HAC Minutes-2010-04-28I'll, 1 f-- 32400 PAS rs ADEL NTS ,ff MEMBERS of THE ctYY COUNCIL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 926725 /moi � I SW ALLEVATO (949) 493.1171 11FINFARNfF1 LAURA (949) 493-1053 FAx ® } HO ESTIIuTHOMAS5NE1 l �6� AS W. w. HR HRISAFi www.sanjuancapistrano.org $776 MARK NIELSEN DR. LONDRES USO MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE APRIL 28, 2010 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS B. ROLL CALL Gila Jones, Chairperson Jess Lopez Joanne Marquez, Vice Chairperson Gene Ratcliffe William Bonney Dave Solt Nancy Campman C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 27, 2010 Committee member Campman noted approved 6-0 instead of 7-0 because meeting. Committee motioned to appy change unanimously. E. NEW BUSINESS that Item H. 1. v. b. should have been she had been absent for the January ove the minutes with the aforementioned 1. Housing Program Status Report Laura Stokes Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator), Project Manager Stokes provided a summary of the City/Agency run programs. 2. Consideration of Amendment to the Comprehensive Develooment Plan 81-01 Effecting Use of Vacant Land at the Northeast Corner of Camino Las Ramblas and Via California (APN 675-081-17VLaura Stokes. Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator).^Project Manager Stokes gave a summary of the proposed action. Russell Owens, San Juan Capistrano resident at 26692 Paseo Brillo, spoke in The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with disabilities Act. Persons with special needs should call Kathleen Springer at (949) 4.43-6321 at least 48 hours in advance to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Printed on 100% recycled paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes April 28, 2010 Page Two opposition to the proposed action and stated that future notifications should be more clear and more than 500 ft from the site. Jennifer Bliven, San Juan Capistrano resident at 33881 Calle Be Bonanza spoke in opposition to the proposed action noting that one reason she moved to the City five years ago was due to the site being made into a school, and stated that her concerns were with the density and the project being an eye- sore. John Bonsangue, San Juan Capistrano resident at 26702 Paseo Brillo, spoke in opposition to the proposed action, noting that the project would lower property values and that the site needed to be cleaned up. Staff related that the notification would be made clearer and the notification of the amendment would go out 1000 feet for the public hearing. Additionally, staff directed the residents to the State publication "Myths & Facts about Affordable and Dense Housing," which included information on many topics the residents were concerned about. Committee member's Solt, Ratcliffe, Marquez, Bonney, Jones, and Campman expressed their support and some commented that the City run programs are in many cases better maintained and managed than market rate units. Committee member Lopez stated that he would like more information before making a decision. The Committee motioned to conceptually approve amending CDP 81-1 6-1 with Committee Member Lopez in opposition. F. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Sub -Committee Comments - i. Grants (William Bonney, Nancy Campman, and Gila Jones) Chairperson Jones requested to be removed from the sub -committee with no opposition. ii. Rehabilitation (David Solt and Joanne Marquez) iii. Homelessness (Jess Lopez, Gila Jones, and Nancy Campman) Committee Member Lopez provided an update of the Dana Point Emergency "Bad -Weather" Shelter at Calvary Capistrano Beach Church, which closed at the end of the season but still allows RV's to stay in the parking lot overnight with permission or permit. Additionally, Committee member Lopez noted that Dana Point's City Council approved a negative declaration for zoning to allow homeless emergency shelters by right, at a council meeting which only lasted approximately 15 minutes. iv. RHNA (Gila Jones) Housing Advisory Committee Minutes April 28, 2010 Page Two Chairperson Jones and Ms. Stokes provided an update regarding AB 1867 which will allow the City to convert rental and ownership units to affordable by purchasing the units and placing affordability covenant's over the property. AB had successfully gone through the Assembly committee's review and was expected to go smoothly through the Assembly Floor. v. Mobile Home Parks (Jess Lopez and Gila Jones) a. Update on Ordinance Amending (Title 9, Chapter 2.3311 Mobilehome Park Conversions Closures and Cessation of Use for Deadlines Laura Stokes Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator Oral Report?. Project Manager Stokes related that the City Council had continued the item to May 18, 2010, so that staff could meet with a Mobile Home Park Owner's representative. vi. First Time Home Buyers (Gene Ratcliffe) The sub -committee is reviewing other Cities programs and hoping to find programs that can work for San Juan Capistrano. vii. Public Relations Advocacy (Joanne Marquez and David Solt) G. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS Committee thanked Douglas Dumhart for his time and work within San Juan Capistrano. Chairperson Jones related to the Orange County Business Journal Workforce Housing Publication as excellent reference material. H. ADJOURNEDTO JULY 28, 2010 6 P.M. MEETING AT 8:12 P.M. SUBMITTED BY: ecretary