CCP133 Memorial Donations PolicyCITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO
Subject: Effective Policy
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Establish a Consistent, Streamlined Process for Memorial Donations at City.
The City of San Juan Capistrano has received donations of time, money, materials,
trees, and equipment, as well as requests for placement of dedication plaques,
benches, and trees at City facilities. While the City has Administrative Policy #103,
which establishes a policy for City Council to formally accept or decline donations, there
is no formal process for considering donations associated with memorials to honor
loved ones that have passed away.
It is the practice of the City of San Juan Capistrano to receive donations by individuals,
civic groups, and businesses for the purpose of improving City facilities, such as parks,
trails, and public buildings. Any proposed donation of benches, picnic tables, or trees,
can include a dedication plaque, to serve as a memorial for a loved one, and be
considered a Memorial Donation. In an attempt to streamline the approval process,
donation options have been developed to facilitate equipment selection, ensure the
items meet safety standards, and promote consistency of equipment installed in parks,
trails, or other open space.
Donors/applicants shall complete the Memorial Donation Application and submit it to the
Community Services Director, along with the applicable funds to cover purchase,
installation and removal of the requested amenity option (e.g. bench, picnic table, tree,
dedication plaque) (Attachment 1). The Memorial Donation Application will be reviewed
by the Community Services Director and the Public Works and Utilities Director, or their
designees. If the Application is deemed complete, and the items proposed for donation
are appropriate for the location, the Memorial Donation Application will be forwarded for
consideration by the Parks, Recreation, Youth and Senior Services, Trails and
Equestrian Commission at a regular meeting. If the Memorial Donation Application is
recommended for approval by the Parks, Recreation, Youth and Senior Services, Trails
and Equestrian Commission, Public Works staff will forward the proposed memorial
donation request to the Council for approval and acceptance. If Council approves and
accepts the proposed memorial donation, staff will procure the item(s) and make
arrangements for installation. Staff will notify the donors/applicants of the approved
location for the Memorial Donation and when the installation is to be complete. Public
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Works staff will track the donated items for inventory purposes. If the donation is not
approved or accepted, the donors/applicants will be refunded.
All donations of trees or other planting shall be in accordance with the site specific park-
planting palette. Donated trees shall be a minimum 24” box-size. Donors/applicants
may indicate a preference of type of tree, but staff will ultimately determine if it is
appropriate for the location and will make the final tree selection.
Benches and Picnic Tables
All donated benches or picnic tables shall be of the type specified for that specific park
or public space to ensure that the items conform to the ambiance/theme of the
facility/location. The donated benches and picnic tables will be used to replace old
benches and picnic tables at existing locations or placed at new locations, as needed.
Staff will give the donors/applicants the choice of appropriate existing or new locations
along with the type of items that would be suitable for said locations with the final
location determination to be approved/made by the Public Works and Utilities Director
or designee. The Public Works and Utilities Director, or designee, will also confirm that
the item proposed for donation is appropriate for the selected location.
Dedication Plaques
Dedication plaques shall be bronze 6” x 8” rectangular plaques with standard wording to
include, “Donated By”, “In Memory Of”, “In Loving Memory Of”, or “In Honor Of”.
Plaques can accommodate a limited amount of text and will be installed on a concrete
pad near the bench, picnic table, or tree donated, unless a wooden bench at Reata Park
is selected. Plaques are only available as an accompaniment to tree, park bench, or
picnic table donations and may not be purchased and/or installed on their own.
Donated Items
Donated items become City property. The City will install the donated item, and will
maintain the donation for its useful life (i.e. 10 years or its useful life, whichever comes
first). If a bench, picnic table, or plaque is vandalized, damaged, or destroyed, the City
is not responsible for replacement. The City will send the donors/applicants a letter,
using the contact information filed with the application, and give them an opportunity to
restore or repair the item, if possible. If the City does not receive a response from the
donors/applicants within 30 days, the City reserves the right to remove the item. The
City will also remove donated items at the end of their useful life (as determined by
Public Works, approximately 10 years depending on amenity, condition, and/or
location). If a donated bench or picnic table must be relocated for City purposes, the
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City will notify the donors/applicants of the new location and the City will bear the cost
for relocation.
Attachment 1- Memorial Donation Application
San Juan Capistrano Memorial Donation Application
Donor/Applicant Contact Information
Contact Person Phone
Address Alt. Phone
City/Zip Code Email
Memorial Donation Amenity
Amenity Price (includes installation and
removal) ***
Check the Appropriate
Box(es) Below to Indicate
Your Selection
Wooden Bench with Plaque Installed* $2,700
Mounted Pedestal Bench $1,800
Concrete Bench $1,600
Picnic Table $2,100
24” Box Tree $450
Bronze Dedication Plaque** $275
*Only available at Reata Park.
** Dedication Plaques are only available if a bench, picnic table, or tree is also donated.
***Pricing subject to periodic increases.
Proposed Memorial Donation Location
Amenity Bench Picnic Table 24” Box Tree
Desired Location
Alternate Location**
Alternate Location**
** Optional
Select heading for Bronze Dedication Plaque: