Joanne Marquez, Vice Chairperson Gene Ratcliffe I William Bonney- Arrives 6:15 Dave Solt Nancy Campman i C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Sally Rather, City resident, related that the Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park (the "Park") residents still do not fully know what is going on with the Park Closure. Ms. Rather asked if the Planning Commission received the 90-day update they had requested regarding the Park closure, if City has received the fee for the Park closure from the park owner, what the status of the closure is, and what the status is of the ordinance the Committee had initiated to update the language in the Mobile Home Park Conversion, Closure, or Cessation of Use Code. Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator, responded that all questions regarding the Park should be directed to the Project Manager, Bill Ramsey, and that he would be asked about the Planning Commission update. Ms. Stokes additionally responded to the inquiry regarding the Housing Advisory Committee ordinance update, clarifying that the City Council stated that the update should include input from all stakeholders. Staff began to plan meeting with owner and resident stakeholders and it was communicated to staff from both sides that the preference would be to leave the code as it is opposed to updating with opposing The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with special needs should call Kathleen Springer at (949) 443-6321 at least 48 hours in advance to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future t� Printed on 100%recycled paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes July 28, 2010 Page 2 groups input. Therefore Staff has not pursued update further. Committee Member Solt, requested further information and it was determined the item should come back as an agenized discussion item. D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 28, 2010- Approved unanimously 6-0 E. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Consideration of Approval of the FY 2009/2010 State of California Community Development Block Grant Grantee Performance Report (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). Ms. Stokes gave summary of the performance with grant funds and the state requirements for the use of state funds. Vice Chairperson Marquez opened the Public Hearing, and seeing that there were no speakers to the item, closed the Public Hearing. Committee approved of the Grantee Performance Report unanimously 6-0. Committee Member Solt, inquired about the status of the Energy Star Certified and the Section 504 accessible, Staff related that Habitat for Humanity was given the opportunity to fill in the spaces but did not and that it was not confirmed that the units were Energy Star Certified or that all were Section 504 accessible. However, staff will verify the certification and number of units potentially Section 504 accessible, for the final Performance Report. F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of a San Juan Capistrano Beautification Program and Guidelines (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). Ms. Stokes gave summary of the potential Beautification Program with several options that may be incorporated into the program. The committee discussed several options for the program including: • Budget o City Manager's Discretionary fund o Sponsorship ■ The Chamber of Commerce ■ Non-Profits • Award Zones o Businesses o Mobile Home Parks o Condos o Townhomes o Single Family Homes ■ North West ■ South West ■ North East Housing Advisory Committee Minutes July 28, 2010 Page 3 ■ South East o Landscaping ■ Green ■ Mission ■ Equestrian ■ Western ■ San Juan Capistrano Brand • Swallows • Red Geraniums • Mission Bells o Christmas • Household Selection o Nominations o Housing Advisory Committee Selects Finalists o Website Survey to Determine Winner The Committee selected Nancy Campman and David Solt, unanimously 6-0, to prepare preliminary guidelines for the Beautification Program. Incorporating committee discussed items, and items to be determined through discussions with Council members. G. OLD BUSINESS 1. The Groves_ at Williams Ranch Update and Conceptual Approval of Amendment to the Professional Service Agreement (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). Ms. Stokes provided a summary of the staff report detailing RRM Design Group's proposal to complete the construction documents and construction + oversight of the widening of Camino Capistrano and rough grading of the ! project site, ahead of schedule. This proposal would amend the current Professional Service Agreement by $113,007, but would enable a portion of the project to be completed ahead of schedule and during a point when the community would be affected the least. David Chacon described the details of the proposal and related that the original RFP was for three phases, the first was entitlement, the second was construction documents and the third was construction oversight. While RRM only proposed a fee for the first phase, through the RFP they were the qualified selection for all three phases. The recent proposal is solely a fee proposal for two tasks within phase two and three which are to be completed ahead of the original timeline. Committee member Lopez questioned who the road widening would affect the project, staff and Mr. Chacone responded that the site was narrowed due to the road widening, which shifted the original location and sizes of buildings, but did not affect the overall project, and in fact the final number of units is more than the minimum allowed on the project site. Committee member Lopez questioned the two lane Camino Capistrano would Housing Advisory Committee Minutes July 28, 2010 Page 4 i be widened next to our project and then narrowed again further south, and if there would be a secondary exit from the site. Mr. Chacon related that a secondary exit was investigated but deemed unnecessary for the 26 unit development and problematic with the surrounding grading and creek bed. Committee Member Lopez questioned what the alternatives would be should RRM's Proposal not be accepted. Mr. Chacon related that the entitlement approvals would be sought and received then a new proposal would be issued from RRM including the elements included with the current proposal, and the Committee would determine if the proposal would be accepted or if the City should bid the remaining phases out. Committee member Bonney questions how the road widening would affect the slope on the site, if the road widening is being proposed due to future projects, and the additional cost expected from the proposal and construction for the roadway. Mr. Chacon related that the slope would even out and would be close to a 1:2 slope the entire length, that the forecasted build out need includes proposed projects and zoning entitled projects which offer density likelihoods, and that the proposal and the work within would cast approximately $700,000 but actually acts as a cost savings to link the rough grading and road widening together and keep a contractor from renting machinery and hiring geotechnical analysts twice. Committee member Solt questioned how the site is currently being used, and if it was necessary for the Housing fund to pay for the road widening with the Groves project. Ms. Stokes related that it is being used as a staging site for a City project, and that while it may not be necessary for the functionality of the Groves project, it would be best for the project overall to proactively widen the road now, when costs are lower, and while there are no residents to disturb than wait for a future project to retroactively improve the roadway. Additionally, with the required setback from the road, and slope from road to site much of the engineering for the road widening would be completed with the project, the final step would solely be to construct the wider road, which is in the best interest of the residents to do sooner rather than later. Committee Member Ratcliffe concurred. Committee Member Solt and Lopez questioned why the road would be widened for the south bound when the project would have little to no impact on traffic volumes southbound. Mr. Chacon and Committee Member Ratcliffe referenced their experience with traffic analysis reports and related that although a project might not directly contribute traffic volumes in a certain direction, the use of the traffic signal will impact all directions and causes higher queuing which in turn backs up all traffic. Mr. Chacon presented the architectural elements of the project to the Committee for review and general comments. The committee approved of the look of the project and only encouraged RRM to be sure the rooftops varied enough to remain interesting to Camino Capistrano traffic. Passed unanimously 6-0. i Housing Advisory Committee Minutes July 28, 2010 I�I Page 5 I I H. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Sub-Committee Comments- i. Grants (William Bonney, and Nancy Campman) ii. Rehabilitation (David Solt and Joanne Marquez) iii. Homelessness (Jess Lopez, Gila Jones, and Nancy Camprnan) iv. RHNA (Gila Jones) a. AB 1867 Oral Report Laura Stokes Housin /Redevelo ment Coordinator) Ms. Stokes provided an Oral Report regarding staff trip up to Sacramento and efforts to ensure AB 1867 passes the Senate Committee. On June 28, 2010, with no opposition to the bill, the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee unanimously approved AB 1867. v. Mobile Home Parks (Jess Lopez and Gila Jones) a. Oral Report Discussion of Potential Affordable Unit (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator) Ms. Stokes discussed potential opportunity to have single unit in Mobile Home Park covenanted for an affordable unit so that park avoids housing in-lieu fee on two new units. Ms. Stokes related that this is only possible because this park is adding two new units and would otherwise need to pay the in-lieu fee, in order to not pay the fee the management is willing to report to the City annually on one of the tenants of the park and the affordable component of the agreement. Committee Comments- Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park residents still have several questions regarding the park closure. Staff requested Committee Member Lopez forward all questions from the residents to Ms. Stokes in a single email, so that they could be forwarded to the Project Manager, Bill Ramsey, for response. Committee Member Lopez inquired if there was a connection between the Park Closure and Distrito La Novia/San Juan Meadows and a potential affordable housing development on the Mobile Home Park site for Distrito La Novia/San Juan Meadows workers. Ms. Stokes replied that they are two separate projects and that there i Housing Advisory Committee Minutes July 28, 2010 Page 6 are no applications received by the City for an affordable project on the Mobile Home Park Property. i. First Time Home Buyers (Gene Ratcliffe) ii. Public Relations Advocacy (Joanne Marquez and David Solt) I. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS J. ADJOURNMENT TO SEPTEMBER 22, 2010 AT 6 P.M. -At 8:41 p.m. Su mitted By: Laura StokeV, Secretary { I