HAC Minutes-2010-01-27 32400 PASEO ADEL..ANTO /� � MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. SAKI JUAN CAPISTRANO,CA 92675 / (949)493-1171 SAAR AL FRVATO SE (949)493-1053 E'er s } +WC®�eaRRafl THOLAUMAS W.HR ESIAIEI4E3E® ! ���� THOP�AS 4V.}IRIE3AFd www.sanjuancapi.virano.org 1776 MARK NIELSEN ® ® DR.L.ONDRES USO MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE JANUARY 27, 2010 - 6.00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS A. CALL TO ORDER- 6:12 pm B. ROLL CALL David Solt, Chairperson Jess Lopez Gila Jones, Vice Chairperson .Joanne Marquez William Bonney Gene Ratcliffe Nancy Campman-Absent C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Orie Brown, 31481 La Matanza- Opposes Cities providing affordable housing. Kim McCarthy, 27592 Silver Creek-Questioned where penalties to not providing affordable housing can be found on the website. Staff related that the information would be updated to the website within two weeks of the meeting. D. COMMITTEE REORGANIZATION Gene Ratcliffe motioned for Gila Jones to be Chairperson, Dave Solt seconded; motion moved unanimously. Gene Ratcliffe motioned for Joanne Marquez to be Vice Chairperson, Jess Lopez seconded; motion moved unanimously. E. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF. NOVEMBER 18, 2009- Approved unanimously. F. OLD BUSINESS 1. Distrito La Novia/San Juan Meadows; General Plan Amendment GPA 07- The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with special needs should call Kathleen Springer at (949) 443-6321 at least 48 hours in advance to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. San duan Capistrano: Prese ingp the Past to Enhance the Future Printed on 100%recycled paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes January 27, 2010 Page 2 01, Rezone (RZ) 07-01, Tentative Tract Maps (TTM) 17226 & 17280, Architectural Control (AC) 07-14, Grading Plan Modification (GPM) 07-01; proposed mixed use and residential-equestrian community developments generally located south of San Juan Creek Road, east of Valle Road, and north and south of La Novia Avenue (Project Manager, Bill Ramsey) CONTINUED FROM DECEMBER 16, 2009 Committee Member Lopez recused himself for the item due to his residential property being within 500 feet of the development in question. Project Manager Bill Ramsey, provided a summary of the project and the affordability component of the development. Committee Member Ratcliffe supported simultaneous provision of offsite units should the developer choose to build their obligation offsite. Committee Member Bonney requested clarification on Affordability Covenants, the preference for rental units, and the difference between City and Agency boundaries. Mr. Dumhart related that it is a deed over the property which restricts the sale or rental capabilities to affordable for a period of up to 60 years no matter the boundaries. Mr. Ramsey related that it was preferred by the applicant to provide rental, which was acceptable to staff. Committee Member Solt requested clarification on the number of affordable units being proposed for the development, if the households would participate in the City run support services, and how many jobs would be created by the commercial development. Mr. Ramsey clarified. that the number being proposed by staff to the Council is 27 units and that the number of jobs anticipated could be calculated, and Ms. Stokes clarified that the households would not be required to participate but if the management company would like to begin their own similar program the City would encourage the action. Committee Member Solt expressed concern with the development's likelihood to create several low paying jobs, but only providing 27 affordable units. Roger Grable, applicant representative, stated that they support the City's objectives in providing affordable housing which is why they are proposing to provide units and not pay the in-lieu fee. The applicant wishes the City to remain flexible with their options including consideration of offsite building and assistance for development of the affordable units. . Committee Member Bonny requested clarification on if the affordable units were built off site if it would be taken out of the fifty or it there would be fifty affordable units and then twenty-seven affordable, which would result in an uneven distribution from what was originally required. Staff replied that it would need to be negotiated thoroughly but that would be one of the options. Committee Member Solt related that the committee feels very strongly about developers providing their full requirement and that they will be watching the development process closely to ensure the best option is executed. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes January 27, 2010 Page 3 Vice Chairperson Marquez expressed her preference for the affordable units to be inclusive within the market rate units. Committee Member Ratcliffe requested clarity on the why the previous land development identified 20% of the units to be affordable. Mr. Ramsey related that the developer at that time wanted to expand on the type of housing resulting in a negotiated greater affordability component. San Juan Capistrano resident Marsha Norman, Via Montoya, voiced her discouragement with the transportation planning of the development, and her opposition to affordable housing. San Juan Capistrano resident. Kim McCarthy, 27092 Silver Creek, states[ that there are minors in the community which would be looking for job, and not all job creation requires affordable unit production. San Juan Capistrano resident Jess Lopez, 32802 Valle Road, requested the developer to consider allowing the park residents priority for the lower income units should they qualify, if the project would disturb Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park closure process, and inquired how many units had been built with in-lieu fees. Mr. Ramsey related that there is no connection between the Distrito La Novia Project and the Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park Closure, and Douglas Dumhart related that in-lieu funds went toward the development of the 38 units at Season's and a proportion went into the Habitat for Humanity. Committee motioned to approve staff recommendation 5-0. G. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Assembly Bill 594 Project Manager: Laura Stokes Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator) Laura Stokes summarized the report and related that the proposed bill is no longer moving forward, but requested the committee motion to support any proposed legislative bill regarding Section 65583.1 of the California Government Code updating two items: Rehabilitation requirements to be amended to include six violations from the Health and Safety Code Section 17920.3, and Conversion requirements to be amended to include family rental and ownership complexes of three or more units. Resident Marsha Norman, Via Montoya- Requested clarification on a comment by staff that the City would prefer to not be property managers, but purchased a large portion of land to mange as a equestrian center on open space. Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager related that the comment was made for management of Affordable Housing not to be generalize for all City actions and the question of managing open space should be addressed by the City Council. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes January 27, 2010 Page 4 Committee motioned for staff verbalized recommendation regarding support of a bill which would assist the City in Meeting RHNA, 6-0 H. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Sub-Committee Comments- i. Grants (William Bonney, Nancy Campman, and Gila Jones) Committee Member Bonny related that he is continuing his efforts to review grants for possible affordable housing uses. Tony Brown, 31481 La Matanza, requested the City stop playing the "affordable housing game" and not provide affordable housing per the state law. Does not consider grant money to be free and does not like the use of grant funds in Habitat for Humanity case. ii. Rehabilitation (David Solt and Joanne Marquez) Ms. Stokes requested input on potential participation from the sub- committee to review units for potential future rehabilitation. Committee Member Solt and Chairperson Jones stated that they would be willing to review potential units. iii. Homelessness (Jess Lopez, Gila Jones, and Nancy Campman) a. Sub-Committee Volunteer Efforts Committee Member Lopez related the efforts of several tri-City organization to assist homeless and with homeless prevention, including a shelter in Dana Point, a medical van in San Juan Capistrano and a meal program at Heritage Park. iv. RHNA (Gila Jones) Committee Member Ratcliffe requested clarification on if Seasons I was part of the current RHNA. Mr. Dumhart related that it was not as.it had been completed in the previous planning period, 2005. v. Mobile Home Parks (Jess Lopez and Gila Jones) a. Consideration of Capistrano Terrace Mobilehome _Park .Closure Concerns Committee Member Lopez recused himself for the item due to his residential property being within 500 feet of the development in question. Ms. Laura Stokes summarized the agenda item and related that the Housing Advisory Committee Minutes January 27, 2010 Page 5 Committee was to select a representative to speak on behalf of the Committee to Council. Chairperson Jones further reported on the goals of the speaker to express resident frustration with the ongoing closure process without a solid resolution and concerns with the updated Relocation Impact Report. Committee Member Ratcliffe nominated Chairperson Jones to speak on behalf of the Committee and request the Council ensure the process is expedited. Motion passed 5-0. b. Consideration of an Resolution Directing the Planning Commission to Hold a Public Hearing to Amend (Title 9, Chapter 2.331) Mobilehome Park Conversions, Closures, and Cessation of Use Ms. Stokes provide a summary to the agenda report relating that the proposed changes relate to the changes in department names, a timeline to receive information back from the applicant which if not met will result in the application being abandoned, and a deadline for the application to be deemed abandoned if no action is taken toward conversion, closure, or cessation of use within a full year of the relocation impact report being completed. The Committee requested clarification on if there were to be any changes to the flow chart, to which staff related that the flow chart would reflect the changes in title proposed by staff, however the other changes would not affect the flow chart. Motioned to approve staff recommendation 6-0 vi. First Time Home Buyers (Gene Ratcliffe) Committee Member Ratcliffe provided a summary of the Federal Government's First Time Home Buyer Credit, which had been extended. vii. Public Relations Advocacy (Joanne Marquez and David Solt) a. Analysis of San Juan Capistrano Housing Assistance Applications Ms. Laura Stokes clarified for the audience that the analysis of applications was for anyone looking for housing and did not take into consideration the City's own program guidelines, which include income limits, residency status, employment, etc. Committee Member Solt related that the sub-committee collected the information to determine who in our community was seeking assistance. Not to focus on any particular group, but to get an Idea of who was already being reached. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes January 27, 2010 Page 6 Vice Chair Marquez provided a PowerPoint presentation including a typical profile of an applicant including; • Single Latin} female of approximately 30 years of age, • Works in a service industry in or close to San Juan Capistrano, • Has three children and currently lives in San Juan Capistrano, • Is currently living with family or renting in an overcrowded situation, • Has an income is less than $20,000 per year through a job and is not on welfare. Mr. Dumhart related that this information will help the City build future housing programs, suitable for the households in need of affordable housing and reach out to organizations to perhaps prevent the situations from arising. 1. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS Douglas Dumhart congratulated Chairperson Jones and Vice Chairperson Marquezon their appointments, and gave overview of City Housing activities over the past two months including, completion and occupancy of Little Hollywood and Foreclosure Workshop. Committee Member Solt related that Habitat for Humanity had completed and occupied five additional units with their project and have begun construction on all remaining units (18). Committee Member Ratcliffe noted that she is impressed with Seasons 11 and the kind hearted employees working there, and asked staff about recusal rule and about stating why a committee member is recusing themselves. Staff related that if there is a financial impact on the committee member they must leave the room, where if a committee member is within the 500 ft property limit they may speak on the issue as a resident and does not need to leave the room. Chairperson Jones thanked staff and former Chair Solt for the work and efforts in the Housing Element and questioned what exactly happens what happens if the City does not try to meet the State RHNA numbers. Staff stated that there are several speculations and we would like to get an official response from the state; however, the primary consideration is that the provision of affordable housing is state law which is to be followed. Committee Member Lopez related that Chairperson Jones and he completed the City's Leadership Academy. J. ADJOURNMENT TO APRIL 28, 2010 AT 6 P.M.-Adjourned at 8:41 pm.